2nd Row Seat Covers and Pads - 2nd Row Outboard Front A Cover - RH (Remove and Replace)
Code de correction
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REMARQUE : Consultez Protection individuelle pour vous assurer de porter l’équipement de protection individuelle adéquat lors vous effectuez la procédure ci-dessous.
Open RH rear door
RemarquePush RH C-pillar door trigger to release
- Lower RH rear window
- Partially release RH rear primary door seal
Remove RH lower C-pillar trim
Remarque3x clips, 7x tabs, 4x datums, Starting at door sill pull upward then forward to release, Leave trim attached to seat belt
Remove 2nd row RH outboard seatback bolster
Remarque2x tabs, 1x datum, 3x clips, Release tab near the bottom of RH outboard bolster, Partially release RH 2nd row shoulder cover and remove bolster from vehicle
Fold up 2nd row 40 seat
RemarquePull tether to release then lift up until locked in place
Remove 2nd row 40 seat cushion outboard cover
Remarque1x clip, Pull outward from lower forward section to release
Install 2nd row 40 seat cushion outboard cover
Remarque1x clip, Push inwards at bottom to secure
Fold down 2nd row 40 seat
RemarquePull tether to release then pivot down until locked in place
Install 2nd row seatback RH outboard bolster
Remarque2x tabs, 1x datum, 3x clips, Position LH outboard bolster into place, Ensure all clips and tabs are fully engaged, Replace any missing or damaged clips, Secure LH 2nd row shoulder cover, Perform push-pull-push test datums
Install RH lower C-pillar trim
Remarque1x clip, 1x datum
- Secure RH rear primary door seal
- Raise RH rear window
- Close RH rear door