Tuner - FM / HD (RHD) (Refresh) (Remove and Replace)
Code de correction
REMARQUE : À moins d’indications explicites contraires dans la procédure, le code de correction et le temps forfaitaire ci-dessus représentent tout le travail à être fait pour cette procédure, notamment les procédures connexes. N’appliquez pas plusieurs codes de correction à la fois, à moins qu’il vous soit explicitement indiqué de le faire.
REMARQUE : Consultez pour en apprendre plus à propos des temps forfaitaires et de leur création. Vous pouvez transmettre par courriel vos commentaires relatifs aux valeurs des temps forfaitaires à LaborTimeFeedback@tesla.com.
REMARQUE : Consultez pour vous assurer de porter l’équipement de protection individuelle adéquat lors vous effectuez la procédure ci-dessous.
- Open RH front door
- Move RH front seat backward
Open hood
RemarqueVia Controls > Front Trunk
Remove rear underhood apron
Remarque8x clips
Remove LH underhood apron
Remarque9x clips
Remove RH underhood apron
Remarque9x clips
Release drainage hoses from HEPA filter inlet duct
Remarque2x hoses
Remove clips securing HEPA filter inlet duct to cowl panel
Remarque3x push clips
Remove HEPA filter inlet duct
Remarque2x clips on HEPA filter
Remove HEPA filter outlet duct from vehicle
RemarqueLift up, pull towards front of vehicle, then rotate clockwise
Power off vehicle via UI
RemarqueVia Controls > Safety > Power Off
Disconnect 12V negative terminal and First Responder Loop
Remarque1x nut, 10mm, 5 Nm, 1x connector, Wait at least 2 minutes before disconnecting modules or HV components
Remove RH IP side trim
Remarque1x connector
Remove RH lower IP trim
Remarque9x ubell clips
- Remove RH front floor mat
Release the front section of the RH center console wrapped rim
RemarqueOnly necessary to release the front section to remove the center console closeout extension
Remove RH center console closeout extension
Remarque8x clips
Remove driver’s footwell cover
Remarque2x blue push clips, 1x connector, May need to press accelerator pedal down for more clearance
Remove accelerator pedal
Remarque2x nyloc nuts, 10mm, 9 Nm, 1x connector, Release red locking tab, Discard nuts after removal
Remove OBDII connector from tuner bracket
Remarque2x screws, T20, 4 Nm
Disconnect premium amplifier if equipped
Remarque1x connector, Applies only to vehicle equipped with premium audio
Release clips securing steering gap hider to IC bezel
Remarque2x clips
Remove screws securing airbag to steering wheel
Remarque2x screws, T25, 7 Nm, The screws will remain inside the steering wheel, If required rotate the steering wheel to gain access to screws, Afterwards return steering wheel to straight and center position
Carefully release the driver's airbag from the steering wheel assembly
Remarque3x connectors, disconnect the airbag and steering wheel controls
Remove bolt that secures the steering wheel to the column
Remarque1x patch bolt, 10mm allen, 80 Nm, Discard after removal
- Position the wheels straight ahead and mark the steering wheel relative position to the column
- Remove steering wheel
Tape the clockspring cassette to prevent rotation
RemarqueDo not rotate the clockspring
- Rock SCCM back and forth to release from column
Release harness connector from SCCM and remove SCCM
Remarque1x connector, Remove black locking tab then depress connector release tab to release connector, Locking tab is one time use discard after removal
Disconnect steering column motor connectors
Remarque2x connectors
- Mark the steering column relative position to the lower shaft joint
Remove bolt securing lower shaft to steering column
Remarque1x bolt, 13mm, 30 Nm
Release steering column from lower shaft
RemarqueSlide joint down lower shaft
Remove fasteners securing steering column to cross car beam
Remarque2x bolts, 13mm, 17 Nm, 2x nuts, 13mm, 30 Nm
- Remove steering column from vehicle
Disconnect the brake switch connector
Remarque1x connector
Remove and discard the brake light switch from the brake pedal assembly
RemarqueRotate switch clockwise and pull straight out to remove, The brake light switch is a one time use component
Remove the spring clip from the brake pedal clevis pin
Remarque1x spring clip
Remove the brake pedal clevis pin
RemarqueDepress the brake pedal for clearance
Remove and discard the fasteners securing the brake pedal to the brake booster
Remarque4x nyloc nuts, 13mm, 23 Nm, Discard after removal
Remove the fasteners securing the brake pedal to the reinforcement panel on the bulkhead
Remarque2x bolts, 13mm, 23 Nm
Release harness clip from brake pedal bracket
Remarque1x clip
Remove the brake pedal from below the cross car beam
RemarqueRotate the pedal and bracket assembly at different angles to clear the cross car beam and master cylinder push rod, Take care not to damage the boot around the push rod during removal
Release the main harness clip from the bulkhead and move harness away from the tuner
Remarque2x clips
Release the front harness edge clip from the body and move harness away from the tuner
Remarque1x edge clip
Remove bolts securing tuner bracket
Remarque3x bolts, 10mm, 6 Nm
Disconnect tuner and move harness for clearance
Remarque2x connectors, 1x fir tree clip
Remove the amp/tuner bracket assembly out through the bottom of IP carrier
