Hoses - Hose, Chiller To Battery, LHD (RWD)
Código de corrección
NOTA: Salvo que se indique lo contrario explícitamente en el procedimiento, el código de corrección anterior y el FRT reflejan todo el trabajo necesario para realizar este procedimiento, incluidos los procedimientos vinculados. No acumule códigos de corrección a menos que se le indique explícitamente que lo haga.
NOTA: Consulte Tiempos de tarifa plana para obtener más información sobre los FRT y cómo se crean. Para enviar sus comentarios sobre los valores de FRT, escriba a LaborTimeFeedback@tesla.com.
NOTA: Consulte Protección personal para asegurarse de llevar el EPI adecuado al realizar el siguiente procedimiento.
Raise and support vehicle.
NotaEnsure vehicle is not charging.
- Open the LH front door and lower the LH front window.
Place vehicle in service mode through
NotaSelect vehicle's badge icon in Controls > Software for four seconds and then type "service" into dialog box.
- Unlock the vehicle gateway. See Desbloqueo de la puerta de enlace.
Run Thermal Fill Drain (Coolant Only)
through the UI.
NotaSelect Thermal > Coolant System > Coolant Fill/Drain, click Run, close once routine is completed, Thermal Fill Drain routine has a 5 hour time limit, After 5 hours routine must be performed again.
- Remove the underhood storage unit. See Underhood Storage Unit (Remove and Replace).
- Disconnect the LV battery power. See LV Battery - Li-lon (Disconnect and Connect).
- Remove the front aero shield panel. See Panel - Aero Shield - Front (Remove and Replace).
Disconnect manifold hose from front of
HV battery.
Nota1x spring clip, 2x plugs, Plug hoses as required, Coolant loss greater than 1L will require vacuum fill.
Release chiller to battery hose
Nota5x clips.
Lower vehicle until tires are touching
the ground.
NotaRaise lift off locks, then hold lock release lever to keep locks free while vehicle is lowered.
- Position fluid catcher underneath front of vehicle.
Remove fresh air intake
Nota2x studs, Lift cowl as needed.
- Place absorbent material below car computer coolant hose connection points to collect any spilled coolant.
Disconnect inner coolant hose to car
computer mount.
Nota1x spring clip, Plug hose.
Disconnect outer coolant hose from car
computer mount and remove coolant hoses from car computer.
Nota1x spring clip, Plug hose.
Install car computer coolant
Nota1x coolant plug.
Disconnect the sensor for the chiller
to battery hose.
Nota1x locking electrical connector, Do not push down on Red tab, Pull red tab to disengage lock, Pull again to release connector.
Disconnect chiller to battery hose
from supermanifold.
Nota1x spring clip.
Remove chiller to battery hose from
NotaRemove hose from RH side of vehicle, Gently Maneuver hose as needed to clear surrounding objects.
Position chiller to battery hose to vehicle for installation.
NotaFeed hose into position from RH side of vehicle along bulkhead, Gently maneuver hose as needed to clear surrounding objects, See images for clarity.
Connect chiller to battery hose to the Supermanifold.
Nota1x spring clip,1x plug, Remove plug from Supermanifold as quickly as possibly to avoid coolant loss.Perform push-pull-push test to make sure hose is fully seated.
Connect chiller to battery hose sensor connector.
Nota1x locking connector, Engage locking tab, Harness and coolant hose are color coded, Match harness color to coolant hose color.
Install outer coolant hose to car computer mount .
Nota1x spring clip, Plug hose.
Install inner coolant hose to car computer mount.
Nota1x spring clip, Plug hose.
Install fresh air intake assembly.
Nota2x studs, Lift cowl as needed.
- Remove fluid catcher from underneath vehicle.
Raise vehicle fully and lower lift onto locks.
NotaSet vehicle to comfortable working height, Make sure there's an audible click of the locks on both sides before lowering, otherwise vehicle may tilt to the side, Verify doors are clear of surrounding objects.
Secure chiller to battery hose clips.
Nota5x clips.
Connect HV battery manifold hose.
Nota1x spring clip, Remove plugs.
Position front aero shield onto vehicle.
Nota2x nuts, 15mm, 5 Nm, Hand-tighten the nuts to temporarily hold the panel in place.
Apply Loctite 222 onto front aero shield bolts and install outer fasteners to front
aero shield.
