Harness - Main Front (Remove and Replace)
Correction code
NOTE: Unless otherwise explicitly
stated in the procedure, the above correction code and FRT reflect all of the work
required to perform this procedure, including the linked procedures. Do not stack correction codes unless
explicitly told to do so.
NOTE: See Flat Rate Times to learn
more about FRTs and how they are created. To provide feedback on FRT values, email LaborTimeFeedback@tesla.com.
NOTE: See Personal Protection to make sure proper PPE is worn when
performing the below
Connect A/C machine to power and
switch on
NoteTouch time only, Machine will run various background tasks, Wait until Main Menu comes up before continuing
Skip the following panels when
NoteUse selections indicated in pictures
Perform hose flush
NoteTouch time only, Connect couplers to machine, Open couplers by turning clockwise, Using Main Menu > Next > Menu > Flush hoses > Verify hose connection, Machine will chime once process is complete
- Open LH front door
- Lower LH and RH front windows
Using center display, place wipers
into "Service Mode"
Notevia Controls > Service > Wiper Service Mode
Perform the following
routine using Service Mode or Toolbox (see 0005 - Service Modes):
NoteSelect "x" at the top right of the window to close once complete, Thermal Fill Drain routine has a 5 hour time limit, After 5 hours EXV's will close and routine must be performed again, Verify EXV positions are open via Garage > Vitals > HP > Refrigerant Loop EXV, Verify LCC, CC Left, Evap, CC Right, Chiller are all at ~100%. Recirc is at ~20%, LCC Solenoid is OPENED
- Remove the underhood storage unit. See .
Remove caps from low side and high
side AC ports
Note2x caps
Connect hoses to vehicle and perform
A/C recovery
NoteConnect couplers to vehicle, Note the amount of refrigerant and oil recovered, mark oil drain bottle oil level (use a piece of tape marking the fluid level), Open couplers by turning clockwise, Using Main Menu > Recover > Verify hose connection, Machine will chime once process is complete, Vehicle may be left unattended, Note or print the amount of refrigerant and oil recovered, Refrigerant recovered should be ~2.24 lb (1.02 kg), Oil recovered should be ~0.3 oz (8.87 mL), If drained oil level increased more than 1.01 oz (30 mL) refer to drained oil loss chart https://toolbox.teslamotors.com/articles/353700
Raise and support vehicle
NotePrepare to raise vehicle, Set air suspension to "Jack Mode", Position lift arm pads on vehicle jack pads
Remove LH front wheel cap
NoteLift every other spoke at a time until cap is released from rim
Remove RH front wheel cap
NoteLift every other spoke at a time until cap is released from rim
Loosen RH front wheel
Note5x nuts, 21mm, 175 Nm
Loosen LH front wheel
Note5x nuts, 21mm, 175 Nm
- Move LH front seat backward
Remove LH mid A-pillar trim
Note1x clip, 2x tabs
Remove LH lower A-pillar trim
Note7x clips
Remove LH footwell cover
Note1x connector, 2x magnets
- Remove LH front floor mat
Remove LH console side carpet
Note11x clips
Release LH HEPA assembly lower dash
Note1x bolt, 10mm, 7Nm
- Open RH front door
- Move RH front seat backward
Remove RH mid A-pillar trim
Note1x clip, 2x tabs
Remove RH lower A-pillar trim
Note7x clips
Remove RH footwell cover
Note3x magnets, 1x connector
- Remove RH front floor mat
Remove RH console side carpet
Note11x clips
- Fold RH front cabin carpet aside for access
Release harness from RH footrest
Note1x clip
Remove RH footrest panel
Note2x bolts, 10mm, 5 Nm, 1x nut, 10mm, 5 Nm
Release RH HEPA assembly lower dash
Note1x bolt, 10mm, 7Nm
Release LH wiper arm hose nozzle
Note1x hose
Remove LH wiper arm nut cover
Note1x cover
Remove LH wiper arm nut and release
Note1x nut, 15mm, 26 Nm
Release RH wiper arm hose nozzle
Note1x hose
Remove RH wiper arm nut cover
Note1x cover
Remove RH wiper arm nut and release
Note1x nut, 15mm, 26 Nm
Release washer hose nozzle by LH shock
tower cover
Note1x hose, 3x clips
Remove LH shock tower cover
Note3x push clips, 1x fir tree clip
Remove RH shock tower cover
Note3x push clips, 1x fir tree clip
Remove wiper cowl screen panel
Note4x push clips, 2x end tabs
Remove fasteners securing LH V-brace
and remove assembly
Note3x bolts, 10mm, 18 Nm, 1x nut, 10mm, 9 Nm
Remove fasteners securing RH V-brace
and remove assembly
Note3x bolts, 10mm, 18 Nm, 1x nut, 10mm, 9 Nm
Using center display, place wipers
into "Service Mode"
Notevia Controls > Service > Wiper Service Mode
Power off vehicle from center
NoteVia Controls > Safety & Security > Power Off
Disconnect LV battery connector and
First Responder Loop
Note2x connectors, Lift up and release green locking tab, Pull black connector lock outwards to release connection
