하네스 - 차체 - LH(LHD)(탈거 및 교체)
교정 코드
17100802 2.64 참고: 절차에서 명시적으로 언급하지 않는 한 위 교정 코드 및 FRT는 연결된 절차를 포함하여 이 절차를 수행하는 데 필요한 모든 작업을 반영합니다. 명시적으로 지시하지 않는 한 교정 코드를 누적하지 마십시오.참고: FRT와 그 생성 방법에 대한 자세한 내용은 표준 정비 작업시간을 참조하십시오. FRT 값에 대한 피드백을 제공하려면 LaborTimeFeedback@tesla.com으로 이메일을 보내십시오. 참고: 아래 절차를 수행할 때 개인 보호을(를) 참조하여 적절한 PPE를 착용했는지 확인하십시오.
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- Open all four doors
- Lower all four windows
- Open liftgate
Release 2nd row seat cushion
참고Lift front edge of seat cushion upward to release foam from frame, Pull towards front of vehicle then tilt bench against 40/60 back
- Remove rear load floor
- Remove front load floor
Remove trunk sill trim
참고4x clips
Remove LH load floor bracket
참고3x tabs, 2x clips
Remove LH trunk pocket bracket
참고1x push clip, 5x alignment tabs
Fold the 60 seat in down position
참고Protect the seat back upholstery if necessary, Do not put weight on seat in folded position without cushion present due to risk of bending the locator tab on the frame
Release top edge of LH trunk side trim and disconnect 12V outlet and trunk switch connectors
참고6x clips, 2x connectors, Trim part may slightly differ, by vehicle build location
Release remaining clips and remove LH trunk side trim
참고1x push clip, 5x clips, Guide front clip stanchions around LH C-pillar
Remove LH upper C-pillar trim
참고6x clips, Guide front upper corner groove out from headliner and place trim aside
Remove RH load floor bracket
참고3x tabs, 2x clips
Remove RH trunk pocket bracket
참고1x push clip, 5x alignment tabs
Fold the 40 seat in down position
참고Protect the seat cushion, Do not put weight on seat in folded position without cushion present due to risk of bending the locator tab on the frame
Release clips and remove RH trunk side trim
참고1x push clip, 11x clips, Guide front clip stanchions around RH C-pillar
Remove RH upper C-pillar trim
참고6x clips, Guide front upper corner groove out from headliner and place trim aside
Remove LH mid A-pillar assembly
참고1x clip, 1x tab, Release the upper clip then pull mid A-pillar upward to remove
Remove clip securing LH lower A-pillar trim
참고1x push clip
Remove LH lower A-pillar trim
참고6x clips, 2 guide tabs, Pull rear of lower A-pillar upward to release clip then pull rearward to release trim panel
- Release LH front door seal from body
Remove clip securing LH front cabin carpet to body
참고1x clip
- Pull LH front cabin carpet away from A-pillar to access LH front seat connector
- Move LH front seat forward
Remove RH mid A-pillar assembly
참고1x clip, 1x tab, Release the upper clip then pull mid A-pillar upward to remove
Remove clip securing RH lower A-pillar trim
참고1x push clip
Remove RH lower A-pillar trim
참고6x clips, 2 guide tabs, Pull rear of lower A-pillar upward to release clip then pull rearward to release trim panel
- Release RH front door seal from body
Remove clip securing RH front cabin carpet to body
참고1x clip
- Pull RH front cabin carpet away from A-pillar to access RH front seat connector
- Move RH front seat forward
Release seat belt retractor from RH front seat
참고Insert special removal tool into the bottom of the retractor to release
Release seat belt retractor from LH front seat
참고Insert special removal tool into the bottom of the retractor to release
Remove LH front seat rear fasteners
참고2x patch bolts, T45P, 33.5 Nm, Discard after removal
- Move LH front seat backward
Remove LH front seat front fasteners
참고2x patch bolts, T45P, 33.5 Nm, Discard after removal
Adjust position of LH front seat for easy removal
참고Move seat to middle of track at most upright position
Remove RH front seat rear fasteners
참고2x patch bolts, T45P, 33.5 Nm, Discard after removal
- Move RH front seat backward
Remove RH front seat front fasteners
참고2x patch bolts, T45P, 33.5 Nm, Discard after removal
Adjust position of RH front seat for easy removal
