Dash Support Frame - Super Cowl Assembly (Remove and Replace)
Correction code
NOTE: Unless otherwise explicitly stated in the procedure, the above correction code and FRT reflect all of the work required to perform this procedure, including the linked procedures. Do not stack correction codes unless explicitly told to do so.
NOTE: See Flat Rate Times to learn more about FRTs and how they are created. To provide feedback on FRT values, email LaborTimeFeedback@tesla.com.
NOTE: See Personal Protection to make sure wearing proper PPE when performing the below procedure.
This procedure is a DRAFT.
Although it has been validated, Warnings and Cautions might be missing. Follow safety
requirements and use extreme caution when working on or near High Voltage systems and
components. Provide corrections and feedback to ServiceDevelopment@teslamotors.com.
Cybertruck electronics are powered by a 48V "mid voltage" or "MV" architecture that is designed to improve efficiency. Servicing MV components requires extra knowledge and care in order to avoid personal and/or vehicular harm. Read and understand MV precautions in Electrical Precautions and make sure any required MV-related training courses have been completed, as applicable.
Open LH front door
NotePush LH B-pillar door trigger to release
- Lower LH front window
Open powered front trunk
NoteVia exterior switch or UI
Remove rear underhood apron
Note9x clips
Open RH front door
NotePush RH B-pillar door trigger to release
- Lower RH front window
Power down vehicle via UI
NoteVerify EPBs are engaged, Select charge port icon to ensure drive state is disengaged then power down vehicle via Controls > Safety > Power Off
Unlock fireman's loop connector and disconnect, Slide eCPA to left on the MV battery connector then lift lever to release
Note2x connectors, Unlock fireman's loop connector and disconnect, Release eCPA by pushing down to unlock and slide red locking tab to left, Wait 2 minutes for electrical circuits to discharge before disconnecting modules
Remove front header trim
Note19x clips, 1x magnet, 1x connector, 1x harness clip
Remove LH mid A-pillar trim
Note2x clips, 2x tabs, Release tabs, Slightly bend live hinge and release clips
Remove LH lower A-pillar trim
Note7x clips, 3x datums, 2x tabs, Release sill plate, Pull rearward then upward
Remove LH upper A-pillar panel
Note8x clips, 1x tether clip, 1x harness clip, 1x connector, 1x bolt, 10mm, 6 Nm, Pull inwards to release, Depress tabs on either side of tether clip to release
Remove LH IP quarter panel
Note3x clips, 5x tabs, 2x datums
Remove LH A-pillar forward trim
Note4x clips, 3x locators
Remove RH mid A-pillar trim
Note2x clips, 2x tabs, Release tabs, Slightly bend live hinge and release clips
Remove RH lower A-pillar trim
Note7x clips, 3x datums, 2x tabs, Release sill plate, Pull rearward then upward
Remove RH upper A-pillar panel
Note8x clips, 1x harness clip, 1x connector, 1x bolt, 10mm, 6 Nm, Pull inwards to release
Remove RH A-pillar forward
Note4x clips, 3x locators, Note that there are not any features on BIW to hook into locators
Remove RH IP quarter panel
Note3x clips, 3x tabs, 2x datums
Pivot LH visor to side
NotePivot down then release magnet to pivot to LH side
Pivot RH visor to side
NotePivot down then release magnet to pivot ro RH side
Remove PRND + Hazard switch assembly
Note1x connector, 2x clips, Pull straight down to release, Do not allow assembly to hang from harness, Revision G will be required for retrofit
Remove rearview mirror stay arm cap
NoteRelease clips from bottom and pivot away to remove
Remove rearview mirror
Note1x screw, T20, 2 Nm
Remove rearview mirror beauty cover
Note1x harness clip, 3x connectors, 4x clips, Release locking tab
Disconnect GNSS antenna
Note1x connector, Release locking tab
Remove glare shield from windshield bracket
Note2x securing tabs
Remove forward facing camera assembly from windshield bracket
Note4x screws, T10, 1 Nm
Remove windshield harness
Note3x connectors, 4x clips, 1x bracket, 2x bracket clips
Remove footwell cover
Note3x clips, 3x magnets, 1x bolt, 10mm, 3 Nm, Bolt is captive to tether
Remove Mid IP panel
Note19x clips
Remove lower IP panel
Note4x patch bolts, 10mm, 7 Nm, 4x screws, T20, 2 Nm, 15x panel clips, 1x push clip, 4x connectors, Discard patch bolts after removal, Release connector locking tabs, Avoid tearing blue tape holding harness slack at RH side of lower IP panel, Tape must be in place to protect harness from contact with glove compartment mechanism
Remove RH EPP clip
Note1x clip, Pull back for access to car computer
Disconnect glovebox USB connector
Note1x connector, Release locking tab
Remove glovebox
Note1x connectors, 1x clip, 5x screws, T20, 2 Nm, 2x datums
Remove IP defrost panel
Note25x clips, 5x datums, 1x connector, 2x harness clips, Disconnect speaker connector from car computer, Release clips, Lift rear of IP defrost panel, Slide datums out of supercowl, Recommend assistance
Remove wiper nut cover
Note1x cap
Release washer fluid hose connection
