Heat Exchanger - Rear Drive Unit - LH (Plaid) (Remove and Replace)
Correction code
NOTE: Unless otherwise explicitly
stated in the procedure, the above correction code and FRT reflect all of the work
required to perform this procedure, including the linked procedures. Do not stack correction codes unless
explicitly told to do so.
NOTE: See Flat Rate Times to learn
more about FRTs and how they are created. To provide feedback on FRT values, email LaborTimeFeedback@tesla.com.
NOTE: See Personal Protection to make sure proper PPE is worn when
performing the below
- 2024-02-06: Updated gearbox fluid to KAF1.
- 2023-06-22: Added link to vehicle electrical isolation procedure.
Raise and support vehicle.
NoteSet air suspension to "Jack Mode".
Open hood.
NoteUsing center display touchscreen > Quick Controls > Frunk Open.
Remove rear underhood apron.
Note8x clips.
Power off vehicle from center
NoteVia Controls > Safety & Security > Power Off.
Disconnect LV battery connector and
First Responder Loop.
Note2x connectors, Lift up and release green locking tab, Pull black connector lock outwards to release connection.
Verify operation of multimeter.
NoteSet multimeter to DC voltage, Confirm multimeter is properly measuring voltage by testing LV battery, Touch lightly and do not damage terminals.
Raise vehicle fully and lower lift
onto locks.
NoteSet vehicle to comfortable working height, Make sure there's an audible click of the locks on both sides before lowering, otherwise vehicle may tilt to the side.
Remove clips securing mid aero
Note4x push clips.
Remove bolts securing mid aero shield
and remove from vehicle.
Note16x bolts, 10mm, 6 Nm.
- Perform Vehicle HV Disablement Procedure. See Vehicle HV Disablement Procedure.
- Remove the leather glove protectors and HV insulating gloves.
Release bolt securing LH rear HV
harness from PRDU.
Note1x bolt, 10mm, 6 Nm.
- Position coolant drain container underneath LH rear of HV battery.
Release upper hose to LH PRDU heat
Note1x hose, Plug both ends.
Release lower hose to LH PRDU heat
Note1x hose, Plug both ends.
- Remove coolant drain container from underneath vehicle.
- Position oil drain container under rear of vehicle.
Release bolts securing PRDU heat
Note2x bolts, EP10, 5 Nm + 30 degrees.
Remove LH heat exchanger from
Note2x O-rings.
Secure LH heat exchanger to PRDU.
NoteLightly coat O-rings with clean KAF1 gearbox fluid, Do not pinch or deform O-ring during install, Ensure heat exchanger is fully seated, Do not allow coolant to enter PRDU oil passages, Prevent cross-contamination.
Install bolts securing PRDU heat exchanger.
Note2x bolts, EP10, 5 Nm +30 degrees.
- Remove oil drain container.
Secure lower hose to PRDU LH heat exchanger.
Note1x hose clip, Perform push-pull-push test.
Secure upper hose to PRDU LH heat exchanger.
Note1x hose clip, Perform push-pull-push test.
Install bolt securing LH rear HV harness from PRDU.
Note1x bolt, 10mm, 6 Nm.
Secure RDU HV harness to battery pack.
Note1x connector, Verify lever is in the upright and open position, Carefully seat connector and allow lever to engage, Fully secure lever and verify red tab is locked, Do not damage any pins.
Lower vehicle until tires are touching the ground.
NoteRaise lift off locks, then hold lock release lever to keep locks free while vehicle is lowered.
Connect First Responder Loop and LV battery connector.
Note2x connectors Secure FRL first, Seat LV battery connection and push black connector lock inwards to secure, Engage green locking tab when fully seated.
Using laptop connect to vehicle with ethernet diag kit and Toolbox 3.
NoteOpen Toolbox 3 website and establish connection to the vehicle, For local connection issues with Toolbox 3 refer to article #43695, Media converter box is powered by laptop using USB, Ethernet connection will provide communication.
- "Select ‘Actions’ tab and search for ‘PROC_DIREL_X_OIL-PUMP-DRAIN-CONTROLvia Toolbox: (link)’".
"Select ‘Performance-Rear Drive Unit Oil Pump Drain Control’, click ‘Run’, and allow
routine to complete.
NoteSelect ‘X’ at top right of window to close once complete.
Raise vehicle partially and lower onto locks.
NoteSet vehicle to comfortable working height, Make sure there's an audible click of the locks on both sides before lowering, otherwise vehicle may tilt to the side.
- Position oil drain container under RDU drain valve.
Remove bolts securing oil filter cover to RDU.
Note2x bolts, EP10, 5 Nm + 20 degrees.
Remove oil filter assembly from RDU.
