03/03/2020 13:18:43
Antenna Amplifier - AM/FM and RKE (Remove and Replace)
Correction Code 21300602
- Remove the LH liftgate side trim (refer to procedure).
Remove the screw that secures the antenna amplifier to the liftgate (torque
8 Nm).
Disconnect both electrical connectors from the antenna amplifier.
- Release the clip that secures the antenna amplifier to the liftgate.
Carefully release the antenna amplifier lead from the glass connectors
- Release the adhesive strip that secures the antenna amplifier to the liftgate glazing.
- Remove the antenna amplifier from the vehicle.
Installation procedure is the reverse of removal, except for the following:
Clean the affected areas before installation.
Apply contact adhesive to the mating faces if the bond has
been broken.
- Replace the adhesive strip if necessary.
Ensure all contacts are clean and bond to the surface mounted
NoteListen for an audible click when connecting harness connectors.