Bed and Backbone Harnesses - Bed Right (Remove and Install)
Correction code
NOTE: Unless
otherwise explicitly stated in the procedure, the above correction code and
FRT reflect all of the work required to perform this procedure, including
the linked procedures. Do
not stack correction codes unless explicitly told to do so.
NOTE: See Flat Rate Times to learn more about FRTs and how they are
created. To provide feedback on FRT values, email
NOTE: See Personal Protection to make
sure wearing proper PPE when performing the below procedure.
- 2024-08-06: Updated steps for removing and installing the saile appliques.
- Open all the doors and lower all the windows.
- Place the vehicle into Service Mode. See Service Mode.
- Remove 2nd row floor mat
- Open the tonneau cover.
- Open the tailgate.
- Remove the rear underhood apron. See Underhood Trim - Rear Apron Assembly (Remove and Install).
- Disconnect MV power. See Disconnect MV Power (Modify).
Remove frunk assembly
Note6x bolts, 10mm, 12 Nm, 2x bolt caps, 2x bumpstops, 1x connector, Remove bolt covers from frunk floor, Remove washer fluid cap by gently prying upwards, Rotate bumpstops counter clockwise to release, the 25mm socket from PT Sensor kit can be used, Avoid straining emergency frunk release connector
Remove RH underhood apron
Note3x clips
Remove nut securing RH front outer
Note1x nut, 10mm, 4 Nm
Remove RH sail baffle applique
Note3x clips, Release clips working from bottom upwards
Remove RH sail baffle closeout
Note6x clips
Remove RH C pillar applique
Note2x clips
Remove RH C pillar applique
Note1x connector, 2x clips, 1x bolt, 10mm, 6 Nm, Pull outwards from bottom then pull down to release
Remove RH header seal
NoteSeal begins at front quarter glass and ends at C-Pillar applique
Remove screws securing RH
Note8x screws, T20, 2.5 Nm
Remove RH cantrail trim
Note11x clips, recommend assistance, Place on padded surface
Remove RH rear fender flare
Note18x clips
Remove clips securing RH rear wheel
liner onto aft fender flare carrier
Note2x clips
Remove clips securing RH rear wheel
liner onto fore fender flare carrier
Note5x clips
Remove RH rear aft fender flare
Note2x bolts, 10mm, 7 Nm
Remove RH rear fore fender flare
Note6x bolts, 10mm, 7 Nm, 1x connector, Release RH rear BLE connector before removal of carrier
Remove fastener covers from bed floor
Note6x covers
Remove bed floor assembly
Note10x bolts, 15mm, 56 Nm, 4x anchors, Open anchors as needed, Lift front edge with trim tool then remove panel, Recommend assistance
- Open bed cargo tub lid
- Support bed cargo tub lid with hood prop
Remove LH bed cargo tub strut
Note2x clips
Remove bed cargo tub lid
Note4x bolts, 10mm, 5 Nm, Recommend assistance
Remove RH sail applique
Note9x clips, 6x double-sided tape strips, Remove double-sided tape from applique and bed side, Remove any remaining adhesive with IPA wipes, Discard sail applique after removal
Remove RH tonneau water management
Note1x clip, Pull away from rail to release from groove
Remove RH upper bed side wall
Note8x clips, 1x connector. Pull downwards
Remove RH bed closeout panel
Note6x clips, 1x tab, Release RH tailgate cable by disengaging lock spring from bolt and sliding cable eyelet off in order to remove bed closeout panel from vehicle
Remove RH bed side wall
Note1x bolt, 15mm, 46 Nm, 2x bolts, T40, 36 Nm, 4x bolts, 10mm, 11 Nm, 2x nuts, 10mm, 7 Nm, 4x clips, 1x fastener cover, 1x connector, Release locking tabs
Release RH tail lamp applique
Note2x clips, 2x datums
Remove LH body side tail lamp
Note1x connector, 2x datums, 2x bolts, T30, 5 Nm, Remove screws and gently pry away from body to release datums, Release locking tab
Remove RH outer bed side
Note13x bolts, 13mm, 28 Nm, 1x screw, T30, 8 Nm, Assistance required, Have assistant hold bed side to body while bolts are removed, Place on padded surface once removed
