
Harness - Trunk - Front (Remove and Replace)

Code de correction 17102602 REMARQUE : À moins d’indications explicites contraires dans la procédure, le code de correction et le temps forfaitaire ci-dessus représentent tout le travail à être fait pour cette procédure, notamment les procédures connexes. N’appliquez pas plusieurs codes de correction à la fois, à moins qu’il vous soit explicitement indiqué de le faire. REMARQUE : Consultez pour en apprendre plus à propos des temps forfaitaires et de leur création. Vous pouvez transmettre par courriel vos commentaires relatifs aux valeurs des temps forfaitaires à LaborTimeFeedback@tesla.com. REMARQUE : Consultez pour vous assurer de porter l’équipement de protection individuelle adéquat lors vous effectuez la procédure ci-dessous.

  • 2025-01-14: Added note on separately adding correction code 18200102 for A/C refrigerant recovery and recharge.
Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
Cette procédure nécessite que la procédure de récupération et de recharge du fluide frigorigène de climatisation soit effectuée. S'il n'est pas déjà ajouté automatiquement à la visite de service, ajoutez le code de correction 18200102 en tant qu'activité distincte à la visite d'entretien.


  1. Open all doors and lower the windows.
  2. Prepare the LH seat assembly for removal later in this procedure. See Ensemble de siège – Première rangée - Droit (retrait et remplacement), steps 1 through 8.
  3. Repeat the previous step for the RH seat assembly.
  4. Recover the refrigerant. See Récupération et recharge du fluide frigorigène de climatisation (retrait et remplacement).
  5. Enable tow mode through the touchscreen.
  6. Disconnect 12V power. See Disconnect 12V Power.
  7. Remove the cowl screen panel. See Panneau - Écran d’auvent (retrait et remplacement).
  8. Remove the wiper motor. See Module d’essuie-glace (retirez et remplacez).
  9. Remove the LH shock tower brace. See Support de tour d'amortisseur - gauche (retirer et remplacer).
  10. Remove the RH shock tower brace.
  11. Remove the screws (x2) that attach the air suspension reservoir to the brackets, and then remove the brackets from the vehicle.
  12. Maneuver the air suspension reservoir below the AC line and then set the reservoir aside for access.
  13. Remove the bolts (x2) that attach the TXV to the evaporator.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Discard o-rings and replace during installation.
  14. Disconnect the A/C lines and the TXV from the HVAC unit.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Gently pull the lines away from the bulkhead/HVAC box. Make sure to retain the O-rings at the TXV.
  15. Disconnect the LH seat harness connectors (x3), and then remove the LH seat from the vehicle.
  16. Disconnect the RH seat harness connectors (x2), and then remove the RH seat from the vehicle.
  17. Remove the center console. See Console centrale (retrait et remplacement).
  18. Remove the instrument panel top pad assembly. See Ensemble - Coussin supérieur - Tableau de bord (retrait et installation).
  19. Remove the RH instrument panel finisher assembly. See Ensemble - Enjolivure - Tableau de bord - Droit (retrait et remplacement).
  20. Remove the instrument cluster frame assembly. See Ensemble - Cadre - Groupe d'instruments (retrait et remplacement).
  21. Remove the LH inner instrument panel finisher assembly with vent. See Volet d'aération au visage - Côté conducteur - Intérieur (retrait et remplacement).
  22. Remove the LH instrument panel outer finisher assembly. See Ensemble - enjoliveur - tableau de bord - côté gauche (retrait et remplacement).
  23. Remove the steering column. See Colonne de direction (retrait et remplacement).
  24. Remove the instrument cluster. See Groupe d'instruments (retrait et remplacement).
  25. Remove the media control unit. See Unité de commande multimédia (Retirer et installer).
  26. Remove the IP carrier. See Support de tableau de bord (retrait et remplacement).
  27. Disconnect the headliner harness connectors (x3) at the LH A-pillar and release the harness from the vehicle.
  28. Remove the cross car beam harness connectors (x7) at the LH lower A-pillar.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Only release connectors that run to the harness on the cross car beam.
  29. Disconnect the cross car beam harness connectors (x7) at the RH lower A-pillar.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Only release connectors that run to the harness on the cross car beam.
