Motor - Recliner - Backrest - Front Seat (Remove and Replace)
Correction code
NOTE: Unless
otherwise explicitly stated in the procedure, the above correction code and
FRT reflect all of the work required to perform this procedure, including
the linked procedures. Do
not stack correction codes unless explicitly told to do so.
NOTE: See Flat Rate Times to learn more about FRTs and how they are
created. To provide feedback on FRT values, email
NOTE: See Personal Protection to make
sure wearing proper PPE when performing the below procedure.
Torque Specifications
Description | Torque Value | Recommended Tools | Reuse/Replace | Notes |
Bolt that attaches the recliner motor to the seat back frame |
![]() 5 Nm (3.7 lbs-ft) |
Reuse |
- Remove the rear underhood apron. See Underhood Apron - Rear (Remove and Replace).
- Remove the LH instrument panel end cap. See End Cap - Instrument Panel - LH (Remove and Replace).
- Remove the LH lower A-pillar trim. See Trim - A-Pillar - Lower - LH (Remove and Replace).
- Remove the driver seat assembly. See Seat Assembly - 1st Row - LH (Remove and Replace).
- Remove the driver seat headrest trim. See Headrest - Front Seat (Remove and Replace).
- Remove the driver seat lumbar support assembly. See Lumbar Support - Backrest - Driver Seat (Remove and Replace).
- Remove the driver seat cushion ventilation fan. See Blower - Cushion - Front Seat - LH (Remove and Replace).
- Remove the driver seatback upholstery. See Trim - Seat Back - Front Seat - LH (Remove and Replace).
Remove the driver seat
outboard side shield. See Side Shield - Outboard - LH (Remove and Replace).
NoteIt is not necessary to remove the seat cushion button switch, the recliner button switch and the 8 way switch.
- Remove the driver seat outboard side shield carrier. See Carrier - Side Shield - LH (Remove and Replace).
- Remove the driver seat inboard side shield. See Side Shield - Inboard - LH (Remove and Replace).
- Remove the driver seat inboard side shield carrier. See Carrier - Side Shield - LH (Remove and Replace).
Remove and discard the clip that attaches the recliner tube to the frame.
NoteWork the clip off of the shaft from different angles. Removal from one angle will not remove the clip fully.WarningThe video(s) included in this procedure are meant as an overview for supplemental purposes only. Follow all of the steps listed in the procedure to avoid damage to components and/or personal injury.
- Push the driver seat recliner tube through the seat frame so that a small portion of the tube is visible from the other side. Pull the recliner tube through and away from the frame to remove it from the assembly.
Use a rubber hammer to tap the recliner tube where the clip was located earlier, and then remove the tube from the frame.
NoteThe removal of the tube might require several taps with the rubber hammer in order to get the tube out of the seat.
Remove the bolt that attaches the recliner motor to the seat back frame.
NoteEnsure the alignment dowel on the motor is not damaged. Hold the motor in place while removing the fastener so that the dowel is not damaged during removal.TIpUse of the following tool(s) is recommended:
- Cordless Ratchet/Impact Driver
- 8 mm socket
- Ratchet/torque wrench
- Remove the recliner motor from the frame.
Position the recliner motor
onto the seat back frame.
NoteMake sure the alignment dowel is in the correct position.
- Hand-tighten the bolt that attaches the motor to the frame
Position the driver seat recliner onto the motor side of the driver seat
assembly, and then push the recliner tube through the seat frame.
NoteMake sure the tube extends 6mm on the inboard side of the seat back once installed.NoteThe tube will need to be guided into the square drive on the inboard side of the seat frame.
With assistance, install a new clip onto the recliner tube.
NoteUse a 12mm deep socket and a rubber hammer to tap the clip onto the recliner tube. Have an assistant use another hammer at the other end of the tube to oppose the tapping.
Tighten the bolt that
attaches the recliner motor to the seat back frame.5 Nm (3.7 lbs-ft)NoteEnsure the alignment dowel on the motor is not damaged. Hold the motor in place while removing the fastener so that the dowel is not damaged during removal.TIpUse of the following tool(s) is recommended:
- Cordless Ratchet/Impact Driver
- 8 mm socket
- Ratchet/torque wrench
- Install the driver seat outboard side shield carrier. See Carrier - Side Shield - LH (Remove and Replace).
Install the driver seat
outboard side shield. See Side Shield - Outboard - LH (Remove and Replace).
NoteIt is not necessary to install the the seat cushion button switch, the recliner button switch and the 8 way switch.
- Install the driver seat inboard side shield carrier. See Carrier - Side Shield - LH (Remove and Replace).
- Install the driver seat inboard side shield. See Side Shield - Inboard - LH (Remove and Replace).
- Install the driver seatback upholstery. See Trim - Seat Back - Front Seat - LH (Remove and Replace).
- Install the driver seat cushion ventilation fan. See Blower - Cushion - Front Seat - LH (Remove and Replace).
- Install the driver seat backrest lumbar support assembly. See Lumbar Support - Backrest - Driver Seat (Remove and Replace).
- Install the driver seat headrest trim. See Headrest - Front Seat (Remove and Replace).
- Install the driver seat assembly. See Seat Assembly - 1st Row - LH (Remove and Replace).
- Install the LH lower A-pillar trim. See Trim - A-Pillar - Lower - LH (Remove and Replace).
- Install the LH instrument panel end cap. See End Cap - Instrument Panel - LH (Remove and Replace).
- Install the rear underhood apron. See Underhood Apron - Rear (Remove and Replace).