03/06/2024 17:05:13

Fuse - Pyrotechnic - HV Battery 1.0/1.5 (Remove and Replace)

FRT No. 16308702

  • 2024-05-29: Added parts lists.
  • 2024-01-19: Added Tesla-approved sealants to steps.
  • 2024-01-18: Updated Warning to permit performing this procedure by technicians in EMEA that have completed the training course HV Battery Fuse Remove and Replace ILT - EMEA.
  • 2023-11-28: Updated pyro fuse selection steps.
  • 2023-09-25: Updated to retain the fuse cover bolts and fuse mounting bolts.
  • 2023-09-19: Updated title and HV insulating glove information.
  • 2023-09-12: Made consistent with fuse Remove and Install procedure.
  • 2023-09-07: Updated fuse matix with Tesladex info.
  • 2023-09-06: Removed voltage check at fuse.
  • 2023-05-16: Added fuse cover condition check with link to Toolbox article.
  • 2023-04-24: New correction code
  • 2023-03-30: Updated to latest validation and consistent with HV battery 2.0

Special tools required for this procedure:

Supplier Part Number Description
Tesla 1059330-00-A SOCKET,DR 5LOBE,E-TORX MAG,0.25INCH
Tesla 1057606-00-A 1/4" DRIVE 13MM SOCKET - CEMENTEX
Tesla 1076921-00-A FLUKE 1587 MULTI-METER
Tesla 1060071-00-A TORQUE WRENCH 1-5 NM
Select one of the tools listed below based on the region:
Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
Seuls des techniciens certifiés pour retirer les interrupteurs et les fusibles de batterie HT et qui ont suivi tous les cours de certification requis (le cas échéant) ou, dans la région Europe, Moyen-Orient et Afrique (EMEA), les techniciens qui ont suivi avec succès la formation Suppression et remplacement ILT - EMEA sont autorisés à effectuer cette procédure. Portez toujours un équipement de protection personnelle et des gants isolants haute tension ayant un classement minimal de 0 (1000 volts) avant de manipuler un câble à haute tension. Se référer à TN-15-92-003, « Mises en garde relatives à la haute tension » pour obtenir des renseignements supplémentaires sur la sécurité.
Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
Vous devez porter un équipement de protection personnelle approprié pour effectuer cette procédure :
  • Gants isolants haute tension
  • Gants protecteurs en cuir
  • Testeur à gants haute tension
  • Lunettes de sécurité
  • Chaussures de sécurité (classées danger électrique)
Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
Assurez-vous que les gants haute tension isolant ne sont pas expirés. Consultez TN-15-92-003 pour obtenir des informations régionales sur l’expiration des gants.
Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
Avant de commencer cette procédure, utilisez un souffleur de gants pour tester les gants isolants haute tension. Vous devez jeter les gants qui ne passent pas ce test. Si un des deux gants échoue au test, jetez les deux gants.
Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
Lorsque vous effectuez cette procédure, vous devez porter les gants isolants haute tension en caoutchouc et les gants protecteurs en cuir. N’enlevez pas les gants avant d’avoir réinstallé le couvercle du fusible.
Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
When performing this procedure, use only one hand whenever possible. Keep your other hand behind your back to prevent the circuit from closing if you touch a component with high voltage.
Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
Lorsque vous utilisez un multimètre, ne touchez jamais à une surface à enduit par électrodéposition comme chemin de mise à la terre.
Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
Utilisez seulement les outils conçus précisément pour effectuer cette procédure.
Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
Respectez en tout temps les pratiques de travail sécuritaires suivantes lorsque vous effectuez cette procédure :
  • Ne portez pas d’écouteurs.
  • Dans les zones de réparation de batterie haute tension, le volume de la musique doit être bas.
  • Vous ne devez pas être seul lorsque vous effectuez cette procédure. Vous devez demander l’assistance d’une personne certifiée et avertir le responsable sur place que vous effectuerez cette procédure.
  • Vous devez toujours être au moins deux personnes pour soulever les équipements lourds.
  • Tout chahut est formellement interdit.
  • Votre zone de réparation de batterie doit toujours être bien rangée. Seuls les chariots d’outils comprenant les outils requis pour cette procédure devraient être autorisés dans la zone de réparation de batterie. Rangez les outils et les consommables dans les caissons appropriés.
  • Apposez des étiquettes sur tous les contenants de produits chimiques.
  • Disposez de tout déchets dangereux (p. ex. colle, liquide de refroidissement et autres produits chimiques) dans les contenants ou bacs appropriés.

