Brake Lines - Master Cylinder - HCU Brake Pipe Assembly (Remove and Install)
Correction code
NOTE: Unless
otherwise explicitly stated in the procedure, the above correction code and
FRT reflect all of the work required to perform this procedure, including
the linked procedures. Do
not stack correction codes unless explicitly told to do so.
NOTE: See Flat Rate Times to learn more about FRTs and how they are
created. To provide feedback on FRT values, email
NOTE: See Personal Protection to make
sure wearing proper PPE when performing the below procedure.
- 2024-08-20: Updated Brake Stiffness routine.
Raise and support vehicle
NoteSet air suspension to "Jack Mode"
Open LH front door
NotePush LH B-pillar door trigger to release
- Lower LH front window
Place vehicle in service mode
NoteVia UI > Controls > Software, Touch and hold "Cybertruck" for 2 seconds then release, Use screen keyboard to type "service" into dialog box then select OK
Open powered front trunk
NoteVia exterior switch or UI
Remove LH front wheel cap
Note1x cap, 8x clips, Use both hands to firmly pull wheel cap to release clips, Cap may remove with or without mounting ring attached
Loosen LH front wheel nuts
Note6x nuts, 21mm, 205 Nm
Remove LH rear wheel cap
Note1x cap, 8x clips, Use both hands to firmly pull wheel cap to release clips, Cap may remove with or without mounting ring attached
Loosen LH rear wheel nuts
Note6x nuts, 21mm, 205 Nm
Remove RH front wheel cap
Note1x cap, 8x clips, Use both hands to firmly pull wheel cap to release clips, Cap may remove with or without mounting ring attached
Loosen RH front wheel nuts
Note6x nuts, 21mm, 205 Nm
Remove RH rear wheel cap
Note1x cap, 8x clips, Use both hands to firmly pull wheel cap to release clips, Cap may remove with or without mounting ring attached
Loosen RH rear wheel nuts
Note6x nuts, 21mm, 205 Nm
Raise vehicle fully
NoteSet to a comfortable working height, Lower to locks, Ensure locks engage on both sides to prevent tilting
Remove LH front wheel
Note6x nuts, 21mm, 205 Nm
Remove LH rear wheel
Note6x nuts, 21mm, 205 Nm
Remove RH front wheel
Note6x nuts, 21mm, 205 Nm
Remove RH rear wheel
Note6x nuts, 21mm, 205 Nm
Remove Mid-aero shield
Note6x clips, 3x bolts, 15mm, 42 Nm, 5x bolts, 13mm, 28 Nm, 2x bolts, 10mm, 6 Nm
- Remove all items from pockets and ensure not wearing metal items
Inspect HV insulating gloves
NoteCheck gloves for damage prior to use, Refer to service document TN-15-92-003, for information on inspecting HV gloves.
- Put on HV insulating gloves and leather over gloves
Verify no HV - Install amp clamp to RDU HV harness
NoteVerify meter is zeroed out before performing measurement, Measure single cable. Verify ammeter is installed in correct direction. If current > 0.5A do not proceed with disconnecting HV connector. In this case, start vehicle electrical isolation again to make sure that all was properly shut down. Escalate for assistance as requiredIf current < 0.5A, Ok to disconnect and check voltage at HV plug on the battery side.Release locking tab and rotate the release lever up to disengage the connector, Release harness clip, Do not force the release lever up, Ensure the alignment tabs on the RDU header are not damagedMake sure to wear PPE (HV gloves, safety glasses) when working on high voltage component, Measure B+ to Ground, B- to Ground, B+ to B-, If voltage is greater than 10V, Pack contactors are not open or welded, Stop work and reach out to Service Engineering
Secure RDU header connector to ancillary
Note1x connector, Verify lever is in the upright and open position, Carefully seat connector and allow lever to engage, Fully secure lever and verify red tab is locked, Do not damage any pins
- Remove leather over gloves and HV insulating gloves