Remove wiper module
Note3x bolts, 10mm, 8 Nm, 1x connector, Rotate module forward and up to access connector, Observe LH wiper arm pivot during removal to avoid damage to windshield
Release clip securing the
supermanifold to battery pump supply hose from LV battery
Note1x clip
Remove fasteners securing the LV
battery and move aside
Note3x bolts, 10mm, 9 Nm, 2x datums, Take note of datums and carefully move assembly aside
Disconnect air quality sensor
Note1x connector
Remove HEPA filter assembly
Note2x tabs, 2x datums, 2x slots, , Be cautious and do not damage the mounting clips, Maneuver cover forward and up in front of V-brace cross member
Remove HEPA filter
Note2x clips, Release clips, Pivot filter forward and out of housing
Release V-brace crossmember
Note2x nuts, 10mm, 18 Nm
Remove HEPA housing assembly
Note2x nuts, 10mm, 7 Nm, Rotate V-brace cross member forward to create access to HEPA assembly retaining nuts, Maneuver assembly forward and up out of vehicle
Remove fasteners securing LH knee air
bag assembly to vehicle
Note2x patch bolts, E10, 8 Nm, Discard after removal
Remove the LH knee air bag assembly
from vehicle
Note3x connectors, 1x clip, 6x tabs, Release 2x locking tab on airbag connector
- Fold LH front cabin carpet aside for access
Remove frunk harness ground from LH
footwell area
Note1x nut, 10mm, 8 Nm
Disconnect J14 X036 Power
Note1x connector, Release lock then remove
Disconnect J9 X037 Frunk
Note1x connector
Remove fasteners securing RH knee air
bag assembly to vehicle
Note2x patch bolts, E10, 8 Nm, Discard after removal
Remove RH knee air bag assembly from
Note2x connectors, 6x tabs, 1x clip, Release 2x locking tab on airbag connector
Install coolant hose clamps to
coldplate hoses
Note2x hoses, Place coolant absorbent material around the car computer
Release coolant hoses from car
computer coldplate assembly
Note2x spring locks, Install coolant plugs at both hoses and car computer
Remove car computer supply hoses
through the bulkhead
NoteRemove coolant hose clamps from car computer supply hose, Ensure plugs are secure and leak free, Guide hoses between HVAC assembly and bulkhead
Disconnect brown fakra connection from
car computer
Note1x connector, X836
Disconnect frunk connectors on RH side
of car computer
Note5x connectors
Release connectors at RH side of AP
Note3x connectors, Release locks on connectors before removal
Release frunk harness from RH footwell
Note2x clips
Remove frunk harness ground from RH
footwell area
Note1x nut, 10mm, 8 Nm
Disconnect J14 X056 Power
Note1x connector, Release lock then remove
Disconnect harness connectors
Note2x connectors, Release lock then remove
Release harness connector clips from
RH controller
Note2x clips
Disconnect J9 X050 Frunk
Note1x connector,
Release electrical connections from
Note3x connectors
Disconnect steering gear assembly
Note2x connectors, Two-stage connectors, Slide red locking tab to unlock then depress connector release to disconnect
- Remove AC hoses from vehicle
Remove Penta HVAC line from HVAC
Note2x bolts, 13mm, 22 Nm
Raise vehicle partially and lower onto
NoteSet vehicle to comfortable working height, Make sure there's an audible click of the locks on both sides before lowering, otherwise vehicle may tilt to the side
Remove RH front wheel
Note5x nuts, 21mm, 175 Nm
Remove LH front wheel
Note5x nuts, 21mm, 175 Nm
Remove LH front wheel liner
Note13x clips, 2x fan clips
Remove LH front jounce hose bracket
from body
Note1x bolt, 10mm, 8 Nm
Disconnect LH front repeater
Note2x connectors
Release LH repeater harness from
Note1x clip
Disconnect LH front ride height
Note1x connector
Disconnect ground junction connector
Note1x connector, Release red locking tab, Depress black tab and rotate lever to release
Disconnect LH front accelerator
Note1x connector, Release red locking tab
Disconnect LH cooling fan module
Note1x connector, Disconnect this after coolant hoses are plugged to avoid coolant damaging connector
Release horn high tone
Note1x locking connector, Release red locking tab
Release horn low tone connection
Note1x locking connector, Release red locking tab
Disconnect frunk harness from washer
Note2x Connectors, 3x Fir tree Clips, Disconnect connectors then remove the Fir Tree clips
Remove the RH front wheel liner
Note13x clips, Release clips, Remove from vehicle
Remove RH front jounce bracket from
Note1x bolt, 10mm, 8 Nm
Disconnect RH front repeater
Note2x connectors
Release RH repeater harness from
Note1x clip
Disconnect RH front ride height
Note1x connector
Disconnect ground junction connector
Note1x connector, Release red locking tab, Depress black tab and rotate lever to release
Disconnect RH cooling fan module