Remove RH mid A-pillar trim
Note2x clips, 2x tabs, Release tabs, Slightly bend live hinge and release clips
Remove RH upper A-pillar panel
Note8x clips, 1x harness clip, 1x connector, 1x bolt, 10mm, 6 Nm, Pull inwards to release
Push open RH coat hook
NotePress to release
Remove RH coat hook bolt cover
Note2x tabs
Remove RH coat hook bolt
Note1x bolt, T20, 2.5 Nm
Remove RH cantrail trim panel
Note5x clips, 1x connector, 3x bolts, T30, 6 Nm, Release clips then allow cantrail to hang from tethers for access to fasteners
Fold up 2nd row 60 seat
NotePull tether to release then lift up until locked in place
Partially release LH lower C-pillar
Note1x clip, 1x datum
Fold up 2nd row 40 seat
NotePull tether to release then lift up until locked in place
Partially release RH lower C-pillar
Note1x clip, 1x datum
Remove rear wall lower trim
Note2x push clips, 4x clips, Remove outermost push clips, then pull straight forward to release inner clips
Remove RH Upper C-pillar
Note5x clips, 3x tabs
Release RH 2nd row shoulder
Note7x clips, 1x datum
Release RH 2nd row seat cushion
release buckle strap guide
Note1x clip, Position aside for access to clip
Remove RH 2nd row seat back
Note4x clips, 1x connector, 3x bolts, 10mm, 9 Nm, Pull upwards then away from frame then disconnect electrical harness, Release locking tab
Remove LH rear aft fender flare
Note5x clips
Remove clips securing LH rear wheel
liner onto rear fascia and diffuser
Note5x clips
Remove clips securing LH rear wheel
liner onto aft fender flare carrier
Note2x clips
Remove LH rear aft fender flare
Note2x bolts, 10mm, 7 Nm, 2x datum
Remove license plate
Note4x screws, Phillips PH2, 1 Nm
Remove bolts securing rear center
fascia onto body
Note2x bolts, 10mm, 6 Nm
Remove clips securing RH rear wheel
liner onto rear fascia and diffuser
Note5x clips
Remove bolts securing rear diffuser
onto body
Note9x bolts, 10mm, 6 Nm
Disconnect rear fascia harness
Note1x connector, Release locking tab, Harness is located behind rear of LH rear wheel liner
Remove rear fascia from vehicle
Note16x tabs, Release RH and LH side of rear fascia from body, Remove rear fascia from vehicle, Recommended assistance, Place onto protected surface
Remove RH rear wheel liner
Note19x push clips, 5x push nuts, Discard push nuts after removal
Release rear lower section of RH bed
Note1x connector, 5x clips, Release clip at opening near rear fascia bracket then pull harness through, Release locking tab
Release rear upper section of RH bed
Note2x connectors, 11x clips, Release locking tabs
Release mid section of RH bed
Note8x clips
Release ancillary section of RH bed
Note3x connectors, 3x clips, Disconnect from HV battery ancillary passthrough, Disconnect height sensor, Release locking tabs
Release front section of RH bed
Note1x connector, 8x clips, 1x bolt, 10mm, 7 Nm, Release locking tab
Release interior section of RH bed
Note4x connectors, 12x clips, 1x grommet, 1x bolt, 8mm, 4 Nm, Do not remove locking cover, Loosen until bolt spins freely, Double check that bolt and locking cover are fully released before attempting to release any MV connectors, Depress tabs to release grommet, Release locking tabsPlastic Locking Cover Use hand tools on any plastic locking covers, The locking cover may release crooked causing it to get stuck, secure bolt a few turns to loosen the tension then release bolt while assisting plastic locking cover by gently prying on the side that's stuck Metal Locking Cover You can use power tools, Quickly disconnecting locking cover helps connectors remove symmetrically
Remove RH bed harness
NotePull harness through from interior
Position RH bed harness
NotePush harness through to interior
Secure interior section of RH bed
