
Power Strut - Liftgate (Remove and Replace)

Code de correction 11334202

  • 2023-06-26: Added steps to calibrate the liftgate to the closed position.


  1. Open the liftgate.
  2. Support the liftgate in the open position.
  3. Remove the RH upper C-pillar trim. See Garniture – montant arrière – supérieure – côté gauche (retrait et remplacement).
  4. Separate the RH rear corner of the headliner from the body. See Garniture (retrait et installation), Garniture de toit – toit en verre (retrait et remplacement), or Garniture de toit – toit panoramique (retrait et installation) as appropriate.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Do not completely remove the headliner.
  5. Disconnect the liftgate power strut electrical harness connector.
  6. Release the grommet that attaches the liftgate power strut electrical harness to the body.
  7. Release the clip that attaches the liftgate power strut lower socket to the body ball mount, and then separate the socket from the ball mount.
  8. Release the clip that attaches the liftgate power strut upper socket to the liftgate ball mount, and then separate the socket from the ball mount.
  9. Remove the power strut from the vehicle.


  1. Inspect and record the part number revision of the replacement liftgate power strut for a later step in this procedure.
  2. Install the liftgate power strut upper socket to the liftgate ball mount, and then fasten the clip that attaches the socket to the ball mount.
  3. Install the liftgate power strut lower socket to the body ball mount, and then fasten the clip that attaches the socket to the ball mount.
  4. Fasten the grommet that attaches the liftgate power strut electrical harness to the body.
  5. Connect the liftgate power strut electrical harness connector.
  6. Install the RH rear corner of the headliner to the body. See Garniture (retrait et installation), Garniture de toit – toit en verre (retrait et remplacement), or Garniture de toit – toit panoramique (retrait et installation) as appropriate.
  7. Install the RH upper C-pillar trim. See Garniture – montant arrière – supérieure – côté gauche (retrait et remplacement).
  8. Remove the support from the liftgate.
  9. Branchez un ordinateur portable doté de Toolbox 3 au véhicule. Voir Toolbox 3 (Connecter et déconnecter).
  10. Déverrouillez la passerelle du véhicule pour la communication de diagnostic. Voir Déverrouillage de passerelle.
  11. Perform a gateway configuration change. See Configuration de la passerelle (afficher et modifier).
    • If the replacement liftgate power strut part number revision is either -A or -B, change the liftgate_strut_type parameter to "Gen 1".
    • If the replacement liftgate power strut part number revision is -C or later, change the liftgate_strut_type parameter to "Gen 2".
  12. In Toolbox 3, click the Actions tab, type "Pektron-VIN-Learn" into the search field, click on PROC_LFT_TRNK_PEKTRON-VIN-LEARNvia Toolbox: (link), click Run, and allow the routine to complete.
  13. Click the Actions tab, type TEST-RESET_LFTvia Toolbox: (link) into the search field, click on TEST-RESET_LFTvia Toolbox: (link), click Run, and allow the routine to complete.
  14. Débranchez l’ordinateur portable du véhicule. Voir Toolbox 3 (Connecter et déconnecter).
  15. Manually close the liftgate, so that it latches secure.
  16. Press and hold the Close Liftgate button for 5 seconds, to calibrate the liftgate to the closed position.
  17. Verify proper operation of the liftgate.