Note1x connector, Disconnect this after coolant hoses are plugged to avoid coolant damaging connector
Release frunk harness from RH wheel
well area
Note1x clip
Release air compressor
Note2x connectors
Release air suspension valve block
Note1x connector
Release clips securing electrical
harness to air compressor bracket
Note2x clips
Disconnect RH front accelerator
Note1x connector, Do not push down on red tab, Pull red tab to disengage lock, Pull again to release connector
Disconnect front fascia harness
Note2x connectors, Pull red tab to disengage lock then disconnect, Located behind RH wheel arch liner
Release frunk harness from front end
Note3x clips
Raise vehicle fully and lower lift
onto locks
NoteSet vehicle to comfortable working height, Make sure there's an audible click of the locks on both sides before lowering, otherwise vehicle may tilt to the side
Remove clips securing front aero
shield to valence and HV battery
Note3x push clips
Remove bolts securing front aero
shield and remove from vehicle
Note9x bolts, 10mm, 6 Nm
Disconnect EPAS CAN connectors
Note2x connectors, Do not push down on red tab, Pull red tab to disengage lock, Pull again to release connector
Release frunk harness from
Note3x clips, Route harness away from subframe
Remove bolts securing front skid plate
to body sill
Note2x bolts, 15mm, 30 Nm
Remove bolts securing front skid plate
to body casting
Note2x bolts, 15mm, 60 Nm
Remove bolts securing front skid plate
to front subframe and remove skid plate
Note4x bolts, 15mm, 70 Nm, 2x bolts, 10mm, 10 Nm
Disconnect logic connector to HV
Note1x connector, Pull red locking tab outwards and release connection
Disconnect power connector to HV
Note1x connector, Pull red locking tab outwards and release connection
Release frunk harness from HV battery
and body
Note2x clips
Lower vehicle partially and set lift
onto locks
NoteRaise lift off locks, then hold lock release lever to keep locks free while vehicle is lowered, Set vehicle to comfortable working height
Disconnect RH headlamp connector
Note1x connector
Disconnect FEM harness from RH side
Note1x connector, Release locking tab
Release frunk harness from top RH side
of front end carrier and crash rail
Note2x clips
Release frunk harness from RH crash
Note2x clips
Disconnect RH front damper harness
from frunk harness
Note1x connector
Release damper harness connector from
RH crash rail
Note1x clip
Disconnect black connector on RH side
of radiator along crash rail
Note1x connector, Release locking tab
Remove bolt securing RH side ground to
RH side crash rail
Note1x bolt, 10mm, 8 Nm
Disconnect RH front wheel speed sensor
from frunk harness
Note1x connector, 1x clip
Release frunk harness from frunk side
of RH side crash rail
Note2x clips
Release upper connections on the front
Note2x locking connectors, Push in locking tabs and lift levers to release
Release LH middle connection on the
front controller
Note1x locking connector, Push in locking tab and lift lever to release
Release RH middle connections on the
front controller
Note2x locking connectors, Slide locking mechanism outwards to release
Release lower connections on the front
Note2x locking connectors, Slide red locking tab outwards to release
Remove bolt securing front controller
ground cable
Note1x bolt, 10mm, 10 Nm
Remove bolts securing front
Note3x bolts, 10mm, 10 Nm
Remove front controller from vehicle
and release ground cable from multi system beam
Note2x locating tabs, 1x ground cable
Release three way valve
Note1x locking connector, Disengage red locking tab and slide tab outwards to release connection
Remove clips securing air suspension
rear bundle to RH side of frunk harness
Note2x clips
Release RH front brake pipe from
Note5x clips, Do not bend pipe
Release battery coolant temp sensor
Note1x locking connector, Disengage red locking tab and slide tab outwards to release connection
Remove clip securing battery supply
hose to RH side of frunk harness
Note1x clip
Release battery supply hose from
battery coolant pump
Note1x hose clip, 2x plugs, Plug both ends
Release battery coolant pump
Note1x connector, Disengage red locking tab and slide tab outwards to release connection
Release frunk harness from RH front of
Note3x clips
Release frunk harness from RH side of
Note2x clips
Release grommet from RH side of
Note1x grommet
Maneuver frunk harness branch through
RH side of bulkhead
NoteMove aside for clearance
Release branch routed to HV battery
from below beam
Note1x clip, Follow hose downward to RH side body beam, Place clip prytool between clip and beam, Work clip out from bottom of beam, May need to slightly tap tool handle with hammer being cautious not to damage coolant hose
Release frunk body harness from FDU
