
Armature Assembly - Bumper - Front - Roadster 1.5

Correction code 10012702


  1. Remove condenser (refer to procedure).
  2. Remove HVAC controller (refer to procedure).
  3. Remove hood (refer to procedure).
  4. Remove horn (refer to procedure).
  5. Remove windshield washer reservoir (refer to procedure).
  6. Remove clips (x2) securing bumper foam to front armature. Remove bumper foam.
  7. Remove LH headlight (refer to procedure).
  8. Remove RH headlight (refer to procedure).
  9. Disconnect GPS antenna.
  10. Remove nut securing GPS antenna to armature and remove antenna.
  11. Remove bolts (x2) securing LH and RH fenders to armature.
  12. Remove bolts (x2) securing armature to crash structure.
  13. Withdraw brake vacuum hose through aperture in armature.
  14. Withdraw washer tube through aperture in armature.
  15. Remove grommets (x2) from apertures in armature.
  16. Remove bolts (x7) securing armature to crash lower condenser ducting.
  17. Remove nut and bolt securing armature to crash structure.
  18. Remove bolt securing center of armature to crash structure.
  19. Release ambient air temperature sensor from armature and position aside.
  20. Release clips (x2) securing harness to armature.
  21. Remove bolts (x2) securing condenser upper inlet duct to armature.
  22. Remove bolts (x2) securing armature to crash structure.
  23. Remove front bumper armature.


Installation procedure is the reverse of removal.