  30. Remove the cross car beam. See Barre transversale de voiture (retrait et remplacement).
  31. Remove the LH and RH lower B-pillar trim. See Garniture – montant B – inférieure – gauche (retrait et installation).
  32. Remove 2nd row cushion seat base frame. See Cadre – base du siège – coussin de 2e rangée (retrait et remplacement).
  33. Remove the main carpet from the vehicle. See Tapis - intérieur complet (retrait et remplacement).
  34. Remove the HVAC assembly. See Système CVC (retirez et remplacez).
  35. Remove the connectors (x3) connecting the lower dash harness to the front trunk harness.
  36. Disconnect adaptive air suspension ECU connectors (x3).
  37. Lift up the harness connectors, and then remove the air suspension ECU from the vehicle.
  38. Disconnect the harness connectors (x3) from the connector carrier at the lower RH A-pillar.
  39. Remove the female side connectors (x4) from the RH A-pillar connector carrier bracket.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Use the flat head screw driver to carefully lift-up the locking tab securing the female side connector in the carrier connector bracket.
  40. Disconnect the front trunk harness from the in-cabin fuse box.
  41. Remove the front trunk harness ground connection from the in-cabin fuse box.
  42. Release the front trunk harness barrel clips (x2) from the studs on the bulkhead.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    2x barrel clips
  43. Push the front trunk harness grommet through the bulkhead and feed out harness into the front of the vehicle.
  44. Disconnect the main harness connector from the RH A-pillar cabin fuse box.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Only remove the single connector that leads to the main front trunk harness.
  45. Prepare the vehicle for lifting, but do not raise it at this time. See Soulever le véhicule - pont élévateur à 2 poteaux.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Make sure to enable "Jack Mode" before lifting the vehicle.
  46. Remove the LH and RH front wheels. See Ensemble de roue (retrait et installation)
  47. Remove the nut and clips (x5) that attach the rear half of the RH front wheelhouse liner to the body.
  48. Fold over the RH front wheelhouse liner and put it in between the brake rotor and the front fascia.
  49. Disconnect the RH side repeater camera connectors (x2).
  50. Remove the nut and clips (x5) that attach the rear half of LH front wheelhouse liner to the body.
  51. Fold over the LH front wheelhouse liner and put it in between the brake rotor and the front fascia.
  52. Disconnect the connector from the front trunk harness to the hood harness.
  53. Remove the windshield washer reservoir. See Réservoir - lave-glace (retrait et remplacement).
  54. Disconnect the LH side repeater camera connectors (x2).
  55. Pass the harness through the opening behind the RH shock tower for harness removal.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Pass the harness under the HV cables and over the top of the brake master cylinder following the pathway of the larger section of the front trunk harness along the bulkhead.
  56. Remove the mid aero shield panel. See Panneau - bouclier aérodynamique - central (retirer et remplacer).
  57. Remove the HV battery. See Batterie HT (à propulsion/transmission intégrale) (retrait et installation).
  58. Remove all items from pockets and ensure that you do not wear any metal items.
  59. Put on HV insulating gloves and leather over gloves.
  60. Verify that there is no high voltage present at the HV rapid mate.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Measure B+ to Ground, B- to Ground, B+ to B-. If voltage is greater than 10V, pack contactors are not open or welded. Stop work and reach out to Service Engineering.
  61. Install HV and LV Rapid Mate covers
  62. Remove HV insulating gloves.
  63. Remove the front aero shield panel. See Panneau - écran aérodynamique - avant (retirez et remplacez).
  64. Disconnect the RH fan control module connector.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    The module is located on the outer side of the RH body beam and can be accessed from underneath the vehicle with the front aero shield removed.
  65. Disconnect the coolant 3-way valve at the RH front lower corner of the front subframe.
  66. Pass the leg of the harness with the fan control module coolant 3-way valve connectors up, above the RH body rail, for harness removal.
  67. Disconnect the LH fan control module.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    The module is located on the outer side of the LH body beam and can be accessed from underneath the vehicle with the front aero shield removed.
  68. Pass the leg of the harness with the fan control module connector up, above the LH body rail, for harness removal.
  69. Disconnect the battery coolant pump 1 connector.
  70. Release the front trunk harness clips (x3) for the leg of the harness that runs to battery coolant pump 1.
  71. Remove the bolt that attaches the 12V positive terminal to the bottom of the DCDC.
  72. Remove the bolts (x4) that attach the FJB to rapid splitter HV harness.
  73. Release the 2 HV cables from the FJB.
  74. Release the HV harness clip at the bulkhead.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    This allows the HV harness to be moved out of the way for the front trunk harness to pass behind it during removal.