Note1x locking connector, Release locking tab
Release clip securing frunk body
harness to FDU LV harness bracket
Note1x clip
Release frunk harness from FDU
Note1x clip
Disconnect LH front headlamp
Note1x connector
Disconnect frunk harness from LH side
FEM harness connection
Note1x connector, Release red locking tab
Release frunk harness from top LH side
of front end carrier
Note2x clips
Disconnect frunk harness from LH side
crash rail
Note1x connector, Release locking tab
Release LH front damper harness
Note1x connector
Disconnect LH front wheel speed sensor
from frunk harness
Note1x connector, 3x clips
Remove frunk harness ground from LH
crash rail
Note1x bolt, 10mm, 8 Nm
Release frunk harness from LH side
crash rail
Note4x clips
Release battery controller ground
Note1x bolt, 10mm, 9 Nm
Release harness clip from battery
Note1x fir tree clip
Remove fasteners securing battery
controller and tilt controller for access
Note1x bolt, 10mm, 10 Nm, 1x nut, 10mm, 10 Nm
Release top J4 connection from battery
Note1x locking connector, Slide mechanism outwards to release
Release middle J5 connection from
battery controller
Note1x locking connector, Push in locking tab and lift lever to release
Release side J3 connection from
battery controller
Note1x locking connector, Slide mechanism outwards to release
Release middle J2 connection from
battery controller
Note1x locking connector, Slide red locking tab outwards and release
Release side J1 connection from
battery controller
Note1x locking connector, Slide red locking tab outwards and release
Release harness clip from battery
Note1x clip
- Remove battery controller from vehicle
Release LV harness from multi system
Note1x bolt, 10mm, 8 Nm, 2x clips
Disconnect brake fluid level
Note1x connector
Disconnect brake booster ECU
Note1x connector, Release red locking tab, then depress black tab and rotate lever to release
Disconnect the hydraulic control
Note1x connector, Release red locking tab and rotate lever upward to remove
Release grommet from LH side of
Note1x grommet
Maneuver frunk harness branch through
LH side of bulkhead
NoteMove aside for clearance
Release frunk harness guide from
Note2x clips
Release AC compressor HV harness clip
from body
Note1x clip
Disconnect AC compressor logic
Note1x locking electrical connector, Do not push down on red tab, Pull to disengage lock, Pull again to release connector
Remove retaining clip securing AC
compressor logic harness to AC compressor HV harness bracket
Note1x fir tree clip
Remove AC compressor ground
Note1x bolt, T25, 7 Nm
Release clip securing the coolant hose
to the AC compressor bracket
Note1x fir tree clip
Release PT coolant pump
Note1x connector, Disengage red locking tab and slide tab outwards to release connection
Remove PT coolant pump from AC
compressor bracket
NoteSlide pump assembly away from compressor off lower bracket
Release compressor bracket from
multi-system beam
Note2x bolts, 15mm, 31 Nm, Recommend assistance, Support the AC compressor while removing the fasteners, Carefully remove the AC compressor and AC compressor bracket towards the front of the vehicle and under the multi-system beam, Be cautious around the coolant hose and supermanifold harness, Place fender cover on fan housing and gently place AC compressor assembly down
Remove FDU ground strap from body
Note1x bolt, 12mm, 15 Nm, Remove strap assembly
Release frunk harness guide from LH
side crash rail
Note2x clips
Support supermanifold using bungee
NoteThis is needed for frunk harness removal at later step, Be cautious to avoid damage to surrounding components
Remove bolts securing the
supermanifold to the multi-system beam
Note2x bolts, 15 mm, 31 Nm, Recommend assistance, Support from underneath and at reservoir
Release multi-system beam
Note4x bolts, 15mm, 60 Nm
Place a folded rag underneath RH and
LH side of the multi-system beam
NoteLift multi-system beam up only the amount required to clear the reservoir fill neck between top of supermanifold and bottom of beam, Recommend assistance if needed
- Remove coolant bottle cap
Remove frunk harness from
NoteRecommend assistance, Feed harness between multi-system beam and super manifold, Maneuver harness to clear surrounding components, Move Bungee's around harness to allow clearance as needed
Install frunk harness into position
NoteFeed harness between multi-system beam and super manifold, Maneuver harness to clear surrounding components, Move Bungee's around harness to allow clearance as needed, Move each branch into place for installation
Maneuver frunk harness branch through
LH side of bulkhead
Note1x grommet
Install frunk harness into LH side of
Note1x grommet
Maneuver frunk harness branch through
RH side of bulkhead