Required parts:

  • 1089619-00-X – FIELD KIT PYRO FUSE PACK 1.0 1.5 – 1 pcs

If fuse replacement kit 1089619-00-X is unavailable, procure the parts listed below:

  • 1006009-00-B – SCR,M4-0.7x14.5,TAMPR,TRX,STL,ZnNi,PATCH – 10 pcs
  • 6010488-00-D – Cover, Fuse Top Panel – 1 pcs
  • 1111313-00-F – DISCONNECT - PYROTECHNIC - CUR POWERED - 2000A – 1 pcs
  • 1004391-00-A – SCR,M8-1.25X21,HEX,STL,ZN,PATCH,,W/WSHRS – 2 pcs


  1. Record the part number and serial number of the replacement hybrid pyro fuse.
  2. Record the values of the cfg_energy parameter from the vehicle Tesladex Info.
  3. Use this table to determine the replacement hybrid pyro fuse type and application.
    Part Number Hybrid Pyro Fuse Type Vehicle Tesladex Info
    1111445-00-* Self-Powered cfg_energy = Energy100
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    A 100kW HV battery
    1111313-00-* Self-Powered NOT (cfg_energy = Energy100)
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Not a 100kW HV battery
    1090924-00-* Self-Powered NOT (cfg_energy = Energy100)
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Not a 100kW HV battery
    1056211-00-* Battery Powered Reject and seek self-powered
    1077177-00-* Battery Powered Reject and seek self-powered
    1086649-00-* Battery Powered Reject and seek self-powered
    1112479-00-* Battery Powered Reject and seek self-powered
    1112553-00-* Battery Powered Reject and seek self-powered
  4. If the replacement hybrid pyro fuse is battery powered, reject it and seek a self-powered fuse.
  5. Remove the HV battery assembly. See Batterie HT (à propulsion/transmission intégrale) (retrait et installation).
  6. Inspect the fuse cover area for rust or corrosion, and if any is found, refer to Toolbox article #32901 for further guidance.
  7. Remove all items from pockets and make sure not to wear any metal items.
  8. Inspect the HV insulating gloves.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Refer to service document TN-15-92-003 for information on inspecting HV gloves.
  9. Put on the HV insulating gloves and the leather over gloves.
  10. Put on the HV-safe static control wrist strap. Clip the strap's ground connection to a threaded hole on the edge of the HV battery enclosure.
  11. Vacuum the area around the fuse cover to remove all dust and debris.
  12. Clean the area around the fuse cover with alcohol wipes.
    Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
    Ne placez pas les fixations sur le dessus de la batterie haute tension. Afin de ne pas oublier de fixations lors de la réinstallation ou de ne pas en laisser à l’intérieur de la batterie haute tension, placez chaque fixation dans un contenant approprié.
  13. Remove the bolts (x9) that attach the fuse cover to the HV battery.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    One or more of the bolts might be covered or partially covered by sealant. If necessary, scrape off the sealant to expose the bolt head.
  14. Use an insulated blade to score the sealant around the edge of the fuse cover.
    Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
    Prenez soin de ne pas endommager le joint d’étanchéité rouge ou le support métallique.
  15. Use a non-conductive tool to lift the fuse cover.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Au besoin, utilisez un marteau ou un maillet pour taper sur l’outil afin qu’il pénètre dans le scellant.
  16. Once partially separated, remove and discard the fuse cover.
  17. Visually inspect the fuse cavity for water, dirt, evidence of arcing, or any other kind of damage. If any damage is found, escalate a Toolbox session, as appropriate.
  18. Check for voltage between each fuse terminal and a non e-coated part of the HV battery case.
    Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
    If ≥ 200 volts is detected, there is a loss of electrical isolation and a risk of exposure to HV. Escalate the session for assistance.
  19. Remove the bolts (x2) that attach the hybrid pyro fuse to the busbars.
  20. Carefully remove the hybrid pyro fuse from the cavity.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Minor arcing is possible. Be sure to have proper PPE, including goggles, worn for this step.
  21. Visually inspect the hybrid pyro fuse and the busbars within the fuse cavity for evidence of arcing. If there is any evidence of arcing, escalate the Toolbox session, as appropriate.
  22. Place the green fuse service flag in the fuse cavity to prevent the fuse from being re-inserted, and to indicate that the fuse has been removed.
    Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
    Assurez-vous toujours que le témoin vert de service du fusible a été installé.
  23. Use a non-conducting tool to remove excess sealant from around the fuse cavity.
  24. Use an ESD safe vacuum to remove debris from around and in the fuse cavity.
    Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
    Do not remove the green fuse service flag, work around it.
  25. Use an IPA wipe to clean the battery surface where sealant was removed around the fuse cavity.