참고Move seat to middle of track at most upright position
- Open hood
Remove rear apron
참고14x clips
Power off vehicle from center display
참고Via Controls > Safety > Power Off, Select Power Off button at warning dialogue box
Disconnect 12V negative terminal and first responders loop
참고1x nut, 10mm, 6 Nm, 1x connector, Ensure vehicle is in park, climate control system is off, and vehicle is not charging before disconnecting 12V, Negative terminal should be disconnected before FRL, Allow 2 minutes for all electrical circuits to fully discharge
Disconnect LH front seat harness from VC left
참고1x electrical connector, Release the lock by squeezing the release tab, Then fully disengage the lock by moving it away from the VC left, Do not force the connector, If the connector does not easily release from the VC the lock is still engaged
Remove LH front seat harness from LH footwell support bracket
참고2x retaining clips
Release LH front seat harness from LH front sill panel harness bracket
참고5x clips
- Pull LH front seat harness from under LH front cabin carpet
Remove LH front seat from vehicle
참고Recommend assistance, Assistant should be ready to support seat back, Caution not to damage any trim
Disconnect RH front seat harness from VC right
참고1x electrical connector, Release the lock by squeezing the release tab, Then fully disengage the lock by moving it away from the VC right, Do not force the connector, If the connector does not easily release from the VC the lock is still engaged
Remove RH front seat harness from RH footwell support bracket
참고2x retaining clips
Release RH front seat harness from lower A 12V bracket
참고5x clips
- Pull RH front seat harness from under RH front cabin carpet
Remove RH front seat from vehicle
참고Recommend assistance, Assistant should be ready to support seat back, Caution not to damage any trim
Remove LH console side panel carpet
참고11x clips, 2x guide pins, Use trim tool starting at top edge to release upper clips, then pull bottom to release remaining clips, Use caution and pull panel straight away from console, if panel is peeled off it could be damaged
Remove LH front exterior hardware from center console
참고2x bolts, 10mm, 7 Nm
Remove console lower rear panel
참고5x clips
Remove LH rear exterior hardware from center console
참고1x bolt, 10mm, 7 Nm
Remove RH rear exterior hardware from center console
참고1x bolt, 10mm, 7 Nm
Remove RH console side panel carpet
참고12x clips, 2x locating pins, Use trim tool starting at top edge to release upper clips, Pull bottom to release remaining clips, Use caution and pull panel straight away from console, if panel is peeled off it could be damaged
Remove RH front exterior hardware from center console
참고2x bolts, 10mm, 7 Nm
Disconnect harness from rear of center console
참고1x connector
Disconnect USB harness at right front of center console
참고1x USB connector
Remove center console from vehicle
참고Verify rotating lids are in closed position, Recommend assistance, Tilt rear of console upward, Pull assembly towards rear of vehicle
Release LH upper B-pillar assembly and move aside
참고4x clips, Pull the bottom of the upper B-pillar toward inside of the vehicle then pull the top to release the remaining clips
- Partially remove LH rear door seal
Remove LH rear sill trim
참고5x clips, Rear edge is mated with groove in trunk side trim, Release clips at the front of LH rear sill trim working your way back towards rear of sill trim, Trim part may slightly differ, by vehicle build location
Remove clip securing LH lower B-pillar to body
참고1x push clip, Clip secures lower B-pillar and rear cabin carpet to body
Remove the LH lower B-pillar assembly
참고6x clips, Pull the top of B-pillar to release top clips then work your way to bottom clips
Release clips securing the RH upper B-pillar assembly and move aside
