캐리어 - 전면 엔드(히트 펌프)(탈거 및 교체)
교정 코드
참고: 절차에서 명시적으로 언급하지 않는 한 위 교정 코드 및 FRT는 연결된 절차를 포함하여 이 절차를 수행하는 데 필요한 모든 작업을 반영합니다. 명시적으로 지시하지 않는 한 교정 코드를 누적하지 마십시오.
참고: FRT와 그 생성 방법에 대한 자세한 내용은 표준 정비 작업시간을 참조하십시오. FRT 값에 대한 피드백을 제공하려면 LaborTimeFeedback@tesla.com으로 이메일을 보내십시오.
참고: 아래 절차를 수행할 때 개인 보호을(를) 참조하여 적절한 PPE를 착용했는지 확인하십시오.
이 절차는 초안입니다. 따라서 검증은 되었지만 경고 및 주의 사항이 누락되었을 수 있습니다. 고전압 시스템 및 구성 요소에서 또는 그 근처에서 작업하는 경우에는 안전 요구 사항을 준수하고 최고 수준의 주의를 기울여야 합니다. 수정 사항 및 기타 의견이 있으면 ServiceDevelopment@teslamotors.com으로 알려 주십시오.
- Open LH front door
Open hood
참고Press "Open" button on touchscreen to release latch, Lift lid manually
Remove rear apron
참고12x clips, Only store rear apron visible face upwards
Remove cabin intake upper duct
참고3x clips, Some configurations may come with 4x clips
Remove closeout panel from frunk
참고4x clips, 1x connector, Frunk safety switch, 3x guide tabs, Grab closeout panel from bottom then pull it upward to release clips, Disconnect switch
Remove bolts securing frunk
참고7x bolts, 10mm, 5 Nm, Lift up RBN covers to access upper fasteners, Newer vehicles may not be equipped with covers
Remove frunk assembly from
참고12x clips, Replace any clips if broken or missing, Number of clips may vary on older vehicles
Remove fasteners holding upper portion
of front fascia to vehicle
참고6x bolts, 10mm, 4 Nm
Remove push clips securing LH front
wheel arch liner to fascia and move to the side for access
참고5x push clips, Turn the steering wheel to the RH for additional clearance between front wheel arch liner
Loosen forward bolts securing LH
corner of front fascia to fender
참고2x bolts, 10mm, 4 Nm
Remove bolt securing LH corner of
fascia to fender
참고1x bolt, 10mm, 3 Nm
Remove push clips securing RH front
wheel arch liner to fascia and move to the side for access
참고5x push clips, Turn the steering wheel to the LH for additional clearance between wheel arch liner
Loosen forward bolts securing RH front
corner of front fascia to fender
참고2x bolts, 10mm, 4 Nm
Remove bolt securing RH front corner
of front fascia to fender
참고1x bolt, 10mm, 3 Nm
Disconnect 12V harness for front
참고1x locking connector, Release the locking tab by sliding it away from the connector, Then depress the grey lock to release the connector
Remove bolts securing valance to front
aero shield
참고4x bolts, 10mm, 5 Nm
Release both front corners then
release front of front fascia by pulling upward and away from vehicle and place onto
padded surface
참고8x clips, Recommend assistance, Use caution not to damage headlamp or fender during removal
Disconnect active grille shutter
actuator connector
참고1x locking electrical connector, Do not push down on red tab, Pull red tab to disengage lock, Pull again to release connector
- Remove ambient temperature sensor cover from active grille shutter
Disconnect ambient temperature sensor
참고1x connector
Disconnect hood latch open
참고1x connector, Do not push down on red tab, Pull red tab to disengage lock, Pull again to release connector
Disconnect hood latch actuator
참고1x connector
Remove hood latch actuator from front
end carrier
참고2x bolts, 10mm, 5 Nm
Remove hood latch from front end
참고2x bolts,10mm, 8 Nm, Mark latch location for alignment when installing
Remove LH center fascia reinforcement
from front end carrier
참고1x tab, 2x datums, Release locking tab under fascia reinforcement, then pull straight up to release fascia reinforcement
Remove RH center fascia reinforcement
from front end carrier
참고1x tab, 2x datums, Release locking tab under fascia reinforcement, then pull straight up to release fascia reinforcement
Disconnect front acceleration
참고1x connector, Do not push down on red tab, Pull red tab to disengage lock, Pull again to release connector, Disconnect LH, RH, and center front acceleration sensor
Remove bolts securing front bumper
beam with energy absorber to LH crush can
참고2x bolts, 15mm, 75 Nm
Remove bolts securing front bumper
beam with energy absorber to RH crush can
참고2x bolts, 15mm, 75 Nm
Remove front bumper beam with energy
참고Use a pry bar as needed to remove front bumper beam, Be cautious when prying not to damage body, Slightly tap with dead blow hammer to assist with removal as needed
Disconnect LH FEM harness
참고1x locking connector, Disengage locking tab
Disconnect RH FEM harness
참고1x locking connector, Disengage locking tab
Remove radar assembly harness clip
from FEM radar bracket
참고1x clip
Disconnect radar assembly
참고1x connector
Remove the FEM radar bracket from
front end carrier
참고4x bolts, 10mm, 8 Nm
Install bungee cords and support
cooling fan module assembly
참고2x bungee cord
Remove RH bolt securing cooling fan
module assembly to front end carrier
