
Subframe Assembly - Front - 2nd Generation (LHD) (Remove and Install)

Correction Code 30010311

Special tools required for this procedure:

Supplier Part Number Description
Tesla 1027589-00-E Subframe Fixture
Tesla 1066521-00-A Powertrain Table
This procedure is for vehicles built after April 24, 2019. For vehicles built through April 24, 2019, See Subframe Assembly - Front - 1st Generation (Remove and Install) .


  1. Raise and support the vehicle on a 2 post lift. See Raise Vehicle - 2 Post Lift .
  2. Install the steering wheel holder to lock the front wheels to ensure proper placement of the steering wheel.
  3. Remove the rear center underhood apron. See Underhood Apron - Center - Rear (Remove and Replace).
  4. Remove the LH and RH underhood aprons. See Underhood Apron - LH (Remove and Replace) .
  5. Remove the front underhood apron. See Assembly - Underhood Apron - Front (Remove and Replace) .
  6. Disconnect the electrical connectors for the LH and RH underhood storage area lights. See Light - Underhood Storage Area - LH (Remove and Replace) .
  7. Remove the underhood storage carpet. See Carpet - Underhood Storage (Remove and Install).
  8. Remove the underhood storage unit. See Underhood Storage Unit (Remove and Replace) .
  9. Remove the HEPA filter. See Filter - HEPA (Remove and Replace).
  10. Disconnect 12V power. See Disconnect 12V Power .
  11. Remove the LH and RH front wheels. See Wheel Assembly (Remove and Install) .
  12. Remove and discard the RH nyloc nut that attaches the tie rod end to the steering knuckle, and then disconnect the tie rod from the steering knuckle. Repeat this step on the LH tie rod end.
    Figure 1. RH tie rod
    Figure 2. LH tie rod
  13. Remove the front aero shield panel. See Panel - Aero Shield - Front (Remove and Replace) .
  14. Remove the mid aero shield panel. See Panel - Aero Shield - Mid (Remove and Replace).
  15. Remove the HV battery assembly. See HV Battery (AWD) (Remove and Install) .
  16. Remove the front skidplate. See Skidplate - Front (Remove and Replace).
  17. Remove the front subframe skid bar. See Skid Bar - Front Subframe (Remove and Replace).
  18. Remove the bolt that attaches the RH front strut to the front lower aft link. Repeat this step on the LH front strut.
    Figure 3. RH side
    Figure 4. LH side
  19. Remove the bolt that attaches the LH front lower aft link to the front subframe assembly, and then move the link aside.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Index the location of the eccentric with a paint marker.
  20. Remove the bolt that attaches LH front lower fore link to the front subframe assembly, and then move the link aside.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Index the location of the eccentric with a paint marker.
  21. Remove the bolt that attaches the RH front lower aft link to the front subframe assembly, and then move the link aside.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Index the location of the eccentric with a paint marker.
  22. Remove the bolt that attaches the RH front lower fore link to the front subframe assembly, and then move the link aside.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Index the location of the eccentric with a paint marker.
  23. Remove and discard the nut that attaches the LH stabilizer bar to the stabilizer bar end link, and then remove the end link from the stabilizer bar. Repeat this step on the RH stabilizer bar.
    Figure 5. LH shown, RH similar
  24. Remove the bolt that attaches the lower i-shaft to the steering rack, and then slide the i-shaft up and away from the steering rack.
  25. Disconnect the logic connectors (x2) for the steering rack.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Slide each gray lock out, and then press the lock to disconnect the logic connectors.
  26. Disconnect the battery pump 1 electrical connector.
  27. Disconnect the battery pump 2 electrical connector.
  28. Remove the fir tree clip that attaches the battery pump 1 pigtail to the front subframe assembly.
  29. Remove the fir tree clips (x2) that attach the electrical harness to the front subframe assembly.
  30. Remove the edge clip that attaches the windshield cowl drain to the front subframe assembly.
  31. Put the coolant drain container underneath the LH front corner of the vehicle to catch coolant that might spill during the next step.
  32. Disconnect the hose from the chiller to the battery coolant pump 1, and then plug the coolant line using a plug from the coolant hose plug kit.
  33. Disconnect the hose from the battery coolant heater to coolant pump 2 at the rear of the front subframe assembly, and then plug with a hose clamp from the coolant hose plug kit..
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    The coolant drain container might need to be moved to properly catch any residual coolant.
  34. Remove the coolant drain container from under the LH front side of the vehicle.
  35. Position the powertrain table with the Model S/X subframe adapter installed under the front of the vehicle.
  36. Connect shop air supply to the powertrain table.
  37. Raise the powertrain table and subframe fixture into position.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Make sure that the pins are installed into the correct positions on the fixture.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Make sure that the pins engage the front subframe assembly so that it is properly supported.
  38. Remove the bolt that attaches the LH side condenser bracket to the front subframe assembly. Repeat this step on the RH side condenser bracket.
  39. Remove the bolt that attaches the LH stabilizer bar mount to the body through the front subframe assembly. Repeat this step on the RH stabilizer bar mount.
    Figure 6. LH side
  40. Remove the LH rear bolt that attaches the front subframe assembly to the body. Repeat this step on the RH rear bolt
    Figure 7. LH side
    Figure 8. RH side
  41. Slowly lower the front subframe assembly to gain access to the power and ground electrical connectors for the steering rack, and then disconnect both electrical connectors.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Disengage the red locking tab before disconnecting the steering rack electrical connectors.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Adjust the powertrain table as the front subframe assembly is being lowered.
  42. Lower the front subframe assembly completely, and then move the front subframe assembly from under the vehicle.
    Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
    Do not work on the front subframe assembly while it is under the vehicle.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Make sure that the powertrain table is clear of the vehicle.