NoteCarefully insert plastic wedge between oil filter cover and RDU, in small increments work the wedge between oil filter cover until green O-ring is visible, remove oil filter by hand, residual oil will drain from housing, allow oil to drain.NoteTesla recommends that the oil filter is replaced with a new one upon removal. Any oil filter with visible corrosion or leaks must be replaced.
Remove fill plug from RDU.
Note1x plug, 8mm Allen, 15 Nm.
Inspect seals and O-rings.
Note1x O-ring, Inspect O-rings on removed, if damaged o-ring on plug replace affected plug.
- Placeholder - Set up step ladder to access vehicle to run toolbox routine.
Re-establish vehicle connection to Toolbox 3.
NoteOpen Toolbox 3 website and establish connection to the vehicle. Select connection status icon at top right corner, and select connect locally (icon will turn green when vehicle is connected).
- "Select ‘Actions’ tab and search for ‘PROC_DIREL_X_OIL-PUMP-DRAIN-CONTROLvia Toolbox: (link)’".
"Select ‘Performance-Rear Drive Unit Oil Pump Drain Control’, click ‘Run’, and allow
routine to complete.
NoteSelect ‘X’ at top right of window to close once complete.
- Drain the gearbox fluid from the rear drive unit.
Remove filter from oil filter cover.
Note3x tabs, turn oil filter clockwise or counter-clockwise to release from oil filter cover.
Install filter onto oil filter cover.
NoteTesla recommends that the oil filter is replaced with a new one upon removal. Any oil filter with visible corrosion or leaks must be replaced.Note3x tabs, turn oil filter clockwise or counter-clockwise to secure filter onto cover.
- Install oil filter assembly into RDU.
Install bolts securing oil filter cover to RDU.
Note2x bolts, EP10, 5 Nm + 20 degrees.
Set up fill kit with KAF1 gearbox
NoteFill measuring container to 4 liters/4000 mL.
Placeholder - Install fluid transfer pump.
NoteInstall fitting into fill plug port then insert transfer pump hose into fitting, Tub fitting is under development for service.
Set up fill process.
NotePlace measured fluid container in drain basket, fully submerge input hose, prime pump with KAF1 gearbox fluid.
- "Select ‘Actions’ tab and search for ‘PROC_DIREL_X_OIL-PUMP-FILL-CONTROLvia Toolbox: (link)’ ".
Select ‘Performance-Rear Drive Unit Oil Pump Fill Control’, click ‘Run’, and allow
routine to complete.
NoteSelect ‘X’ at top right of window to close once complete.
- Pump the KAF1 gearbox fluid into the rear drive unit.
Remove transfer pump fitting from fill hole and Install fill plug into RDU.
Note1x plug, 8mm Allen, 15 Nm, .
- Spray area with brake cleaner and wipe residual fluid off with towel.
- Remove oil drain container.
Apply Loctite 222 onto mid aero shield bolts and install fasteners securing mid aero
shield to vehicle.
Note16x bolts, 10mm, 6 Nm.
Install clips securing mid aero shield.
Note4x push clips.
Lower vehicle fully.
NoteRaise lift off locks, then hold lock release lever to keep locks free while vehicle is lowered.
- Remove coolant bottle cap.
Inspect coolant level and top off as necessary.
NoteEnsure that the fluid level is at the Max line, Top off fluid as required.
Perform the following
routine using Service Mode or Toolbox (see 0005 - Service Modes):
TEST_VCFRONT_X_THERMAL-COOLANT-AIR-PURGEvia Toolbox: (link)via Service Mode:
- Thermal ➜ Actions ➜ Coolant Purge Stop or Coolant Purge Start
- Thermal ➜ Coolant System ➜ Coolant Purge Start
- Drive Inverter ➜ Front Drive Inverter Replacement ➜ Coolant Air Purge
- Drive Inverter ➜ Rear Drive Inverter Replacement ➜ Coolant Air Purge
- Drive Inverter ➜ Rear Left Drive Inverter Replacement ➜ Coolant Air Purge
- Drive Inverter ➜ Rear Right Drive Inverter Replacement ➜ Coolant Air Purge
- Drive Unit ➜ Front Drive Unit Replacement ➜ Coolant Air Purge
- Drive Unit ➜ Rear Drive Unit Replacement ➜ Coolant Air Purge
NoteMake sure vehicle is not in drive state, Plan is still running despite the stop message, Coolant pumps will be audible, Test lasts approximately 10 mins, Putting vehicle into drive state will stop this routine, Monitor levels as required. -
Inspect coolant level and top off as necessary.
NoteEnsure that the fluid level is at the Max line.
- Install coolant bottle cap.
Install rear underhood apron.
Note8x clips.
Close hood .
NotePress firmly in green highlighted areas (see image), Damage may result from pressure elsewhere on hood.
Remove vehicle from lift.
NoteLower rack arms fully and remove them from under vehicle, Remove air suspension from "Jack Mode".