  75. Remove the bolts (x2) that attach the bottom of front junction box to the vehicle.
  76. Disconnect the logic connector from the front junction box.
  77. Remove the nut that attaches the RH side of front junction box to the vehicle.
  78. Pass the logic connector by the HV cables up the bulkhead into the cavity near the RH shock tower for harness removal.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Tilt the front junction box away from the bulkhead to make room for the connector
  79. Disconnect the logic connector from the DCDC converter.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Tilt the front junction box away from the bulkhead to make room for the connector to be disconnected.
  80. Disconnect the battery heater connector from the FJB.
  81. Pass the DCDC logic connector, the electric battery heater connector, and the E-fuse ground cable up the bulkhead behind the front junction box towards the top of the bulkhead for harness removal.
  82. Lower the vehicle for access to the underhood area.
  83. Disconnect the LH shotgun accelerometer sensor connector.
  84. Disconnect the RH shotgun accelerometer sensor connector.
  85. Remove the underhood storage unit. See Unité de rangement sous le capot (retrait et installation).
  86. Remove the underhood fuse box. See Fusebox - Underhood - 2nd Generation (Remove and Replace).
  87. Remove the bolt that attaches the front trunk harness ground at the left of the fuse box location.
  88. Disconnect the LH front ride height sensor connector.
  89. Release the clips that attach the portion of the front trunk harness that was previously disconnected from the LH front inner fender area.
  90. Release the harness clip at the LH front shock tower.
  91. Disconnect the coolant temperature sensor connector near the LH side of the bulkhead.
  92. Disconnect the PT coolant pump 1 connector.
  93. Disconnect the front drive unit logic connector.
  94. Remove and discard the nut that attaches the harness ground to the 12V negative battery terminal.
  95. Release the clip that attaches the 12V ground harness to the LH shock tower.
  96. Disconnect the high side A/C PT sensor connector.
  97. Remove the front trunk harness ground bolts (x3) and release the shotgun accelerometer harness clip from the front side of the LH shock tower.
  98. Disconnect the connector for the LH front wheel speed sensor.
  99. Disconnect the LH connector to damper harness.
  100. Disconnect the LH headlamp connector.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Take care when removing connector, as the release tab must be accessed from the front side of the connector under the outer casing.
  101. Disconnect the LH front harness connector of the front end module harness.
  102. Release the harness clips (x5) from the studs on the LH front body beam.
  103. Disconnect the battery coolant pump 2 connector.
  104. Release the connector of the front remote keyless entry antenna.
  105. Release the ABS module connector.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Depress the connector lever lock tab and rotate the connector lever upwards to release.
  106. Disconnect the battery chiller and EXV connector.
  107. Release the harness fir tree clip near the battery chiller.
  108. Disconnect the connector at the air suspension compressor.
  109. Release the harness clip at the middle of subframe, in front of the steering gear.
  110. Feed the left leg of the front trunk harness out up to the LH shock tower.
  111. Disconnect the coolant 4-way valve connector.
  112. Release the harness clip from the 4 way-valve.
  113. Release the harness clips from the brake lines near the LH shock tower.
  114. Release the harness clips on the LH side under the shock tower cross member.
  115. Release the brackets (x3) that hold the brake lines in place near LH body beam
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Only release the upper brake lines. Gently pry the bracket off of the brake lines and rotate the bracket 90 degrees to allow for more movement in the brake lines. This will allow more room for harness connections, mainly the ABS module connector, to pass through the opening between the brake lines and the body beam.
  116. Feed the harness out under the LH side of the shock tower cross member to the bulkhead, then up and over shock tower cross member.
  117. Remove the nuts (x3) that attach the harness carrier bracket to the bulkhead below the TXV.
  118. Disconnect the TXV connector.
  119. Remove the bolt that attaches the 12V cable cover to the E-fuse assembly, and then remove the cover.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Discard bolt after removal
  120. Remove the bolt that attaches the 12V power supply cable to the E-fuse assembly.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Discard the bolt after removal.
  121. Remove the nut that attaches the E-fuse assembly to the electrical battery heater bracket.
  122. Lift the bracket up to release the E-fuse from the tabs at the bottom.
  123. Remove the bolt that attaches the DCDC positive cable to the E-fuse assembly.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Discard the bolt after removal.
  124. Lift the E-fuse assembly up for access to the front cover.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Use caution with the front drive unit coolant hose.
  125. Remove the bolts (x3) that attach the E-fuse cover to thee E-fuse assembly.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Pay attention to bolt locations as 1 bolt is different from the others.
  126. Remove the bolts (x2) that attach the large cables to the bottom of the E-fuse assembly.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Note the location of the labeled wires during removal. Discard bolts after removal.
