Seal - Door - Rear - Upper - LH (Remove and Replace)
Correction code
This procedure is a DRAFT.
Although it has been validated, Warnings and Cautions might be missing. Follow safety
requirements and use extreme caution when working on or near High Voltage systems and
components. Provide corrections and feedback to ServiceDevelopment@teslamotors.com.
Open LH rear door and lower the window
NoteEnsure window is fully lowered
Open hood
NoteUsing MCU touchscreen > Controls > Frunk Trunk
Remove underhood aprons
Note4x aprons
Remove frunk carpet
Note2x connectors
Remove underhood storage unit
Note10x bolts, 10mm, 4 Nm, 10x bolts, 10mm, 7 Nm
Remove HEPA filter
NoteLift up from bottom and pull out
- Move LH 2nd row seat fully forward using easy entry mode
Remove LH falcon door lower garnish
Note9x V-clips, Replace any damaged or missing V-clips, Take care not to damage door trim panel during removal
Remove LH upper falcon door trim
Note17x clips, 1x connector may be present on early production vehicles
Remove LH upper outer falcon door rear trim
Note5x bolts, T25, 2.5 Nm, 4.0 Nm, 1x harness clip, Fastener count may vary
Remove LH upper outer falcon door front trim
Note5x bolts, T25, 2.5 Nm, 4.0 Nm, 1x harness clip, Fastener count may vary
Remove LH upper outer falcon door middle trim
Note7x bolts, T25, 3.0 Nm, 4.0 Nm, Fastener count may vary
Remove LH upper gap hider trim
Note4x clips
Lower LH falcon door
NoteMay need to assist the door to close
Remove LH falcon door upper glass
Note10x nuts, 10mm, 6 Nm, Recommend assistance
- Set LH Falcon door fully open
Support the rear door
NoteMay need assist to open
Power down vehicle using MCU
NoteVia Controls > Safety & Security > ''Power off''
Disconnect 12V negative terminal and First Responder Loop
Note1x nut, 10mm, 5 Nm, 1x connector, Wait at least 2 minutes before disconnecting modules or HV components
Disconnect LH rear secondary strut
Note1x connector, Black
Disconnect LH rear primary strut
Note1x connector, White
Disconnect LH front secondary strut
Note1x connector, Black
Disconnect LH front primary strut
Note1x connector, White
Remove the rear primary strut from upper falcon door
Note1x C-clip, 1x harness clip
Remove the front primary strut from upper falcon door
Note1x C-clip, 1x harness clip
Remove the front bump stop
Note2x bolts, 10mm, 8 Nm, 1x bolt, T30, 5 Nm, Mark or remember the position of the bump stop to aid the installation process
Remove the rear bump stop
Note2x bolts, 10mm, 8 Nm, 1x bolt, T30, 5 Nm, Mark or remember the position of the bump stop to aid the installation process
Remove the upper falcon door NVH seal
NoteMake a cut in the seal and remove from the perimeter of the door, Try to remove as much double sided tape with the seal as possible
Remove any double side tape or adhesive from upper falcon door
NoteRoll the residual adhesive manually for best results
Position NVH seal for installation
NoteSlide seal over the lower falcon door assembly to the cavity between upper and lower falcon door
Use IPA to clean NVH seal area of the upper falcon door
NoteAllow 1 minute for IPA to dry
- Place falcon door NVH seal around perimeter of upper door frame and tape in position
Install new upper falcon door NVH seal to upper falcon door
Note8x Double-sided tape sections, Seat inner corners first and finish on an edge, Press firmly to wet-out seal, Remove blue tape as needed
Install LH front upper falcon door bumpstop assembly
Note2x bolts, 10mm, 8Nm, 1x screw, T30, 5Nm
Install LH rear upper falcon door bumpstop assembly
Note2x bolts, 10mm, 8Nm, 1x screw, T30, 5Nm
Install the rear primary strut to upper falcon door
Note1x C-clip, 1x harness clip, Door may need to be lifted to align strut, Recommend assistance
Install the front primary strut to upper falcon door
Note1x C-clip, 1x harness clip, Door may need to be lifted to align strut, Recommend assistance
Connect LH front primary strut
Note1x connector, White
Connect LH front secondary strut
Note1x connector, Black
Connect LH rear primary strut
Note1x connector, White
Connect LH rear secondary strut
Note1x connector, Black
- Remove door support stand
Connect first responder loop and then 12V negative terminal
Note1x connector, 1x nut, 10mm, 5 Nm
Calibrate falcon doors using MCU
NoteRequired after 12V and FRL disconnect
Install LH falcon door upper glass
Note10x nuts, 10mm, 6 Nm, Recommend assistance
Install LH upper gap hider trim
Note4x clips
Install LH upper outer falcon door middle trim
Note7x bolts, T25, 3.0 Nm, 4.0 Nm, Fastener count may vary
Install LH upper outer falcon door front trim
Note5x bolts, T25, 2.5 Nm, 4.0 Nm, 1x harness clip, Fastener count may vary
Install LH upper outer falcon door rear trim
Note5x bolts, T25, 2.5 Nm, 4.0 Nm, 1x harness clip, Fastener count may vary
Install LH upper falcon door trim
Note17x clips, Align strut cover first, 1x connector may be present on early production vehicles
Install LH falcon door lower garnish
Note9x V-clips, 1x guide tab
- Reposition the LH seat to original position
- Install HEPA filter housing
Install underhood storage unit
Note10x bolts, 10mm, 4 Nm, 10x bolts, 10mm, 7 Nm
Install frunk carpet
Note2x connectors
Install under hood aprons
Note4x aprons
- Close hood
- Close LH rear door and window