03/06/2024 17:28:54

Cover - Pyrotechnic Fuse - HV Battery 2.0 (Inspect)

FRT No. 16100600

Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
Seuls des techniciens certifiés pour retirer les interrupteurs et les fusibles de batterie HT et qui ont suivi tous les cours de certification requis (le cas échéant) ou, dans la région Europe, Moyen-Orient et Afrique (EMEA), les techniciens qui ont suivi avec succès la formation Suppression et remplacement ILT - EMEA sont autorisés à effectuer cette procédure. Portez toujours un équipement de protection personnelle et des gants isolants haute tension ayant un classement minimal de 0 (1000 volts) avant de manipuler un câble à haute tension. Se référer à TN-15-92-003, « Mises en garde relatives à la haute tension » pour obtenir des renseignements supplémentaires sur la sécurité.
Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
Vous devez porter un équipement de protection personnelle approprié pour effectuer cette procédure :
  • Gants isolants haute tension
  • Gants protecteurs en cuir
  • Testeur à gants haute tension
  • Lunettes de sécurité
  • Chaussures de sécurité (classées danger électrique)
Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
Assurez-vous que les gants haute tension isolant ne sont pas expirés. Consultez TN-15-92-003 pour obtenir des informations régionales sur l’expiration des gants.
Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
Avant de commencer cette procédure, utilisez un souffleur de gants pour tester les gants isolants haute tension. Vous devez jeter les gants qui ne passent pas ce test. Si un des deux gants échoue au test, jetez les deux gants.
Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
Lorsque vous effectuez cette procédure, vous devez porter les gants isolants haute tension en caoutchouc et les gants protecteurs en cuir. N’enlevez pas les gants avant d’avoir réinstallé le couvercle du fusible.
Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
When performing this procedure, use only one hand whenever possible. Keep your other hand behind your back to prevent the circuit from closing if you touch a component with high voltage.
Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
Lorsque vous utilisez un multimètre, ne touchez jamais à une surface à enduit par électrodéposition comme chemin de mise à la terre.
Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
Utilisez seulement les outils conçus précisément pour effectuer cette procédure.
Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
Respectez en tout temps les pratiques de travail sécuritaires suivantes lorsque vous effectuez cette procédure :
  • Ne portez pas d’écouteurs.
  • Dans les zones de réparation de batterie haute tension, le volume de la musique doit être bas.
  • Vous ne devez pas être seul lorsque vous effectuez cette procédure. Vous devez demander l’assistance d’une personne certifiée et avertir le responsable sur place que vous effectuerez cette procédure.
  • Vous devez toujours être au moins deux personnes pour soulever les équipements lourds.
  • Tout chahut est formellement interdit.
  • Votre zone de réparation de batterie doit toujours être bien rangée. Seuls les chariots d’outils comprenant les outils requis pour cette procédure devraient être autorisés dans la zone de réparation de batterie. Rangez les outils et les consommables dans les caissons appropriés.
  • Apposez des étiquettes sur tous les contenants de produits chimiques.
  • Disposez de tout déchets dangereux (p. ex. colle, liquide de refroidissement et autres produits chimiques) dans les contenants ou bacs appropriés.