  127. Remove the screw that attaches the small cable to the bottom of the E-fuse assembly.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Note the location of the labeled wire during removal.
  128. Disconnect the logic connector from the E-fuse assembly.
  129. Release the cover from the RH side of the E-fuse assembly to expose the RH side fasteners.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Release the 2 tabs and slide the cover off.
  130. Remove the screws (x6) that attach the small cables to the side of the E-fuse assembly.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Note the location of the labeled wires during removal.
  131. Remove the bolt that attaches the ground cable to the E-fuse assembly.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Discard bolt after removal.
  132. Release the front trunk harness clip from the RH side of the bulkhead near the electromechanical brake booster.
  133. Release the edge clip at the brake master cylinder, and then disconnect the pedal sensor connector.
  134. Disconnect the logic connector from the electromechanical brake booster.
  135. Disconnect brake fluid level sensor and release the edge clip.
  136. Disconnect the RH front ride height sensor connector.
  137. Release the harness clip on the rear inner portion of the shock tower below the shock tower cross member.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    1x clip
  138. Release the coolant hose clip at the RH shock tower.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    This is done to make more room for harness removal.
  139. Release the harness clip under the shock tower cross member at the RH side of the body.
  140. Disconnect the RH connector to the damper harness.
  141. Remove the chassis ground bolt, shotgun accelerometer harness clip, and wheel speed sensor connector from the front side of the RH shock tower.
  142. Release the harness clips (x4) at the RH shock tower and body beam.
  143. Disconnect the steering gear connectors (x4).
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Only release the front trunk harness connectors, It is not necessary to release the connectors between the steering rack and controller during front trunk harness replacement.
  144. Disconnect the RH headlamp connector.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Take care when removing connector, the release tab must be accessed from the front side of the connector under the outer casing.
  145. Disconnect front fascia and front end module (FEM) connectors (x3) from the front trunk harness at the connector carrier on the RH body beam.
  146. Release the plastic nuts that attach the FEM and fascia connector carrier to the RH body beam.
  147. Disconnect the low side A/C PT sensor connector.
  148. Disconnect the air suspension valve block connector.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Take care when removing connector: the release tab must be accessed from the front side of the connector under the outer casing
  149. Remove the bolts (x4) that attach the 12V battery bracket to the shock tower cross member and the battery beam.
  150. Remove the 12V battery bracket with 12V battery from the vehicle.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    The 12V positive cable to the E-fuse module remains connected to the battery.
  151. Remove the bolt that attaches the coolant hose to the battery beam.
  152. Remove the bolts (x4) that attach the coolant reservoir to the shock tower cross member.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    This will allow room for the reservoir to move to make room during front trunk harness removal.
  153. Disconnect the coolant reservoir level sensor connector.
  154. Disconnect the A/C compressor logic connector.
  155. Release the edge clip for the A/C compressor logic connector.
  156. Remove the bolt that attach esgthe ground connection to the A/C compressor mount bracket.
  157. Remove the bolts (x2) and clips (x2) that attach the battery beam to LH and RH body beams.
  158. Remove the battery beam from the vehicle.
  159. Release the A/C line from the RH side of the A/C compressor.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Discard O-ring(s).
  160. Release the bolts (x2) that attach the A/C line below the RH side of the battery beam.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Discard O-ring(s).
  161. Release the A/C line bracket at the underside of the RH shock tower.
  162. Feed out the RH leg of the front trunk harness under the shock tower cross member and up towards the bulkhead.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    If necessary, move the vehicle up and down on the lift to switch from working from above shock tower cross member, and through the opening in the RH fender well.
  163. Remove the front trunk harness.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    This is a good time to compare the removed harness to the new harness provided to ensure parts received are compatible with the vehicle.


  1. Position the new front trunk harness into the front of the vehicle.
  2. Route the cabin portion of the front trunk harness through the opening in the bulkhead and install the sealing grommet.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    The sealing grommet is marked for orientation: make sure that the arrow is pointing upwards.
  3. Un-bundle the RH portion of the new front trunk harness and route it against the bulkhead down the RH side behind the HV cables that run to the FJB.
  4. Route the RH side of the front trunk harness under the shock tower cross member and out towards the front of RH body beam.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Working from the RH front fender well, pass the harness through the opening under the shock tower cross member. If needed, raise or lower the vehicle on the lift to work from above and in the fender well to ease in routing the harness.