NotePosition for installation
Secure frunk harness grommet into RH
side of bulkhead
Note1x grommet
Route frunk harness towards HV battery
and secure clip below beam
Note1x clip
Secure frunk harness onto RH side of
crash rail
Note3x clips
Install frunk harness onto LH side
crash rail
Note2x clips
- Remove shop rags from underneath RH and LH side of the multi-system beam
Secure multi-system beam
Note4x bolts, 15mm, 60 Nm, Position beam and start bolts by hand
Install bolts securing the
Supermanifold to the multi-system beam
Note2x bolts, 15 mm, 31 Nm, Recommend assistance, Support from underneath and at reservoir, Hand start bolts to Supermanifold
- Remove bungee cords supporting supermanifold assembly
Install FDU ground strap to body
Note1x bolt, 12mm, 15 Nm, Position strap for install
Install bolts securing AC compressor
bracket to multi system beam
Note2x bolts, 15mm, 31 Nm, Recommend assistance, Carefully support the AC compressor assembly and secure assembly, Prevent damage to any components, Remove any bungee cords
Secure AC compressor HV harness clip
onto body
Note1x clip
Install AC compressor ground
Note1x bolt, T25, 7 Nm
Secure PT coolant pump onto AC
compressor bracket
NoteSlide pump assembly onto compressor lower bracket
Install clip securing the coolant hose
to the AC compressor bracket
Note1x fir tree clip
Secure PT coolant pump
Note1x connector, Secure connector and full engage red locking tab
Install frunk harness onto LH side
crash rail
Note4x clips
Install frunk harness ground onto LH
crash rail
Note1x bolt, 10mm, 8 Nm
Connect LH front wheel speed sensor to
frunk harness
Note1x connector, 3x clips
Secure LH front damper harness
Note1x connector
Connect frunk harness onto LH side
crash rail
Note1x connector, Engage locking tab
Secure frunk harness onto top of LH
side of front end carrier
Note2x clips
Connect frunk harness to LH side FEM
harness connection
Note1x connector, Secure red locking tab
Connect LH headlamp connector
Note1x connector
Connect the hydraulic control
Note1x connector, Seat connection and rotate lever downward, then secure locking tab
Connect brake booster ECU
Note1x connector, Align connector and rotate lever to fully seat, Secure red locking tab
Install LV harness onto multi system
Note1x bolt, 10mm, 8 Nm, 2x clips
- Position battery controller into vehicle
Secure harness clip onto battery
Note1x clip
Secure side J1 connection onto battery
Note1x locking connector, Engage red locking tab
Secure middle J2 connection onto
battery controller
Note1x locking connector, Engage red locking tab
Secure side J3 connection onto battery
Note1x locking connector, Verify yellow locking tab is fully opened, Seat connector and mechanism will begin to engage
Secure middle J5 connection onto
battery controller
Note1x locking connector, Verify lever is fully opened, Seat connector and lever will being to engage
Secure top J4 connection onto battery
Note1x locking connector, Verify yellow locking tab is fully opened, Seat connector and mechanism will begin to engage
Secure harness clip onto battery
Note1x clip
Secure battery controller ground
Note1x bolt, 10mm or E10 5-lobe, 9 Nm
Position battery controller forward
and install fasteners
Note1x bolt, 10mm, 10 Nm, 1x nut 10mm, 10 Nm
Secure frunk harness onto FDU
Note1x clip
Install clip securing frunk body
harness to FDU LV harness bracket
Note1x clip
Secure frunk body harness onto FDU
Note1x connector, Engage red locking tab
Install frunk harness guide onto
Note3x clips
Secure RH front brake pipe onto
Note5x clips, Do not bend pipe
Secure frunk harness onto RH side of
Note2x clips
Install clips securing air suspension
rear bundle to RH side of frunk harness
Note2x clips
Secure car computer supply hoses to
the bulkhead
NoteGuide hoses between HVAC assembly and bulkhead, Ensure grommet is fully seated into bulkhead
Secure battery coolant pump
Note1x connector, Secure connector and full engage red locking tab
Secure battery coolant pump to
Note1x clip, Slide pump on to bracket and secure lower coolant hose to bracket
Install clip securing battery supply
hose to frunk harness
Note1x clip
Secure battery coolant temp sensor
Note1x locking connector, Secure connector and fully engage red locking tab
Secure three way valve
Note1x locking connector, Secure connector and fully engage red locking tab
Position front controller for
installation and position ground cable
Note2x locating tabs, 1x ground cable
Install bolts securing front
Note3x bolts, 10mm, 10 Nm. Start with the side bolt
Install bolt securing front controller
ground cable
Note1x bolts, 10mm, 10 Nm
Secure lower connections on the front
Note2x locking connectors, Engage red locking tab
Secure RH middle connections on front