  1. Put the front subframe assembly with the powertrain table/subframe fixture under the vehicle for installation.
  2. Slowly lift the front subframe assembly to access the power and ground connections for the steering rack, and then connect the electrical connectors (x2).
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Adjust the powertrain table/subframe fixture as needed.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Make sure that an audible click is heard when the locking tabs for the electrical connectors are engaged.
  3. Raise the front subframe assembly into position to be installed.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Adjust the powertrain table/subframe fixture as needed.
  4. Install the RH rear bolt that attaches the front subframe assembly to the body (torque 115 Nm). Repeat this step on the LH rear bolt.
    Figure 9. RH side
    Figure 10. LH side
  5. Install the bolt that attaches the RH stabilizer bar mount to the body through the front subframe assembly (torque 80 Nm). Repeat this step on the LH stabilizer bar mount.
  6. Install the bolt that attaches the RH side condenser bracket to the front subframe assembly (torque 20 Nm). Repeat this step on the LH side condenser bracket.
  7. Lower the powertrain table, and then remove it from under the vehicle.
  8. Disconnect the shop air supply from the powertrain table.
  9. Put the coolant drain container under the LH front corner of the vehicle to catch any coolant during the next step.
  10. Remove the plugs, and then connect the hose from the battery coolant heater to coolant pump 2 at the rear of the front subframe assembly.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    The coolant drain container might need to be moved to properly catch any residual coolant.
  11. Remove the plugs, and then connect the chiller to the battery coolant pump 1 hose.
  12. Remove the coolant drain container from under the vehicle.
  13. Install the edge clip that attaches the windshield cowl drain to the front subframe assembly.
  14. Install the fir tree clips (x2) that attach the electrical harness to the front subframe assembly.
  15. Install the fir tree clip that attaches the battery pump 1 pigtail to the front subframe assembly.
  16. Connect the battery pump 2 electrical connector.
  17. Connect the batter pump 1 electrical connector.
  18. Connect the logic connectors (x2) for the steering rack.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Engage the gray lock after each electrical connector is fully seated.
  19. Slide the lower i-shaft onto the steering rack, and then install the bolt that attaches the lower i-shaft to the steering rack (torque 30 Nm).
  20. Install a new nut that attaches the RH stabilizer bar to the stabilizer bar end link (torque 70 Nm). Repeat this step on the LH stabilizer bar.
    Figure 11. LH shown, RH similar
  21. Move the RH front fore link into the front subframe assembly, properly align the paint marks, and then hand-tighten the bolt that attaches the RH front lower fore link to the subframe.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    The bolt will be fully tightened during wheel alignment later in this procedure (torque specification for the bolt is 130 Nm).
  22. Move the RH front lower aft link into position on the front subframe assembly, and then hand-tighten the bolt.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Make sure that the bolt is installed with the bolt head facing the front of the vehicle.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    The bolt will be fully tightened during wheel alignment later in this procedure (torque specification for the bolt is 130 Nm).
  23. Move the LH front lower fore link into the front subframe assembly, properly align the paint marks, and then hand-tighten the bolt that attaches the link to the subframe.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    The bolt will be fully tightened during wheel alignment later in this procedure (torque specification for the bolt is 130 Nm).
  24. Move the LH front lower aft link into position on the front subframe assembly, and then hand-tighten the bolt that attaches the link to the subframe.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Make sure that the bolt is installed with the bolt head facing the front of the vehicle.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    The bolt will be fully tightened during wheel alignment later in this procedure (torque specification for the bolt is 130 Nm).
