17/06/2024 14:11:06

Phares - réglage - global (méthode des outils)

Code de correction 17400170 0.15 REMARQUE : À moins d’indications explicites contraires dans la procédure, le code de correction et le temps forfaitaire ci-dessus représentent tout le travail à être fait pour cette procédure, notamment les procédures connexes. N’appliquez pas plusieurs codes de correction à la fois, à moins qu’il vous soit explicitement indiqué de le faire.REMARQUE : Consultez Temps forfaitaires pour en apprendre plus à propos des temps forfaitaires et de leur création. Vous pouvez transmettre par courriel vos commentaires relatifs aux valeurs des temps forfaitaires au LaborTimeFeedback@tesla.com. REMARQUE : Consultez Protection individuelle pour vous assurer de porter l’équipement de protection individuelle adéquat lors vous effectuez la procédure ci-dessous.

  • 2024-06-12: Updated procedure to latest validation.

Special tools required for this procedure:

Supplier Part Number Description
Tesla 1133367-00-A Beissbarth Headlight Tester, Model 815

Identify Headlight Type

This procedure is NOT applicable to the SAE/ECE headlight (1). The global headlight (2) has a different reflector and lens design compared to the SAE/ECE headlight (1), as illustrated below.

Adjust Global Headlights Using a Headlight Tester

  1. Open the driver's door and lower the window.
  2. Entrez dans le mode de réglage des phares :
    1. Sur l’écran tactile du véhicule, touchez Contrôles > Entretien > Ajuster les phares.
    2. Si on vous demande d’étalonner les phares (figure A), poursuivez à la sous-étape c. Si on vous demande d’ajuster les phares (figure B), passez à l’étape 2.
      Figure 1. Figure A
      Figure 2. Figure B
    3. Pour étalonner les phares, suivez les directives sur l’écran tactile. L’étalonnage est terminé lorsque les 4 crochets sont passés du « rouge » au « vert ».
      Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
      Pour l’étalonnage, vous pourriez avoir à conduire jusqu’à 2 km (1,24 mi).
      Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
      Pour assurer un étalonnage précis :
      • Après avoir activé les ponts d’alimentation, attendez au moins une seconde avant de passer en marche avant.
      • Fermez toutes les portes du véhicule et ne les ouvrez pas lors de la conduite d’étalonnage.
      • Après avoir arrêté le véhicule, attendez au moins une seconde avant d’ouvrir les portes.
      • Ne conduisez pas en marche arrière sur plus de 10 mètres. S’il est inévitable de la faire en raison de la disposition du garage, démarrez l’étalonnage des phares seulement après que le véhicule soit sorti du garage.
    4. Les phares peuvent être ajustés après que l’étalonnage soit terminé. Passez à l’étape suivante.
  3. Park the vehicle on a level surface.
  4. Make sure that all 4 tires are inflated to specification.
  5. Open the front trunk.
  6. Remove the rear underhood apron.Tablier sous le capot - arrière (retirez et remplacez)
  7. Position 75 kg of ballast in the driver's seat.
  8. Turn on the headlights.
  9. Position the headlight tester tool approximately 30 cm (~ 12 in) from the front of the LH headlight lens.
  10. Adjust the height of the headlight tester tool to 81 cm (~30.5 in) above the ground to align with the center axis of the headlight.
  11. Adjust the knobs on the base of the headlight tester tool until the tool is leveled, as indicated by the bubble gauge on the tool.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    The bubble must be entirely inside of the center ring in order to properly align the headlights.
  12. Turn on the headlight tester tool.
  13. Turn on the alignment laser near the top of the tool, and then rotate the tool as necessary to align the laser with the rearmost fender bolts.
    Figure 3. Rear Most Fender Bolts
  14. Regardless of the region, select Test EC > Free Test on the headlight tester tool.
  15. On the headlight tester tool, select Vehicle, and then use the + or - buttons to set the vehicle type to Tesla Y.
  16. On the headlight tester tool, select Headlight, use the + or - buttons to set the Headlight type to EU Asym, and then use the small - button next to the EU Asym field to select TMR.
  17. On the headlight tester tool, select Light, and then use the + or - buttons to set the Light type to Bi-LED.
  18. On the headlight tester tool, select Inclinat., and then use the + or - buttons to set the inclination to 0.0 %.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    During headlight adjustment in headlight adjustment mode, the inclination is set to 0.0 %. When the vehicle is not in headlight adjustment mode and the headlights are turned on, the inclination is automatically adjusted to the required region specific value.
  19. On the headlight tester tool, select Height, and then use the + or - buttons to set the height to 81 cm.
  20. Press OK, and then OK again to skip the fog light settings.
  21. On the headlight tester tool, press the "laser beam" button to turn on the headlight laser guide.
  22. Adjust the headlight laser guide crosshair horizontally and vertically to to line up with the markings on the headlight.
  23. On the headlight tester tool, press the "laser beam" button to turn off the headlight laser guide.
  24. If not already activated, enter headlight adjustment mode. On the vehicle touchscreen, touch: Controls > Service > Adjust Headlights.
  25. On the headlight tester tool, press the LH TMR button on the left side of the screen, and then press the TMR button at the bottom of the screen.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    The "L" and "R" indicators at the bottom of the screen are reversed: "L" is on the right side and "R" is on the left side.
  26. On the vehicle touchscreen, touch Left.
  27. On the steering wheel, use the left scroll wheel to adjust the beam. When adjusted to within specification, the color of the beam indicator on the headlight tester tool will change from red to green.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    The vehicle must be loaded with approximately 75 kg in the driver's seat during headlight alignment.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    There might be a delay between the scroll wheel input and the actual headlight adjustment output.
    Figure 4. Model Y shown, Model 3 similar
  28. On the headlight tester tool, press the "Save" button to record the results for the LH headlight.
  29. Move the headlight tester tool to the RH headlight, position the tool ~30 cm (~ 11 in) from the front of the RH headlight lens.
  30. Align the tool to the RH headlight (see steps 21 to 23).
  31. On the headlight tester tool, press the RH TMR button on the right side of the screen, and then press the TMR button at the bottom of the screen.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    The "L" and "R" indicators at the bottom of the screen are reversed: "L" is on the right side and "R" is on the left side.
  32. On the vehicle touchscreen, touch Right.
  33. On the steering wheel, use the left scroll wheel to adjust the beam level. When adjusted to within specification, the color of the beam indicator on the headlight tester tool will change from red to green.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    The vehicle must be loaded with approximately 75 kg in the driver's seat during headlight alignment.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    There might be a delay between the scroll wheel input and actual headlight adjustment output.
    Figure 5. Model Y shown, Model 3 similar
  34. On the headlight tester tool, press the "Save" button to record the results for the RH headlight, and then press "Save" again to view the results for both headlights.
  35. Press the "Print" button to print out the results, if desired.
  36. Install the rear underhood apron. See Tablier sous le capot - arrière (retirez et remplacez).
  37. Close the front trunk.
  38. On the touchscreen, exit the headlight adjustment mode.