  5. Route the FJB logic connector down the bulkhead along the FJB HV cables.
  6. Attach the main section of the front trunk harness to the RH side of the bulkhead.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    1x clip. 2x nuts, 10 mm, torque 5 Nm.
  7. Route the leg of the harness for connections to the electric battery heater, DCDC, and E-fuse ground down behind the bulkhead for installation.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    3x connectors, to be attached from underneath the vehicle at a later stage in this procedure.
  8. Connect the TXV connector.
  9. Un-bundle the LH portion of the front trunk harness and feed it under LH side of the shock tower cross member and along the LH body beam.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Starting from the bulkhead with the largest connector for the ABS control unit, route the harness under the coolant lines, then along the inner side of the LH shock tower under the shock tower support cross member, and then down the LH body beam. Make sure to route the harness behind the brake lines below the battery beam. The connector for the ABS control unit is the largest; it is recommended to pass this connector through the opening between the brake lines and the LH body beam first while routing the harness, and then continuing with the more forward portions of the harness until the harness fir tree clips can be seen near their locating holes under the shock tower cross member.
  10. Route the harness leg and connect the connector at the brake booster.
  11. Route the harness leg and connect the electromechanical brake booster pedal travel sensor connector.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Install 1x connector and 1x edge clip.
  12. Route the harness leg and connect the fluid reservoir sensor connector, then install the edge clip.
  13. Route the harness leg to the ride height sensor and First Responder Loop (FRL) and make the connections.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    1x connector, 2x edge clips. Connect the RH ride height sensor, harness edge clip, and attach the FRL edge clip. The new harness should come with a new FRL attached, remove and discard the old FRL.
  14. Route the fuse box and ground connectors (x2) through the opening in the A/C lines.
  15. Attach the clips at the inner RH shock tower.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    1x fir tree clip towards the rear of the inner shock tower, 1x barrel clip towards the middle.
  16. Route the 2 harness legs for the steering gear and attach them to the coolant hose.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    2x clips. These legs of the harness sit on top and are secured to the coolant lines with large circle clips.
  17. Route the leg of the harness with the connectors for the headlamp, coolant 3-way valve, fan controller, and wheel speed sensor to the RH outer side of the RH body beam.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    4x connectors. The coolant 3-way valve and RH fan controller connectors are routed down to the underside of the vehicle while the others remain above the body beam for installation.
  18. Route the RH harness ground and shotgun accelerometer harness towards the grounding points on the RH shock tower.
  19. Connect the RH shotgun accelerometer sensor connector.
  20. Install the plastic nuts (x2) that attach the FEM connector carrier to the RH body beam (torque 3 Nm).
  21. Route the harness and connect the air suspension compressor, valve block, and low side A/C pressure sensor connectors
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Take care not to mix up the 2 air suspension connectors. The power supply connector is a slightly larger 2 wire connector and is connected near the subframe while the logic connector is directly connected at the air compressor.
  22. Connect the front fascia and FEM connectors to front trunk harness at the connector carrier on RH body beam.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    3x connectors
  23. Connect the RH front wheel speed sensor connector.
  24. Connect the RH front damper harness connector, and then install the clip.
  25. Connect the RH headlamp connector.
  26. Install the front harness barrel clips (x4) to the RH body beam.
  27. Install the bolt (torque 15 Nm) that attaches the ground cable to the RH shock tower.
  28. Connect the A/C lines near the RH shock tower.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    2x bolts, 10mm, 8 Nm. Install new O-rings prior to connecting lines. Lube the O-rings with ND-11 oil prior to installation.
  29. Install the nut (torque 6 Nm) that attaches the A/C line bracket to the shock tower cross member.
  30. Install the nut that attaches the A/C line to the RH side of the A/C compressor (torque 10 Nm).
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Install new O-ring prior to connecting the line.
  31. Route the harness leg and install the bolt that attaches the ground connection to the A/C compressor (torque 7 Nm).
  32. Route the harness leg and connect the AC compressor connector.
  33. Route the harness leg and connect the coolant level sensor connector, and then install the edge clip.
  34. Install the bolts (x2, torque 3.5 Nm) and edge clip that attach the 12V battery beam.
  35. Re-position the coolant reservoir, and then install the bolts (x4) that attach the coolant reservoir to the shock tower cross member (torque 6 Nm).
  36. Install the bolt that attaches the coolant reservoir hose to the 12V battery beam (torque 5 Nm).
  37. Install the 12V battery with battery bracket onto the battery beam and shock tower cross member for installation
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    The 12V positive cable to the E-fuse module is still connected to the battery.