  1. Move the vehicle to a 2-post lift. See Soulever le véhicule - pont élévateur à 2 poteaux.
  2. On the vehicle touchscreen, enable Jack Mode.
  3. Disconnect 12V power. See Disconnect 12V Power.
  4. Perform the vehicle HV disablement procedure. See Procédure de désactivation HT du véhicule.
  5. Raise the vehicle and inspect the HV battery exterior for damage.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Check for dents, cracks, holes, fluid leaks, etc. If damage is found, stop work and contact Service Engineering.
  6. Inspect the pyrotechnic fuse cover for damage, corrosion, or water intrusion.
  7. Remove the HV battery from the vehicle, and move it away from the vehicle. See Batterie HT (AWD) (retirez et installez).
  8. Put on proper PPE, including high voltage gloves and leather outer gloves.
  9. Use the multimeter to measure the voltages at the high voltage Rapid Mate.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Measure B+ to B-, B+ to ground, and B- to ground. If any measurement is greater than 10V, contact Service Engineering.
  10. Install the Rapid Mate covers to the high voltage and low voltage Rapid Mates.
  11. Cordon off the HV battery work area with stanchions and High Voltage Warning signs.
  12. Use a pick to remove the cap from the vent cover.
  13. Use the pick to remove the breather from the vent cover.
  14. Insert a rubber plug into the hole in the vent cover.
  15. Use a flashlight to shine the light into the slots of the side skis, and look for breathers between the umbrella valves.
    • No breathers are seen - Go to step 24.
    • Breathers are seen - Continue to the next step.
    Figure 1. Breather between umbrella valves, as seen through the slots of the side skis
  16. Use clamps to secure the LH side rail ski at the front and rear of the HV battery.
  17. Remove and discard the horizontal screws (x10) that attach the LH side rail ski to the HV battery.
  18. With the help of an assistant, remove the clamps from the HV battery, pull the LH side rail ski out from the battery, pivot the rail ski down, and away from the battery.
  19. Use a nylon brush and ESD safe vacuum to clean dirt and debris from where the LH side rail ski was removed.
  20. Inspect the condition of the LH side rail umbrella valves, and replace any that appear to be damaged.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    If the damage affects the sealing of a new umbrella valve, contact Service Engineering.
  21. Remove the breathers (x7) from among the LH side rail umbrella valves, and install rubber plugs (x7).
  22. Clean the LH side rail area of the HV battery with IPA wipes, and allow at least one minute to dry.
  23. Repeat step 16 through 22 on the RH side of the HV battery.
  24. Remove and discard the leak test plug from the LH rear corner of the HV battery.
  25. Install the leak test port adapter into the LH rear corner of the HV battery.
    8 Nm (5.9 lbs-ft)
  26. Close both the outlet (left) and inlet (right) valves on the leak tester.
  27. Set the pressure gauge to measure in PSI.
  28. Fully close the regulator.
  29. Connect the air supply to the leak tester.
  30. Open the inlet (right) valve.
  31. Adjust the regulator so that 0.190 PSI is displayed on the pressure gauge.
    Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
    Setting to 0.200 PSI or greater damages the HV battery.
  32. Connect the leak tester hose to the leak test port adapter.
  33. Slowly open the outlet (left) valve to inject air into the HV battery enclosure, and monitor the pressure gauge.
  34. When the pressure guage indicates 0.165 psi, close the inlet (right) valve.
  35. Wait 60 seconds to allow the pressure to stabilize.
  36. Record the starting pressure value.
  37. Start a 60 second timer.
  38. During the countdown, spray leak detection fluid generously onto the hybrid pyro fuse cover, observing for bubbles.
  39. When the timer completes, record the ending pressure value.
  40. If bubbles were seen at the hybrid pyro fuse cover, refer to Toolbox article 3207900.
  41. Subtract the ending pressure from the starting pressure.
    • If the difference between the pressures is greater than 0.010 psi, inspect the HV battery enclosure for leaks. See HV Battery Air Leak Test. After the leak has been rectified, return to this step.
    • If the difference between the pressures is 0.010 psi or less, continue to the next step.
  42. Disconnect the air supply from the leak tester.
  43. Slowly open both the outlet (left) and inlet (right) valves on the leak tester to vent pressure.
  44. Disconnect the leak tester hose from the leak test port adapter.
  45. Remove the leak test port adapter from the LH rear corner of the HV battery.
  46. Install a new leak test plug to the LH rear corner of the HV battery, and then mark the plug with a paint pen after tightening.
    8 Nm (5.9 lbs-ft)
  47. If the side rail skis:
    • If the side rail skis were not removed, go to step 55.
    • If the side rail skis were removed, continue to the next step.
  48. Remove the rubber plugs (x7) from among the LH side rail umbrella valves, and reinstall the breathers (x7).
  49. With the help of an assistant, raise the LH side rail ski to the LH side rail of the HV battery, so that the large tabs of the rail ski fit into the slot on the underside of the battery.
  50. Pivot the LH side rail ski up and attach clamps to secure the rail ski at the front and rear of the HV battery.
  51. Press up on the LH side rail ski, install, and hand-tighten a new horizontal screw at the center of the side ski.
  52. Repeat for the remaining horizontal screws (x9), installing new screws, and working from the center out to the ends.
  53. Remove the clamps, and tighten the horizontal screws (x10).
    12 Nm (8.8 lbs-ft)
  54. Repeat step 48 through step 53 for the RH side rail ski.
  55. Remove the rubber plug from the hole in the vent cover.
  56. Install a new breather into the hole of the vent cover.
  57. Install a new cap onto the vent cover and mark with a paint pen.
  58. Put on proper PPE, including high voltage gloves and leather outer gloves.
  59. Remove the Rapid Mate covers from the high voltage and low voltage Rapid Mates.
  60. Install the HV battery. See Batterie HT (AWD) (retirez et installez).
  61. Connect 12V power. See Disconnect 12V Power.
  62. Perform a coolant air purge. See Système de refroidissement - vérification et remplissage.
  63. Remove the vehicle from the 2-post lift. See Soulever le véhicule - pont élévateur à 2 poteaux.
  64. Disable Jack Mode.