Coolant Rapid Mate - Vehicle Side (Remove and Replace)
Correction code
This procedure is a DRAFT.
Although it has been validated, Warnings and Cautions might be missing. Follow safety
requirements and use extreme caution when working on or near High Voltage systems and
components. Provide corrections and feedback to ServiceDevelopment@teslamotors.com.
- Open LH front door
- Lower LH front window
Raise and support vehicle
NoteSet air suspension to "Jack Mode" Via Controls > Service > ''Jack Mode''
Open hood
NoteUsing MCU touchscreen > Controls > Frunk Trunk
Remove underhood aprons
Note4x aprons
Remove frunk carpet
Note2x connectors
Remove underhood storage unit
Note10x bolts, 10mm, 4 Nm, 10x bolts, 10mm, 7 Nm
Remove HEPA filter
NoteLift up from bottom and pull out
Power down vehicle using MCU
NoteVia Controls > Safety > ''Power off"
Disconnect 12V negative terminal
Note1x nut, 10mm, 5 Nm
Disconnect first responder loop
Note1x connector, push to release
Raise vehicle fully and lower onto locks
NoteSet vehicle to comfortable working height, Make sure there's an audible click of the locks on both sides before lowering, otherwise vehicle may tilt to the side
Remove LH rear shear plate
Note3x screws, T25, 6 Nm, 35 Nm, 1x bolt, 10mm, 4 Nm, 2x push clips, 1x nylon nut, 15mm, Discard nylon nut after removal
Remove RH shear plate
Note3x screws, T25, 6 Nm, 1x nyloc nut, 15mm, 35 Nm, Discard after removal, 1x bolt, 10mm, 4 Nm, 2x push clips
Remove mid aero shield
Note20x bolts, 10mm, 4 Nm, 2x push clips
Remove front bash plate extrusion
Note2x patch bolts, T30, 16 Nm
Remove LH ski side covers
Note14x push clips, 3x covers
Remove RH ski side covers
Note14x push clips, 3x covers
Loosen four center bolts securing HV battery
Note4x patch bolts, E12, 38 Nm, Discard after removal
Remove four center bolts securing HV battery
Note4x patch bolts, E12, 38 Nm, Discard after removal
- Position battery table beneath vehicle
Lower vehicle to table
NoteRecommend assistance, Align table to vehicle and raise casters to level table if necessary
Loosen remaining eight center bolts securing HV battery
Note8x patch bolts, E12, 38 Nm, Discard after removal
Remove remaining eight center bolts securing HV battery
Note8x patch bolts, E12, 38 Nm, Discard after removal
Loosen front four HV battery bolts
Note4x patch bolts, 13mm, 30 Nm, Discard after removal
Remove front four HV battery bolts
Note4x patch bolts, 13mm, 30 Nm, Discard after removal
Loosen 21mm bolts securing front of HV battery
Note2x bolts, 21mm, 115 Nm, Discard after removal
Remove 21mm bolts securing front of HV battery
Note2x bolts, 21mm, 115 Nm, Discard after removal
Loosen LH rocker bolts
Note8x patch bolts, 13mm, 55 Nm, Discard after removal
Remove LH rocker bolts
Note8x patch bolts, 13mm, 55 Nm, Discard after removal
Loosen RH rocker bolts
Note8x patch bolts, 13mm, 55 Nm, Discard after removal
Remove RH rocker bolts
Note8x patch bolts, 13mm, 55 Nm, Discard after removal
Raise vehicle and remove battery table
NoteRecommend assistance
- Move battery away from vehicle
- Remove all items from pockets and ensure not wearing metal items
Inspect HV insulating gloves
NoteCheck gloves for damage prior to use, Refer to service document TN-15-92-003 R1, for information on inspecting HV gloves https://service.teslamotors.com/protected-doc/ServiceBulletins/External/TN/TN-15-92-003_High_Voltage_Awareness_Care_Points_R1.pdf
- Put on HV insulating gloves and leather over gloves
Check voltage on HV Rapid Mate
NoteB+ to ground, B- to ground, and B+ to B-, If any voltage reading is more than 10V, the pack contactors are not fully opened, Contact Engineering for support
- Add tape or covers onto both LV and HV Rapid Mates
- Remove leather over gloves and HV insulating gloves
- Position coolant drain container under the front of the vehicle to catch vehicle coolant
Release clips securing coolant hose onto body
Note2x clips
Remove bolts securing coolant rapid mate from body
Note3x bolts, 10mm, 7.7 Nm