  38. Install the bolts that attach the battery bracket to the battery beam and shock tower cross member.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    2x bolts, T30, torque 5 Nm. 2x bolts, 13mm, torque 15 Nm.
  39. Install a new patch bolt that attaches the 12V power supply cable to the E-fuse assembly (torque 7 Nm).
  40. Install a new patch bolt that attaches the ground cable to the E-fuse assembly (torque 4 Nm).
  41. Install the screws (x6) that attach the small cables to the side of the E-fuse assembly (torque 4 Nm).
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Make sure to install the cables at the correct positions as noted during removal.
  42. Connect the logic connector to the E-fuse assembly.
  43. Install the screw that attaches the small cable to the front of the E-fuse assembly (torque 5 Nm).
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Make sure to install the cable (H) at the correct position as noted during removal.
  44. Install new patch bolts (x2) that attach the large cables to the front of the E-fuse assembly (torque 5 Nm).
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Make sure to install the cables (G, J) at the correct positions as noted during removal.
  45. Install the cover onto the RH side of the E-fuse assembly.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Align the cover with the cable cutouts and fully engage the cover until an audible click is heard.
  46. Install the bolts (x3) that attach the E-fuse cover to the E-fuse assembly (torque 2.7 Nm).
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Pay attention to bolt locations as 1 is different from the others.
  47. Install a new patch bolt that attaches the DCDC positive cable to the E-fuse assembly (torque 5 Nm).
  48. Position the E-fuse onto the bracket.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    2x tabs. Align tabs and slide downward.
  49. Install the nut that attaches the E-fuse assembly to the electrical battery heater bracket (torque 7 Nm).
  50. Install a new patch bolt that attaches the 12V cable cover to the E-fuse assembly (torque 3.5 Nm).
  51. Install the barrel clip that attaches the main LH section of the front trunk harness to the body, below the 2 coolant lines to the left of the sealing grommet.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    The body stud where the harness clip attaches to is NOT on the bulkhead, it is on the rear section of the body beam and points straight up.
  52. Route the leg of harness for the LH side repeater and ride height sensor behind LH wheelhouse liner, and then attach the 3 edge clips.
  53. Connect the LH front ride height sensor connector.
  54. Connect the coolant temp sensor connector near the LH front wheelhouse liner and bulkhead.
  55. Connect the front drive unit logic connector.
  56. Connect the PT coolant pump 1 connector.
  57. Install the front harness clips (x2) to the LH inner shock tower.
  58. Route and attach the harness leg for the coolant 4-way valve below battery beam, and then connect the connector.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    1x connector, 1x fir tree clip, 2x line clips.
  59. Install the bolts (x3) that attach the harness ground cables to the LH shock tower (torque 15 Nm).
  60. Connect the LH shotgun accelerometer sensor connector.
  61. Connect the high side A/C PT sensor connector.
  62. Install the brake line brackets (x3) on the LH body beam.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Rotate brackets into position and gently press the brake lines into the guide channels
  63. Install the harness clips at the LH body beam.
  64. Route the harness leg for the LH fan controller on the outside of the LH body beam.
  65. Connect LH front wheel speed sensor connector.
  66. Connect the LH front damper harness connector, and then install the clip that attaches the harness to the body.
  67. Connect the LH front connector to FEM harness connector.
  68. Connect the LH headlamp connector.
  69. Route the harness leg near the ABS pump and make connection to the battery coolant pump 2.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    1x connector, 1x line clip.
  70. Connect the ABS module connector.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Engage connector and flip latch to fully engage and lock the connector.
  71. Route and attach the harness leg for steering gear, air compressor, heat exchanger, and remote keyless entry antenna.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    1x line clip, 1x square fir tree clip, 1x fir tree clip.
  72. Connect the RH harness leg connectors (x4) to the steering gear.
  73. Connect the air suspension compressor connector.
  74. Connect the battery chiller and EXV connector.
  75. Connect the remote keyless entry antenna connector.
  76. Raise vehicle partially and lower onto locks.
  77. Connect the RH side repeater connectors (x2).
  78. Move the RH wheelhouse liner back into position for installation
  79. Secure the rear portion of the RH front wheelhouse liner to the vehicle.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    1x nut, 10mm, 4 Nm, 5x push clips
  80. Install the RH front wheel
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    5x nuts, 21mm, 175 Nm. Start the lug nuts by hand before using power tool. Torque at a later step.
