헤드라이너 어셈블리(탈거 및 교체)
교정 코드
152031021.26 참고: 절차에서 명시적으로 언급하지 않는 한 위 교정 코드 및 FRT는 연결된 절차를 포함하여 이 절차를 수행하는 데 필요한 모든 작업을 반영합니다. 명시적으로 지시하지 않는 한 교정 코드를 누적하지 마십시오.참고: FRT와 그 생성 방법에 대한 자세한 내용은 표준 정비 작업시간을 참조하십시오. FRT 값에 대한 피드백을 제공하려면 LaborTimeFeedback@tesla.com으로 이메일을 보내십시오. 참고: 아래 절차를 수행할 때 개인 보호을(를) 참조하여 적절한 PPE를 착용했는지 확인하십시오.
- 2023-05-19: Added headliner shipping bag installation tip.
이 절차는 초안입니다. 따라서 검증은 되었지만 경고 및 주의 사항이 누락되었을 수 있습니다. 고전압 시스템 및 구성 요소에서 또는 그 근처에서 작업하는 경우에는 안전 요구 사항을 준수하고 최고 수준의 주의를 기울여야 합니다. 수정 사항 및 기타 의견이 있으면 ServiceDevelopment@teslamotors.com으로 알려 주십시오.
- Open all four doors
- Lower all four windows
- Open liftgate
Remove LH IP end cap
참고3x clips
Remove LH mid A-pillar assembly
참고1x clip, 1x tab, Release the upper clip then pull mid A-pillar upward to remove
Remove LH upper A-pillar trim
참고3x clips, Pull inside of the upper portion of upper A-pillar, Depress 2x tabs to remove tether from body side, Then pull upper A-pillar upward to remove
Remove clip securing LH lower A-pillar trim
참고1x push clip
Remove LH lower A-pillar trim
참고6x clips, 2 guide tabs, Pull rear of lower A-pillar upward to release clip then pull rearward to release trim panel
Remove LH sun visor bracket cover
참고4x clips, Extending the sun visor may allow for extra working room
Remove LH sun visor fastener
참고1x screw, T25, 3.5 Nm, Extending the sun visor may allow for extra working room
Remove LH sun visor from headliner area
참고Fold sun visor to the closed and folded down position but do not latch in place
Disconnect LH sun visor connector
참고1x connector
- Move LH front seat forward
Remove RH IP end cap
참고3x clips
Remove RH mid A-pillar assembly
참고1x clip, 1x tab, Release the upper clip then pull mid A-pillar upward to remove
Remove RH upper A-pillar trim
참고3x clips, Pull inside of the upper portion of upper A-pillar, Remove 3x tether hooks by twisting and pulling away from housing, Then pull upper A-pillar upward to remove
Remove RH sun visor bracket cover
참고4x clips, Extending the sun visor may allow for extra working room
Remove RH sun visor fastener
참고1x screw, T25, 3.5 Nm, Extending the sun visor may allow for extra working room
Remove RH sun visor from headliner area
참고Fold sun visor to the closed and folded down position but do not latch in place
Disconnect RH sun visor connector
참고1x connector
- Move RH front seat forward
Remove 2nd row seat cushion
참고1x connector, Lift front edge of seat cushion upward to release foam from frame
- Partially remove LH rear door seal
Remove LH rear sill trim
참고5x clips, Rear edge is mated with groove in trunk side trim, Release clips at the front of LH rear sill trim working your way back towards rear of sill trim, Trim part may slightly differ, by vehicle build location
- Push open LH coat hook
Open LH coat hook screw cover
참고1x locking tab
Remove LH coat hook screw
참고1x screw, T20, 1.0 Nm
Release LH upper B-pillar assembly and move aside
참고4x clips, Pull the bottom of the upper B-pillar toward inside of the vehicle then pull the top to release the remaining clips
- Remove rear load floor
- Remove front load floor
Remove trunk sill trim
참고4x clips
Remove LH load floor bracket
참고3x tabs, 2x clips
Remove LH trunk pocket bracket
참고1x push clip, 5x alignment tabs
Release top edge of LH trunk side trim and disconnect 12V outlet and trunk switch connectors
참고6x clips, 2x connectors, Trim part may slightly differ, by vehicle build location
Release remaining clips and remove LH trunk side trim
참고1x push clip, 5x clips, Guide front clip stanchions around LH C-pillar
Remove LH upper C-pillar trim
참고6x clips, Guide front upper corner groove out from headliner and place trim aside
Partially remove RH rear door seal
참고Pillar and sill trim have tabs seated underneath seal
Remove RH rear sill trim
참고5x clips, Rear edge is mated with groove in trunk side trim, Release clips at the front of RH rear sill trim working your way back towards rear of sill trim
- Push open RH coat hook
Open RH coat hook screw cover
참고1x locking tab
