
Bracket - FDU Motor Mount - Rear - RH (Remove and Replace)

Code de correction 10104302 REMARQUE : À moins d’indications explicites contraires dans la procédure, le code de correction et le temps forfaitaire ci-dessus représentent tout le travail à être fait pour cette procédure, notamment les procédures connexes. N’appliquez pas plusieurs codes de correction à la fois, à moins qu’il vous soit explicitement indiqué de le faire. REMARQUE : Consultez pour en apprendre plus à propos des temps forfaitaires et de leur création. Vous pouvez transmettre par courriel vos commentaires relatifs aux valeurs des temps forfaitaires à LaborTimeFeedback@tesla.com. REMARQUE : Consultez pour vous assurer de porter l’équipement de protection individuelle adéquat lors vous effectuez la procédure ci-dessous.


  1. Open the LH front door and lower the window.
  2. Open the hood.
  3. Prepare to raise the vehicle. See Soulever le véhicule - pont élévateur à 2 poteaux.
  4. Remove the lug nut covers from the RH front wheel, and then loosen the lug nuts.
  5. Remove the rear underhood apron. See Tablier sous le capot - arrière (retrait et remplacement).
  6. Remove the LH and RH underhood aprons. See Tablier sous le capot – côté gauche (Retirer et remplacer).
  7. Remove the inlet HEPA filter duct. See Conduit - Filtre HEPA - Entrée (retirer et remplacer).
  8. Remove the outlet HEPA filter duct. See Conduit – filtre HEPA – sortie (retrait et remplacement).
  9. Disconnect 12V power. See Disconnect 12V Power.
  10. Remove the RH front wheel. See Ensemble de roue (retrait et installation).
  11. Remove the RH front wheel arch liner. See Doublure d’aile - avant - gauche (retirez et remplacez).
  12. Remove the HV battery. See Batterie HT (à propulsion/transmission intégrale) (retrait et installation).
  13. Position the vehicle so that the underhoist stand adjustment arm fits just below the subframe.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Keep some clearance to be able to adjust the stand height.
  14. Position the underhoist stand under the vehicle and raise it to support the RH front motor mount.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    It is recommended to add a block between the stand and the RH motor mount.
  15. Release the harness clip from the body.
  16. Remove the bolt and washer that attach the RH motor mount to the RH rear motor mount bracket.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    1x bolt, 21mm. Newer vehicles may have EP20 bolts.
  17. Remove the front lower bolt that attaches the RH rear motor mount bracket to the body.
  18. Remove rear lower bolt that attaches the RH rear motor mount bracket to the body.
  19. Remove the front upper bolt that attaches the RH rear motor mount bracket to the body.
  20. Remove the rear upper bolt that attaches the RH rear motor mount bracket to the body.
  21. Remove the RH rear motor mount bracket from the vehicle.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Lift mount bracket up and pivot it out of the opening.


  1. Position the RH rear motor mount bracket onto the vehicle.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Slide bracket down into position.
  2. Hand start all four 13 mm bolts that attach the RH rear motor mount bracket to the body.
  3. Torque the rear upper bolt that attaches the RH rear motor mount bracket to the body (torque 31 Nm).
  4. Torque the front upper bolt that attaches the RH rear motor mount bracket to the body (torque 31 Nm).
  5. Torque the rear lower bolt that attaches the RH rear motor mount bracket to the body (torque 31 Nm).
  6. Torque the front lower bolt that attaches the RH rear motor mount bracket to the body (torque 31 Nm).
  7. Position the alignment shim between the RH motor mount and the RH motor mount bracket.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    You only need to install the fork-style shim in the rear mount as the front mount was not touched during this procedure. Alignment shim is not necessary for Raven models.
  8. Install the 21 mm bolt and washer that attach the RH motor mount to the RH rear motor mount bracket (torque 120 Nm).
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Newer vehicles may have EP20 bolts.
  9. Remove the alignment shim from between the RH motor mount and the RH motor mount bracket.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    The alignment shim is not necessary for Raven models.
  10. Use the alignment shim to check that the mount is properly aligned.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    If the alignment shim does not slide into place easily, loosen the RH drive unit mount bolt and repeat the torque steps. Alignment shim is not necessary for Raven models.
  11. Install the clip that attaches the harness to the body.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    1x clip
  12. Remove the underhoist stand from underneath the vehicle.
  13. Install the HV battery. See Batterie HT (à propulsion/transmission intégrale) (retrait et installation).
  14. Install the RH front wheelhouse liner. See Doublure d’aile - avant - gauche (retirez et remplacez).
  15. Install RH front wheel. See Ensemble de roue (retrait et installation).
  16. Connect 12V power. See Disconnect 12V Power.
  17. Install the HEPA filter outlet duct. See Conduit – filtre HEPA – sortie (retrait et remplacement).
  18. Install the HEPA filter inlet duct. See Conduit - Filtre HEPA - Entrée (retirer et remplacer).
  19. Install the LH and RH underhood aprons. See Tablier sous le capot – côté gauche (Retirer et remplacer).
  20. Install the rear underhood apron. See Tablier sous le capot - arrière (retrait et remplacement).
  21. Remove the vehicle from the lift. See Soulever le véhicule - pont élévateur à 2 poteaux.
  22. Raise the LH front window and close the LH front door.