B커버 - 2열 - 내측 - LH(7인승)(탈거 및 교체)
교정 코드
13084212 0.66 참고: 절차에서 명시적으로 언급하지 않는 한 위 교정 코드 및 FRT는 연결된 절차를 포함하여 이 절차를 수행하는 데 필요한 모든 작업을 반영합니다. 명시적으로 지시하지 않는 한 교정 코드를 누적하지 마십시오.참고: FRT와 그 생성 방법에 대한 자세한 내용은 표준 정비 작업시간을 참조하십시오. FRT 값에 대한 피드백을 제공하려면 LaborTimeFeedback@tesla.com으로 이메일을 보내십시오. 참고: 아래 절차를 수행할 때 개인 보호을(를) 참조하여 적절한 PPE를 착용했는지 확인하십시오.
이 절차는 초안입니다. 따라서 검증은 되었지만 경고 및 주의 사항이 누락되었을 수 있습니다. 고전압 시스템 및 구성 요소에서 또는 그 근처에서 작업하는 경우에는 안전 요구 사항을 준수하고 최고 수준의 주의를 기울여야 합니다. 수정 사항 및 기타 의견이 있으면 ServiceDevelopment@teslamotors.com으로 알려 주십시오.
- Open RH front and rear doors
- Lower all four windows
- Move LH front seat forward
- Move RH front seat forward
- Partially remove LH rear door seal
Remove LH 7s Lower C-Pillar Trim
참고8x clips, Rear edge is mated with groove in trunk side trim, Release clips at the front of LH rear sill trim working your way back towards rear of sill trim
- Fold 60 seat into down position
Disconnect logic connector at LH seat frame
참고1x connector
Move 60 seat forward using towel bar
참고With one hand on towel bar pull up and slide the seat forward with your other hand
Remove 60 seat rear outboard track fastener
참고1x patch bolt, 11mm, 37 Nm, Discard after removal
Remove 60 seat rear inboard track fasteners
참고2x patch bolts, 11mm, 37 Nm, Discard after removal
Move 60 seat fully rearward using towel bar
참고With one hand on towel bar pull up and slide the seat forward with your other hand
Remove 60 seat outboard track cover
참고1x clip, Slide covers forward to release from 60 seat tracks
Remove center track cover from 2nd row seats
참고2x clips, Slide covers forward to release from 2nd row seat tracks
Release cabin carpet from 60 seat
참고Pull cabin carpet towards front of vehicle
Remove 60 seat front inboard track fasteners
참고1x bolts, 11mm, 37 Nm, Discard after removal
Remove 60 seat front outboard track fasteners
참고1x bolts, 11mm, 37 Nm, Discard after removal
Remove 2nd row 60 seat assembly from vehicle
참고Recommend assistance
Remove front push clip from 60 outer sideshield assembly
참고1x clip, Use pick to remove the push clip from the bottom side of the outboard cover
Remove 60 outer sideshield assembly
참고1x clip 1x connector, Remove outer sideshield assembly by pulling outwards and up at the front portion of the trim, Unclip remaining clip and unplug the connection
Remove 60 seat toe kick cover
참고7x clips, Pry up on LH side of 60 toe kick cover to release clips, Repeat on RH side to fully remove
Release clips and remove inboard outer trim from 60 seat
참고3x clips, Use trim tool to unclip 3x clips and remove inboard outer trim towards rear of the vehicle
Remove 60 seatback panel
참고9x clips, 2x hooks, Release clips starting at the top of backpanel working your way down the lower backpanel, pull 60 backpanel towards front of vehicle to remove
Remove 2nd row center seat switch
참고1x connector, 2x clips, Using plastic trim tool pry the top of the switch away from 20 backpanel to ease removal
Remove center backpanel from center seatback
참고5x clips, 2 hooks, Lift up at the lower 20 backpanel and then slide forward to release
Release 60 seat harness connectors and clip from seat from seat frame
참고1x clip, 7x connectors
Disconnect seat cables from easy entry actuators on 60 seat
참고4x clips
Remove push clips for 60 bottom seat pan
참고2x clips, Remove push clips from front of seat pan
Remove center seatback lumbar bun fastener
참고1x screw, T20, 1.5 Nm
Remove center seatback lumbar bun
참고2x clips, Pull bolster outwards to release
Remove center seatback pivot clamps
참고2x bolts, T40, 22 Nm, Once fasteners are removed slide pivot clamp towards the center of center seatback and pull each outwards to remove
Remove center seatback from 60 seat frame
참고Remove center seatback by lifting upwards
Manually release the center seatback latch