참고4x clips, Pull the bottom of the upper B-pillar toward inside of the car, then pull the top to release the remaining clips
Partially remove RH rear door seal
참고Pillar and sill trim have tabs seated underneath seal
Remove RH rear sill trim
참고5x clips, Rear edge is mated with groove in trunk side trim, Release clips at the front of RH rear sill trim working your way back towards rear of sill trim
Remove clip securing RH lower B-pillar to body
참고1x push clip, Clip secures lower B-pillar and rear cabin carpet to body
Remove the RH lower B-pillar assembly
참고6x clips, Pull the top of B-pillar to release top clips then work your way to bottom clips
- Remove rear floormat
Remove clips securing rear main cabin carpet to vehicle
참고3x push clips
Remove rear main cabin carpet from vehicle
참고Pull up at the rear of rear main carpet and slide back, Remove from LH rear door
Remove screw and clips securing LH footwell cover
참고2x push clips, 1x screw, T20, 2.5 Nm
Remove connectors from LH footwell cover and remove from vehicle
참고3x tabs, 1x Ethernet connector, 1x puddle light connector
Remove fasteners securing driver knee air bag to vehicle
참고2x push clips, 2x screws, T20, 2 Nm, 4x patch bolts, E10, 8 Nm, Discard after removal, Support the knee air bag while lowering, The connector / harness length is very short
Disconnect the driver knee air bag and remove from vehicle
참고1x connector, Release locking tab, Then release squib from air bag, Support air bag while disconnecting, Connector release may vary
- Remove the LH footwell air duct
- Remove LH front floormat
Remove clips securing LH front cabin carpet to vehicle
참고2x clips
Remove LH front cabin carpet from vehicle
참고Lift up rear edge of carpet then slide out towards rear of vehicle, be cautious and avoid foam below catching on seat risers
Remove LH upper A-pillar trim
참고3x clips, Pull inside of the upper portion of upper A-pillar, Depress 2x tabs to remove tether from body side, Then pull upper A-pillar upward to remove
Remove LH sun visor bracket cover
참고4x clips, Extending the sun visor may allow for extra working room
Remove LH sun visor fastener
참고1x screw, T25, 3.5 Nm, Extending the sun visor may allow for extra working room
Remove LH sun visor from headliner area
참고Fold sun visor to the closed and folded down position but do not latch in place
Disconnect LH sun visor connector
참고1x connector
Remove RH upper A-pillar trim
참고3x clips, Pull inside of the upper portion of upper A-pillar, Remove 3x tether hooks by twisting and pulling away from housing, Then pull upper A-pillar upward to remove
Remove RH sun visor bracket cover
참고4x clips, Extending the sun visor may allow for extra working room
Remove RH sun visor fastener
참고1x screw, T25, 3.5 Nm, Extending the sun visor may allow for extra working room
Remove RH sun visor from headliner area
참고Fold sun visor to the closed and folded down position but do not latch in place
Disconnect RH sun visor connector
참고1x connector
Remove lower quad cam cover
참고4x tabs, Press on the side of the cover with a trim tool to release some of the tabs
Remove tether from lower quad cam cover
참고1x hook, Guide hook through anchor on quad cam cover
Disconnect rear view mirror connector
참고1x connector
Remove rear view mirror
참고1x bolt, T20, 2.5 Nm
- Push open LH coat hook
Open LH coat hook screw cover
참고1x locking tab
Remove LH coat hook screw
참고1x screw, T20, 1.0 Nm
- Push open RH coat hook
Open RH coat hook screw cover
참고1x locking tab
Remove RH coat hook screw
참고1x screw, T20, 1.0 Nm
Release headliner from body
참고11x clips, Recommend assistance, Headliner will be partially supported by safety tethers at B-pillars and 2x tether clips at rear corners
Disconnect J5 body connector
참고1x connector, Release lock then remove
Disconnect J2 body connector
참고1x connector, Release lock then remove
Disconnect J4 body connector