  81. Connect the LH side repeater connectors (x2).
  82. Install the washer fluid reservoir. See Réservoir - lave-glace (retrait et remplacement).
  83. Connect front trunk harness to hood harness connector.
  84. Move the LH wheelhouse liner back into position for installation.
  85. Secure the rear portion of the LH front wheelhouse liner to the vehicle.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    1x nut, 10mm, 4 Nm. 5x push clips.
  86. Install the LH front wheel.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    5x nuts, 21mm, 175 Nm. Start lug nuts by hand before using power tool. Torque at a later step.
  87. Raise vehicle fully and lower lift onto locks
  88. Connect the lower battery coolant heater connector, and then install the clip that attaches the connector to the bracket.
  89. Connect the DCDC logic connector.
  90. Route the harness and install the bolt that attaches the 12V positive terminal to the DCDC (torque 13 Nm).
  91. Install the bolts (x4) that attach the HV cables to the FJB (torque 7Nm).
  92. Install the bolts (x2) and nut (x1) that attach the FJB to the bulkhead.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    2x bolts, 10 mm, 7 Nm. 1x nut, 10 mm, 9 Nm
  93. Install the clip that attaches the FJB HV harness to the bulkhead.
  94. Connect the FJB logic connector.
  95. Secure the harness for the battery coolant pump 1 connector.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    2x barrel clips, 1x fir tree clip.
  96. Connect the battery coolant pump 1 connector.
  97. Connect the LH fan control module and install the clip that attaches the harness to the vehicle.
  98. Connect the RH fan control module connector and install the clip that attaches the harness to the vehicle.
  99. Connect the coolant 3-way valve connector.
  100. Inspect the vehicle-side HV rapid mate seal, blade, pins, and plastic insulator.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Replace the seal if damaged. Clean the blades, pins, and plastic insulator with IPA if necessary. If damage is found on these components, the rapid mate must be replaced.
  101. Install the HV battery. See Batterie HT (à propulsion/transmission intégrale) (retrait et installation).
  102. Install the front aero shield panel. See Panneau - écran aérodynamique - avant (retirez et remplacez).
  103. Install the mid aero shield panel. See Panneau - bouclier aérodynamique - central (retirer et remplacer).
  104. Lower the vehicle until the tires are touching the floor.
  105. Torque the LH and RH front wheel lug nuts to 175 Nm, and then install the lug nut covers.
  106. Remove the vehicle from the lift.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Remove air suspension from "Jack Mode".
  107. Install the front trunk harness barrel clips (x2) to the studs on the bulkhead.
  108. Install the female side connectors (x4) to the RH A-pillar connector carrier bracket.
  109. Connect the harness connectors (x3) to the connector carrier at the lower RH A-pillar.
  110. Lift up the harness connectors and install the air suspension ECU into the vehicle.
  111. Connect the air suspension ECU connectors (x3) to the ECU.
  112. Install the connectors (x3) of the lower dash harness to front trunk harness.
  113. Position the rubber protective cover above the air suspension ECU.
  114. Install the bolts (x4) that attach the BCM bracket (torque 5 Nm), and then connect the BCM and panoramic roof module connectors (x9).
  115. Install the bolts (x4) that attach the BCM cover (torque 5 Nm).
  116. Connect the main harness connector to the in-cabin fuse box.
  117. Install a new nyloc nut that attaches the front trunk harness ground to the in-cabin fuse box (torque 6 Nm).
  118. Install the HVAC assembly. See Système CVC (retirez et remplacez).
  119. Install the bolts (x2) that attach the A/C Lines with TXV to the evaporator at the bulkhead (torque 6 Nm).
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Install new O-rings prior to installation.
  120. Put the air suspension reservoir into position, and then loosely install the screws that attach the air suspension reservoir brackets to the air suspension reservoir.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Torque at a later step.
  121. Install the LH and RH shock tower brace. See Support de tour d'amortisseur - gauche (retirer et remplacer).
  122. Install the wiper motor assembly. See Module d’essuie-glace (retirez et remplacez).
  123. Torque the screws (x2) of the air suspension reservoir brackets to 2.5 Nm.
  124. Install the cowl screen panel onto the vehicle. See Panneau - Écran d’auvent (retrait et remplacement).
  125. Install the underhood fusebox. See Fusebox - Underhood - 2nd Generation (Remove and Replace).
  126. Install the bolt that attaches the front trunk harness ground cable to the shock tower cross member (torque 15 Nm).
  127. Install a new nyloc nut that attaches the front trunk harness ground to the 12V negative terminal clamp (torque 5 Nm), and then attach the clip that attaches the harness ground to the vehicle.
