Back Panel - LH (Sport Seat) \(Remove and Replace\)
교정 코드
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- Open LH front door
- Lower LH front window
Remove LH front décor assembly
참고2x Clips, 2x datums, Insert pry tool beneath clips on applique, one on each side of décor
Remove bolt securing LH front seatback panel to LH front seatback assembly
참고1x bolt, 10mm, 3 Nm
Move LH front seat upwards
참고Adjust seatback to avoid contact with headliner if needed
- Move LH front seat forward
- Open LH rear door
Release seatback elastic straps from seat frame
참고2x straps, Take note of routing and positioning, Determine location of clips and release straps, Use a mirror to aid if needed
Remove LH front seatback panel assembly
참고5x clips, 2x tabs, Recommend assistance, Start at the top of the seat and work downward, Slide tabs out from seatback frame
Install LH front seatback panel assembly
참고5x clips, 2x tabs Recommend assistance, Align and fully secure seatback cover onto seat frame assembly
Secure seatback elastic straps onto seat frame
참고2x straps, Return to original routing and location, Use a mirror to aid if needed
- Move LH front seat downwards
- Move LH front seat to original position
Install bolt securing LH front seatback panel to LH front seatback assembly
참고1x bolt, 10mm, 3 Nm
Install LH front decor assembly from LH front seat
참고2x Clips, 2x datums, Push décor assembly into seat frame, Replace damaged clips
- Close LH rear door
- Raise LH front window
Close LH front door
참고Close doors