참고1x connector, Release lock then remove
Disconnect brake switch
참고1x connector
Disconnect accelerator pedal connector
참고1x connector, Do not push down on Red tab, Pull red tab to disengage lock, Pull again to release connector
Remove accelerator and brake pedal harness clips
참고4x clips
Disconnect headliner harness
참고1x connector
Disconnect white connector X909 from front harness
참고1x connector
Remove LH body harness clips from LH A-pillar
참고3x clips
Release clips securing for LH body harness from below LH front seat
참고3x clips
Remove LH harness clips under front seats and center console
참고3x clips
Disconnect LH body harness from RCM
참고1x connector
Disconnect LH harness from RH body Harness
참고2x connectors,1x clip,Release red locking tabs
Disconnect the LH body harness connectors around lower B-pillar area
참고4x connectors, LH rear door harness, acceleration sensor, and LH seat belt
Remove the LH harness ground strap around LH lower B-pillar area
참고1x bolt, 10mm, 10 Nm
Remove LH harness clips from B-pillar area
참고6x clips
Release LH B-pillar applique from body to disconnect camera connector then remove from vehicle
참고1x fir tree clip, 2x clips, 2x connectors, Pull straight outwards to release from B-Pillar, Use caution not to damage the connectors
Remove the LH body harness clips around the below C-pillar area
참고4x clips
Disconnect logic connector at LH seat frame
참고1x connector
Disconnect LH 2nd row retractor connector
참고1x connector, 2 stage locking connector, Lift the red locking tab then release the connector
Remove the LH body harness clips around C-pillar area
참고4x clips
Disconnect LH side curtain air bag and liftgate power strut electrical connector from LH body harness
참고2x connectors
Release connectors from LH body harness to charge port ECU
참고2x connectors
Remove LH body harness clips around LH side trunk area
참고3x clips
Disconnect connectors from chargeport assembly
참고3x connectors, 1x red locking tab, 2x white locking tab
Remove the LH body harness ground strap below LH tail lamp
참고1x bolt, 10mm, 10 Nm
Remove LH liftgate stop
참고1x liftgate stop, Pull up to remove
Disconnect LH rear bodyside tail lamp assembly connector
참고1x connector, Do not push down on red tab, Pull red tab to disengage lock, Pull again to release connector
Remove nuts securing LH rear bodyside tail lamp assembly to vehicle
참고2x nuts, 8mm, 3.2 Nm
Remove LH rear bodyside tail lamp assembly from vehicle
참고2x studs, To ease removal use trim tool to release lamp from body near each stud. While releasing studs, Pull from opposite end of lamp.
Remove bolt securing LH corner of rear fascia to body
참고1x bolt, 10mm, 4 Nm
Remove RH liftgate stop
참고1x liftgate stop, Pull up to remove
Disconnect RH rear bodyside tail lamp assembly connector
참고1x connector, Do not push down on red tab, Pull red tab to disengage lock, Pull again to release connector
Remove nuts securing RH rear bodyside tail lamp assembly to vehicle
참고2x nuts, 8mm, 3.2 Nm
Remove RH rear bodyside tail lamp assembly from vehicle
참고2x studs
Remove bolt securing RH corner of rear fascia to body
참고1x bolt, 10mm, 4 Nm
Release rear fascia from rear diffuser
참고6x clips, 7x bolts, 10mm, 4 Nm
Remove LH rear fender garnish from vehicle
참고14x clips, Release from center of garnish and work your way outward towards both ends, Using clip prytool release yellow clips at rear of fascia to avoid damage to garnish
Remove bolt securing LH rear fascia to body
참고1x bolt, 8mm, 4 Nm
Remove RH rear fender garnish from vehicle
참고14x clips, Release from center of garnish and work your way outward towards both ends, Using clip prytool release yellow clips at rear of fascia to avoid damage to garnish
Remove bolt securing RH rear fascia to body
참고1x bolt, 8mm, 4 Nm
Release rear fascia from body and disconnect rear fascia harness then remove assembly from vehicle
