Windshield Washer Bottle and Pump - Washer Pump (Remove and Install)
Code de correction
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- Remove the frunk assembly. See Frunk Assembly (Remove and Install).
- Release the clip that attaches the camera nozzle hose to the washer pump, and then disconnect the hose from the washer pump.
- Release the clip that attaches the windshield washer hose to the washer pump, and then disconnect the hose from the washer pump.
- Disconnect the washer pump electrical connector.
- Release the washer pump from the washer tank, and then pull the washer pump upward to remove it from the vehicle.
- Position the washer pump into the vehicle, and then secure the pump to the washer tank.
- Connect the washer pump electrical connector.
- Connect the windshield washer hose to the washer pump, and then secure the clip.
- Connect the camera nozzle hose to the washer pump, and then secure the clip.
- Install the frunk assembly. See Frunk Assembly (Remove and Install).