Retractor - Seatbelt - 2nd Row - Center (Bench Seat) (Remove and Replace)
Correction code
This procedure is a DRAFT.
Although it has been validated, Warnings and Cautions might be missing. Follow safety
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components. Provide corrections and feedback to ServiceDevelopment@teslamotors.com.
Open all doors and liftgate
NoteUsing MCU touchscreen > Controls > Trunk , touchscreen > Controls > Front doors
- Move LH front seat forward
- Move RH front seat forward
Open hood
NoteUsing MCU touchscreen > Controls > Frunk Trunk
Remove underhood aprons
Note4x aprons
Remove frunk carpet
Note2x connectors
Remove underhood storage unit
Note10x bolts, 10mm, 4 Nm, 10x bolts, 10mm, 7 Nm
Remove HEPA filter
NoteLift up from bottom and pull out
Disconnect 12V negative terminal and First Responder Loop
Note1x nut, 10mm, 5 Nm, 1x connector, Wait at least 2 minutes before disconnecting modules or HV components
- Remove 2nd row floor mat
- Fold down 60 seatback
Remove LH rear welcome plate
Note8x clips
Remove LH rear door sill
Note1x patch bolt, T25, 2.5 Nm, 2x clips
- Tape the LH lower C-pillar area around the 2nd row seat side trim area
- Apply tape to LH racetrack to avoid damage
Remove front screw securing LH lower C-pillar
Note1x screw, T25, 2.5 Nm, Discard patch bolt
- Remove rear load floor
- Remove flat trunk load floor panel
- Remove gap hider
Remove LH trunk sill side trim
Note4x clips
Remove screw securing LH C-pillar mid trim
Note1x screw, T20, 2 Nm
- Remove LH trunk side nub
Remove fasteners securing C-pillar lower
panel to LH parcel shelf support
Note2x screws, T20, 2 Nm
Remove LH lower C-pillar seat bottom
Note1x clip
Remove RH trunk sill side trim
Note4x clips
Remove RH mid C-pillar trim
Note1x screw, T20, 2 Nm
- Remove load floor support from RH lower C-pillar
Remove rear screws securing RH lower C-pillar
Note2x screws, T20, 2 Nm, Do not fully remove trim
- Fold down 40 seat
- Tape the RH lower C-pillar area around the 2nd row seat side trim area
Remove RH rear welcome plate
Note8x clips
Remove front screw securing RH lower C-pillar
Note1x screw, T25, 2.5 Nm
Remove RH lower C-pillar seat bottom
Note1x clip
Remove RH rear door sill trim
Note1x patch bolt, T25, 2.5 Nm, 2x clips
- Tape rear center console cup holder trim to prevent from damage
Lift the front of mid 2nd row panel toward the rear of the vehicle, then pull the floor panel out of the vehicle
Note6x clips, replace any broken clips
- Roll liftgate carpet back out of the way to access 2nd row rear floor panel
Remove 2nd row floor panel 3
Note2x clips, Release clips from front edge of panel, Once free, lift rear of panel and slide out from behind seats
Remove foam floor from the LH 60 seat
Note3x foam blocks
Disconnect LH 60 seat harness
Note3x connectors
- Release harness from beaver dam
Remove fasteners securing the LH 60 seat bench
Note10x bolts, 11mm, 45 Nm
Remove 60 seat assembly from vehicle
NoteRecommend assistance
- Unfold the 60 seat assembly
Remove 60 seat inside side cover
NoteCarefully pull out
Remove 60 seat inner seat buckle
Note1x bolt, T50, 45 Nm, 1x connector, 1x edge clip
- Remove the 60 seat release handle
Remove 60 seat outer side trim
Note1x push clip, 1x bolt, 10mm, 6 Nm, 4x clips
Remove the outer 60 seat belt from the seat
Note1x bolt, T50, 45 Nm
Release upholstery from under side of 60 seat assembly
Note11x J-hooks
Disconnect 60 seat heat pads and occupancy sensors
Note4x connectors
Remove 60 seat lower seat cushion assembly
NoteUse caution feeding J-hooks and connectors through seat frame
Release the outer escutcheon and remove from seat belt
Note2x clips, Pry up at base of escutcheon to release
Release the center escutcheon and remove from seat
Note3x clips
Unbolt the center seat belt from seat
Note1x patch bolt, T50, 45 Nm, Discard after removal
Fold 60 seat back down
NoteInstall handle back on but remove the spring
Unzip the seat back on both sides.