참고1x connector, Slide red locking tab away from connector, Then depress black locking tab to release the connector. Recommend assistance, Place rear fascia on padded surface to avoid damage
Remove rear body harness from rear fascia center bracket
참고4x clips
Disconnect rear BLE
참고1x connector, 2 stage locking connector, Do not push down on red tab, Pull red tab to disengage lock, Pull again to release connector
Disconnect rear subframe and LH rear EPB connectors
참고2x connectors
Push the rear subframe portion of the LH body harness through the LH side trunk bulkhead
참고Harness passes through into trunk near rear section of LH rear wheel liner area
- Remove the LH body harness from vehicle
- Position the LH body harness into vehicle for installation
Push the rear harness seal through body and fully seat
참고Harness passes through into trunk near rear section of LH rear wheel liner area
Connect rear subframe and LH rear EPB connector
참고2x connectors
Connect rear BLE
참고1x connector, Engage locking tab
Install rear body harness onto rear fascia center bracket
참고4x clips
Connect and install rear fascia onto vehicle
참고1x connector, Engage red locking tab, Recommend assistance, Verify lower portion aligns with rear diffuser
Apply Loctite 222 onto rear diffuser bolts and secure rear fascia to rear diffuser
참고6x clips, 7x bolts, 10mm, 4 Nm
Install bolt securing RH rear fascia to body
참고1x bolt, 8mm, 4 Nm
Install RH rear fender garnish
참고14x clips, Install ends of garnish into rocker panel and rear diffuser then work your way from rear towards front of garnish
Install bolt securing LH rear fascia to body
참고1x bolt, 8mm, 4 Nm
Install LH rear fender garnsih
참고14x clips, Install ends of garnish into rocker panel and rear diffuser then work your way from rear towards front of garnish
Install bolt securing RH corner of rear fascia
참고1x bolt, 10mm, 4 Nm
Remove RH bodyside lamp connector gasket
참고1x gasket
Install RH bodyside lamp connector gasket
참고1x gasket
Remove upper T-stud gasket from RH bodyside lamp
참고1x gasket
Install upper T-stud gasket to RH bodyside lamp
참고1x gasket
Remove lower T-stud gasket from RH bodyside lamp
참고1x gasket
Install lower T-stud gasket to RH bodyside lamp
참고1x gasket
Install RH rear bodyside tail lamp assembly into vehicle
참고2x studs
Install nuts securing RH rear bodyside tail lamp assembly to vehicle
참고2x nuts, 8mm, 3.2 Nm
Connect the RH rear bodyside tail lamp assembly
참고1x connector, Engage locking tab
Install RH liftgate stop
참고1x liftgate stop, Align tab and push down to secure
Install bolt securing LH corner of rear fascia
참고1x bolt, 10mm, 4 Nm
Remove LH bodyside lamp connector gasket
참고1x gasket
Install LH bodyside lamp connector gasket
참고1x gasket
Remove upper T-stud gasket from LH bodyside lamp
참고1x gasket
Install upper T-stud gasket to LH bodyside lamp
참고1x gasket
Remove lower T-stud gasket from LH bodyside lamp
참고1x gasket
Install lower T-stud gasket to LH bodyside lamp
참고1x gasket
Install LH rear bodyside tail lamp assembly into vehicle
참고2x studs
Install nuts securing LH rear bodyside tail lamp assembly to vehicle
참고2x nuts, 8mm, 3.2 Nm
Connect the LH rear bodyside tail lamp assembly
참고1x connector, Engage locking tab
Install LH liftgate stop
참고1x liftgate stop, Align tab and push down to secure
Install the LH body harness ground strap below LH tail lamp
참고1x bolt, 10mm, 10 Nm
Install logic connectors to charge port assembly
참고3x connectors, 1x red locking tab, 2x white locking tab
Install LH body harness clips around LH side trunk area
참고3x clips
Install connectors from LH body harness to charge port ECU
참고2x connectors
Connect LH side curtain air bag and liftgate power strut electrical connector to LH body harness
참고2x connectors
Install the LH body harness clips around upper C-pillar area
참고4x clips
Connect LH 2nd row retractor connector
