프레임 - 시트 쿠션 - 전면 동승석 시트(탈거 및 교체)
교정 코드
13011212 1.02참고: 절차에서 명시적으로 언급하지 않는 한 위 교정 코드 및 FRT는 연결된 절차를 포함하여 이 절차를 수행하는 데 필요한 모든 작업을 반영합니다. 명시적으로 지시하지 않는 한 교정 코드를 누적하지 마십시오.참고: FRT와 그 생성 방법에 대한 자세한 내용은 표준 정비 작업시간을 참조하십시오. FRT 값에 대한 피드백을 제공하려면 LaborTimeFeedback@tesla.com으로 이메일을 보내십시오. 참고: 아래 절차를 수행할 때 개인 보호을(를) 참조하여 적절한 PPE를 착용했는지 확인하십시오.
- 2024-12-09: Added mini-tilt motor configuration information.
이 절차는 초안입니다. 따라서 검증은 되었지만 경고 및 주의 사항이 누락되었을 수 있습니다. 고전압 시스템 및 구성 요소에서 또는 그 근처에서 작업하는 경우에는 안전 요구 사항을 준수하고 최고 수준의 주의를 기울여야 합니다. 수정 사항 및 기타 의견이 있으면 ServiceDevelopment@teslamotors.com으로 알려 주십시오.
Check Firmware version
참고Firmware package installed must be 2023.2.11 or above for configuration routine to populate, If below target package, proceed with OTA update
- Remove the front passenger seat assembly. See 시트 어셈블리 - 1열 - LH(탈거 및 교체).
Remove screw securing outer side cover
to seat.
참고1x screw, T20, 4 Nm, Ensure the front of the seat is high enough to access the T20 screw.
Release outer side cover clip from seat, but do not remove
참고1x clip, Do not fully remove, possible damage to the trim/switch pack/harness
Disconnect seat switch connector
참고1x connector
Slide outer cover rearward to release clip from frame and lift up over pretensioner to remove
참고1x clip
Disconnect the RH front seat belt
참고1x connector
Remove RH lap pretensioner from seat track
참고1x patch bolt, T50, 40 Nm, Bolt is patched and held in place with metal clip
Remove RH front seat RH sideshield carrier
참고2x clips, 2x tabs, Release leading edge of trim and slide away from seat frame
Release seat belt pretensioner harness clips
참고3x clips, Use 90 pick to release harness clips from seat track rail
Remove RH front seat LH sideshield carrier
참고2x clips, 2x tabs, Release leading edge of trim and slide away from seat frame
Remove clips securing seat switch harness to seat cushion frame
참고2x fir tree clips
Remove inner side shield from seat
참고3x clips, Release side clip from seat bottom frame, then pull up on rear of trim to remove
Disconnect RH front seat belt buckle
참고1x connector
Release RH front seat belt buckle harness clip
참고1x fir tree clip
Remove the clips securing RH front seat belt buckle connector harness to the seat cushion frame
참고2x fir tree clips
Release harness clip from RH front seat bottom frame
참고1x clip
Remove RH front seat buckle from seat track
참고1x patch bolt, T50, 40 Nm
Rotate the seat to gain access to the underside of the seat
참고Protect seat cushion from damage
Unhook the straps for the lower section of the seat back and move the seat back flap away from the underside of the seat
참고2x clips
Remove seat cushion retaining clips from the seat suspension
참고2x clips
Remove the front retaining clip from the seat cushion frame securing the front of the seat trim to the frame
참고1x clip strip, May need to start with a hook tool, Pull the clip away from the frame to release
Remove the inboard retaining clip from the seat cushion frame securing the side of the seat trim to the frame
참고1x clip strip, May need to start with a hook tool, Pull the clip away from the frame to release
Remove the outboard retaining clip from the seat cushion frame securing the side of the seat trim to the frame
참고1x clip strip, May need to start with a hook tool, Pull the clip away from the frame to release
Disconnect the tilt motor connector
참고1x connector
Remove the harness retaining clip under the tilt motor
참고1x retaining clip
Disconnect the seat occupied sensor
참고1x connector
Disconnect seat cushion heat pad from module
참고1x connector
Disconnect the CAN communication pass through connector from the OCS control module
참고1x connector
Remove OCS control module from seat bottom frame
참고2x tabs
Disconnect seat cushion heat pad from seat back heat pad connector
참고1x connector
Remove seat cushion connector from seat cushion suspension
참고Slide upward to release from trim
Disconnect the seat back heater connector
참고1x connector
Disconnect the seat back heater harness connector from seat cushion suspension
참고1x connector
Disconnect the seat cushion heat pad
참고1x connector
Remove seat cushion heat pad from seat cushion suspension
참고1x connector, 1x clip, Slide connector forward to release from seat bottom
Remove clip securing the harness to the under side of the seat, next to the seat heater connectors
참고1x retaining clip
Disconnect the seat track position sensor connector
참고1x connector
Disconnect the lift motor connector
참고1x connector
Disconnect LH front seat track motor connector
참고1x connector
Remove the clip securing the track motor harness to the track motor housing
참고1x edge clip
Remove the clip securing the harness to the seat cushion frame under the lift motor
참고1x retaining clip
Remove the retaining clip under the main seat harness junction
참고1x retaining clip