  25. Install the bolt that attaches the LH front strut to the front lower aft link. Repeat this step on the RH front strut.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Torque the bolts at ride height when the vehicle is on the alignment rack later in this procedure.
    Figure 12. LH side
    Figure 13. RH side
  26. Pull on the LH and RH front inner halfshaft cups to confirm that the circlip is locked into place. If the halfshaft detaches from the drive unit then reinstall the halfshaft and then test that it is fully seated.
    Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
    If reinstalling the halfshaft to the drive unit:
    • Take care not to damage or displace the oil seals.
    • Make sure that the opening of the snap rings are facing towards the bottom of the drive unit.
    • Carefully push the halfshaft into the drive unit until there is an audible "click" from the halfshaft stub contacting the pinion shaft.
    • There will be a slight pulling sensation on the halfshaft as the halfshaft circlip locks into place.
    • Pull on the inner halfshaft cup to confirm that the circlip is locked into place. If the halfshaft detaches from the drive unit then reinstall the halfshaft and then test that it is fully seated.
  27. Install the front subframe skid bar. See Skid Bar - Front Subframe (Remove and Replace).
  28. Install the front skidplate. See Skidplate - Front (Remove and Replace).
  29. Install the HV battery assembly. See HV Battery (AWD) (Remove and Install) .
  30. Install the front aero shield panel. See Panel - Aero Shield - Front (Remove and Replace) .
  31. Install the LH tie rod end into the knuckle, and then install a new LH nyloc nut that attaches the tie rod end to the steering knuckle (torque 103 Nm). Repeat this step on the RH tie rod end.
    Figure 14. RH tie rod
    Figure 15. LH tie rod
  32. Install the LH and RH front wheels. See Wheel Assembly (Remove and Install) .
  33. Reconnect 12V power. See Disconnect 12V Power .
  34. Connect a laptop with Toolbox to the vehicle.
  35. In Toolbox 3, click the Actions tab, type "Coolant air purge" into the search field, click PROC_THC_X_COOLANT-AIR-PURGEvia Toolbox: (link), click Run, and allow the routine to complete.
  36. Top off the coolant reservoir, if necessary.
  37. Disconnect the laptop from the vehicle and reinstall the storage cubby.
  38. Install the HEPA filter. See Filter - HEPA (Remove and Replace).
  39. Install the underhood storage unit. See Underhood Storage Unit (Remove and Replace) .
  40. Install the underhood storage carpet. See Carpet - Underhood Storage (Remove and Install).
  41. Reconnect the electrical connectors for the LH and RH underhood storage area lights. See Light - Underhood Storage Area - LH (Remove and Replace) .
  42. Install the front underhood apron. See Assembly - Underhood Apron - Front (Remove and Replace) .
  43. Install the LH and RH underhood aprons. See Underhood Apron - LH (Remove and Replace) .
  44. Install the rear center underhood apron. See Underhood Apron - Center - Rear (Remove and Replace).
  45. Close the hood.
  46. Touch and hold the CALIBRATE button on the Model X touchscreen until the rear doors have been fully calibrated, close completely, and the message "CALIBRATION COMPLETE" is displayed.
  47. Raise the vehicle on a 4 post lift. See Raise Vehicle - 4 Post Lift .
  48. Fasten the bolt that attaches the LH front strut to the front lower aft link (torque 140 Nm). Repeat this step on the RH front strut.
    Figure 16. LH side
    Figure 17. RH side
  49. Refer to the Alignment Requirement tables to determine whether an EPAS alignment check (EC) or four wheel alignment check (AC) is necessary. If performed, add the alignment check/adjust as a separate activity. See Alignment Requirement - Suspension.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Make sure that the front fore links, front lower fore links, and the front lower aft links are tightened to specifications during the four wheel alignment check and adjust procedure.
  50. Install the mid aero shield panel. See Panel - Aero Shield - Mid (Remove and Replace).
  51. Lower the vehicle.
  52. Remove the brake pedal depressor, the steering wheel level, and the steering wheel holder from the vehicle.
  53. Remove the wheel chocks, and then remove the vehicle from the 4-post lift.
  54. Perform a vehicle test drive.