Ball Joint - Rear - Upper - Rear Knuckle - LH (Remove and Replace)
Correction code
NOTE: Unless
otherwise explicitly stated in the procedure, the above correction code and
FRT reflect all of the work required to perform this procedure, including
the linked procedures. Do
not stack correction codes unless explicitly told to do so.
NOTE: See Flat Rate Times to learn more about FRTs and how they are
created. To provide feedback on FRT values, email
NOTE: See Personal Protection to make
sure wearing proper PPE when performing the below procedure.
- 2025-02-20: Added note to use region specific Loctite.
- Raise and support the vehicle.
- Open the LH front door.
- Run ODIN routine PROC_ICE_X_ENTER-SERVICE-MODEvia Toolbox: (link)
- Unlock vehicle gateway
- Run ODIN routine PROC_EPB_X_SERVICE-MODE-STARTvia Toolbox: (link)
Remove LH rear wheel cap
Note1x cap, Use both hands to gently pull the wheel cap to release the clips, Wheels may be equipped with center caps
Loosen LH rear wheel
Note5x nuts, 21mm, 175 Nm
- Partially raise the vehicle, and then lower the lift onto the locks.
Remove LH rear wheel
Note5x nuts, 21mm, 175 Nm
Inspect LH Rear Upper Knuckle Ball Joint
NoteInspect for any markings on the Knuckle Ball Joint, if any markings are present No replacement should be performed, Knuckle Ball Joint is a 1 time replaceable part
Remove LH rear brake caliper from LH rear knuckle and hang from body
Note2x bolts, E18, 83 Nm, Discard bolts after removal, This step is only required if vehicle is equipped with Non Performance brakes
Release LH rear upper aft link from knuckle
Note1x bolt, 1x nut, 21mm, 134 Nm
Install knuckle ball joint replacement tool on LH Rear Upper Knuckle Ball Joint for removal
NoteUtilize the combination of cups for removal, A - Bushings Receiver, B - Bushings Pusher, E - Washer MY Ensure cups sit flush to ball joint and knuckle surface, A to E has a key, Install E with the smaller recess radios on top, Ball joint will only press out towards rear of vehicle, Apply lubricant to threaded rod if dry
Press out LH Rear Upper Knuckle Ball Joint
NoteBall joint should press out with minimal resistance, If met with high resistance inspect for misalignment of tool cups, Utilize windows in receiving cup to monitor progress, Knuckle shown out of vehicle for clarity
- Remove Rear Upper Knuckle Ball Joint from knuckle ball joint replacement tool
- Put on protection gloves
Clean LH Rear knuckle
NoteClean surface area where Rear Upper Knuckle Ball Joint is installed into the knuckle from any debris and oxidation, allow 1 minute dry time
Degrease LH Rear Upper Knuckle Ball Joint
NoteClean contact area of Rear Upper Knuckle Ball Joint and allow 1 minute dry time
Apply Loctite on LH Rear Upper Knuckle Ball Joint
NoteUse one of the following region specific Loctite - EMEA: Loctite 638, NA: Loctite 680NoteTake care not to apply loctite on the rubber seals
Position new LH Rear Upper Knuckle Ball Joint to knuckle
NoteEnsure ball joint is sitting concentric to the bore, installation is performed from the rear side of the knuckle and ball joint has only 1 orientation of the installation, discard Nitrile Gloves
Install knuckle ball joint replacement tool on LH Rear Upper Knuckle Ball Joint for Install
NoteUtilize the combination of cups for Install, A - Bushings Receiver, B - Bushings Pusher, E - Washer MY Ensure cups sit flush to ball joint and knuckle surface, A to E has a key, Install E with the smaller recess radios on top
Press LH Rear Upper Knuckle Ball Joint in
NoteBall joint could be pressed in with some resistance, If met with extreme high resistance inspect for misalignment of tool cups, Utilize notch in installation cup to monitor progress, When nearing end of bore the installation cup may need to be re-aligned to meet machined surface, Verify full installation
- Remove knuckle ball joint replacement tool from LH Rear Upper Knuckle Ball Joint
Clean any excessive Loctite from LH Rear Upper Knuckle
NoteAllow 1 minute dry time
Mark LH Rear Upper Knuckle Ball Joint with paint pen
NoteMachined surface should be near flush with ball joint, Mark with paint pen
Overlap curing time of Loctite on LH Rear Upper Knuckle Ball Joint
NoteAllow 30 minutes curing time for Loctite
Position LH rear upper aft link to knuckle
Note1x bolt, 1x nut, 21mm, 134 Nm, Torque at later step
Torque bolt securing LH rear upper aft link to knuckle
Note1x bolt, 21mm, 134 Nm, Mark with paint pen
Install LH rear brake caliper onto LH rear knuckle
Note2x bolt, E18, 83 Nm, Install new bolts, Remove the S-hook from vehicle
Install LH rear wheel
Note5x nuts, 21mm, 175 Nm, Start lug nuts by hand before using power tool
Lower vehicle until tires are touching ground
NoteRaise lift off locks, then hold lock release lever to keep locks free while vehicle is lowered
Torque LH rear wheel
Note5x nuts, 21mm, 175 Nm
Install LH rear wheel cap
Note1x cap, Align valve stem with wheel cap cavity
Apply parking brake by pressing the PARK button
NoteEnsure the parking brake is fully seated
- Run ODIN routine PROC_ICE_X_EXIT-SERVICE-MODEvia Toolbox: (link)
- Close the LH front door.
Remove vehicle from lift
NoteLower rack arms fully and remove from under vehicle
Perform test drive
NotePerform a validation test drive after repairDrive a minimum speed of 25mph, Drive in a straight line and check for excessive pull, Verify the steering wheel is centered when vehicle is driving straight, Determine whether an alignment is recommendedAdd correction code 00040100 as needed