Calibration - Front Radar Sensor
- 2023:-10-06: Added increase/decrease direction for clockwise/counterclockwise values in Alignment Adjustment table.
- 2023-06-16: Replaced steps for the Toolbox 3 Tools tab.
Choose the appropriate correction code based on the vehicle's date of manufacture:
Vehicles built through April 10,
2016 - FRT No: 17201500RemarqueThese vehicles are built with driver assistance 1.0 hardware (DAS 1.0)
Vehicles built between April 10,
2016 and August 20, 2017 - FRT No: 17201700RemarqueThese vehicles are built with either driver assistance 1.0 or 2.0 hardware (DAS 2.0).
Vehicles built after August 20,
2017 - FRT No: 17201800RemarqueThese vehicles are built with driver assistance 2.5 hardware (DAS 2.5).
Special tools required for this procedure:
Vehicle Build Date | Part Number | Description |
Vehicles built through April 10, 2016 |
1056984-00-A 1056723-00-D |
Radar calibration bubble level Nut driver, 3.5mm |
Vehicles built between April 10, 2016 and August 20, 2017 |
1056984-00-A 1109688-00-A |
Radar calibration bubble level Tool, radar bracket adjustment |
Vehicles built after August 20, 2017 |
1076714-00-A 1120568-00-A 1115110-00-A |
4-Piece mini soft grip awl, hook & picks set Bit, T25 Torx, 70mm Skt, 1/4" dr, E5 Torx external |
- Vehicles built after August 20, 2017: skip to step 8.
Remove components for access to the radar sensor:
Vehicle Build Date Steps Vehicles built between April 10, 2016 and August 20, 2017 Remove the front fascia assembly (voir la procédure).
Vehicles built after August 20, 2017 Remove the front fascia assembly (voir la procédure).
Remove the HEPA filter inlet duct (voir la procédure).
Drive the vehicle on to an alignment rack.
NoteDAS 1.0 and DAS 2.0 vehicles need vertical alignment before Service Drive Alignment. DAS 2.5 vehicles need a Service Drive Alignment, and then vertical and horizontal alignment.
- Clean the front of the radar sensor with water and a clean shop towel.
If the vehicle was built through August 20, 2017, use the bubble tool to check vertical alignment. If the bubble is not centered between the lines on the long side of the bubble tool, adjust the vertical alignment screw until the bubble is centered:
CAUTIONInspect the bubble tool for damage. Do not perform this procedure with a damaged bubble tool.CAUTIONExcessive pressure might misalign the radar sensor. Do not apply excessive pressure to the radar sensor or bubble tool.TIpUse a flashlight to make the bubble easier to see.TIpRemove the adjustment tool while measuring with the bubble tool to avoid misalignment of the radar sensor.
Remove the vehicle from the alignment rack.
WarningIn the next steps, an assistant must operate the vehicle while you use Toolbox.
- Install the front fascia.
- Connectez un ordinateur portable au port de diagnostic du véhicule, puis utilisez Toolbox 3 pour vous connecter localement au véhicule. Voir Toolbox 3 (Connecter et déconnecter).
- Déverrouillez la passerelle du véhicule pour la communication de diagnostic. Voir Déverrouillage de passerelle.
- Shift the vehicle into Park.
Using Toolbox 3, select the
tab, and the select the appropriate ODIN routine for the vehicle:
- If the vehicle was built through August 20, 2017, search for "BOSCH Service Drive Alignment", select the ODIN routine PROC_RADC_X_BOSCH-SERVICE-DRIVE-ALIGNMENTvia Toolbox: (link), click on the link of the routine, and then continue to step 12.
- If the vehicle was built after August 20, 2017:
- Search for "Plant-Mode", select the ODIN routine PROC_RADC_X_PLANT-MODEvia Toolbox: (link), click on the link of the routine, click Run, and allow the routine to complete.
- Search for "Service Drive Alignment", select the ODIN routine PROC_RADC_X_CONTINENTAL-SERVICE-DRIVE-ALIGNMENTvia Toolbox: (link), click on the link of the routine, and then continue to the next step.
Click Run, follow the
onscreen instructions, and adjust the radar sensor alignment according to the
instructions in Toolbox 3. Repeat this step until Toolbox determines that the
radar sensor alignment does not need adjustment.
WarningPerform the calibration procedure in a suitable location and comply with all local traffic safety laws.NoteIf the test drive shows the vehicle to track poorly or pull to the side, or if steering is sloppy or off center, then perform a four wheel alignment check.NoteVehicles built after August 20, 2017: Bring the alignment adjustment tool in the vehicle during the drive cycle.NoteThe front fascia must be removed any time the radar needs to be adjusted. Make sure that the fascia is installed before performing the service drive.
Table 1. Alignment Adjustment Based on Toolbox Output Clockwise turn to increase value Counterclockwise turn to decrease value -
Vehicles built through August
20, 2017
Vehicles built after
August 20, 2017:
- Reinstall the HEPA filter inlet duct. See Conduit - Filtre HEPA - Entrée (retirer et remplacer).
- Reinstall the front fascia assembly. See Ensemble de carénage - avant (retrait et installation).
- Perform a road test to check Autopilot and Traffic-Aware Cruise Control operation.