Note2x locking connectors, Verify yellow locking tabs are fully opened, Seat connectors and mechanism will begin to engage
Secure LH middle connection for front
Note1x locking connector, Verify lever is fully opened, Seat connector and lever will being to engage
Secure upper connections for the front
Note2x locking connectors, Verify levers are fully opened, Seat connectors and levers will begin to engage
Install frunk harness onto RH side
crash rail
Note2x clips
Connect RH front wheel speed sensor to
frunk harness
Note1x connector, 3x clips
Install bolt securing RH side ground
to RH side crash rail
Note1x bolt, 10mm, 8 Nm
Connect black connector on RS of
radiator along crash rail
Note1x connector, Engage locking tab
Secure damper harness connector onto
RH crash rail
Note1x clip
Connect RH front damper harness
Note1x connector
Secure frunk harness onto RH crash
Note2x clips
Secure frunk harness onto top RH side
of front end carrier and crash rail
Note2x clips
Connect frunk harness to RH side FEM
harness connection
Note1x connector, Engage red locking tab
Connect RH headlamp connector
Note1x connector
Raise vehicle fully and lower lift
onto locks
NoteSet vehicle to comfortable working height, Make sure there's an audible click of the locks on both sides before lowering, otherwise vehicle may tilt to the side
Secure frunk harness onto HV battery
and body
Note2x clips
Secure power connector to HV
Note1x connector, Engage red locking tab
Secure logic connector to HV
Note1x connector, Engage red locking tab
Position front skid plate for
installation and thread in all bolts
Note4x bolts, 15mm, 70 Nm, 2x bolts, 15mm, 60 Nm, 2x bolts, 15mm, 30 Nm, 2x bolts, 10mm, 10 Nm, Torque at later step
Torque bolts securing front skid plate
to body casting
Note2x bolts, 15mm, 60 Nm
Torque bolts securing front skid plate
to body sill
Note2x bolts, 15mm, 30 Nm
Secure frunk harness onto
Note3x clips
Connect EPAS CAN connectors
Note2x connectors, Engage locking tab
Apply Loctite 222 onto front aero
shield bolts and install fasteners securing front aero shield to vehicle
Note9x bolts, 10mm, 6 Nm
Install clips securing front aero
shield to valence and HV battery
Note3x push clips
Lower vehicle partially and set lift
onto locks
NoteRaise lift off locks, then hold lock release lever to keep locks free while vehicle is lowered, Set vehicle to comfortable working height
Secure frunk harness onto front end
Note3x clips
Connect front fascia harness
Note2x connectors, Engage locking tab, Located behind RH wheel arch liner
Connect RH front accelerator
Note1x connector, Engage locking tab
Install clips securing electrical
harness to air compressor bracket
Note2x clips
Secure air suspension valve block
Note1x connector
Secure air compressor
Note2x connectors
Secure frunk harness onto RH wheel
well area
Note1x clip
Install RH cooling fan module
Note1x connector
Connect ground junction connector
Note1x connector, Secure red locking tab
Connect RH front ride height
Note1x connector
Secure RH repeater harness to
Note1x clip
Connect RH front repeater
Note2x connectors, Support repeater from exterior to prevent damage to retaining clips
Install RH front jounce bracket to
Note1x bolt, 10mm, 8 Nm
Install RH front wheel liner
Note13x clips
Connect frunk harness to washer
Note2x Connectors, 3x Fir tree Clips
Secure horn low tone connection
Note1x locking connector, Verify fully seated and engage red locking tab
Secure horn high tone connection
Note1x locking connector, Verify fully seated and engage red locking tab
Install LH cooling fan module
Note1x connector
Connect LH front accelerator
Note1x connector, Engage red locking tab
Connect ground junction connector
Note1x connector, Secure red locking tab
Connect LH front ride height
Note1x connector
Secure LH repeater harness to
Note1x clip
Connect LH front repeater
Note2x connectors, Support repeater from exterior to prevent damage to retaining clips
Install LH front jounce hose bracket
to body
Note1x bolt, 10mm, 8 Nm
Install LH front wheel liner
Note13x clips
Install LH front wheel
Note5x nuts, 21mm, 175 Nm, Start lug nuts by hand before using power tool
Install RH front wheel
Note5x nuts, 21mm, 175 Nm, Start lug nuts by hand before using power tool
Lower vehicle until tires are touching
the ground
NoteRaise lift off locks, then hold lock release lever to keep locks free while vehicle is lowered
Install Penta HVAC line from HVAC
Note2x bolts, 13mm, 22 Nm
- Reconnect AC hoses to vehicle
Perform AC vacuum and run leak
NoteSet vacuum time to 15 minutes and leak test to ON, Machine will chime once process is complete, Vehicle may be left unattended, Verify leak test passed before continuing
Install HEPA housing assembly