Clamp the coolant hose from rapid mate to 4-way valve
Note1x coolant hose clamp
Clamp coolant hose from rapid mate to HV battery heater
Note1x coolant hose clamp
Remove coolant hose from rapid mate to 4-way valve
Note1x hose clamp
Remove coolant hose from rapid mate to HV battery heater and remove coolant rapid mate from vehicle
Note1x hose clamp
Install new coolant rapid mate to coolant hose from rapid mate to HV battery heater
Note1x hose clamp
Install coolant rapid mate to coolant hose from rapid mate to 4-way valve
Note1x hose clamp
Remove clamp from the coolant hose from rapid mate to HV battery heater
Note1x coolant hose clamp
Remove clamp from the coolant hose from rapid mate to 4-way valve
Note1x coolant hose clamp
Install bolts securing coolant rapid mate to body
Note3x bolts, 10mm, 7.7 Nm
Install clips securing coolant hose onto body
Note2x clips
- Remove coolant drain container from underneath vehicle
- Remove covers or tape from LV and HV Rapid Mates
- Position HV battery underneath vehicle
Lower vehicle onto pack
NoteAlign Rapid Mate connections before lowering fully, Recommend assistance
Install front bolts securing HV battery to body with battery powered drill
Note4x patch bolts, 13mm, 30 Nm, Install new patch bolts, Do not over tighten bolts, Torque at later step
Install outer front bolts securing HV battery to body with battery powered drill
Note2x bolts, 21mm, 115 Nm, Install new bolts, Do not over tighten bolts, Torque at later step
Install outer center bolts securing HV battery to body with battery powered drill
Note8x patch bolts, E12, 38 Nm, Install new patch bolts, Do not over tighten bolts, Torque at later step
Install bolts securing LH side of HV battery to body with battery powered drill
Note8x patch bolts, 13mm, 55 Nm, Install new patch bolts, Do not over tighten bolts, Torque at later step
Install bolts securing RH side of HV battery to body with battery powered drill
Note8x patch bolts, 13mm, 55 Nm, Install new patch bolts, Do not over tighten bolts, Torque at later step
Torque bolts securing HV battery to body on both side
Note16x patch bolts, 13mm, 55 Nm
Torque remaining HV battery bolts
Note8x bolts, E12, 38 Nm, 2x bolts, 21mm, 115 Nm, 4x bolts, 13mm, 30 Nm
- Raise vehicle off of HV battery table
Install inner center HV battery bolts with battery powered drill
Note4x patch bolts, E12, 38 Nm, Install new patch bolts, Do not over tighten bolts
Torque the inner center HV battery bolts
Note4x patch bolts, E12, 38 Nm
Install LH ski side covers
Note14x clips, 3x covers
Install RH ski side covers
Note14x clips, 3x covers
Install front bash plate extrusion
Note2x bolts, T30, 16 Nm
Install mid aero shield
Note20x bolts, 10mm, 4 Nm, 2x push clips
Install LH shear plate
Note3x screws, T25, 6 Nm, 1x bolt, 10mm, 4 Nm, 2x push pins, Install new nyloc nut 15mm, 35 Nm
Install RH shear plate
Note3x screws, T25, 6 Nm, 1x bolt, 10mm, 4 Nm, 2x push pins, Install new nyloc nut 15mm, 35 Nm
- Lower vehicle fully
Connect first responder loop and then 12V negative terminal
Note1x connector, 1x nut, 10mm, 5 Nm
Connect first responder loop
Note1x connector
Remove coolant bottle cap
Note1x cap
- Connect a laptop with Toolbox 3 to the vehicle.
- In Toolbox 3, click the Actions tab, type "Coolant air purge" into the search field, click PROC_THC_X_COOLANT-AIR-PURGEvia Toolbox: (link), click Run, and allow the routine to complete.
Top off coolant reservoir
NoteEnsure coolant is filled to nominal level
Install coolant bottle cap
Note1x cap
- Install HEPA filter housing
Install underhood storage unit
Note10x bolts, 10mm, 4 Nm, 10x bolts, 10mm, 7 Nm
Install frunk carpet
Note2x connectors
Install under hood aprons
Note4x aprons
- Close hood
Disconnect Toolbox from vehicle and install cubby under the MCU
Note1x connector, 2x clips
Calibrate falcon doors using MCU
NoteRequired after 12V and FRL disconnect
Remove vehicle from lift
NoteLower rack arms fully and move them from under vehicle, Remove air suspension from "Jack Mode"
- Raise LH front window
- Close LH front door