Nota7x bolts, 10mm, 5 Nm.
Lower vehicle fully.
NotaRaise lift off locks, then hold lock release lever to keep locks free while vehicle is lowered.
Install frunk assembly to vehicle.
Nota4x clips, Replace any clips if broken or missing.
Install bolts securing frunk assembly.
Nota6x bolts, 10mm, 5 Nm.
Install frunk service panel.
Nota3x clips, Push towards rear of vehicle to secure.
Install access panel to frunk assembly.
Nota3x clips, 1x connector, Frunk safety switch, 3x guide tabs, Align 3x tabs then push forward to secure clips.
- Remove coolant bottle cap.
- Place empty coolant container into front storage area.
- Fill container with at least 15L of coolant.
- Place filled coolant container into front storage area.
- Install refill tool cap onto coolant bottle assembly.
Setup vacuum refill tool.
NotaVerify all valves on refill tool are in the closed position, See image for clarity.
Install vacuum refill hose into refill cap on coolant bottle.
NotaPerform push-pull-push test to verify hose is fully engaged.
- Position overflow hose into empty container.
Place refill hose inside filled coolant container .
NotaMake sure hose end is fully submerged into coolant.
Connect shop air supply to coolant refill tool.
NotaIf not already done, Verify refill valve is set to off.
Open air inlet valve to draw a vacuum, Once gauge stabilizes, Fully close
NotaGauge stabilizes roughly (60-70 cmHg), Vacuum should not drop after the valves are closed.
Slowly open coolant refill valve to allow coolant to be drawn into coolant refill
hose, Close valve when hose is full of coolant.
NotaThis purges trapped air from the hose.
- Monitor gauge for 30 seconds to verify a vacuum is maintained in cooling system.
- Reopen the air inlet valve for 3 minutes to continue evacuating cooling system, then close valve.
Slowly open refill valve to allow coolant to be drawn into system.
NotaMake sure hose end of refill hose is fully submerged during entire process.
- Once gauge reads zero, close refill valve.
- Disconnect shop air supply from coolant refill tool.
- Remove coolant refill hose from coolant container.
- Remove coolant overflow hose from coolant container.
- Remove vacuum refill hose from refill cap on coolant bottle.
- Remove coolant refill tool from vehicle.
- Remove both coolant containers from inside underhood area.
Connect First Responder Loop and LV battery.
Nota2x connectors, Secure FRL first, Seat LV battery connection and push black connector lock inwards to secure, Engage green locking tab when fully seated.
Access Thermal System routines using the UI.
NotaSelect Service mode > Thermal.
Select "Start Coolant Air Purge" using the UI.
NotaEspere a que las bombas de refrigerante dejen de funcionar (se oirá un ruido). Aparecerá un mensaje para indicar que la rutina se ha realizado correctamente, pero las bombas seguirán en funcionamiento durante 10 minutos. Si inicia otra rutina durante este tiempo, la rutina fallará. Asegúrese de que el vehículo no está en la posición de conducción. La rutina sigue en marcha a pesar del mensaje que confirma su finalización. Ralentí = ~1500 RPM. La prueba variará las velocidades de 3500-6500 RPM y accionará las válvulas entre el modo en serie y el modo en paralelo. Si cambia el vehículo a la posición de conducción, se detendrá esta rutina. Si las velocidades rondan las 7000 RPM, significa que las bombas están bloqueadas con aire, por lo que deberá realizar el llenado por vacío. Continúe añadiendo refrigerante y purgue hasta que el nivel de refrigerante se encuentre entre las líneas NOM y MAX de la botella.
Inspect coolant level and top off as necessary.
NotaEnsure that fluid level is at Max line.
- Install coolant bottle cap.
Perform Thermal Performance through the UI.
NotaSelect Thermal > Actions > Test Thermal Performance, click Run, close once routine is completed.
Exit Service Mode through UI.
NotaExit Service Mode: Controls > Service Mode > Exit Service Mode, Press and hold to exit.
Install fresh air gutter assembly.
Nota3x clips.
Install rear underhood apron.
Nota14x clips, Hold rear wall of frunk to keep from flexing while engaging front clips.
- Close hood.
- Raise LH front window.
- Close LH front door.
Remove lift arms from below vehicle.
NotaLower rack arms fully and remove them from under vehicle.