참고1x connector, 2 stage locking connector, Engage the red locking tab when the connector is fully seated
Connect logic connector at LH 60 seat frame
참고1x connector
Install the LH body harness clips around the below C-pillar area
참고4x clips
Connect camera connector then install LH B-pillar applique to vehicle
참고2x connectors, 1x fir tree clip, 2x clips, Align B-Pillar applique into position and secure clips into body, Use caution not to damage the connectors
Install LH harness clips onto B-pillar area
참고6x clips
Connect the LH body harness connectors around lower B-pillar area
참고4x connectors, LH rear door harness, acceleration sensor, and LH seat belt
Install the LH harness ground strap around LH lower B-pillar area
참고1x bolt, 10mm, 10 Nm
Connect LH harness to RH body Harness
참고2x connector,1x clip,Engage locking tabs
Install LH body harness to RCM
참고1x connector
Install LH harness clips under LH front seat and RH lower B-pillar area
참고3x clips
Install securing clips LH body harness beiow LH front seat
참고3x clips
Install LH body harness clips to LH A-pillar
참고3x clips
Connect J5 body connector
참고1x connector, Fully seat connector then engage lock
Connect J2 body connector
참고1x connector, Fully seat connector then engage lock
Connect J4 body connector
참고1x connector, Fully seat connector then engage lock
Connect white connector X909 to front harness
참고1x connector
Connect headliner harness
참고1x connector
Install accelerator and brake pedal harness clips
참고4x clips
Connect accelerator pedal connector
참고1x connector, Engage locking tab
Connect brake switch connector
참고1x connector
- Install the LH footwell duct into HVAC module
Connect the driver knee air bag and install into vehicle
참고1x connector, Use caution not to damage the connector/harness, Support the knee air bag while connecting the connector
Install fasteners securing driver knee air bag to vehicle
참고4x patch bolts, E10, 8 Nm, Install new patch bolts, 2x screws, T20, 2 Nm, 2x push clips
Install headliner to body
참고11x clips, Recommend assistance, Seat 2x clips at coat hooks when replacing headliner, Reseat primary seal at doors and liftgate to headliner
Install rear view mirror
참고1x bolt, T20, 2.5 Nm
Connect rear view mirror connector
참고1x connector
Install tether onto lower quad cam cover
참고1x hook, Guide hook through anchor on quad cam cover
Install quad camera lower cover
참고4x tabs, Install the tabs closest to the rearview mirror assembly and push the cover up to secure
Connect RH sun visor connector
참고1x connector
Install RH sun visor into headliner area
참고Fold sun visor to the closed and folded down position but do not latch in place
Install RH sun visor fastener
참고1x screw, T25, 3.5 Nm
Install RH sun visor bracket cover
참고4x clips
Install RH upper A-pillar trim
참고3x clips, 1x tether, Slide bottom of trim along IP and speaker grill, attach tether to body side, Set clips starting at the bottom and work up, Pull seal over trim
Connect LH sunvisor connector
참고1x connector
Install LH sun visor into headliner area
참고Fold sun visor to the closed and folded down position but do not latch in place
Install LH sun visor fastener
참고1x screw, T25, 3.5 Nm
Install LH sun visor bracket cover
참고4x clips
Install LH upper A-pillar trim
참고3x clips, 1x tether, Slide bottom of trim along IP and speaker grill, attach tether to body side, Set clips starting at the bottom and work up, Pull seal over trim
Install LH coat hook screw
참고1x screw, T20, 1.0 Nm
Close LH coat hook screw cover
참고1x locking tab
- Push LH coat hook closed
Install RH coat hook screw
참고1x screw, T20, 1.0 Nm
Close RH coat hook screw cover
참고1x locking tab
- Push RH coat hook closed
Install LH upper C-pillar trim
참고6x clips, Guide front upper corner groove under headliner, Insert guide tab to headliner behind quarter glass, Seat trunk seal to edge of trim
Position LH trunk side trim and install lower clips