RemarqueRotate tuner at different angles to ease removal
Remove tuner from bracket
Remarque4x patch bolts, T25, 1 Nm, Make note of orientation in bracket, Discard after removal
Install new tuner onto bracket
Remarque4x patch bolts, T25, 1 Nm, Install new patch bolts
Place the amp/tuner bracket assembly back into IP for installation
RemarqueRotate tuner at different angles to ease installation
Make connections at tuner
Remarque2x electrical connections, 1x fir tree clip, Existing vehicle harness at RH footwell area should have a brown connector for DAB antennae
Install bolts securing tuner bracket
Remarque3x bolts, 10mm, 6Nm
Re-position the front harness and secure edge clip to body
Remarque1x edge clip
Re-position the main harness and secure harness clips to body
Remarque2x clips
Position the brake pedal assembly for installation
RemarqueRotate the pedal and bracket assembly at different angles to clear the cross car beam and master cylinder push rod, Take care not to damage the boot around the push rod during installation
Install the harness clip to the top of the brake pedal bracket
Remarque1x clip
Install the fasteners securing the brake pedal to the reinforcement panel on the bulkhead
Remarque2x bolts, 13mm, 23 Nm
Install the fasteners securing the brake pedal to the brake booster at the bulkhead
Remarque4x nyloc nuts, 13mm, 23 Nm, Install new nyloc nuts
Install new brake light switch
RemarquePlace brake light switch flush into opening and rotate counter clockwise to install, The brake light switch is a one time use component, Ensure that a new switch is used during installation
Install the brake pedal clevis pin
RemarqueDepress the brake pedal for clearance
Install the spring clip to secure the clevis pin
Remarque1x spring clip
- Place steering column into vehicle for installation
Install fasteners securing steering column to cross car beam
Remarque2x bolts, 13mm, 17 Nm, 2x nuts, 13mm, 30 Nm
Connect steering column to lower steering shaft joint
RemarqueSlide joint up onto lower shaft, Ensure that the previously indexed paint marks align between the lower steering column and shaft joint
Install bolt securing lower shaft to steering column
Remarque1x bolt, 13mm, 30 Nm
Connect steering column motor connectors
Remarque2x connectors
Connect harness to steering column control module
Remarque1x connector, Install new retaining clip
Slide steering column control module over upper steering column
RemarqueGently jiggle the SCCM while pressing it onto the column if needed
Remove tape previously applied to the clockspring
RemarqueDo not rotate the clockspring
Install steering wheel
RemarqueEnsure the position of the steering wheel matches the index marks previously made on the column and the wheel
Install bolt securing steering wheel to steering column
Remarque1x patch bolt, 10mm allen, 80 Nm, Install new patch bolt
Connect the drivers front airbag and steering wheel control connectors
Remarque3x connectors
- Place airbag assembly into steering wheel
Install screws securing airbag to steering wheel
Remarque2x screws, T25, 7 Nm
Install OBD II male side to bracket
Remarque2x screws, T20, 4 Nm
Install accelerator pedal
Remarque2x nyloc nuts, 10mm, 9 Nm, 1x connector, Ensure red connector locking tab is engaged after making connection, Install new nyloc nuts
Connect First Responder Loop and 12V negative terminal
Remarque1x connector, 1x nut, 10mm, 5 Nm, Connect First Responder Loop first
- Install HEPA filter outlet duct
Install HEPA filter inlet duct
Remarque2x tabs, One on each side
Install clips securing HEPA filter inlet duct to cowl panel
Remarque3x push clips
Secure drainage hoses to HEPA filter inlet duct
Remarque2x hoses
Install RH underhood apron
Remarque9x clips
Install LH underhood apron
Remarque9x clips
Install rear underhood apron
Remarque8x clips
Close hood
RemarquePress firmly in green highlighted areas (see image), Damage may result from pressure elsewhere on hood
Remove cubby under MCU and connect laptop to vehicle with a tethered Ethernet connection via Toolbox 3
Remarque1x connector, 2x clips, Remove cubby under MCU and connect laptop to vehicle, Open Toolbox 3 website and establish connection to vehicle: https://toolbox.teslamotors.com, Select connection status icon at top right corner and select Connect Locally (icon will turn green when vehicle is connected), Local connection will enable service mode plus on display
Reinstall firmware via UI
RemarqueVia Service > Software Reinstall > CAN ECU > Reinstall
Perform Infotainment test with Toolbox diagnostics application to test and verify DAB/Tuner functions
RemarqueNavigation is as follows: Panels > System Tests > Infotainment Tests
Install RH footwell cover
Remarque2x blue push clips, 1x connector
Install RH center console closeout extension
Remarque12x clips
Install RH center console wrapped trim
RemarqueReplace any damaged or missing clips prior to installation
Install RH lower IP trim
Remarque9x ubell clips
Disconnect Toolbox from vehicle and install cubby under MCU
Remarque1x connector, 2x clips, Ensure diagnostic cables are tucked into the appropriate position then engage cubby
Install LH floor mat
Remarque4x velcro pads
Install RH IP side cover
Remarque3x clips, 1x connector
- Return RH front seat to original position
- Raise window and close RH front door