  1. Perform a zero adjust of the Hioki resistance meter in prepartion to measure resistances later in this procedure. See Compteur de résistance (réglage zéro).
  2. Remove the replacement hybrid pyro fuse from the antistatic packaging and place it onto an ESD safe surface.
  3. Remove the green fuse service flag.
  4. Use an IPA wipe to thoroughly clean the busbars within the fuse cavity and the terminals of the hybrid pyro fuse and allow at least 1 minute to dry.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    There is a dull busbar, and a shiny busbar.
  5. Position the hybrid pyro fuse with the embossed arrow pointing rearward, and then install the fuse into the fuse cavity.
    Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
    Minor arcing is possible. Be sure to have proper PPE, including goggles, worn for this step.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    The dull terminal of the hybrid pyro fuse mates with the dull busbar, the copper terminal of the fuse mates with the shiny busbar.
  6. Install the bolts (x2) that attach the hybrid pyro fuse to the busbars, and then mark the bolts with a paint pen after tightening.
    9 Nm (6.6 lbs-ft)
  7. Use the Hioki resistance meter to meassure the resistance at the HV joint of the hybrid pyro fuse copper terminal and the shiny busbar.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Do not short the side of the probe tip to the edge of the fuse terminal.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    The acceptable resistance is between 0.050 mΩ (50 μΩ) and 0.150 mΩ (150 μΩ). If the resistance is not within this range, reposition the probes and measure again. If the resistance is repeatedly between 0.00 mΩ and 0.050 mΩ (50 μΩ), the Hioki test passed, proceed with the installation procedure. For more information on Hioki resistance testing, refer to article https://toolbox.teslamotors.com/articles/218200.
  8. Use the Hioki resistance meter to meassure the resistance at the HV joint of the hybrid pyro fuse dull terminal and the dull busbar.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Do not short the side of the probe tip to the edge of the fuse terminal.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    The acceptable resistance is between 0.050 mΩ (50 μΩ) and 0.150 mΩ (150 μΩ). If the resistance is not within this range, reposition the probes and measure again. If the resistance is repeatedly between 0.00 mΩ and 0.050 mΩ (50 μΩ), the Hioki test passed, proceed with the installation procedure. For more information on Hioki resistance testing, refer to article https://toolbox.teslamotors.com/articles/218200.
  9. Use an IPA wipe to clean the sealing surface and gasket of the fuse cavity, the sealing surface of the new fuse cover, the top surface of the new fuse cover, and allow at least 1 minute to dry.
  10. Install a new warning label onto the top of the fuse cover.
  11. Apply Threebond 1216E or Permatex Right Stuff sealant to the gasket around the fuse cavity.
  12. Install the fuse cover to the HV battery, install the bolts (x9) that attach the fuse cover to the HV battery, and then mark the bolts with a paint pen after tightening.
    2.2 Nm (1.6 lbs-ft)
  13. Remove the leather glove protectors and the HV insulating gloves.
  14. Put on disposable nitrile gloves.
  15. Apply Threebond 1216E or Permatex Right Stuff sealant around the perimeter of the fuse cover.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Apply additional sealant to where the spacer interferes with the cover.
  16. Wet a nitrile gloved finger with isopropyl alcohol and then spread out the sealant, creating a fillet.
    Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
    Do not use the HV insulating gloves or leather glove protectors for this step.
  17. Remove the nitrile gloves, and put on the HV insulating gloves and leather glove protectors.
  18. Install the HV battery assembly. See Batterie HT (à propulsion/transmission intégrale) (retrait et installation).
  19. If the vehicle is configured with a Tegra MCU, perform these substeps:
    1. Update the vehicle firmware to feature/2022.8.10.12 or later. See Mise à jour du micrologiciel.
    2. Enable Service Mode Plus. See Mode Entretien Plus.
    3. Unlock the gateway. See Déverrouillage de passerelle.
    4. On the vehicle touchscreen, touch Service Mode > Set Pyro-Fuse Type, and then read the instructions.
    5. Touch SELF-POWERED, touch Set, and allow the routine to complete.
      Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
      Touch the X in the upper left corner to close.
    6. Disable Service Mode Plus. See Mode Entretien Plus.
  20. If the vehicle is configured with an Intel MCU, perform these substeps:
    1. Update the vehicle firmware to develop/2023.12 or later. See Mise à jour du micrologiciel.
    2. Enable Service Mode Plus. See Mode Entretien Plus.
    3. Unlock the gateway. See Déverrouillage de passerelle.
    4. On the vehicle touchscreen, touch HV Battery (Lightning Bolt), touch the green fuse in the graphic, touch Read/Write Fuse Type, and then read the instructions.
    5. From the Pyro fuse type drop down menu, select SELFPOWERED_HYBRIDPYRO, from the Write or read drop down menu, select WRITE, touch Run, and allow the routine to complete.
    6. Disable Service Mode Plus. See Mode Entretien Plus.
  21. Remove the vehicle from the 2 post lift. See Soulever le véhicule - pont élévateur à 2 poteaux.