참고1x bolt, 8mm, 10 Nm, Recommend assistance to support the cooling fan module assembly
Remove LH bolt securing cooling fan
module assembly to front end carrier
참고1x bolt, 8mm, 10 Nm, Recommend assistance to support the cooling fan module assembly
Remove lower bolts securing front end
carrier to vehicle
참고4x bolts, 13mm, 16 Nm
Remove ankle catcher from front end
참고2x datums, Slightly pull carrier outward to clear datum from ankle catcher
Remove upper bolts securing front end
carrier to vehicle and remove front end carrier
참고2x bolts, 13mm, 16 Nm
Remove FEM harness from front end
참고5x clips
Install FEM harness to front end
참고5x clips
Position front end carrier to vehicle
and install upper bolts securing front end carrier hand tight
참고2x bolts, 13mm, 16 Nm, Torque at later step
Position the ankle catcher onto the
front end carrier
참고2x datums, Slightly pull carrier outward to secure ankle catcher onto datums
Install lower bolts securing front end
carrier to vehicle
참고4x bolts, 13mm, 16 Nm
Torque upper bolts securing front end
carrier to vehicle
참고2x bolts, 13mm, 16 Nm
Install bolts securing cooling fan
module to front end carrier
참고2x bolts, 8mm, 10 Nm
Remove bungee cords supporting cooling
fan module assembly
참고2x bungee cords
Install the FEM radar bracket to front
end carrier
참고4x bolts, 10mm, 8 Nm
Connect radar assembly connector
참고1x connector
Install radar assembly harness clip to
FEM radar bracket
참고1x clip
Connect RH FEM harness connector
참고1x connector, Engage locking tab
Connect LH FEM harness connector
참고1x connector, Engage locking tab
Position front bumper beam with energy
참고Use a dead blow hammer as needed to install front bumper beam into front crush cans
Install bolts securing front bumper
beam with energy absorber to LH crush can
참고2x bolts, 15mm, 75 Nm
Install bolts securing front bumper
beam with energy absorber to RH crush can
참고2x bolts, 15mm, 75 Nm
Connect front acceleration
참고3x connectors, Engage locking tab, Connect LH, RH, and center front acceleration sensors
Install RH center fascia reinforcement
to front end carrier
참고1x tab, 2x datums, Engage locking tab, Push straight down for installation
Install LH center fascia reinforcement
to front end carrier
참고1x tab, 2x datums, Engage locking tab, Push straight down for installation
Install hood latch to front end
참고2x bolts,10mm, 8 Nm, Hand tighten bolts and make fine adjustments, Align hood latch with marked locations
Install hood latch actuator onto front
end carrier
참고2x bolts, 10mm, 5 Nm
Connect hood latch actuator
참고1x connector
Connect the hood latch open switch
참고1x connector, Engage locking tab
Connect ambient temperature sensor
참고1x connector
- Install ambient temperature sensor cover into active grille shutter
Install connector to active grille
shutter actuator
참고1x connector , Engage locking tab
Install front fascia onto vehicle and
secure front clips and both front corners
참고8x clips, Recommend assistance, Use caution not to damage headlamp or fender during installation
Secure 12V harness for front
참고1x connector, Engage the locking tab
Install rear bolt and tighten all
three bolts securing RH front corner of front fascia to fender
참고1x bolt, 10mm, 3 Nm, 2x bolts, 10mm, 4 Nm, Most forward bolts, Align fascia to fender before tightening
Install push clips securing RH front
wheel liner to fascia
참고5x push clips
Install rear bolt and tighten all
three bolts securing LH front corner of front fascia to fender
참고1x bolts, 10mm, 3 Nm, 2x bolts, 10mm, 4 Nm, Most forward bolts, Align fascia to fender before tightening
Install push clips securing LH front
wheel liner to fascia
참고5x push clips
Apply Loctite 222 onto front aero
shield forward bolts and install fasteners to front aero shield
참고4x bolts, 10mm, 5 Nm
Install fasteners holding upper
portion of front fascia to vehicle
참고6x bolts, 10mm, 4 Nm
Install frunk assembly to
참고12x clips. Make sure frunk assembly is fully seated onto clips. Number of clips may vary on older vehicles. Ensure A/C compressor HVIL harness is not pinched between frunk assembly and thermal beam.
Install bolts securing frunk
참고7x bolts, 10mm, 5 Nm, Lower RBN covers after installing upper fasteners, Newer vehicles may not be equipped with covers
- Close the hood to check the hood alignment with fascia/fender
Open hood and make adjustments if
참고2x bolts,10mm, 8 Nm, If adjustments are not necessary, Torque bolts
Install frunk close out panel
참고4x clips, 1x connector, Frunk safety switch, 3x guide tabs, Align 3x tabs then push downward to secure clips
Install cabin intake upper duct
참고3x clips, Some configurations may come with 4x clips
Install rear apron
참고12x clips
- Close hood
- Close LH front door