Note2x nuts, 10mm, 7 Nm, Maneuver assembly down and under cross member, Rotate V-brace crossmember bracket back to install position
Secure V-brace crossmember
Note2x nuts, 10mm, 18 Nm
Install HEPA filter
Note3x datums, 2x clips, Align 3 datums into bottom of housing, Confirm air flow direction, Ensure clips lock and secure filter into housing
Install HEPA filter assembly
Note2x tabs, 2x datums, 2x slots, Maneuver cover down and under V-brace cross member, Fully engage seal and locking tabs
Connect air quality sensor
Note1x connector
Install fasteners securing LV battery
to multi-system beam
Note3x bolts, 10mm, 9 Nm, 2x datums, Shift into position and install fasteners
Install clip securing the
supermanifold to battery pump supply hose onto LV battery
Note1x clip
Install wiper module
Note3x bolts, 10mm, 8 Nm, 1x connector, Secure electrical connector first, Rotate module rearward and under windshield, Observe LH wiper arm pivot during install to avoid damage to windshield
Connect steering gear assembly
Note2x connectors, Two-stage connectors, Ensure locking tab is engaged after an audible click is heard when connecting
Secure coolant hoses to car computer
coldplate assembly
Note2x spring locks, Remove coolant plugs and absorbent material, Ensure spring locks engage and perform pull-push-pull test on each hose coupling
Secure electrical connections to TASC
2.0 ECU
Note3x connectors
Connect J9 X050 Frunk connector
Note1x connector
Secure harness connector clips onto RH
Note2x clips
Connect harness connectors
Note2x connectors, Fully seat connector then engage lock
Connect J14 X056 Power connector
Note1x connector, Fully seat connector then engage lock
Install bolt securing frunk harness
ground near RH footwell area
Note1x bolt, 10mm, 8 Nm
Secure frunk harness onto RH footwell
Note2x clips
Install connectors at RH side of AP
Note3x connectors
Connect frunk connectors on RH side of
car computer
Note5x connectors
Connect brown fakra connection onto
car computer
Note1x connector, X836
Secure RH HEPA assembly lower dash
Note1x bolt, 10mm, 7Nm
Install RH footrest panel
Note2x bolts, 10mm, 5 Nm, 1x nut, 10mm, 5 Nm
Secure harness to RH footrest
Note1x clip
- Fold RH main carpet back into place
Install RH console side carpet
Note11x clips
- Install RH front floor mat
Install RH footwell cover
Note3x magnets, 1x connectors
Install RH lower A-pillar trim
Note7x clips, Verify weather seal is seated properly
Install RH mid A-pillar trim
Note1x clip, 2x tabs, Verify weather seal is seated properly
- Fold RH main carpet back into place
Install RH knee air bag assembly into
Note2x connectors, 6x tabs, 1x clip, Hook tabs before fully seating, Use caution not to damage the connector/harness, Support the knee air bag while connecting the connector
Install fasteners securing RH knee air
bag assembly to vehicle
Note2x patch bolts, E10, 8 Nm, Install new fasteners
Connect J9 X037 Frunk connector
Note1x connector
Connect J14 X036 Power connector
Note1x connector, Fully seat connector then engage lock
Install frunk harness ground onto LH
footwell area
Note1x bolt, 10mm, 8 Nm
Secure LH HEPA assembly lower dash
Note1x bolt, 10mm, 7Nm
- Fold LH main carpet back into place
- Install LH front floor mat
Install LH footwell cover
Note1x connector, 2x magnets
Install LH lower A-pillar trim
Note7x clips, Verify weather seal is seated properly
Install LH console side carpet
Note11x clips
Install LH mid A-pillar trim
Note1x clip, 2x tabs, Verify weather seal is seated properly
Install the LH knee air bag assembly
into vehicle
Note1x clip, 3x connectors, 6x tabs, Hook tabs before fully seating, Use caution not to damage the connector/harness, Support the knee air bag while connecting the connectors
Install fasteners securing LH knee air
bag assembly to vehicle
Note2x patch bolts, E10, 8 Nm, Install new fasteners
Select "refrigerant charge" on AC
NoteSelect the arrows under "refrigerant charge", Enter refrigerant amount of 1.02 kg (1020 g)
Connect First Responder Loop and LV
battery connector
Note2x connectors Secure FRL first, Seat LV battery connection and push black connector lock inwards to secure, Engage green locking tab when fully seated
- Using center display, remove wipers from "Service Mode"
Install fasteners securing LH V-brace
and secure
Note3x bolts, 10mm, 18 Nm, 1x nut, 10mm, 9 Nm
Install fasteners securing RH V-brace
and secure
Note3x bolts, 10mm, 18 Nm, 1x nut, 10mm, 9 Nm
Install wiper cowl screen panel
Note4x push clips, 2x end tabs
Install wiper cowl screen panel
Note4x push clips, 2x end tabs
Install RH wiper arm assembly and
secure nut
Note1x nut, 15mm, 26 Nm, Line up wiper to reference mark on windshield
- Install RH wiper arm nut cover