Note4x connectors, 12x clips, 1x grommet, 1x bolt, 8mm, 4 Nm, Ensure connectors are aligned before securing bracket, Secure locking cover bolt by hand initially to prevent thread stripping, Secure grommet by pushing inwards, Engage locking tabsPlastic Locking Cover Use hand tools on any plastic locking covers, The locking cover may secure crooked causing it to get stuck, release bolt a few turns to loosen the tension then secure bolt while assisting plastic locking cover by gently pushing on the side that's stuck, Push connectors while driving the locking cover bolt to ensure correct seating Metal Locking Cover You can use power tools, Slowly drive locking cover, Ensure locking cover and bolt are seated fully
Secure front section of RH bed
Note1x connector, 8x clips, 1x bolt, 10mm, 7 Nm, Engage locking tab
Secure ancillary section of RH bed
Note3x connectors, 3x clips, Connect HV battery ancillary passthrough, Connect height sensor, Engage locking tabs
Secure mid section of RH bed
Note8x clips
Secure rear upper section of RH bed
Note2x connectors, 11x clips, Engage locking tabs
Secure rear lower section of RH bed
Note1x connector, 5x clips, Push harness through opening near rear RH fascia bracket then secure clip, Secure locking tab
Install RH rear wheel liner
Note19x push clips, 5x push nuts, Install new push nuts, Use of a socket and dead blow hammer can aid installation
Install rear fascia onto vehicle
Note16x tabs, Recommend assistance, Sides will need to be spread apart to clear bumper structure
Install bolts securing rear center
fascia onto body
Note2x bolts, 10mm, 6 Nm
Install license plate
Note4x screws, Phillips PH2, 1 Nm
Install bolts securing rear diffuser
onto body
Note9x bolts, 10mm, 6 Nm
Install rear fascia connector
Note1x connector, Secure locking tab
Install clips securing LH rear wheel
liner onto rear fascia and diffuser
Note5x clips
Install LH rear aft fender flare
Note2x bolts, 10mm, 7 Nm
Install clips securing LH rear wheel
liner onto aft fender flare carrier
Note2x clips
Install LH rear aft fender flare
Note5x clips, Replace any damaged or missing clips
Install clips securing RH rear wheel
liner onto rear fascia and diffuser
Note5x clips
Install RH 2nd row seat back
Note4x clips, 1x connector, 3x bolts, 10mm, 9 Nm, Connect electrical harness before fully seating assembly, Engage locking tab
Secure RH seat cushion release strap
Note1x clip, Ensure strap is not twisted
Install RH 2nd row shoulder
Note7x clips, 1x datum
Install RH Upper C-pillar
Note5x clips, 3x tabs
Install rear wall lower trim
Note2x push clips, 4x clips
Secure LH lower C-pillar trim
Note1x clip, 1x datum
Fold down 2nd row 60 seat
NotePull tether to release then pivot down until locked in place
Install RH lower C-pillar trim
Note1x clip, 1x datum
Fold down 2nd row 40 seat
NotePull tether to release then pivot down until locked in place
- Install 2nd row floor mat
Secure RH cantrail panel
Note5x clips, 1x connector, 3x bolts, T30, 6 Nm, Secure tethers then secure clips
Install RH coat hook bolt
Note1x bolt, T20, 2.5 Nm
Install RH coat hook bolt cover
Note2x tabs
Close RH coat hook
NotePress to secure
Install RH upper A-pillar panel
Note8x clips, 1x tether clip, 1x edge clip, 1x connector, 1x bolt, 10mm, 6 Nm, Ensure tethers are correctly oriented, Replace any missing or damaged clips
Install RH mid A-pillar trim
Note2x clips, 2x tabs,
Install RH outer bed side
Note13x bolts, 13mm, 28 Nm, 1x screw, T30, 8 Nm, Assistance required, Have assistant hold panel against body then install bolts hand tight, Adjust gap and flush as required then torque bolts
Install LH body side tail lamp
Note1x connector, 2x datums, 2x bolts, T30, 5 Nm, Push forwards to engage datums, Engage locking tab
Secure RH tail lamp applique
Note2x clips, 2x datums
