Brake Pads - Park Brake - Set (Remove and Replace)
Correction Code 33052202
In the event of a stuck caliper or motor failure, refer to one of these
procedures to release the caliper:
- Rear Park Brake Caliper ReleaseCAUTIONThis method requires replacing the caliper after it has been released. To release a stuck caliper without damaging it, refer to:
- Park Brake Caliper - Release - Harness Tool - Through Calipers
- Park Brake Caliper - Release - Harness Tool - Through ECU
For detailed brake specifications, see
If the vehicle has air
suspension, activate "Jack" mode on the touchscreen before raising and
supporting the vehicle.
- Raise and support the vehicle (refer to procedure).
- Put the vehicle into Tow mode.
- Remove the road wheels (refer to procedure).
- Remove the retaining pins and anti-rattle spring.
- Remove the brake pads from the caliper.
Installation procedure is the reverse of removal, except for the following:
Clean the affected areas before
- Release the park brake caliper to make sure the new brake pads will fit. Refer to Park Brake Caliper - Release - Harness Tool - Through Calipers.
- Thoroughly clean the caliper pad slides with locally-accepted brake cleaner and ensure that the brake pads move freely. After cleaning the slides, apply an even layer of Silaramic lubricant (1063021-00-A) to the caliper pad slides. Remove any excess lubricant.
- Burnish the parking brake pads. See Brake Pads - Park Brake - Burnishing.