Use Evaporator Foam Cleaner, Replace Cabin Filters
Correction code
This procedure is a DRAFT.
Although it has been validated, Warnings and Cautions might be missing. Follow safety
requirements and use extreme caution when working on or near High Voltage systems and
components. Provide corrections and feedback to ServiceDevelopment@teslamotors.com.
- Open both front doors and lower both front windows
- Fully open hood
- Move RH front seat backward
Remove RH IP side cover
Note5x clips
Remove lower glovebox trim
Note6x clips
Remove RH instrument panel lower trim assembly
Note13x clips
Open glove box
NoteRelease button on LH side of MCU bezel
Remove glovebox from vehicle
Note6x screws, T20, 2.3 Nm, 3x connectors
Remove RH floor mat
Note4x Velcro pads
Release the RH center console side trim panel
Note13x clips
Remove RH center console closeout extension
Note6x clips
Remove passenger footwell cover
Note2x clips, 1x connector
Remove fasteners securing passenger knee air bag to IP
Note3x screws, T20, 2.3 Nm
Power down vehicle using MCU
NoteControls > E-brake & Power Off > Power off
Remove underhood aprons
Note4x aprons
Remove frunk carpet
Note2x connectors
Remove underhood storage unit
Note10x bolts, 10mm, 4 Nm, 10x bolts, 10mm, 7 Nm
Remove HEPA filter
NoteLift up from bottom and pull out
Disconnect 12V negative terminal
Note1x nut, 10mm, 5 Nm
Disconnect first responder loop
Note1x connector
Remove passenger knee air bag and bracket
Note4x patch bolts, 10mm, 10 Nm, 1x connector, 1x fir tree clip, With pick pull out latch on air bag connector to release connector, Discard patch bolts after removal
Remove passenger side floor air duct
Note1x fastener, PH2, 1 Nm, 1x connector, Pull passenger floor air duct away from HVAC assembly to release
Remove fasteners securing the PTC heater to the HVAC assembly
Note3x screws. PH2, 1 Nm
Disconnect PTC heater Logic connector
Note1x connector, Slide the PTC heater out of the HVAC assembly partially for access to release connector tab
Remove PTC heater from HVAC assembly
NoteRemove PTC heater from HVAC assembly and set aside
Cover HVAC box
NoteCover HVAC box opens with tape or cardboard
Disconnect FET connector
Note1x connector
Remove FET from HVAC assembly
Note2x screws, PH2, 1 Nm
Connect first responder loop and 12V negative terminal
Note1x connector, 1x nut, 10mm, 5 Nm
Spray evaporator core directly with kool-it
NoteThrough FET opening spray evaporator core directly with entire can of kool-it, Evaporator core is to the left of FET opening within HVAC assembly
Wait for product to activate for 15 minutes
NoteFoam will dissipate after 15 minutes
Install FET to HVAC assembly
Note2x screws, PH2, 1 Nm
Connect FET harness
Note1x connector
- Run A/C on low for 5 minutes until water exits HVAC drain hose
- Remove covers from HVAC assembly openings
- Route the PTC heater to the HVAC assembly for installation and slide into HVAC assembly
Connect the PTC heater logic Connector
Note1x connector
Install the fasteners securing the PTC heater to the HVAC assembly
Note3x screws, PH2, 1 Nm
Install passenger floor air duct
Note2x screws, PH2, 1 Nm, 1x connector
Confirm PTC heater operates
NoteRun on high for 15 minutes using recirculate with A/C on, This dries out heater box
Power down vehicle using MCU
NoteControls > E-brake & Power Off > Power off
Disconnect 12V negative terminal and First Responder Loop
Note1x nut, 10mm, 5 Nm, 1x connector
Install passenger knee air bag and bracket
Note4x patch bolts, 10mm, 10 Nm, 1x connector, Fir tree clip, Insert connect and press in latch to secure air bag connector, Install new patch bolts
Connect first responder loop and 12V negative terminal
Note1x connector, 1x nut, 10mm, 5 Nm
- Touch and hold the CALIBRATE button on the Model X touchscreen until the rear doors have been fully calibrated, close completely, and the message "CALIBRATION COMPLETE" is displayed.
Install passenger knee air bag fasteners to IP
Note3x screws, T20, 2.3 Nm
Install passenger footwell cover
Note1x connector, 2x clips
Install RH center console closeout extension
Note6x clips, Replace any damaged or missing clips
Secure center console RH leather side trim panel
Note13x clips, Replace any damaged or missing clips
Install glovebox
Note3x connectors, 6x screws, T20, 2.3 Nm
Install RH instrument panel lower assembly
Note13x clips, Replace any damaged or missing clips prior to installation
Install lower glove box trim
Note6x clips, Replace any damaged or missing clips prior to installation
Install RH IP side cover
Note5x clips
Install RH floor mat
Note4x Velcro pads
- Move RH front seat to original position
- Close RH front door
- Install HEPA filter housing
Install underhood storage unit
Note10x bolts, 10mm, 4 Nm, 10x bolts, 10mm, 7 Nm
Install frunk carpet
Note2x connectors
Install underhood aprons
Note4x aprons
- Close hood
- Raise both front windows
- Close LH front door