힌지 트레이 - 컨트롤러 - 고전압(탈거 및 교체)
교정 코드
16301622 1.32 참고: 절차에서 명시적으로 언급하지 않는 한 위 교정 코드 및 FRT는 연결된 절차를 포함하여 이 절차를 수행하는 데 필요한 모든 작업을 반영합니다. 명시적으로 지시하지 않는 한 교정 코드를 누적하지 마십시오.참고: FRT와 그 생성 방법에 대한 자세한 내용은 표준 정비 작업시간을 참조하십시오. FRT 값에 대한 피드백을 제공하려면 LaborTimeFeedback@tesla.com으로 이메일을 보내십시오. 참고: 아래 절차를 수행할 때 개인 보호을(를) 참조하여 적절한 PPE를 착용했는지 확인하십시오.
이 절차는 초안입니다. 따라서 검증은 되었지만 경고 및 주의 사항이 누락되었을 수 있습니다. 고전압 시스템 및 구성 요소에서 또는 그 근처에서 작업하는 경우에는 안전 요구 사항을 준수하고 최고 수준의 주의를 기울여야 합니다. 수정 사항 및 기타 의견이 있으면 ServiceDevelopment@teslamotors.com으로 알려 주십시오.
- Open all four doors
- Lower LH front window
- Move LH front seat forward
- Move RH front seat forward
Remove 2nd row seat cushion
참고1x connector, Lift front edge of seat cushion upward to release foam from frame
- Partially remove LH rear door seal
Remove LH rear sill trim
참고5x clips, Rear edge is mated with groove in trunk side trim, Release clips at the front of LH rear sill trim working your way back towards rear of sill trim
Partially remove RH rear door seal
참고Pillar and sill trim have tabs seated underneath seal
Remove RH rear sill trim
참고5x clips, Rear edge is mated with groove in trunk side trim, Release clips at the front of RH rear sill trim working your way back towards rear of sill trim
Remove clips securing rear main cabin carpet to vehicle
참고3x push clips
Remove fasteners securing 40 seat frame to body
참고4x bolts, 11mm, 37 Nm, Bottom seat bolts located behind main carpet
Fold the 40 seat in down position
참고Protect the seat cushion, Do not put weight on seat in folded position without cushion present due to risk of bending the locator tab on the frame
Disconnect 40 frame connector
참고1x connector
Remove 2R 40 seat assembly from vehicle
참고Recommend assistance
Remove fasteners securing 60 seat frame to body
참고5x bolts, 11mm, 37 Nm, Bottom seat bolts located behind main carpet
Fold the 60 seat in down position
참고Protect the seat back upholstery if necessary, Do not put weight on seat in folded position without cushion present due to risk of bending the locator tab on the frame
Disconnect logic connector at LH seat frame
참고1x connector
Remove 2nd row 60 seat assembly from vehicle
참고Recommend assistance
- Open hood
Remove rear apron
참고14x clips
Power off vehicle from center display
참고Via Controls > Safety & Security > Vehicle Power > Power Off
Disconnect 12V negative terminal and first responders loop
참고1x nut, 10mm, 6 Nm, 1x connector, Ensure vehicle is in park, climate control system is off, and vehicle is not charging before disconnecting 12V, Negative terminal should be disconnected before FRL, Allow 2 minutes for all electrical circuits to fully discharge
- Remove all items from pockets and ensure not wearing metal items
Inspect HV insulating gloves
참고Check gloves for damage prior to use, Refer to service document TN-15-92-003 R1, for information on inspecting HV gloves. https://service.teslamotors.com/protected-doc/ServiceBulletins/External/TN/TN-15-92-003_High_Voltage_Awareness_Care_Points_R4.pdf
Put on HV insulating gloves and leather over gloves
참고Make sure to wear Electrical Protective Gloves any time Hioki tester is used
Remove the bolts securing ancillary bay probe lid cover to ancillary bay cover
참고2x bolts, EP10 5-Lobe, 6 Nm, Discard after removal
- Remove the ancillary bay probe lid cover from the ancillary bay cover
Verify no high voltage
참고Make sure to wear PPE (HV gloves, safety glasses) when working on high voltage component, Measure B+ to Ground, B- to Ground, B+ to B-, If voltage is greater than 10V, Pack contactors are not open or welded, Stop work and reach out to Service Engineering
Inspect ancillary bay probe lid cover gasket then position onto the ancillary bay cover
참고Confirm no visual damage present, Replace gasket if damage is found
Install the bolts securing ancillary bay probe lid cover to ancillary bay cover
참고2x bolts, EP10 5-Lobe, 6 Nm, Install new rubber washer bolts
- Remove HV insulating gloves
Disconnect the HVC logic connector and install logic cap
참고1x connector, 1x cap, Release locking tab then push the handle downward to release connector
Remove fasteners securing ancillary bay cover to high voltage controller (HVC)
참고4x bolts, E10, 5 Nm + 30 degrees, Discard after removal, Newer vehicles may be equipped with 3x bolts
Remove HVC logic cap
참고1x cap
Remove bolts securing ancillary bay cover to HV battery
참고18x bolts, E10 5-Lobe, 8 Nm, Use E10 5-Lobe socket without magnet, The fasteners are captive and will stay attached to the ancillary bay cover
Inspect HV insulating gloves
참고Check gloves for damage prior to use, Refer to service document TN-15-92-003 R1, for information on inspecting HV gloves. https://service.teslamotors.com/protected-doc/ServiceBulletins/External/TN/TN-15-92-003_High_Voltage_Awareness_Care_Points_R4.pdf
Put on HV insulating gloves and leather over gloves
참고Make sure to wear Electrical Protective Gloves any time Hioki tester is used
Remove ancillary bay cover from HV battery
참고Inspect the ancillary bay for any missing insulators, Install any missing insulators that are accessible before continuing to next step
Install the battery pyro and shunt insulators
참고2x insulators
Install the HV joint insulator onto positive pack contactor
참고1x insulator
Install the HV joint insulator to negative pack contactor
참고1x insulator
Install the insulator for DC input assembly to both fastcharge busbars inlet side
참고2x insulators
Install the negative AC inlet terminal cover
참고1x cover, 3x clips, Use caution as the clips are very easy to damage
Install the positive AC inlet terminal cover
참고1x cover, 3x clips, Use caution as the clips are very easy to damage
Install fuses access insulator
참고3x clips
Install HVC logic cap
참고1x cap
- 점화식 배터리 차단기를 탈거합니다. 점화식 배터리 차단기(탈거 및 교체)을(를) 참조하십시오.
