Door Glass - Front - LH (Adjust)
Correction code
Adjustable FRT
NOTE: This procedure
uses an adjustable correction code. Use the correction code listed above and
manually enter the actual amount of time spent performing this procedure. Do not stack correction
codes unless explicitly told to do so.
NOTE: See Flat Rate Times to learn more about FRTs and how they are
created. To provide feedback on FRT values, email
NOTE: See Personal Protection to make
sure wearing proper PPE when performing the below procedure.
- 2023-05-24: Added cleaning instructions to prevent glass damage.
- 2023-12-11: Updated the original nonadjustable correction code to the new adjustable one.
Check the gap between LH front window
and LH B-pillar applique.
NoteRefer to CVIS for current specifications.
- Remove the LH front door trim decor. See Decor - Trim - Front Door - LH (Remove and Replace).
- Remove the LH front door trim panel. See Panel - Door Trim - Front - LH (Remove and Replace).
- Remove the butyl patches that cover the openings in the LH front door.
- Remove the plugs (x2) that cover the openings in the door for access to the LH front regulator mounting guides.
Temporarily connect the puddle lamp to
the LH front door harness.
CAUTIONRoute the harness and lamp wiring so it will not be damaged when closing the door.
- Connect the window switch special tool to the LH front door harness.
Latch the LH front door to allow the
window to raise fully.
CAUTIONDO NOT close the door with the window in this position as the upper bright trim will be damaged.
- Using the window switch special tool, raise the LH front window fully.
Loosen the bolts (x2) that attach the
LH front door glass to the LH front regulator isolator clamps.
TIpUse of the following tool(s) is recommended:
- 10 mm socket
Inspect the regulator isolator clamps
for glass splinters or other debris, and clean them if necessary.
CAUTIONDebris and splinters may damage or shatter the new door glass.
Adjust the LH front door glass to
achieve gap target, and then hand tighten the isolator clamp bolts (x2).
TIpUse of the following tool(s) is recommended:
- 10 mm socket
Pull the LH front exterior door handle
to release the latch.
NoteThis will allow the window to drop and not contact the bright trim.
- Close the LH front door.
Check the gap between LH front window and LH B-pillar applique.
NoteRefer to CVIS for current specifications.
- Open the LH front door.
Latch the LH front door to allow the window to raise fully.
CAUTIONDO NOT close the door with the window in this position as the upper bright trim will be damaged.
Torque the bolts (x2) that attach the
LH front door glass to the LH front regulator isolator clamps.8 Nm (5.9 lbs-ft)TIpUse of the following tool(s) is recommended:
- 10 mm socket
Pull the LH front exterior door handle to release the latch.
NoteThis will allow the window to drop and not contact the bright trim.
- Close the LH front door.
Check the flushness between the LH
front window and LH B-pillar applique.
NoteRefer to CVIS for current specifications.
- Open the LH front door.
Loosen the lower LH front regulator
mounting nuts enough to maintain glass position but still allow for adjustment.
TIpUse of the following tool(s) is recommended:
- 10 mm socket
With assistance, adjust the LH front
door glass to achieve flushness target, and then hand tighten nuts.
TIpUse of the following tool(s) is recommended:
- 10 mm socket
- Close the LH front door.
Check the flushness between the LH front window and LH B-pillar applique.
NoteRefer to CVIS for current specifications.
- Open the LH front door.
Torque the lower nuts that attach the
LH front window regulator to the door assembly.10 Nm (7.4 lbs-ft)TIpUse of the following tool(s) is recommended:
- 10 mm socket
- Lower the LH front window.
- Disconnect the window switch special tool.
- Disconnect puddle lamp from the LH front door.
- Install the plugs (x2) that cover the openings in the door for access to the LH front regulator mounting guides.
- Install the butyl patches that cover the openings in the LH front door.
- Install the LH front door trim panel. See Panel - Door Trim - Front - LH (Remove and Replace).
- Install the LH front door trim decor. See Decor - Trim - Front Door - LH (Remove and Replace).
- Connect a laptop with Toolbox 3 to the vehicle.
- Close the LH front door.
- In Toolbox, click the Actions/Autodiag tab, and then search for "window".
TEST-SELF_VCLEFT_FRONT-L_CALIBRATE-WINDOWvia Toolbox: (link), and then click
Run and allow the routine to complete.
NoteSelect ‘X’ at top right of window to close once complete.
Press the LH front window switch down
to second position to activate the auto-lower function, and then raise the window switch
up to the second position to activate auto-raise function.
NoteIf the window does not lower completely, repeat the previous calibration steps.
- Disconnect Toolbox 3 and remove the laptop from the vehicle.