Note1x hose elbow, Gently pry upwards to release
Remove wiper arm nut
Note1x nut, 18mm, 45 Nm, Do not use power tools on nut
Remove wiper arm
NoteGently lift and rock arm fore and aft, Ensure washer hose connection does not get pinched, Do not pry against windshield applique or glass
Remove wiper applique
Note2x clips
Remove windshield edge seals
Note4x seals
Set up equalizer glass removal tool
NoteApply tape 5 inches from blade edge
Release datums from windshield
Note2x datums, Insert blade between urethane and glass, Insert blade about 5 inches
- Prepare T-handle glass removal kit
Secure start of wire to starter tool and push tool through urethane at LH upper side of windshield
NoteLocated above VIN plate, Pierce tool between urethane and glass
- Secure T-handle to end of wire
Use T-handle glass removal kit to cut urethane securing top of windshield to body
NoteMake sure to cut between urethane and glass, Avoid damaging body and VIN plate, Glass removed in picture for reference only
Remove T-handle glass removal kit
NoteRemove one handle,then pull wire through windshield
- Prepare WRD Spider 3 glass removal kit
Secure start of line to starter tool and push tool through urethane at lower LH side of windshield
NotePierce tool between urethane and glass, Use guard to prevent damage to dash pad
Release line from starter tool and wrap line around exterior of windshield
NoteVerify line sits between urethane and glass and does not get caught on other components or body panels
Secure end of line to starter tool and push tool through urethane at lower LH side of windshield
NotePierce tool between urethane and glass, Use guard to prevent damage to dash pad
Attach anchor point to interior of windshield and secure end of line
NoteAttach line to anchor once fully wrapped around windshield, Place anchor near starting point of the handle tool
Secure start of line to spider cutting tool
NoteFollow instructions on spider tool, Feed line through opening of tool and tie a knot to secure in place, If spindle is not turned in indicated direction then tool will be damaged
Secure spider cutting tool to interior side of windshield
NoteNote orientation of cutting line, Make sure line wraps over large pulley and holds at a 90 degree angle
- Secure angle driver to electric drill
Use WRD Spider 3 glass removal kit to cut urethane securing windshield to body
NoteMake sure to cut between urethane and glass, Avoid damaging body and VIN plate
Secure suction cups onto windshield
Note2x suction cups each side
Remove windshield from vehicle
NoteRecommend assistance, Have 3 others aid in removal of windshield
- Remove old urethane from vehicle
Clean urethane path on vehicle
NoteAllow 1 minute dry time, Perform before applying primer
Disconnect windshield heater harness
Note1x connector, Partially release LH upper A-pillar trim for access
Remove fasteners securing super cowl assembly
Note2x bolts, 13mm, 15 Nm, 12x bolts, EP14, 18 Nm, 2x bolts, T30, 2 Nm, 1x stud, E5, 6 Nm, Cut urethane if still present
Remove super cowl assembly
NoteLift upwards from front then pull away to clear datum
Install super cowl assembly
NoteLift upwards from front then pivot to engage datum
Install fasteners securing super cowl assembly
Note2x bolts, 13mm, 15 Nm, 12x bolts, EP14, 18 Nm, 2x bolts, T30, 2 Nm, 1x stud, E5, 6 Nm
Place new windshield on support stand
NoteClean and inspect as needed
Release suction cups from old windshield
Note2x suction cups each side
Secure suction cups onto new windshield
Note2x suction cups each side
Clean urethane path on windshield
NoteAllow 1 minute dry time, Perform before applying primer
Apply urethane primer to windshield and vehicle body along old urethane path
NoteMake sure to add primer over any areas that were scratched during windshield removal, Allow primer to dry for 2 minutes before applying urethane
Prepare caulking gun and urethane
NoteOpening must be 8mm wide and 14mm tall
Apply urethane following primer path on windshield
Note4x tubes of urethane, Use IPA to merge urethane overlap
Position windshield onto vehicle
NoteRecommend assistance, Apply pressure to all four corners as needed
- Apply tape to secure windshield onto body while urethane cures
- Remove suction cups from windshield
Check gap and flush on windshield
NoteRefer to CVIS for current gap/flush measurements: https://quality.prd2.dt.teslamotors.com/, Open and close frunk as needed
Install wiper applique
Note2x clips, Replace any damaged clips
Install IP defrost panel
Note25x clips, 5x datums, 1x connector, 2x harness clip, Align datums and clips then secure IP defrost panel
Install glovebox
Note1x connectors, 1x clip, 5x screws, T20, 2 Nm, 2x datums, Align datums to prevent gear from damaging harness
Connect glovebox USB connector
Note1x connector, Engage locking tab
Instal RH EPP clip
Note1x clip
Install IP lower panel
