17/06/2024 14:33:15
Pyrotechnischer Batterie-Trennschalter (Strukturpack) (Ausbauen und Einbauen)
- 2023-09-14: Removed correction code and FRT.
- 2023-07-25: Added step to record replacement pyrotechnic battery disconnect serial number and part number for later entry into SCA.
Bei diesem Verfahren handelt es sich um einen ENTWURF, der jedoch bereits validiert wurde. Warn- und Sicherheitshinweise sind möglicherweise nicht vorhanden. Befolgen Sie die Sicherheitshinweise, und gehen Sie beim Arbeiten an oder in der Nähe von Hochspannungssystemen und -bauteilen äußerst vorsichtig vor. Übermitteln Sie Verbesserungsvorschläge und Feedback an ServiceDevelopment@teslamotors.com.
The following procedures are not
standalone. They conditionally supplement procedures that occur within the Model Y
Structural Pack ancillary bay, and require that the ancillary bay cover has already been
- Remove the pyrotechnic battery disconnect insulators (x2).
- Remove and discard the bolts (x2) that attach the pyrotechnic battery disconnect to the ancillary bay.
- Lift the pyrotechnic battery disconnect straight up to disconnect from the connector, and then remove the disconnect from the ancillary bay.
- Install the pyrotechnic battery disconnect dummy cover.
- Return to the procedure that requested the pyrotechnic battery disconnect to be removed.
- If a new pyrotechnic battery disconnect is to be installed, record the disconnect serial number and part number for later entry into SCA.
Perform a zero adjust of the Hioki resistance meter in preparation to measure
resistances later in this procedure. See Widerstandsmessgerät (Nullpunkteinstellung).
WarnungBei diesem Verfahren müssen Hochspannungs-Isolierhandschuhe und Handschuhschützer aus Leder getragen werden. Ziehen Sie die Handschuhe oder Schützer nicht aus, sofern Sie nicht dazu aufgefordert werden.
- Remove the pyrotechnic battery disconnect dummy cover.
- Use an IPA wipe to clean the HV mating surfaces of the shunt, busbar, and the pyrotechnic battery disconnect, and allow at least 1 minute to fully dry.
Set the multimeter to the "LoZ" (low
impedance) mode.
AnmerkungFor Fluke multimeters without "LoZ" mode on the mode selector, see Multimeter (LoZ-Einstellung).
Measure the voltage between the shunt
(left) and busbar (right) for at least 10 seconds, so as to balance the voltage across
the pyrotechnic battery disconnect mount points.
AnmerkungThe voltage displayed on the multimeter is not as important as balancing the mount points.
- While still measuring the voltage, have an assistant position the pyrotechnic battery disconnect into the ancillary bay, align the pins of the connector with the disconnect, and then press the disconnect straight down onto the busbars.
- Continue to measure the voltage for another 10 seconds after the pyrotechic battery disconnect has been set onto the busbars.
Install new bolts (x2) to attach the
pyrotechnic battery disconnect to the HV battery, and then mark the bolts with a paint
pen after they are torqued.
Use the Hioki resistance meter to
measure the resistance at the HV joint between the pyrotechnic battery disconnect and
the RH busbar.
AnmerkungThe maximum acceptable resistance is 0.060 mΩ (60 μΩ). There is too much resistance in the High Voltage joint. Remove the fastener, clean areas with isopropyl alcohol, install fastener back and test again
Use the Hioki resistance meter to
measure the resistance at the HV joint between the newly-installed pyrotechnic battery
disconnect and the shunt.
AnmerkungThe maximum acceptable resistance is 0.045 mΩ (45 μΩ). There is too much resistance in the High Voltage joint. Remove the fastener, clean areas with isopropyl alcohol, install fastener back and test again
- Install the pyrotechnic battery disconnect insulators (x2).
- Return to the procedure that requested the pyrotechnic battery disconnect to be installed.