참고1x push clips, 5x clips, Guide front clip stanchions around LH C-pillar
Connect 12V outlet and trunk switch connector and seat top edge of LH trunk side trim
참고6x clips, 2x connectors
Install LH trunk pocket bracket
참고1x push clip, 5x alignment tabs
Install LH load floor bracket
참고3x tabs, 2x clips
Install RH upper C-pillar trim
참고6x clips, Guide front upper corner groove under headliner, Insert guide tab to headliner behind quarterglass, Seat trunk seal to edge of trim
Install RH trunk side trim
참고1x push clip, 11x clips, Guide front clip stanchions around RH C-pillar
Install RH trunk pocket bracket
참고1x push clip, 5x alignment tabs
Install RH load floor bracket
참고3x tabs, 2x clips
- Install front load floor
- Install rear load floor
Install trunk sill trim
참고4x clips, Seat seal around edge of trim
Fold the 60 seat into vertical position
참고Remove seat back protection if necessary
Fold 40 seat into vertical position
참고Remove seat cushion protection
Install rear main cabin carpet to vehicle
참고Position rear main carpet to floorboard and slide forward, Ensure rear main carpet tucks beneath front main carpet and air duct
Install clips securing rear main cabin carpet to vehicle
참고3x push clips
- Install rear floormat
- Install LH front cabin carpet
Install clips securing the LH front cabin carpet to vehicle
참고2x clips
Install connectors to LH footwell cover and position for installation
참고3x tabs, 1x Ethernet connector, 1x puddle light connector
Install screw and clips securing LH footwell cover
참고1x screw, T20, 2.5 Nm, 2x push clips
Install the RH lower B-pillar assembly
참고6x clips, Align the bottom guide tab to its slot then press the bottom clips, Work your way to top clips
Install clip securing RH lower B-pillar to body
참고1x push clip, Clip goes through B-pillar and rear cabin carpet
Install RH rear sill trim
참고5x clips, Rear edge is mated with groove in trunk side trim, Install rear edge of RH rear sill trim into trunk side trim and work your way forward securing clips
Install the RH upper B-pillar assembly
참고4x clips, Lower the seat belt slider to align it with the B-pillar panel, Insert top portion of upper B-pillar under the headliner to align the clips, Press the bottom to fully seat upper B-pillar to lower B-pillar, Make sure the seal correctly overlaps the trim
Install the LH lower B-pillar assembly
참고6x clips, Align the bottom guide tab to its slot then press the bottom clips, Work your way to top clips
Install clip securing LH lower B-pillar to body
참고1x push clip, Clip secures lower B-pillar and rear cabin carpet to body
Install LH rear sill trim
참고5x clips, Rear edge is mated with groove in trunk side trim, Install rear edge of LH rear sill trim into trunk side trim and work your way forward securing clips, Trim part may slightly differ, by vehicle build location
Reseat LH rear door seal
참고Seat pillar and sill trim tabs underneath seal
Reposition 2nd row seat cushion
참고Slide cushion rearward then align with buckles and foam with seat rail, Make sure cushion is fully seated with push & pull test
Install the LH upper B-pillar assembly
참고4x clips, Lower the seat belt slider to align it with the B-pillar panel, Insert top portion of upper B-pillar under the headliner to align the clips, Press the bottom to fully seat upper B-pillar to lower B-pillar, Make sure the seal correctly overlaps the trim
Install center console onto vehicle
참고Recommend assistance, Tilt front of console downward, Slide assembly towards front of vehicle and tilt rear of console down into place
Connect harness at right front of center console
참고1x USB connector
Connect harness to rear of center console
참고1x connector
Install RH front exterior hardware to center console
참고2x bolts, 10mm, 7 Nm
Install RH console side panel carpet