Secure RH wiper arm washer
Note1x hose, Hose is routed below the arm
Install LH wiper arm assembly and
secure nut
Note1x nut, 15mm, 26 Nm, Line up wiper to reference mark on windshield
- Install LH wiper arm nut cover
Secure LH wiper arm washer
Note1x hose, Hose is routed below the arm
Secure washer hose nozzle by LH shock
tower cover
Note1x hose, 3x clips
Install LH shock tower cover
Note3x push clip, 1x fir tree clip
Install RH shock tower cover
Note3x push clip, 1x fir tree clip
Inspect coolant level and top off as
NoteEnsure that the fluid level is at the Max line, Top off fluid as required
- Move RH front seat to original position
- Close RH front door
Perform the following
routine using Service Mode or Toolbox (see 0005 - Service Modes):
PROC_VCFRONT_X_STOP-THERMAL-FILL-DRAINvia Toolbox: (link)via Service Mode:
- Thermal ➜ Actions ➜ Stop Thermal Fill/Drain
- Thermal ➜ Coolant System ➜ Stop Coolant Fill/Drain
- Thermal ➜ Refrigerant System ➜ Stop Refrigerant Fill/Drain
- Drive Inverter ➜ Front Drive Inverter Replacement ➜ Stop Fluid Fill/Drain
- Drive Inverter ➜ Rear Drive Inverter Replacement ➜ Stop Fluid Fill/Drain
- Drive Inverter ➜ Rear Left Drive Inverter Replacement ➜ Stop Fluid Fill/Drain
- Drive Inverter ➜ Rear Right Drive Inverter Replacement ➜ Stop Fluid Fill/Drain
- Drive Unit ➜ Front Drive Unit Replacement ➜ Stop Coolant Fill/Drain
- Drive Unit ➜ Rear Drive Unit Replacement ➜ Stop Coolant Fill/Drain
NoteSelect ‘X’ at top right of window to close once complete -
Perform the following
routine using Service Mode or Toolbox (see 0005 - Service Modes):
TEST-SELF_VCFRONT_X_HEAT-PUMP-COMMISSIONINGvia Toolbox: (link)via Service Mode: Thermal ➜ Refrigerant System ➜ Run Heat Pump Commissioningvia Service Mode Plus: Drive Inverter ➜ Front Drive Inverter Replacement ➜ Heatpump commissioning
NoteIf this routine is not run after entering Thermal Drain/Fill mode, the AC compressor operation will be blocked, Select ‘X’ at top right of window to close once complete
Proceed with Hose Equalize steps to
complete AC recharge process and follow instructions displayed on AC Machine
NoteDisconnect high side coupler from vehicle, Turn AC on, Temp setting LO, Panel mode on, Fresh air mode on, Blower speed set to 10, Verify Hose Equalize settings, Verify discharge pressure does not exceed 26 bar and suction pressure is not below 1.15 bar,
Proceed with Hose Equalize steps to
complete AC recharge process and follow instructions displayed on AC Machine
NoteRemove low side coupler from vehicle, Turn vehicle off, Verify Hose Equalize settings, Machine will chime once process is complete
Install caps onto AC ports
Note2x caps
Perform the following
routine using Service Mode or Toolbox (see 0005 - Service Modes):
TEST_VCFRONT_X_THERMAL-COOLANT-AIR-PURGEvia Toolbox: (link)via Service Mode:
- Thermal ➜ Actions ➜ Coolant Purge Stop or Coolant Purge Start
- Thermal ➜ Coolant System ➜ Coolant Purge Start
- Drive Inverter ➜ Front Drive Inverter Replacement ➜ Coolant Air Purge
- Drive Inverter ➜ Rear Drive Inverter Replacement ➜ Coolant Air Purge
- Drive Inverter ➜ Rear Left Drive Inverter Replacement ➜ Coolant Air Purge
- Drive Inverter ➜ Rear Right Drive Inverter Replacement ➜ Coolant Air Purge
- Drive Unit ➜ Front Drive Unit Replacement ➜ Coolant Air Purge
- Drive Unit ➜ Rear Drive Unit Replacement ➜ Coolant Air Purge
Perform the following
routine using Service Mode or Toolbox (see 0005 - Service Modes):
TEST-SELF_VCFRONT_X_THERMAL-PERFORMANCEvia Toolbox: (link)via Service Mode: Thermal ➜ Actions ➜ Test Thermal Performancevia Service Mode Plus:
- Drive Inverter ➜ Front Drive Inverter Replacement ➜ Thermal System Test
- Drive Inverter ➜ Rear Drive Inverter Replacement ➜ Thermal System Test
- Drive Inverter ➜ Rear Left Drive Inverter Replacement ➜ Thermal System Test
- Drive Inverter ➜ Rear Right Drive Inverter Replacement ➜ Thermal System Test
- Drive Unit ➜ Front Drive Unit Replacement ➜ Thermal System Test
- Drive Unit ➜ Rear Drive Unit Replacement ➜ Thermal System Test
NoteSelect ‘X’ at top right of window to close once complete -
Inspect coolant level and top off as
NoteEnsure that the fluid level is at the Max line, Top off fluid as required
- Install coolant bottle cap
- Install the underhood storage unit. See .
Torque LH front wheel
Note5x nuts, 21mm, 175 Nm
Torque RH front wheel
Note5x nuts, 21mm, 175 Nm
Install RH front wheel cap
NoteAlign valve stem with cap
Install LH front wheel cap
NoteAlign valve stem with cap
Remove vehicle from lift
NoteLower rack arms fully and remove them from under vehicle, Remove air suspension from "Jack Mode"
- Move LH front seat to original position
- Raise LH and RH front windows
- Close LH front door