
Brake Lines - Master Cylinder to ABS (1st Generation) (RWD) (RHD) (Remove and Replace)

Code de correction 33034202


  1. Open the RH front door and lower the window.
  2. Remove the underhood storage unit, (voir la procédure).
  3. Disconnect 12V power, (voir la procédure).
  4. Disconnect the connector of the coolant reservoir level sensor.
  5. Remove the bolts (x3) (torque 6 Nm) that attach the coolant reservoir to the shock tower cross member.
  6. Put the coolant reservoir to the side, on top of HV battery. Do not remove the reservoir cap.
  7. Clean the areas around the master cylinder and ABS module and put shop rags under the brake lines.
  8. Release the stud anchors (x3) and rivet anchors (x2) that attach the brake lines to the vehicle.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    New brake lines come with new anchors; discard the old anchors after removal.
  9. Release the omega clips (x2) that secure the harnesses and the clip that secures the harness to the RH steering rack stanchion.
  10. Release the nuts (x2) (torque 18 Nm) that attach the brake lines to the master cylinder, and then remove the brake lines from the master cylinder.
  11. Release the nuts (x2) (torque 23 Nm) that attach the brake lines to the ABS module, and then remove the brake lines from the ABS module.
  12. Remove the two brake lines from underneath the 4-line bundle at ABS hydraulic unit.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    The flexible hose ends allow sufficient clearance for removal. Put fender covers around the front of the vehicle to protect the paint from possible brake fluid spillage.
  13. Remove the 2-tube bundle brake line assembly.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Rotate the 2-tube bundle down from the shock tower cross member, then rotate rit out of the front trunk from underneath the steering rack and coolant pump harness.


La procédure d’installation est l’inverse de la procédure de retrait, à l’exception de ce qui suit :