참고12x clips, 2x locating pins, Position side panel and align the front locator, then the rear locator, Push side panel towards console to install
Install RH rear exterior hardware to center console
참고1x bolt, 10mm, 7 Nm
Install LH rear exterior hardware to center console
참고1x bolt, 10mm, 7 Nm
Install console lower rear panel
참고5x clips
Install LH front exterior hardware to center console
참고2x bolts, 10mm, 7 Nm
Install LH console side panel carpet
참고11x clips, 2x locating pins, Position side panel and align the front into front locator, then the rear locator, Push side panel towards console to install
Install LH front seat into vehicle
참고Recommend assistance, Assistant should be ready to support seat back, Caution not to damage any trim
- Secure LH front seat harness under LH front cabin carpet
Install LH front seat harness along LH front sill panel harness bracket
참고5x clips
Install LH front seat harness onto LH footwell support bracket
참고2x clips
Connect LH front seat harness to VC left
참고1x electrical connector, Ensure the connector and lock are fully engaged, Perform pull push pull test to ensure the connector and connector lock are seated
- Fully seat LH front cabin carpet
- Install clip securing LH front cabin carpet to body
Install LH lower A-pillar trim
참고6x clips, 2 locating pins, Align front locating pin first
Install clip securing LH lower A-pillar trim
참고1x push clip
Install LH mid A-pillar assembly
참고1x clip, 1x tab, Align the bottom tab then push the top clip to fully seat mid A-pillar, Pull seal over trim
- Reseat LH front door seal along lower A-pillar trim
Install RH front seat into vehicle
참고Recommend assistance, Assistant should be ready to support seat back, Caution not to damage any trim
- Secure RH front seat harness under RH front cabin carpet
Install RH front seat harness along plastic guide
참고5x clips
Install RH front seat harness onto RH footwell support bracket
참고2x retaining clips
Connect RH front seat harness to VC right
참고1x electrical connector, Ensure the connector and lock are fully engaged, Perform pull push pull test to ensure the connector and connector lock are seated
- Fully seat RH front cabin carpet
Install clip securing RH front cabin carpet to body
참고1x clip
Install RH lower A-pillar trim
참고6x clips, 2x locating pins, Align front locating pin first
Install clip securing RH lower A-pillar trim
참고1x clip
Install RH mid A-pillar assembly
참고1x clip, 1x tab, Align the bottom tab then push the top clip to fully seat mid A-pillar, Make sure the seal seat on top of the trim
- Reseat RH front door seal along lower A-pillar trim
Connect first responder loop and 12V negative terminal
참고1x nut, 10mm, 6 Nm, 1x connector, Engage locking tab, Connect FRL first before connecting 12V to avoid damage to car computer
Install rear apron
참고14x clips, Hold rear wall of frunk to keep from flexing while engaging front clips
- Close hood
- Move LH front seat backward
Install LH front seat front fasteners
참고2x patch bolts, T45P, 33.5 Nm, Install new patch bolts
- Move LH front seat forward
Install LH front seat belt retractor to seat
참고Insert retractor into seat pre tensioner, Make sure it locks into position with push-pull-push test
Install LH front seat rear fasteners
참고2x patch bolts, T45P, 33.5 Nm, Install new patch bolts
- Move LH front seat to original position
- Move RH front seat backward
Install RH front seat front fasteners
참고2x patch bolts, T45P, 33.5 Nm, Install new patch bolts
- Move RH front seat forward
Install RH front seat belt retractor to seat
참고Insert retractor into seat pre tensioner, Make sure it locks into position with push-pull-push test
Install RH front seat rear fasteners
참고2x patch bolts, T45P, 33.5 Nm, Install new patch bolts
- Move RH front seat to original position
- Close liftgate
- Raise all four windows
Close all four doors
참고If 12V is powered up, Unlatch rear doors before closing