Pipe - High Pressure - Compressor to Condenser - Roadster 2.x
Correction code 18034302
- Remove HVAC assembly (refer to procedure).
Loosen the high pressure compressor to condenser pipe at the condenser retaining nut (torque 25 Nm).
CAUTIONTo prevent damage always use a suitable wrench to hold backing nut when loosening pipes and unions.CAUTIONPlug pipe connections to prevent ingress of moisture or dirt.
Remove nut securing the high pressure compressor to condenser pipe connection at the compressor (torque 25 Nm).
CAUTIONPlug pipe connections to prevent ingress of moisture or dirt.
- Remove the high pressure compressor to condenser pipe.
Installation procedure is the reverse of removal, except for the following:
Replace A/C pipe O-rings.
NoteLubricate new O-ring seals with clean refrigerant oil.