  128. Feed the harness grommet through the underhood storage unit, and install the underhood storage unit. See Unité de rangement sous le capot (retrait et installation).
  129. Connect the HVAC blower assembly and remote keyless entry connectors, and then secure the harness clips (x2).
  130. Install the 4 screws (torque 1.2 Nm) that attach the THC unit.
  131. Connect the thermal controller connectors (x4), and then attach the harness clip.
  132. Connect the remote climate control module connectors (x2), and then install the harness edge clips (x2).
  133. Connect the PTC heater connector and the edge clips.
  134. Install the main carpet into the vehicle. See Tapis - intérieur complet (retrait et remplacement).
  135. Install the lower seat frame into position and attach the harness clips (x8) to the frame.
  136. Install the bolts (x8) that attach the seat frame to the vehicle (torque 26 Nm).
  137. Put the NVH padding onto the seat frame.
  138. Install seat bottom cushion.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    2x clips, 7x connectors if equipped. Replace clips as necessary.
  139. Install the LH and RH lower B-pillar trim. See Garniture – montant B – inférieure – gauche (retrait et installation).
  140. Install the cross car beam. See Barre transversale de voiture (retrait et remplacement).
  141. Connect the headliner harness connectors (x3) at the LH A-pillar, and then install the harness clip.
  142. Connect the cross car beam harness connectors (x7) at the LH lower A-pillar.
  143. Connect the cross car beam harness to the main harness connectors (x7) at the RH lower A-pillar.
  144. Install the IP carrier. See Support de tableau de bord (retrait et remplacement).
  145. Connect the Instrument cluster connectors and put the instrument cluster into position for installation.
  146. Install the screws (x4) that attach the instrument cluster to the IP carrier (torque 2 Nm).
  147. Install the MCU. See Unité de commande multimédia (Retirer et installer).
  148. Install the steering column, the steering column control module, steering wheel, and the driver's airbag. See Colonne de direction (retrait et remplacement).
  149. Install the RH instrument panel finisher assembly. See Ensemble - Enjolivure - Tableau de bord - Droit (retrait et remplacement).
  150. Install the LH inner instrument panel finisher assembly with vent. See Volet d'aération au visage - Côté conducteur - Intérieur (retrait et remplacement).
  151. Install the LH instrument panel outer finisher assembly. See Ensemble - enjoliveur - tableau de bord - côté gauche (retrait et remplacement).
  152. Install the instrument cluster frame assembly. See Ensemble - Cadre - Groupe d'instruments (retrait et remplacement).
  153. Install the defrost mesh grille assembly. See Bouche d'aération grillagée – dégivrage (retrait et remplacement).
  154. Install the instrument panel top pad assembly. See Ensemble - Coussin supérieur - Tableau de bord (retrait et installation).
  155. Install the airbag mounting bolts (torque 10 Nm).
  156. Position ECU into vehicle and connect LH side connectors (x6).
  157. Install new nuts (x4) that attach the Autopilot ECU (torque 5 Nm).
  158. Connect RH side DAS ECU connectors.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    7x connectors. DAS 2.0 has 4x connectors. Connector "A" must be plugged in before connector "B" when reinstalling the DAS ECU.
  159. Install the center console. See Console centrale (retrait et remplacement).
  160. Install the LH front seat into the vehicle.
  161. Connect the LH seat connectors (x3) and install the harness clips (x2).
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Tuck excess harness under the carpet to prevent NVH concerns.
  162. Repeat the previous 2 steps for the RH front seat.
  163. Connect 12V power. See Disconnect 12V Power.
  164. Remove vehicle from Tow Mode.
  165. Recharge the refrigerant. See Récupération et recharge du fluide frigorigène de climatisation (retrait et remplacement).
  166. Finish installation of the LH front seat. See Ensemble de siège – Première rangée - Droit (retrait et remplacement).
  167. Install the LH lower instrument panel trim.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    1x screw, T20, 2 Nm. 9x clips. Replace any damaged or missing clips prior to installation.
  168. Install the LH A-pillar trim. See Garniture – montant A – gauche (retrait et installation).
  169. Install the LH IP side cover.
  170. Repeat steps 166 to 169 for the RH side of the vehicle.
  171. Install the HEPA filter outlet duct. See Conduit – filtre HEPA – sortie (retrait et remplacement).
  172. Install HEPA filter inlet duct. See Conduit - Filtre HEPA - Entrée (retirer et remplacer).
  173. Install front, LH and RH and rear underhood aprons.