
Door Assembly - LH - Roadster 2.x

Correction code 10150302


  1. Remove door beam (refer to procedure).
  2. Remove nuts (x2) securing window regulator to door.
  3. Remove bolts (x3) securing window regulator to door.
  4. Maneuver window regulator from door and disconnect harness connector.
  5. Remove upper screw securing window guide rail to door.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    When installing, apply Loctite®242™ thread locking compound to bolt/screw threads.
  6. Remove lower screws (x2) securing window guide rail to door. Remove front guide rail.
  7. Remove scrivet and screws (x2) securing interior release handle trim panel to door and remove trim panel.
  8. Remove screw securing interior release handle to door.
  9. Remove screws (x2) securing bellcrank bracket to door.
  10. Release clips (x3) securing interior release cable to door.
  11. Disconnect bellcrank con rod from interior release handle and remove interior release handle.
  12. Remove adhesive patches (x2) from door to gain access to door mirror assembly securing screws.
  13. Remove screws (x3) securing door mirror assembly to door and remove.
  14. Release clip securing exterior release handle wiring to extension bracket.
  15. Remove screws (x2) securing door beam extension bracket to door and remove bracket (torque 7 Nm).
  16. Release emergency release lock cable abutment from bracket and support clip.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    LH door only.
  17. Remove bolts (x2) securing door latch to door (torque 7 Nm). Release the door latch from door.
  18. Disconnect emergency lock cable from door latch.
  19. Disconnect harness connector from door latch.
  20. Remove door latch together with interior release cable and bellcrank.
  21. Remove nuts (x2) securing emergency release cable bracket to door and release bracket.
  22. Remove nuts (x2) securing emergency release lock barrel bracket to door, remove lock barrel bracket together with cable and lock barrel.
  23. Disconnect harness connector from door release switch.
  24. Remove bolts (x2) securing switch and bracket assembly to door.
  25. Release switch assembly from door and remove.
  26. Release clips (x6) securing harness to the inside of door.
  27. Release harness grommet and maneuver connectors through aperture to inside of door.
  28. Release harness grommet from door and remove harness through aperture.
  29. Remove rivets (x5) securing lower seal panel to door and remove panel.


Installation procedure is the reverse of removal, except for the following:

  1. Install new A-pillar glass seal.