Install Mid-aero shield
Note6x clips, 3x bolts, 15mm, 42 Nm, 5x bolts, 13mm, 28 Nm, 2x bolts, 10mm, 6 Nm, Apply Loctite 222 onto mid aeroshield bolts and install fasteners
Lower vehicle partially and set lift onto locks
NoteRaise lift off locks, then hold lock release lever to keep locks free while vehicle is lowered, Set vehicle to comfortable working height
Remove rear underhood apron
Note9x clips
Remove frunk assembly
Note6x bolts, 10mm, 12 Nm, 2x bolt caps, 2x bumpstops, 1x connector, Remove bolt covers from frunk floor, Remove washer fluid cap by gently prying upwards, Rotate bumpstops counter clockwise to release, the 25mm socket from PT Sensor kit can be used, Avoid straining emergency frunk release connector
Release remote brake fluid reservoir
Note1x bolt, 10mm, 8 Nm, 1x datum, Lift upwards to release datum, Position aside, Avoid tipping over
Disconnect AC compressor logic connector
Note1x locking electrical connector, Do not push down on red tab, Pull to disengage lock, Pull again to release connector
Disconnect HV harness connector from AC compressor
Note1x locking electrical connector, Pull red locking tab away from compressor then push black tab upwards to release
Remove AC compressor ground strap
Note1x bolt, 10mm, 16 Nm, Release harness edge clip once ground is free
Release compressor from Megabeam
Note3x bolts, 10mm, 5 Nm, Recommend assistance, Support the AC compressor while removing the fasteners, Carefully remove the AC compressor towards the front of the vehicle and under the Megabeam, Place fender cover on fan housing and gently place AC compressor assembly down
Remove HCU brake pipe assembly
Note4x flare nuts, 14mm, 16 Nm
Install HCU brake pipe assembly
Note4x flare nuts, 14mm, 16 Nm
Install AC compressor to Megabeam
Note3x bolts, 10mm, 5 Nm, Recommend assistance, Support the AC compressor while installing the fasteners, Start bolts by hand
Connect HV harness connector to AC compressor
Note1x locking electrical connector, Slide down black lock then push in red locking tab, Perform a push-pull-push test
Install AC compressor ground strap
Note1x bolt, 10mm, 16 Nm
Connect AC compressor logic connector
Note1x locking electrical connector, Engage locking tab
Secure remote brake fluid reservoir
Note1x bolt, 10mm, 8 Nm, 1x datum, Align datum and slide downwards to engage
- Clean area around brake fluid reservoir and remove brake reservoir cap
Check brake fluid level and top off reservoir if necessary
NoteIf level is above Max line, remove extra fluid
Fill brake bleeder reservoir to full level
NoteUse only DOT 4 brake fluid
Install pressure bleeder adapter onto reservoir
NoteAttach the brake reservoir hose to the brake adapter at this time
Set pressure to 30psi
NoteConnect power supply to bleeder and turn on the power to set pressure to 30 psi
Remove bleeding valve covers and install the fluid catching bottle to LH front outer brake caliper bleeding valve before starting the ESP
Note2x covers
Manually bleed LH front brake caliper by opening LH front brake caliper outer and inner bleeding valves
Note2x bleeding valves, 11mm, 18.5 Nm (+/- 2 Nm) Base and Plus calipers, Begin with the outer valve first then move on to the inner valve then conclude with the outer valve again, Repeat step till clear fluid and no air bubbles come out of LH front brake caliper bleeding outer and inner valves
Remove bleeding valve covers and install the fluid catching bottle to RH front outer brake caliper bleeding valve before starting the ESP
Note2x covers
Manually bleed RH front brake caliper by opening RH front brake caliper outer and inner bleeding valves
Note2x bleeding valves, 11mm, 18.5 Nm (+/- 2 Nm) Base and Plus calipers, Begin with the outer valve first then move on to the inner valve then conclude witht he outer valve again, Repeat step till clear fluid and no air bubbles come out of RH front brake caliper bleeding outer and inner valves