- Move harness away from seat frame
- Return seat to upright position
Install the outboard headrest release tool
참고Depress the material around the headrest post to expose the release clip, Ensure both tangs of the release tool engage the retaining spring, The release tool is rotated into position, Images show headrest removed for clarity
Install the inboard headrest release tool
참고Depress the material around the headrest post to expose the release clip, Ensure both tangs of the release tool engage the retaining spring, The release tool is rotated into position, Images show headrest removed for clarity
Remove the headrest from seat
참고2x locking clips, Remove by pulling straight up, out of the seat
Remove the inboard headrest release tool
참고Rotate the release tool out of position, Do not pull straight up or out
Remove the outboard headrest release tool
참고Rotate the release tool out of position, Do not pull straight up or out
Remove seat back from RH front seat
참고6x clips, Start at the top of the seat and pull the shell away from the frame, When the side clips are free, pull the bottom and carefully roll the bottom tabs out of the slots, If pulled straight out the clips on the seat back can break off
Remove LH front seat back assembly from seat cushion frame
참고4x bolts, T47P, 43 Nm, Recommend assistance, Discard bolts after removal
- Remove RH front seat cushion assembly from seat frame
Remove LH front seat cushion suspension from power seat cushion frame
참고4x tabs, Raise portion seated on rear cushion tube, Then pull assembly away from tabs to release
Install LH front seat cushion suspension from power seat cushion frame
참고4x tabs, Position suspension along metal tabs, Then seat rear portion on rear cushion tube
- Position RH front seat cushion assembly onto cushion frame
Install LH front seat back assembly onto seat cushion frame
참고4x bolts, T47P, 43 Nm, Recommend assistance, Install new patch bolts
Install the seat back shell base assembly to seat back frame
참고6x clips, Install the lower clips first and rotate the shell up into place, Light pressure may need to be applied to the shell to ensure it's fully seated, The headrest posts will engage the seat back when installed
Install RH front seat headrest
참고2x locking clips, Ensure the headrest is fully seated, An audible click will be heard when installing the headrest, Ensure the headrest is seated by tugging up on the headrest
Flip seat over to gain access to the bottom of the seat
참고Protect the seat back to prevent damage
Install the retaining clip under the main seat harness junction
참고1x retaining clip
Install the clip securing the harness to the seat cushion frame under the lift motor
참고1x retaining clip
- Route harness towards pretensioner
Install the clip securing the track motor harness to the track motor housing
참고1x edge clip
Connect RH front seat track motor connector
참고1x connector
Connect the lift motor connector
참고1x connector
Connect the seat track position sensor connector
참고1x connector
Install the clip securing the harness to the under side of the seat, next to the seat heater connectors
참고1x retaining clip
Connect the heat pad connector
참고1x connector
Connect the heat pad connector
참고1x connector
Install the seat back heater harness connector to the seat bottom
참고1x connector
Connect the seat back heater connector
참고1x connector
Install seat cushion heating pad connector onto cushion suspension
참고1x connector
Connect seat cushion heating pad to seat back heating pad
참고1x connector
Install OCS control module onto seat bottom frame
참고2x tabs
Connect the SRS harness connector to the OCS control module
참고1x connector
Connect seat cushion heating pad to module
참고1x connector
Install the seat occupied sensor onto the seat frame
참고1x clip
Connect the seat occupied sensor and install the clip onto the seat bottom
참고1x connector, 1x retaining clip, Ensure harness is not routed between cushion and frame to avoid friction
Install the harness retaining clip under the tilt motor
참고1x retaining clip
Connect the tilt motor connector
참고1x connector
Install the outboard seat trim retaining clip onto the seat frame
참고1x clip strip, Fold the clip over towards the frame, The open end should engage the seat frame, if not the trim will need to be pulled until the correct amount of tension is achieved, Line up one end of the clip strip opening with the seat frame and press down until the clip is fully seated onto the frame
Install the inboard seat trim retaining clip onto the seat frame
참고1x clip strip, Fold the clip over towards the frame, The open end should engage the seat frame, if not the trim will need to be pulled until the correct amount of tension is achieved, Line up one end of the clip strip opening with the seat frame and press down until the clip is fully seated onto the frame