Note4x patch bolts, 10mm, 7 Nm, 4x screws, T20, 2 Nm, 15x panel clips, 1x push clip, 4x connectors, Install new patch bolts, Engage connector locking tabs, Avoid tearing blue tape holding harness slack at RH side of lower IP panel, Tape must be in place to protect harness from contact with glove compartment mechanism, Replace blue tape if damaged
Install Mid IP panel
Note19x clips, Replace any missing or damaged clips
Install footwell cover
Note3x clips, 3x magnets, 1x bolt, 10mm, 3 Nm, Bolt is captive to tether, Replace any missing or damaged clips or magnets
Connect windshield heater harness
Note1x connector, Partially release LH upper A-pillar trim for access
Install windshield harness
Note3x connectors, 4x clips, 1x bracket, 2x bracket clips
Secure forward facing camera assembly onto windshield bracket
Note4x patch screws, T10, 1 Nm
Install glare shield onto windshield bracket
Note2x clips
Connect GNSS antenna
Note1x connector, Engage locking tab
Install rear view mirror beauty cover
Note1x harness clip, 2x connectors, 4x clips, Connect connector then secure to harness clip, Connect coaxial then secure locking tab, Replace any damaged or missing clips
Install rearview mirror
Note1x screw, T20, 2 Nm
Install rearview mirror stay arm cap
NoteAlign top of cover with mirror then engage lower clips
Install PRND + Hazard switch assembly
Note1x connector, 2x clips, Replace any missing or damaged clips, Push firmly into place to secure, Revision G will be required for retrofit
Move RH visor to original position
NotePivot inwards until magnet secures visor then pivot upwards
Move LH visor to original position
NotePivot inwards until magnet secures visor then pivot upwards
Install RH IP quarter panel
Note3x clips, 3x tabs, 2x datums
Install RH A-pillar forward
Note4x clips, 3x locators
Install RH upper A-pillar panel
Note8x clips, 1x tether clip, 1x edge clip, 1x connector, 1x bolt, 10mm, 6 Nm, Ensure tethers are correctly oriented, Replace any missing or damaged clips
Install RH lower A-pillar trim
Note7x clips, 3x datums, 2x tabs
Install RH mid A-pillar trim
Note2x clips, 2x tabs,
Install LH A-pillar forward trim
Note4x clips, 3x locators
Install LH IP quarter panel
Note3x clips, 5x tabs, 2x datums
Install LH upper A-pillar panel
Note8x clips, 1x tether clip, 1x edge clip, 1x connector, 1x bolt, 10mm, 6 Nm, Ensure tethers are correctly oriented, Replace any missing or damaged clips
Install LH Lower A-pillar trim
Note7x clips, 3x datums, 2x tabs, Replace any missing or damaged clips
Install LH mid A-pillar trim
Note2x clips, 2x tabs, Replace any missing or damaged clips
Install front header trim
Note19x clips, 1x magnet, 1x connector, 1x harness clip
Slide eCPA to the right and ensure it is seated against the black lever, Connect fireman's loop 20 seconds after eCPA engagement
Note2x connectors, Slide and secure red locking tab on top of release lever, Lock fireman's loop connection, If power cycling vehicle ensure at least 60 seconds has passed since powering down
Install rear underhood apron
Note9x clips, Adjust windshield seal as required
Close powered front trunk
NoteVia exterior switch or UI
Place vehicle in service mode
NoteVia UI > Controls > Software, Touch and hold "Cybertruck" for 2 seconds then release, Use screen keyboard to type "service" into dialog box then select OK
Unlock vehicle gateway
NoteAfter vehicle has been put into "Service Mode", place keycard on center console to turn on drive rails, hold down the brake pedal, while keep pressing right hand signal button simultaneously for at least 10 seconds, "GTW UNLOCKING" should pop up on the UI right next to the VIN during these 10 seconds, once gateway is unlocked "GTW UNLOCKED 5400" will be displayed on the UI next to the VIN, the gateway will remain unlocked for 90 minutes, follow steps on Toolbox article #5582900 for any additional information
Reinstall firmware via UI
NoteVia Controls > Service Mode > Software Reinstall, Select Reinstall button at Software Reinstall dialogue box, Reinstall will begin immediately, Once firmware redeploy is complete, Verify release notes are present via UI
- Confirm successful CAN Redeploy
Clear Front Bi Camera Calibration
NoteService Mode Plus > Driver Assist > Cameras> Clear Camera Calibration > Run
Perform wiper motor homing
NotePress wiper button on steering wheel > Select speed III via UI > Wait 5 seconds > Turn wiper off via UI
Exit Service Mode
NoteVia UI > Service > Exit, Press and hold "Exit Service Mode" button
Install wiper arm
NoteAlign arm with mark on LH upper area of windshield
Install wiper arm nut
Note1x nut, 18mm, 45 Nm, Do not use power tools on wiper arm nut
Secure washer fluid hose connection
Note1x hose elbow, Ensure hose is fully seated
Install wiper nut cover
Note1x cap, Ensure cover is fully seated
- Raise RH front window
- Close RH front door
- Raise LH front window
- Close LH front door
Perform test drive
NotePerform a validation test drive after repairConfirm DAS completes calibration successfully, if unsuccessful perform pitch verification and adjustment - Correction code 17230600Add correction code 00040100 as needed