NoteUsing a pick will aid in moving the zipper
Release the back over and flip
NoteThere J hooks holding the back down also the edges wrap around the corners
Remove plastic seat back from seat. Clips are secured to wired seat back
Note(x11) Clips
Disconnect seat back heaters
Note2x connectors
- Unfold the seat
Disconnect the air bag harness
Note1x connector, 1x clip
Remove the fasteners securing the airbag
Note2x nuts, 13mm, 20 Nm, Discard nuts after removal
- Remove leather and cushion from seat to gain access to seat belt retractor
Remove center seat belt cover and split the cover
Note4x bolts, 10mm, 6 Nm, 4x tabs
Remove center seat belt assembly from seat frame
Note1x patch bolt, T50, 45 Nm, Discard after removal
Install center seat belt assembly onto seat frame
Note1x patch bolt, T50, 45 Nm, Install new patch bolt
Install center seat belt cover assembly onto seat frame
Note4x bolts, 10mm, 6 Nm, 4x tabs
- Install seat back cushion and feed seat belts through
Install the fasteners securing the airbag to seat frame
Note2x bolts, 13mm, 20 Nm, Install new patch nuts
Fold seat down
NoteMay need to adjust the cushion when folding
Connect seat back heaters
Note2x connectors
Connect air bag harness
Note1x connector, 1x clip
Install plastic seat back onto 60 seat assembly
Note13x clips, Clips are secured to wired seat back
- Zip up the seat back over
Secure lower portion of 60 seat back upholstery
NoteSecure J-hook along lower edge
- Unfold the seat
Install center escutcheon
Note3x clips
Install outer escutcheon
Note2x clips
Install the center seat belt
Note1x patch bolt, T50, 45 Nm, Install new patch bolt
Install 60 seat lower seat cushion assembly
NoteUse caution feeding J-hooks and connectors through seat frame
Connect 60 seat heat pads and occupancy sensors
Note4x connectors
Secure upholstery to under side of LH 60 seat assembly
Note11x J-hooks
Install the outer 60seat belt to the seat
Note1x bolt, T50, 45 Nm
Install the 60 seat outer trim
Note1x push clip, 1x bolt, 10mm, 3.8 Nm, 4x clips
Install LH 60 seat release handle
Note1x spring clip
Install 60 seat inner seat buckle
Note1x bolt, T50, 45 Nm, 1x connector, 1x edge clip
- Install 60 seat inside side cover
- Fold 60 seat back down
Install seat into vehicle
NoteRecommend assistance
Install the fasteners that secure the 60 bench
Note(x13) 11mm bolt???Nm
Secure LH 60 seat harness to LH floor support bracket
Note2x clips
Connect LH 60 seat harness
Note3x Connectors
Install the foam floor pieces
Note(x3) pieces
Install 2nd row rear floor panel
Note2x clips, Replace any damaged clips
- Fully seat liftgate carpet
Install the middle 2nd row floor panel
NoteReplace any broken clips
- Remove tape from rear center console trim
Install RH rear door sill trim
Note1x patch bolt, T25, 2.5 Nm, 2x clips
- Move RH front seat to original position
Install RH lower C-pillar seat bottom
Note1x clip
Install RH lower C-pillar and secure front bolt
Note1x bolt, T25, 2.5 Nm
Install RH welcome plate
Note8x clips
- Remove masking tape from the RH lower C-pillar
- Lift 40 seatback into home position
Install fasteners securing C-pillar lower panel to RH parcel shelf support
Note2x screws, T20, 2 Nm
- Install RH trunk side nub to lower C-pillar
Install RH C-pillar mid trim
Note9x clips, Install front section first, then work around to rear
Install RH trunk sill side trim
Note4x clips
Install LH lower C-pillar seat bottom
Note1x clip
Install LH lower C-pillar and secure clips along front edge
Note9x clips, 1x magnet
- Install LH trunk load floor support to lower C-pillar
Install LH C-pillar mid trim and secure clips
Note9x clips, Install front section first, then work around to rear
Install LH trunk sill side trim
Note4x clips
Install gap hider
NoteLightly tap the gap hider if necessary to get it flush with carpet
- Install flat trunk load floor panel
- Install rear load floor
Install bolt securing front of LH lower C-pillar
Note1x patch bolt, T25, 2.5 Nm
Install LH rear door sill trim
Note1x patch bolt, T25, 2.5 Nm, 2x clips
Install LH welcome plate
Note8x clips
- Remove masking tape from the LH lower C-pillar and from the race tracks
- Move 60 seatback to home position
Connect first responder loop and then 12V negative terminal
Note1x connector, 1x nut, 10mm, 5 Nm
- Install HEPA filter housing
Install underhood storage unit
Note10x bolts, 10mm, 4 Nm, 10x bolts, 10mm, 7 Nm
Install frunk carpet
Note2x connectors
Install under hood aprons
Note4x aprons
- Close hood
Calibrate falcon doors using MCU
NoteRequired after 12V and FRL disconnect
- Move LH front seat to original position
- Using MCU close all doors and liftgate