Install RH bed side wall
Note1x bolt, 15mm, 46 Nm, 2x bolts, T40, 36 Nm, 4x bolts, 10mm, 11 Nm, 2x nuts, 10mm, 7 Nm, 4x clips, 1x fastener cover, 1x connector, Recommend assistance
Install RH bed closeout panel
Note6x clips, 1x tab, Release RH tailgate cable to install bed closeout panel from vehicle
Install RH upper bed side wall
Note8x clips, Replace any missing or damaged clips, Lift tonneau seal as required
Install RH tonneau water management
Note1x clip, Push seal into rail groove
Clean RH tonneau rail surface
NoteRemove any adhesive tape remaining, Use a cordless drill with eraser wheel attachment for ease adhesive residue removal, Wipe surface with IPA wipes, Allow IPA to dry for 1 minute
Install RH sail applique
Note9x clips, 6x double-sided tape strips, 1x push nut, Install new RH sail applique, Do not remove forward section of double-sided tape backing until push nut is installed, Position applique, Partially lift applique to install push nut securing applique onto body, Secure rear of applique, Wet out urethane adhesive sections with roller
Install bed floor assembly
Note10x bolts, 15mm, 56 Nm, 4x anchors, Open and close anchors as needed, Recommend assistance
Install fastener covers onto bed floor
Note6x covers
Install bed cargo tub lid
Note4x bolts, 10mm, 6 Nm, Snug bolts, Torque will be done at later step, Position bed cargo tub lid onto vehicle, Install bolts securing bed cargo tub lid onto hinges, Recommend assistance
Install LH bed cargo tub strut
Note2x clips
- Remove support from bed cargo tub lid
- Close bed cargo tub lid
Verify Gap and Flush between cargo lid
and bed
NoteRefer to CVIS, Verify flushness is within specification
- Open bed cargo tub lid
Torque bed cargo tub lid hinge
Note4x bolts, 10mm, 6 Nm
- Close bed cargo tub lid
Install LH rear fore fender flare
Note6x bolts, 10mm, 7 Nm, 1x connector
Install RH rear aft fender flare
Note2x bolts, 10mm, 7 Nm
Install clips securing LH rear wheel
liner onto fore fender flare carrier
Note5x clips
Install clips securing RH rear wheel
liner onto aft fender flare carrier
Note2x clips
Install RH rear fender flare
Note18x clips, Replace any missing or damaged clips
Install RH cantrail trim
Note8x clips, Replace any missing or damaged clips, Position cantrail onto vehicle, Recommend assistance
Install screws securing RH
Note8x screws, T20, 2.5 Nm
Install RH header seal
NoteStart from front quarter glass
Install RH sail baffle closeout
Note6x clips, Replace any missing or damaged clips
Install LH C pillar applique
Note1x connector, 2x clips, 1x bolt, 10mm, 6 Nm, Slide upwards then push inwards to secure clip,
Install LH C pillar applique
Note2x clips
Install LH sail baffle applique
Note3x clips, Replace any missing or damaged clips
Install nut securing RH front outer
Note1x nut, 10mm, 4 Nm, Apply Loctite 242 to front outer cantrail stud, Wipe off any excess loctite, Failure to apply Loctite to stud may result in cantrail becoming dislodged
Install RH underhood apron
Note3x clips
Slide eCPA to the right and ensure it
is seated against the black lever, Connect fireman's loop 20 seconds after eCPA
Note2x connectors, Slide and secure red locking tab on top of release lever, Lock fireman's loop connection, If power cycling vehicle ensure at least 60 seconds has passed since powering down
Install frunk assembly
Note6x bolts, 10mm, 12 Nm, 2x bolt caps, 2x bumpstops, 1x connector, Install bolt covers to frunk floor, Install washer fluid cap, Install bumpstops by aligning tabs then turning clockwise, Ensure emergency frunk release functions
- Install the rear underhood apron. See Underhood Trim - Rear Apron Assembly (Remove and Install).
- Exit Service Mode. See Service Mode.
- Close the tonneau cover.
- Close the tailgate.
- Raise all the windows and close all the doors.