Cooling System (Vacuum Refill)
Correction code 18300400 0.50 NOTE: Unless otherwise explicitly stated in the procedure, the above correction code and FRT reflect all of the work required to perform this procedure, including the linked procedures. Do not stack correction codes unless explicitly told to do so.NOTE: See Flat Rate Times to learn more about FRTs and how they are created. To provide feedback on FRT values, email NOTE: See Personal Protection to make sure wearing proper PPE when performing the below procedure.
- 2024-11-26: Added images of vacuum refill tool setup and added warning on incorrect use of the refill tool.
- 2023-08-08: Added thermal test routine .
- 1050448-00-A Refiller, Cooling System
- 1050448-01-A Refiller, Cooling System (EMEA)
NoteIt is important that the drive rails remain off throughout this procedure. If the drive rails become active, such as from touching the brake pedal, an error is displayed in Toolbox. If this happens, you must disable the drive rails, and repeat the step where the error occurred.
If 12V power has been reconnected,
verify on the vehicle touchscreen that the system is in Fill/Drain mode. If the vehicle
is not in Fill/Drain mode, activate Fill/Drain mode and verify that the green status
indicator is present.
NoteThe status indicator will be red if the mode is inactive.
- Remove the cap from the coolant bottle.
- Place an empty coolant container in the front underhood storage.
- Set a container having at least 15 L of coolant in the front underhood storage.
- Place the vacuum refill tool coolant refill hose inside the filled coolant container and make sure that the end of the hose is fully submerged in the coolant.
- Attach the vacuum refill cap to the coolant bottle.
- Make sure that coolant refill valve and air inlet valve on the vacuum refill tool are both closed.
Install the vacuum refill hose into
the refill cap on the coolant bottle.
NotePerform a push-pull test to verify that the hose is fully installed.
- Place the end of the overflow hose of the vacuum refill tool into the empty container.
Connect the supply air line to the
vacuum refill tool and make sure the minimum pressure is 5.5 bar (80 psi).
NoteIf not already done, verify that the refill valve is set to off.
Open the air inlet valve and allow the
tool to evacuate the cooling system for 10 seconds, and then fully close the
NoteThe vacuum should stabilize at approximately -27 to -24 inHg or -70 to -60 cmHg.
Slowly open the coolant refill valve
to draw coolant into the coolant refill hose. Close the valve when the hose is full of
NoteMake sure the hose end of refill hose is fully submerged during entire process.
- Monitor the gauge for 30 seconds to verify that vacuum is maintained in the cooling system.
- Open the air inlet valve for 3 minutes to continue evacuating the cooling system, and then close the valve.
Slowly open the coolant refill valve
to draw coolant into the cooling system. When the gauge reaches zero, close the
NoteMake sure the end of the coolant refill hose is fully submerged during the entire process.
- Disconnect the supply air line from the tool.
- Remove the coolant refill hose from the coolant container.
- Remove the coolant overflow hose from the coolant container.
- Remove the vacuum refill hose from the refill cap on the coolant bottle.
Remove the vacuum refill cap from the
coolant bottle.
NotePush down on the black ring to release the hose, and then pull the hose upward to remove it.
Lift the coolant refill tool above the
coolant container to allow excess coolant to drain from the hoses.
NoteReopen the valves to remove excess coolant if necessary.
- Remove both coolant containers from the vehicle.
- Reconnect 12V power. See12V/LV Power (Disconnect and Connect).
Perform the following
routine using Service Mode or Toolbox (see 0005 - Service Modes):
TEST_VCFRONT_X_THERMAL-COOLANT-AIR-PURGEvia Toolbox: (link)via Service Mode:
- Thermal ➜ Actions ➜ Coolant Purge Stop or Coolant Purge Start
- Thermal ➜ Coolant System ➜ Coolant Purge Start
- Drive Inverter ➜ Front Drive Inverter Replacement ➜ Coolant Air Purge
- Drive Inverter ➜ Rear Drive Inverter Replacement ➜ Coolant Air Purge
- Drive Inverter ➜ Rear Left Drive Inverter Replacement ➜ Coolant Air Purge
- Drive Inverter ➜ Rear Right Drive Inverter Replacement ➜ Coolant Air Purge
- Drive Unit ➜ Front Drive Unit Replacement ➜ Coolant Air Purge
- Drive Unit ➜ Rear Drive Unit Replacement ➜ Coolant Air Purge
Perform the following
routine using Service Mode or Toolbox (see 0005 - Service Modes):
TEST-SELF_VCFRONT_X_THERMAL-PERFORMANCEvia Toolbox: (link)via Service Mode: Thermal ➜ Actions ➜ Test Thermal Performancevia Service Mode Plus:
- Drive Inverter ➜ Front Drive Inverter Replacement ➜ Thermal System Test
- Drive Inverter ➜ Rear Drive Inverter Replacement ➜ Thermal System Test
- Drive Inverter ➜ Rear Left Drive Inverter Replacement ➜ Thermal System Test
- Drive Inverter ➜ Rear Right Drive Inverter Replacement ➜ Thermal System Test
- Drive Unit ➜ Front Drive Unit Replacement ➜ Thermal System Test
- Drive Unit ➜ Rear Drive Unit Replacement ➜ Thermal System Test
NoteSelect the "X" at the top right of the window to close once the routine is complete. -
Inspect the coolant level, top off as
necessary, and then install the coolant bottle cap.
NoteEnsure that the coolant level is at the "Max" line.