
Door Beam Assembly - LH

Correction code 10150602


  1. Remove window rear guide rail (refer to procedure).
  2. Remove the front upper wheel arch liner (refer to procedure).
  3. Remove bolts (x3) securing upper fender bracket to fender and body. Remove fender bracket.
  4. Release adhesive securing cover to hinge and remove cover.
  5. Release grommet securing door harness to body and withdraw harness from body.
  6. Disconnect door harness connectors (x2).
  7. Support the weight of the door.
  8. Remove bolts (x4) securing beam hinge to body and remove door assembly from body (torque 25 Nm).
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Always record quantity and fitted position of shims, washers, locktabs or clips.
  9. Support door to avoid paint damage.
  10. Remove M8 bolt securing door to door beam flange (torque 25 Nm).
  11. Remove M6 bolts (x2) securing door to door beam flange (torque 12 Nm).
  12. Remove bolts (x2) securing door beam to door beam bracket and remove door beam.
  13. Remove bolts (x2) securing door beam to door hinge and remove door hinge.


Installation procedure is the reverse of removal, except for the following:

  1. Apply adhesive to hinge cover before installation.
  2. Check alignment of door and adjust as necessary.