Remove RH coat hook screw
참고1x screw, T20, 1.0 Nm
Release clips securing the RH upper B-pillar assembly and move aside
참고4x clips, Pull the bottom of the upper B-pillar toward inside of the car, then pull the top to release the remaining clips
Remove RH load floor bracket
참고3x tabs, 2x clips
Remove RH trunk pocket bracket
참고1x push clip, 5x alignment tabs
Release clips and remove RH trunk side trim
참고1x push clip, 11x clips, Guide front clip stanchions around RH C-pillar
Remove RH upper C-pillar trim
참고6x clips, Guide front upper corner groove out from headliner and place trim aside
Disconnect headliner harness
참고1x connector
Remove headliner harness clips from LH A-pillar area
참고6x clips
Release headliner from body
참고11x clips, Recommend assistance, Headliner will be partially supported by safety tethers at B-pillars and 2x tether clips at rear corners
Disconnect LH rear map light and release from rear portion of headliner
참고1x connector, 1x harness clip
Disconnect RH rear map light and release from rear portion of headliner
참고1x connector, 1x harness clip
Remove fasteners joining front and rear headliner trim
참고10x screws, T20, 1.0 Nm
Remove front headliner from vehicle
참고Recommend assistance, Remove through front door, Place headliner on clean surface
Release LH rear headliner tether from roof clip
참고1x screw, T20, 1.5 Nm
Release RH rear headliner tether from roof clip
참고1x screw, T20, 1.5 Nm
Remove rear headliner from vehicle
참고2x tether clips, Recommend assistance, Remove through rear door, Place headliner on clean surface
Remove LH coat hook tether clip from body
참고1x clip
Remove RH coat hook tether clip from body
참고1x clip
Separate new headliner into front and rear
참고10x screws, T20, 1.0 NmTIp헤드라이너 배송 백은 장착 시 "제3의 손"으로 유용하게 사용할 수 있습니다.
- 입구가 작업자 본인을 향하도록 배송 백을 평평하게 눕힙니다.
- 가위로 백의 위쪽과 아래쪽을 약 12인치(30cm)가 남을 때까지 중간까지 자릅니다. 백이 바지 한 벌처럼 보일 것입니다.
- 차량 전면/후면(해당될 경우) 도어를 열고 백을 차량 루프 위에 놓은 다음, 백의 "다리"를 각 도어웨이를 통해 실내로 가져옵니다.
- 다리의 양쪽 끝을 묶어 실내에서 루프 위로, 그리고 다시 실내로 연결되는 매우 느슨한 고리를 만듭니다. 고리가 너무 빡빡하면 가운데 부분을 조금 더 자릅니다.
- 장착하는 동안 루프를 사용하여 헤드라이너를 지지합니다. 루프가 너무 느슨한 경우 추가로 매듭을 묶어 늘어짐을 줄입니다.
Place rear headliner into vehicle
참고2x tether clips, Recommend assistance, Install through rear door
Place front headliner into vehicle
참고Recommend assistance, Install through front door
Install fasteners joining front and rear headliner trim
참고10x screws, T20, 1.0 Nm, Recommend assistance
Connect RH rear map light and secure to rear portion of headliner
참고1x connector, 1x harness clip
Connect LH rear map light and secure to rear portion of headliner
참고1x connector, 1x harness clip
Install headliner to body
참고11x clips, Recommend assistance, Seat 2x clips at coat hooks when replacing headliner, Reseat primary seal at doors and liftgate to headliner
Install headliner harness clips to A-pillar area
참고6x clips
Connect headliner harness
참고1x connector
Install LH upper C-pillar trim
참고6x clips, Guide front upper corner groove under headliner, Insert guide tab to headliner behind quarter glass, Seat trunk seal to edge of trim
Position LH trunk side trim and install lower clips
참고1x push clips, 5x clips, Guide front clip stanchions around LH C-pillar
Connect 12V outlet and trunk switch connector and seat top edge of LH trunk side trim
참고6x clips, 2x connectors
Install LH trunk pocket bracket
참고1x push clip, 5x alignment tabs
Install LH load floor bracket
참고3x tabs, 2x clips
Install RH upper C-pillar trim
참고6x clips, Guide front upper corner groove under headliner, Insert guide tab to headliner behind quarterglass, Seat trunk seal to edge of trim
Install RH trunk side trim
참고1x push clip, 11x clips, Guide front clip stanchions around RH C-pillar
Install RH trunk pocket bracket
참고1x push clip, 5x alignment tabs
Install RH load floor bracket
참고3x tabs, 2x clips
Install trunk sill trim
참고4x clips, Seat seal around edge of trim
- Install front load floor
- Install rear load floor
Install the LH upper B-pillar assembly