Disconnect HV controller connectors
참고7x connectors
Remove the megaharness clips from HV controller hinge tray
참고5x harness clips
Remove bolts securing hinge tray onto HV controller
참고2x bolts, E6, 2 Nm
Remove the HV hinge tray from ancillary bay assembly
참고2x pivot clips, Pull upward and release from pivot clips
Install the HV hinge tray to ancillary bay assembly
참고2x pivot clips, Position hinge tray onto pivot clips and push down to secure into clips
Install bolts securing hinge tray onto HV controller
참고2x bolts, E6, 2 Nm
Connect HV controller connectors
참고7x connectors
Install the megharness clips to HV controller hinge tray
참고5x clips
Remove fuse access insulator
참고3x clips, Lift straight up off of the fuses
- 점화식 배터리 차단기 고정 지점에서 전압을 측정한 다음 점화식 배터리 차단기를 장착합니다. 점화식 배터리 차단기(탈거 및 교체)을(를) 참조하십시오.
Remove the insulator for DC input assembly to both fastcharge busbar inlet side
참고2x insulators
Remove the HV joint insulator from positive pack contactor
참고1x insulator
Remove the HV joint insulator from negative pack contactor
참고1x insulator
Clean HVC studs and ancillary bay cover underside with isopropyl alcohol
참고4x studs
Inspect ancillary bay walls for damage
참고Any dent or depression in the seal that causes it to not be flat will result in a leak, and cannot be reused, Any paint that comes off the ancillary bay wall, whether or not it sticks to the seal, will require enclosure leak test when reassembled, It can still be reused
Inspect ancillary bay cover seal to confirm it has no visual damage
참고Image up close for clarity, Delaminated and torn seals cannot be reused
Remove HVC logic cap
참고1x cap
Position the ancillary bay cover to HV battery for installation
참고Ensure all accessible insulators are present, wearing Electrical Protective Gloves is not necessary once all HV components are covered.
Install HVC logic cap
참고1x cap
Install bolts securing ancillary bay cover to HV battery
참고18x bolts, E10 5-Lobe, 8 Nm, Use E10 5-Lobe socket without magnet, Fasteners are captive, Follow torque sequence per image
Install fasteners securing ancillary bay cover to high voltage controller (HVC)
참고4x bolts, E10, 5 Nm + 30 degrees, Install new bolts, Newer vehicles may be equipped with 3x bolts
- Remove HV insulating gloves
Remove logic cap and connect the HVC logic connector
참고1x connector, 1x cap, Align connector then pull the handle to locking position get connector fully seated
Install 2R 40 seat assembly into vehicle
참고Recommend assistance
Connect 40 seat frame connector to body harness
참고1x connector
Fold the 40 seat into vertical position
참고Remove seat cushion protection
Secure 40 seat frame to vehicle
참고4x bolts, 11mm, 37 Nm, Bottom seat bolts located behind main carpet, Torque in sequence; Outboard front -> Inboard rear -> Outboard rear -> Inboard front
Install RH rear sill trim
참고5x clips, Rear edge is mated with groove in trunk side trim, Install rear edge of RH rear sill trim into trunk side trim and work your way forward securing clips
Reseat RH rear door seal
참고Seat pillar and sill trim tabs underneath seal
Install 2nd row 60 seat assembly
참고Recommend assistance
Connect logic connector at LH seat frame
참고1x connector
Fold the 60 seat into vertical position
참고Remove seat back protection if necessary
Install fasteners securing 60 seat frame to body
참고5x bolts, 11mm, 37 Nm, Bottom seat bolts located behind main carpet, Torque in sequence; Outboard front -> Both inboard rear -> Outboard rear -> Inboard front
Install LH rear sill trim
참고5x clips, Rear edge is mated with groove in trunk side trim, Install rear edge of LH rear sill trim into trunk side trim and work your way forward securing clips
Reseat LH rear door seal
참고Seat pillar and sill trim tabs underneath seal
Install clips securing rear main cabin carpet to vehicle
참고3x push clips
Install 2nd row seat cushion
참고1x connector, Slide rear cushion rearward then align foam with seat rail, Make sure cushion is fully seated with push & pull test
Connect first responder loop and 12V negative terminal
참고1x nut, 10mm, 6 Nm, 1x connector, Engage locking tab, Connect FRL first before connecting 12V to avoid damage to car computer
Install rear apron
참고14x clips, Hold rear wall of frunk to keep from flexing while engaging front clips
- Close hood
- Move LH front seat to original position
- Move RH front seat to original position
- Raise all four windows
Close all four doors
참고If 12V is powered up, Unlatch rear doors before closing