Remove bleeding valve cover and install the fluid catching bottle to RH rear brake caliper bleeding valve before starting the ESP
Note1x cover
Manually bleed RH rear brake caliper by opening RH rear brake caliper outer and inner bleeding valves
Note1x bleeding valve, 10mm, 10 Nm (+/- 3 Nm) Base caliper, 14 Nm (+/- 2 Nm) Plus caliper, Repeat step till clear fluid and no air bubbles come out of RH rear brake caliper bleeding valve
Remove bleeding valve cover and install the fluid catching bottle to LH rear brake caliper bleeding valve before starting the ESP
Note1x cover
Manually bleed LH rear brake caliper by opening LH rear brake caliper outer and inner bleeding valves
Note1x bleeding valve, 10mm, 10 Nm (+/- 3 Nm) Base caliper, 14 Nm (+/- 2 Nm) Plus caliper, Repeat step till clear fluid and no air bubbles come out of LH rear brake caliper bleeding valve
Connect to vehicle using Toolbox 3.0
NoteVehicle OBD II connection is integrated into drivers lower IP cover, Open Toolbox 3 website and establish connection to the vehicle,, Select connection status icon at top right corner, and select connect locally (icon will turn green when vehicle is connected)
- Select "Actions" tab and search for ‘"bleed"
Open the LH front outer brake caliper bleeding valve then Click the play button next to PROC_ESP_FRONT-L-REAR-R-BRAKE-BLEEDvia Toolbox: (link)via Service Mode:
- Chassis ➜ Brakes ➜ Brake Bleed FL-RR
- Chassis ➜ Brakes ➜ Brake Bleed FL-RR
Note1x bleeding valve, 11mm, 18.5 Nm, Make sure valve is hand tight when closed -
Open the LH front inner brake caliper bleeding valve then Click the play button next to PROC_ESP_FRONT-L-REAR-R-BRAKE-BLEEDvia Toolbox: (link)via Service Mode:
- Chassis ➜ Brakes ➜ Brake Bleed FL-RR
- Chassis ➜ Brakes ➜ Brake Bleed FL-RR
Note1x bleeding valves, 11mm, 18.5 Nm, Make sure valve is hand tight when closed -
Repeat the above steps untill clear fluid and no air bubbles come out of the LH front brake caliper bleeding valve
Note1x bleeding valve, 11mm, 18.5 Nm, Finish bleeding on the outer valve, Make sure valve is hand tight when closed
Remove the fluid catching bottle, Torque LH front brake caliper bleeding valves and install covers
Note2x bleeding valves, 11mm, 18.5 Nm, 2x covers
Open the RH front outer brake caliper bleeding valve then Click the play button next to PROC_ESP_FRONT-R-REAR-L-BRAKE-BLEEDvia Toolbox: (link)via Service Mode:
- Chassis ➜ Brakes ➜ Brake Bleed FR-RL
- Chassis ➜ Brakes ➜ Brake Bleed FR-RL
Note1x bleeding valve, 11mm, 18.5 Nm, Make sure valve is hand tight when closed -
Open the RH front inner brake caliper bleeding valve then Click the play button next to PROC_ESP_FRONT-R-REAR-L-BRAKE-BLEEDvia Toolbox: (link)via Service Mode:
- Chassis ➜ Brakes ➜ Brake Bleed FR-RL
- Chassis ➜ Brakes ➜ Brake Bleed FR-RL
Note1x bleeding valves, 11mm, 18.5 Nm, Make sure valve is hand tight when closed -
Repeat the above steps untill clear fluid and no air bubbles come out of the RH front brake caliper bleeding valve
Note1x bleeding valve, 11mm, 18.5 Nm, Finish bleeding on the outer valve, Make sure valve is hand tight when closed
Remove the fluid catching bottle, Torque RH front brake caliper bleeding valves and install covers
Note2x bleeding valves, 11mm, 18.5 Nm, 2x covers
Open the RH rear brake caliper bleeding valve then Click the play button next to PROC_ESP_FRONT-L-REAR-R-BRAKE-BLEEDvia Toolbox: (link)via Service Mode:
- Chassis ➜ Brakes ➜ Brake Bleed FL-RR
- Chassis ➜ Brakes ➜ Brake Bleed FL-RR
Note1x bleeding valve, 10mm, 10 Nm, Make sure valve is hand tight when closed -
Repeat the above step until clear fluid and no air bubbles come out of the RH rear brake caliper bleeding valve