참고Use small screwdriver to manipulate the center seatback latch to release
Remove fasteners securing 60 seat pan to seat frame
참고4x fastener, 3x 10mm, 6 Nm, 1x T25, 1.5 Nm, 1x clip, Remove remaining bolts attaching seat pan to seat frame
Remove headrest from 60 seat assembly
참고Simultaneously depress the guide button and insert a 90 degree pick into the guide opening, Lift up while engaged
Remove headrest guides from 60 seat
참고Pull back on lower portion of the headrest guide to release tab while also applying upward force to remove headrest guides
Remove 60 seatback
참고4x clips, Release clips securing 60 seatback and lift upwards
Remove 60 seat bottom
참고Remove seat bottom by lifting the rear first and removing it towards front of the seat
Remove push clip from trim
참고1x clip, Remove trim clip from cover
Remove center inner cover
참고2x clips, Pry center inner cover back to disengage clips, Remove by lifting up while pulling back
- Remove 60 B-Cover I/B Inner
- Install 60 B-Cover I/B Inner trim
Install center inner cover
참고2x clips, Install inner cover ensuring the clips seat to outer cover
Install push clip to trim
참고1x clip
Place 60 seat pan onto seat frame
참고Reinstall seat bottom onto seat frame by starting at the rear of the seat
Secure 60 seat bottom to seat frame
참고4x fasteners, 3x 10mm, 6 Nm, 1x T25, 1.5 Nm, 1x clip, Install remaining bolts attaching seat pan to seat frame
Install headrest guides into 60 seat assembly
참고Install headrest guides by pressing downwards until lower tab is seated
Install 60 seat back into place
참고4x clips, Slide seat back into place making sure the bottom retainers slide into place, Reinstall push clips to secure seat back
Install headrest onto 60 seat assembly
참고Push down to secure
Install center seatback pivot clamps
참고2x bolts, T40, 22 Nm, Insert pivot clamp at center of center frame and slide outwards to install fasteners, When replacing pivot clamps they must be replaced in pairs
Install center seatback lumbar bun fastener
참고1x screw, T20, 1.5 Nm
Plug in connector and install trim to 60 seat
참고1x connector, 1x clip, Plug in connector and install trim by hooking the front into place and seat clip at rear of trim.
Install push clip at front of outer 60 sideshield assembly
참고1x clip, Install push clip at front bottom side of the trim
Install inboard outer trim to 60 seat
참고Clips 3x, Install inboard outer trim and reseat 3x clips
Insert backpanel hooks into center seat back assembly
참고2x hooks, Engage hooks and slide rearward into position, Early production have 4x hooks
Install center backpanel onto seat back
참고5x clips
Install 2nd row center seat switch
참고1x connector, 2x clips
Install 60 toe kick cover
참고7x clips
Install LH seatback onto 60 seat assembly
참고9x clips, 4 hooks, Attach hooks onto frame rail, Work upwards and fasten all the clips
Connect logic connector at LH 60 seat frame
참고1x connector
Install fasteners securing 60 seat frame to body
참고5x patch bolts, 11mm, 37 Nm, Install new patch bolts, Bottom seat bolts located behind main carpet, Torque in sequence; Outboard front -> Both inboard rear -> Outboard rear -> Inboard front
Secure cabin carpet to 60 seat
참고Strap velcro on
Fold the 60 seat into vertical position
참고Remove seat back protection if necessary
Install 60 seat outboard track cover
참고1x clip
Install 60 seat outboard track cover
참고1x clip
Install LH 7s Lower C-Pillar Trim
참고8x clips, Rear edge is mated with groove in trunk side trim, Release clips at the front of LH rear sill trim working your way back towards rear of sill trim
Reseat LH rear door seal
참고Seat pillar and sill trim tabs underneath seal
- Move RH front seat to original position
- Raise all four windows
Close all four doors
참고If 12V is powered up, Unlatch rear doors before closing