Install the front seat trim retaining clip onto the seat frame
참고1x clip strip, Fold the clip over towards the frame, The open end should engage the seat frame, if not the trim will need to be pulled until the correct amount of tension is achieved, Line up one end of the clip strip opening with the seat frame and press down until the clip is fully seated onto the frame
Install the seat cushion retaining clips onto the seat suspension
참고2x clips, The seat cushion and trim may need to be pulled tight for the hooks to achieve correct placement on the seat suspension
Hook the strap clips for the seat back shell onto the seat suspension
참고2x clips, Ensure the straps are tight for proper fit and installation
- Rotate the seat to normal upright position
Install the clips securing RH front seat belt buckle connector harness to the seat cushion frame
참고2x fir tree clips
Install clip securing RH front seat belt buckle harness connector to the seat cushion frame
참고1x fir tree clip
Install LH sideshield carrier onto RH front seat
참고2x clips, 2x tabs, Slide forward onto seat frame aligning clips and tabs
Install the bolt securing the RH front seat buckle to seat track
참고1x patch bolt, T50, 40 Nm, Buckle comes with bolt and metal clip
Adjust RH front seat buckle harness clip along inner seat rail and verify harness is extended as far forward as possible to eliminate slack on the back side of the clip
참고1x clip, Avoid straining harness, If harness is routed as shown in 2nd photo rework is needed
Connect RH front seat belt buckle
참고1x connector
Install inner side shield cover onto RH front seat
참고3x clips, Slide the trim onto the seat from the opening for the buckle, then slide forward into position
Install clips securing seat switch harness to seat cushion frame
참고2x fir tree clips
Install RH front seat LH sideshield carrier
참고2x clips, 2x tabs, Release leading edge of trim and slide away from seat frame
Install seat belt pretensioner harness clips
참고3x clips, Position seat belt pretensioner harness clips to seat track rail and press down on each clip to secure
Install RH front seat RH sideshield carrier
참고2x clips, 2x tabs, Slide forward onto seat frame aligning clips and tabs
Install RH lap pretensioner from seat track
참고1x patch bolt, T50, 40 Nm, Bolt is patched and held in place with metal clip
Disconnect RH front seat belt pretensioner
참고1x connector, Pull both of the orange tabs down to release the connector
Slide outer cover forward to engage clip into the frame and lift up over pretensioner to install
참고1x clip
Connect seat switch connector
참고1x connector
Install outer side cover clip to seat frame
참고1x clip
Install screw securing outer side cover to seat
참고1x screw, T20, 4 Nm
- Install the front passenger seat assembly. See 시트 어셈블리 - 1열 - LH(탈거 및 교체).
2024년 6월 이후 조달된 교체용 전면 시트 어셈블리와 시트 쿠션 프레임 어셈블리에는 새롭게 설계된 Tesla "미니 틸트" 모터가 장착되어 있으며, 이러한 부품(또는 틸트 모터 자체)을 교체하려면 구성을 변경해야 할 수 있습니다. 표의 구성 정보를 검토하고 구성 업데이트가 필요한 경우 다음 하위 단계를 수행합니다.
- Infotainment Dashboard의 Vehicle Configuration 섹션에 액세스합니다. 참조 항목: 게이트웨이 구성(표시 및 변경).
- 표에 설명된 틸트 모터의 조합에 따라 cfg_frontSeattype을 업데이트합니다.
Connect to vehicle using Toolbox 3.0
참고Vehicle connection is integrated into drivers footwell cover, Open Toolbox 3 website and establish connection to the vehicle, https://toolbox.teslamotors.com, Select connection status icon at top right corner, and select connect locally (icon will turn green when vehicle is connected)If RJ45 ethernet diagnostic connector present connect directly from laptop using an RJ45 Ethernet cable
Unlock Gateway
참고After vehicle has been put into "Service Mode", place keycard on center console to turn on drive rails, hold down the brake pedal, while holding down break pedal simultaneously hold the turn signal stalk fully up for at least 10 seconds, "GTW UNLOCKING" should pop up on the UI next to the VIN during these 10 seconds, once gateway is unlocked "GTW UNLOCKED 5400" will be displayed on the UI next to the VIN, the gateway will remain unlocked for 90 minutes, follow steps on Toolbox article #5582900 for any additional information
- Select ‘Actions’ and search for ‘OCS’
Select ‘PROC_OCS1P_SELF-CALIBRATIONvia Toolbox: (link)via Service Mode Plus: Safety & Restraints ➜ Seats ➜ OCS1P Self Capacitance Calibration’, click ‘Run’, and allow routine to complete
참고Select ‘X’ at top right of window to close once complete, Routine is specific to NA region vehicles
- Select ‘Actions’ and search for ‘Seat calibration’
Select ‘PROC_VCRIGHT_SEAT-CALIBRATEvia Toolbox: (link)’, click ‘Run’, and allow routine to
참고Select ‘X’ at top right of window to close once complete
- Remove HSD or RJ45 cable from Ethernet port to disconnect Toolbox 3.0 from vehicle
- Raise all windows
Close all four doors
참고Unlatch rear doors before closing