Abbreviations and Symbols

Abbreviation Term
A/C Air Conditioning
ABS Anti-Lock Brake System
AC Alternating Current
ACC Accessory
Amp (A) Ampere
AUX Auxiliary
BDY Body Controller/CAN bus
BFT Body Fault-Tolerant CAN bus
BMB Battery Monitor Board
BMS Battery Management System
C Celsius
CH Chassis CAN bus
CHG Master Charger
CHGS Slave Charger
CP Charge Port
CAN Controller Area Network
cm Centimeter
ccm Cubic Centimeter/Centimeter Cubed
CMP Compressor
DC Direct Current
DCDC DC - DC Converter
deg. Degree (angle or temperature)
DI Drive Inverter
dia. Diameter
DDM Driver Door Module
DIS Slave Drive Inverter
EAS Electronic Air Suspension
EPAS Electric Power Assisted Steering

Electronic Power Assisted Steering (EPAS) Gen 3

Primary Processor for vehicles with DAS HW2.5


Electronic Power Assisted Steering (EPAS) Gen 3

Secondary Processor for vehicles with DAS HW2.5

EPB Electric Park Brake
ESC Electronic Stability Control
EN European Norm
EVSE Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (off board charging equipment)
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
EV Electric Vehicle
F Fahrenheit
GPS Global Positioning System
GTW Gateway Module
Hg Mercury
HPWC High Power Wall Connector
HV High Voltage
HVAC Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
HVJB High Voltage Junction Box
IBST Electromechanical Brake Booster, also known as iBooster
ICE In-Car Entertainment
IBS Intelligent Battery Sensor (12V)
IC Instrument Cluster
KAB Knee Air Bag
k Kilo
kPa KiloPascal
kWh Kilowatt Hour
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LED Light Emitting Diode
LH Left-Hand
LFT Liftgate Module
LIN Local Interconnect Network
LHD Left Hand Drive
Li-ion Lithium-ion
MC Mobile Connector
MCU Media Control Unit
MSM Memory Seat Module
μ Micro
MIL Malfunction Indicator Light
ml Milliliter
mm Millimeter
mph Miles per Hour
MWh Megawatt Hour
MY Model Year
NHTSA National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
No. Number
NTC Negative Temperature Coefficient
NVH Noise Vibration Harshness
OCS Occupant Classification System
OBDII On Board Diagnostics (2nd edition)
OBM On Board Monitoring
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PDM Passenger Door Module
PM Pedal Monitor
PMS Pedal Monitor Slave
PG Propylene Glycol
PSRCM Passive Safety Restraints Control Module
PT Powertrain CAN bus
PTC Positive Temperature Coefficient
PTFE Polytetrafluorethylene
PVC Polyvinyl chloride
PWM Pulse Width Modulated
RADC Forward Facing Radar ECU - DAS HW2.0 and DAS HW2.5 vehicles
RCCM Remote Climate Control Module
ref Reference
RF Radio Frequency
RGB Red / Green / Blue
RH Right-Hand
RKE Remote Keyless Entry
RLSH Rain Light Solar Humidity sensor
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
SCCM Steering Column Control Module
SEC Security Controller
SOC State Of Charge
SUN Sunroof (panoramic roof) controller
SRS Supplementary Restraint System
SWC Steering Wheel Controls
TAS Tesla Air Suspension (Controller)
TC Traction Control
THC Thermal Controller
TIN Tire Identification Number
TP Throttle Position
TPMS Tire Pressure Monitoring System
TXV Thermostatic Expansion Valve
V Volt
VIN Vehicle Identification Number
W Watt
YRS Yaw Rate Sensor