DCDC Terminal Stud - Fuse Box - Underhood (Rework)
Code de correction
REMARQUE : À moins d’indications explicites contraires dans la procédure, le code de correction et le temps forfaitaire ci-dessus représentent tout le travail à être fait pour cette procédure, notamment les procédures connexes. N’appliquez pas plusieurs codes de correction à la fois, à moins qu’il vous soit explicitement indiqué de le faire.
REMARQUE : Consultez pour en apprendre plus à propos des temps forfaitaires et de leur création. Vous pouvez transmettre par courriel vos commentaires relatifs aux valeurs des temps forfaitaires à LaborTimeFeedback@tesla.com.
REMARQUE : Consultez pour vous assurer de porter l’équipement de protection individuelle adéquat lors vous effectuez la procédure ci-dessous.
- Open LH front door
Open hood
RemarqueVia Controls > Front Trunk
Remove RH underhood apron
Remarque9x clips
Remove rear underhood apron
Remarque8x clips
Release cabin filter cover and RH side of cowl screen panel
Remarque2x tabs, 2x push clips, Secure cowl onto strut
Remove bolts securing front HVAC filter housing
Remarque2x bolts, 10mm, 1.5 Nm
Remove front HVAC filter housing
Remarque2x tabs
Remove rear HVAC filter housing and rubber HVAC intake drain diverter
Remarque4x nuts, 10mm, 6 Nm
Power off vehicle via UI
RemarqueVia Controls > Safety > Power Off
Disconnect 12V battery negative terminal
Remarque1x nut, 10mm, 5 Nm
Disconnect first responder loop
Remarque1x connector, Release red locking tab
Remove battery fuse box cover
Remarque4x tabs
Disconnect 12V positive battery terminal from battery fuse box
Remarque1x nut, 13mm, 10 Nm, Do not mix up nut
Cut off nut securing DCDC positive terminal to battery fuse box
RemarqueIf nut is not cross-threaded then skip this step, Cover fuse box with shop towel to protect from debris, Vacuum debris as needed, Make sure to wear proper PPE for cutting, Do not breathe in fumes
Disconnect DCDC positive terminal from 12V battery fuse box
Remarque1x nut, 13mm,12 Nm
Release battery fuse box from the 12V battery strap
Remarque1x nut, 8mm, 5 Nm, discard nyloc nut
Disconnect SRS pyrotechnic connector
Remarque1x connector, Press 2x lock tabs then gently remove connector
Remove front harness upper wire terminals from 12V battery fuse box
Remarque7x nuts, 8mm, 5 Nm, Note orientation of terminals, Nuts can be threaded back on to prevent studs from falling out
Remove 12V battery fuse box wire separator cover
Remarque2x tabs
Remove front harness lower wire terminals from 12V battery fuse box
Remarque5x nuts, 8mm, 5 Nm, Note orientation of terminals, Nuts can be threaded back on to prevent studs from falling out
- Remove 12V battery fuse box
- Remove vendor label from 12V battery fuse box
- Remove original nut and bolt
Position aluminum insert onto 12V battery fuse box
RemarqueInsert is substituting previously removed nut and stud
Adhere vendor label onto 12V battery fuse box
RemarqueAllow 1 minute dry time, Clean area around insert then apply double sided tape. Another alternative can be couple layers of insulation tape (vinyl tape)
Secure 12V battery fuse box studs
Remarque12x studs, Apply masking tape
- Position 12V battery fuse box
Torque nuts securing front harness lower wire terminals to 12V battery fuse box
Remarque5x nuts, 8mm, 5 Nm, Use new nyloc nuts if available
Torque nuts securing front harness lower wire terminals to 12V battery fuse box
Remarque5x nuts, 8mm, 5 Nm, Use new nyloc nuts if available
Install 12V battery fuse box wire separator cover
Remarque2x tabs
Position front harness upper wire terminals onto 12V battery fuse box
Remarque7x nuts, 8mm, 5 Nm, Note orientation of terminals, Nuts can be threaded back on to prevent studs from falling out
Torque nuts securing front harness upper wire terminals to 12V battery fuse box
Remarque7x nuts, 8mm, 5 Nm, Use new nyloc nuts if available
Connect SRS pyrotechnic connector
Remarque1x connector, Secure harness onto wire separator cover
Install nut securing 12V battery fuse box to strap
Remarque1x nut, 8mm, 5 Nm, Use new nyloc nut if available, Adjust fuse box as needed
Remove masking tape from 12V battery fuse box studs
Remarque12x studs
Connect DCDC positive terminal onto 12V battery fuse box
Remarque1x bolt, 13mm, 12 Nm, Apply med-strength thread locker to bolt
Connect 12V positive battery terminal to battery fuse box
Remarque1x nut, 13mm, 10 Nm, Do not mix up nut
Install battery fuse box cover
Remarque4x tabs
Install rear HVAC filter housing and rubber HVAC intake drain diverter
Remarque4x nuts, 10mm, 6 Nm
Connect first responder loop
Remarque1x connector, Engage red locking tab
Connect 12V battery negative terminal
Remarque1x nut, 10mm, 5 Nm
Install front HVAC filter housing
Remarque2x tabs
Install bolts securing front HVAC filter housing
Remarque2x bolts, 10mm, 1.5 Nm
Secure RH side of cowl screen panel and cabin filter cover
Remarque2x tabs, 2x push clips, Release cowl from strut
Install rear underhood apron
Remarque8x clips
Install RH underhood apron
Remarque9x clips
Close hood
RemarquePress firmly in green highlighted areas (see image), Damage may result from pressure elsewhere on hood
- Close LH front door