참고4x clips, Lower the seat belt slider to align it with the B-pillar panel, Insert top portion of upper B-pillar under the headliner to align the clips, Press the bottom to fully seat upper B-pillar to lower B-pillar, Make sure the seal correctly overlaps the trim
Install LH rear sill trim
참고5x clips, Rear edge is mated with groove in trunk side trim, Install rear edge of LH rear sill trim into trunk side trim and work your way forward securing clips, Trim part may slightly differ, by vehicle build location
Reseat LH rear door seal
참고Seat pillar and sill trim tabs underneath seal
Install the RH upper B-pillar assembly
참고4x clips, Lower the seat belt slider to align it with the B-pillar panel, Insert top portion of upper B-pillar under the headliner to align the clips, Press the bottom to fully seat upper B-pillar to lower B-pillar, Make sure the seal correctly overlaps the trim
Install RH rear sill trim
참고5x clips, Rear edge is mated with groove in trunk side trim, Install rear edge of RH rear sill trim into trunk side trim and work your way forward securing clips
Reseat RH rear door seal
참고Seat pillar and sill trim tabs underneath seal
Install 2nd row seat cushion
참고1x connector, Slide rear cushion rearward then align foam with seat rail, Make sure cushion is fully seated with push & pull test
- Close liftgate
- Move RH front seat to original position
Connect RH sun visor connector
참고1x connector
Install RH sun visor into headliner area
참고Fold sun visor to the closed and folded down position but do not latch in place
Install RH sun visor fastener
참고1x screw, T25, 3.5 Nm
Install RH sun visor bracket cover
참고4x clips
Install RH upper A-pillar trim
참고3x clips, 1x tether, Slide bottom of trim along IP and speaker grill, attach tether to body side, Set clips starting at the bottom and work up, Pull seal over trim
Install RH mid A-pillar assembly
참고1x clip, 1x tab, Align the bottom tab then push the top clip to fully seat mid A-pillar, Make sure the seal seat on top of the trim
Install RH IP end cap
참고3x clips
- Move LH front seat to original position
Connect LH sunvisor connector
참고1x connector
Install LH sun visor into headliner area
참고Fold sun visor to the closed and folded down position but do not latch in place
Install LH sun visor fastener
참고1x screw, T25, 3.5 Nm
Install LH sun visor bracket cover
참고4x clips
Install LH upper A-pillar trim
참고3x clips, 1x tether, Slide bottom of trim along IP and speaker grill, attach tether to body side, Set clips starting at the bottom and work up, Pull seal over trim
Install LH lower A-pillar trim
참고6x clips, 2 locating pins, Align front locating pin first
Install clip securing LH lower A-pillar trim
참고1x push clip
Install LH mid A-pillar assembly
참고1x clip, 1x tab, Align the bottom tab then push the top clip to fully seat mid A-pillar, Pull seal over trim
Install LH IP end cap
참고3x clips
- Connect to vehicle using Toolbox 3.0
- Select ‘Actions/Autodiag’ and search for ‘Service_Redeploy’
Select ‘UPDATE_CAN-REDEPLOYvia Toolbox: (link)via Service Mode Plus:
- Drive Inverter Replacement ➜ Drive Inverter DIRE1L Replacement ➜ CAN Redeploy
- Drive Inverter Replacement ➜ Drive Inverter DIRE1R Replacement ➜ CAN Redeploy
- Drive Inverter Replacement ➜ Drive Inverter DIRE2 Replacement ➜ CAN Redeploy
- Drive Inverter ➜ Front Drive Inverter Replacement ➜ CAN Redeploy
- Drive Inverter ➜ Rear Drive Inverter Replacement ➜ CAN Redeploy
- Drive Inverter ➜ Rear Left Drive Inverter Replacement ➜ CAN Redeploy
- Drive Inverter ➜ Rear Right Drive Inverter Replacement ➜ CAN Redeploy
- Drive Unit ➜ Front Drive Unit Replacement ➜ CAN Redeploy
- Drive Unit ➜ Rear Drive Unit Replacement ➜ CAN Redeploy
참고Select ‘X’ at top right of window to close once complete - Remove HSD or RJ45 cable from Ethernet port to disconnect Toolbox 3.0 from vehicle
Once firmware redeploy is complete, Verify on center display release notes are present
참고If the redeploy fails you may receive an error message on UI
- Raise all four windows
Close all four doors
참고If 12V is powered up, Unlatch rear doors before closing