Suspension and Steering


Independent. Upper wishbone with lower unequal length control arms. Co-axial coil spring/telescopic damper. Stabilizer bar.

Ride height

See Wheel Alignment.


Independent. Dual upper arms and lower unequal length wishbone. Co-axial coil spring/telescopic damper.

Service Limits

Table 1. Ball Joints and Cross Axis Ball Joints (CABJ)
Item Limit
Noise The ball joint/ball joint assembly shall exhibit no squeak, grind, rattle, or other abnormal noise when oscillated or rotated. See Noise and Vibration.
Dust boot Visually inspect the dust boot for damage:
  • No crack exceeding 19 mm in length, and no crack with depth exceeding 30% of the local wall thickness.
  • No more than 25% abrasion of wall thickness at folded area.
  • No unusual permanent fold conditions allowed.
  • No unseating of the seal from the housing or inner collar.
  • No bond failures to bonded inserts.
Play No axial or radial free play greater than 1 mm (± 0.5 mm) when inspected/loaded by hand.
Breakaway torque 10 Nm
Table 2. Bushings
Item Limit
Noise Bushings are designed to exhibit noise in the case of severe degradation. Rubber folds, non-detrimental cracks, and other non-detrimental damage is permitted. Generally, bushings should not be replaced unless there is a noise that exceeds the allowances listed below.
Rubber deformation

Cracks are considered non-detrimental if they extend to less than 20% of the entire cross-sectional area of the part, where the relevant cross section is assumed to be the most likely/apparent progression path of the crack should it continue to grow and considering the cross-sectional area of the part, not any single length dimension.

For example, a crack extending around the entire circumference of the part (360 degrees) but only 19% of the axial thickness is acceptable (100% * 19% < 20%). A crack extending through the entire thickness of the part but only 19% around the circumference is also acceptable (100% * 19% < 20%).

Play 0 mm. Elastic play is allowed. Any additional play is not allowed. No contact with other component surfaces is allowed.
Table 3. Halfshafts
Item Limit
Noise See Noise and Vibration.
Dust boot See Ball Joints.
Lash No rotational lash of the inboard joint with respect to the outboard joint is allowed greater than 1.5 degrees (± 0.75 deg) when inspected/loaded by hand (excepting spline connections to the motor/hub/jackshaft/etc.). Levers or other tools are not permitted.
Table 4. Steering column
Item Limit
Lateral play 1 mm total, between LH to RH side.
Table 5. Wheel Bearings
Item Limit
Noise See Noise and Vibration.
Play No angular free play greater than 1 deg (± 0.5 deg) is allowed when inspected/loaded by hand. Levers or other tools are not permitted.


Replace parts only if corrosion affects vehicle control.

Noise and Vibration

Do not replace suspension components for a noise condition if any of the following conditions are present:
  • The noise is less than 11 dB louder than background noise from other sources as observed at the driver’s ear in the normal seated driving position, including all windows/doors/apertures closed and all else representative of a typical driving scenario.
  • The noise is resolved upon replacement with a new part.
  • The noise is also present on a suitable reference vehicle (for example, a vehicle in good repair of the same type as the one being examined).

Replacement in Pairs

Suspension components do not need to be replaced in pairs unless stated specifically in a Tesla Service Bulletin.