Hose - Supermanifold To 3 Way Valve (Remove and Replace)
Correction code
NOTE: Unless otherwise explicitly
stated in the procedure, the above correction code and FRT reflect all of the work
required to perform this procedure, including the linked procedures. Do not stack correction codes unless
explicitly told to do so.
NOTE: See Flat Rate Times to learn
more about FRTs and how they are created. To provide feedback on FRT values, email LaborTimeFeedback@tesla.com.
NOTE: See Personal Protection to make sure proper PPE is worn when
performing the below
Raise and support vehicle.
NotePrepare to raise vehicle, Set air suspension to "Jack Mode", Position lift arm pads on vehicle jack pads.
Place vehicle in service mode with
NoteSelect vehicle's badge icon in Controls > Software for four seconds and then type "service" into dialog box.
- Remove the underhood storage unit. See Underhood Storage Unit (Remove and Install).
Power off vehicle from center
NoteVia Controls > Safety & Security > Power Off.
Disconnect LV battery connector and
First Responder Loop.
Note2x connectors, Lift up and release green locking tab, Pull black connector lock outwards to release connection.
Release clip securing the
supermanifold to battery pump supply hose from LV battery.
Note1x clip.
Remove fasteners securing the LV
battery and move aside.
Note3x bolts, 10mm, 9 Nm, 2x datums, Take note of datums and carefully move assembly aside.
Release air quality sensor
Note1x connector.
Remove HEPA filter assembly
Note2x tabs, 2x datums, 2x slots, , Be cautious and do not damage the mounting clips, Maneuver cover forward and up in front of V-brace cross member.
- Remove LV battery from vehicle.
Raise vehicle fully and lower lift
onto locks.
NoteSet vehicle to comfortable working height, Make sure there's an audible click of the locks on both sides before lowering, otherwise vehicle may tilt to the side.
Remove clips securing front aero
Note5x push clips.
Remove bolts securing front aero
shield and remove from vehicle.
Note9x bolts, 10mm, 6 Nm.
- Position coolant drain container under the front of the vehicle to catch vehicle coolant.
Release PT supply hose from HV
Note1x hose clip, 2x plugs, Plug both ends.
- Remove coolant drain container from underneath vehicle.
Place coolant catcher below front of
NotePosition to catch all coolant loss.
Lower vehicle until tires are touching
the ground.
NoteRaise lift off locks, then hold lock release lever to keep locks free while vehicle is lowered.
Release PT supply hose clip from three
way valve.
Note1x fir tree clip.
- Place absorbent material on top of front drive unit and under coolant hoses at rear of supermanifold.
Disconnect the sensor for the
powertrain supply hose.
Note1x locking electrical connector, Do not push down on Red tab, Pull red tab to disengage lock, Pull again to release connector.
Disconnect powertrain supply hose from
Note1x spring clip, Plug supermanifold and powertrain supply hose.
Remove PT supply hose from
NoteManeuver between battery pump hose and multisystem beam assembly.
Install PT supply hose to vehicle.
NoteManeuver between battery pump hose and multisystem beam assembly.
Secure powertrain supply hose to supermanifold.
Note1x spring clip, Remove all plugs, Perform push-pull-push test to make sure hose is fully seated.
Connect the sensor for the powertrain supply hose.
Note1x locking electrical connector, Engage locking tab.
- Remove absorbent material on top of front drive unit and from under coolant hoses at rear of supermanifold.
- Clean area and wipe away any residual fluid.
Secure coolant hose clip onto three way valve.
Note1x fir tree clip.
Raise vehicle fully and lower lift onto locks.
NoteSet vehicle to comfortable working height, Make sure there's an audible click of the locks on both sides before lowering, otherwise vehicle may tilt to the side.
Secure PT supply hose to HV battery.
Note1x hose clip, 2x hose plugs, Remove any plugs and secure hose, Perform push-pull-push test.
- Clean coolant residue from vehicle.
- Remove coolant catcher from under vehicle.
Apply Loctite 222 onto front aero shield bolts and install fasteners securing front
aero shield to vehicle.
Note9x bolts, 10mm, 6 Nm.
Install clips securing front aero shield.
Note5x push clips.
Lower vehicle fully.
NoteRaise lift off locks, then hold lock release lever to keep locks free while vehicle is lowered.
- Remove coolant bottle cap.
Inspect coolant level and top off as necessary.
NoteEnsure that the fluid level is at the Max line, Top off fluid as required.
Position LV battery into vehicle.
NotePosition LV battery to the left and allow space for HEPA cover to be installed.
Install HEPA filter assembly cover.
Note2x tabs, 2x datums, 2x slots, Maneuver cover down and under V-brace cross member, Fully engage seal and locking tabs.
Secure air quality sensor connection.
Note1x connector.
Install fasteners securing LV battery to multi-system beam.
Note3x bolts, 10mm, 9 Nm, 2x datums, Shift into position and install fasteners.
Install clip securing the supermanifold to battery pump supply hose onto LV
Note1x clip.
Connect First Responder Loop and LV battery connector.
Note2x connectors Secure FRL first, Seat LV battery connection and push black connector lock inwards to secure, Engage green locking tab when fully seated.
Perform the following
routine using Service Mode or Toolbox (see 0005 - Service Modes):
TEST_VCFRONT_X_THERMAL-COOLANT-AIR-PURGEvia Toolbox: (link)via Service Mode:
- Thermal ➜ Actions ➜ Coolant Purge Stop or Coolant Purge Start
- Thermal ➜ Coolant System ➜ Coolant Purge Start
- Drive Inverter ➜ Front Drive Inverter Replacement ➜ Coolant Air Purge
- Drive Inverter ➜ Rear Drive Inverter Replacement ➜ Coolant Air Purge
- Drive Inverter ➜ Rear Left Drive Inverter Replacement ➜ Coolant Air Purge
- Drive Inverter ➜ Rear Right Drive Inverter Replacement ➜ Coolant Air Purge
- Drive Unit ➜ Front Drive Unit Replacement ➜ Coolant Air Purge
- Drive Unit ➜ Rear Drive Unit Replacement ➜ Coolant Air Purge
NoteCoolant pumps will be audible, Test lasts approximately 10 mins, Putting vehicle into drive state will stop this routine, Monitor levels as required, Select ‘X’ at top left of window to close once complete. -
Inspect coolant level and top off as necessary.
NoteEnsure that the fluid level is at the Max line, Top off fluid as required.
- Install coolant bottle cap.
- Install the underhood storage unit. See Underhood Storage Unit (Remove and Install).
Lower vehicle fully.
NoteRaise lift off locks, then hold lock release lever to keep locks free while vehicle is lowered.
Remove vehicle from lift.
NoteLower rack arms fully and remove them from under vehicle, Remove air suspension from "Jack Mode".