Note1x bleeding valve, 10mm, 10 Nm, Make sure valve is hand tight when closed
Remove the fluid catching bottle, Torque RH rear brake caliper bleeding valve and install cover
Note1x bleeding valve, 10mm, 10 Nm, 1x cover
Open the LH rear brake caliper bleeding valve then Click the play button next to PROC_ESP_FRONT-R-REAR-L-BRAKE-BLEEDvia Toolbox: (link)via Service Mode:
- Chassis ➜ Brakes ➜ Brake Bleed FR-RL
- Chassis ➜ Brakes ➜ Brake Bleed FR-RL
Note1x bleeding valve, 10mm, 10 Nm, Make sure valve is hand tight when closed -
Repeat the above step until clear fluid and no air bubbles come out of the LH rear brake caliper bleeding valve
Note1x bleeding valve, 10mm, 10 Nm, Make sure valve is hand tight when closed
Remove the fluid catching bottle, Torque LH rear brake caliper bleeding valve and install cover
Note1x bleeding valve, 10mm, 10 Nm, 1x cover
- Turn off and remove pressure brake bleeder kit from vehicle
Check brake fluid level and top off reservoir if necessary
NoteIf level is above Max line, remove extra fluid
- Install brake reservoir cap
- Pump brake pedal a few times to ensure pedal feels normal
- Select "Actions" tab and search for ‘"Stiffness"
- Select TEST_BRAKE_X_STIFFNESS-TEST-SERVICEvia Toolbox: (link)via Service Mode: Chassis ➜ Brakes ➜ Brake Stiffness Test, click "Run", and allow routine to complete
- Disconnect Toolbox 3 from vehicle and remove laptop
Raise vehicle fully
NoteSet to a comfortable working height, Lower to locks, Ensure locks engage on both sides to prevent tilting
Install LH front wheel
Note6x nuts, 21mm, 205 Nm
Install LH rear wheel
Note6x nuts, 21mm, 205 Nm
Install RH rear wheel
Note6x nuts, 21mm, 205 Nm
Install RH front wheel
Note6x nuts, 21mm, 205 Nm
Lower vehicle until tires are touching the ground
NoteRaise lift off locks, then hold lock release lever to keep locks free while vehicle is lowered
Torque LH front wheel nuts
Note6x nuts, 21mm, 205 Nm
Torque LH rear wheel nuts
Note6x nuts, 21mm, 205 Nm
Torque RH rear wheel nuts
Note6x nuts, 21mm, 205 Nm
Torque RH front wheel nuts
Note6x nuts, 21mm, 205 Nm
Install LH front wheel cap
Note1x cap, 8x clips, Partially secure wheel cap to wheel, While partially installed wheel cover can be rotated to align with tire design, When aligned press inward from center of cap then secure all clips to mounting ring
Install LH rear wheel cap
Note1x cap, 8x clips, Partially secure wheel cap to wheel, While partially installed wheel cover can be rotated to align with tire design, When aligned press inward from center of cap then secure all clips to mounting ring
Install RH rear wheel cap
Note1x cap, 8x clips, Partially secure wheel cap to wheel, While partially installed wheel cover can be rotated to align with tire design, When aligned press inward from center of cap then secure all clips to mounting ring
Install RH front wheel cap
Note1x cap, 8x clips, Partially secure wheel cap to wheel, While partially installed wheel cover can be rotated to align with tire design, When aligned press inward from center of cap then secure all clips to mounting ring
Install frunk assembly
Note6x bolts, 10mm, 12 Nm, 2x bolt caps, 2x bumpstops, 1x connector, Install bolt covers to frunk floor, Install washer fluid cap, Install bumpstops by aligning tabs then turning clockwise, Ensure emergency frunk release functions
Install rear underhood apron
Note9x clips, Adjust windshield seal as required
Close powered front trunk
NoteVia exterior switch or UI
Remove vehicle from lift
NoteLower rack arms fully and remove them from under vehicle, Remove air suspension from "Jack Mode"
Exit Service Mode
NoteVia UI > Service > Exit, Press and hold "Exit Service Mode" button
- Raise LH front window
- Close LH front door