
Deksel – tilleggsbrønn (Strukturell pakke) (3-fase) (fjerne og skifte ut)

Korrigeringskode 16101052 1.50 MERK: Hvis ikke noe annet er uttrykkelig oppgitt i prosedyren, gjenspeiler korrigeringskoden og FRT ovenfor alt arbeidet som kreves for å gjennomføre denne prosedyren, inkludert de tilknyttede prosedyrene. Ikke stable korrigeringskoder med mindre du bli uttrykkelig bedt om det.MERK: Se Flat rate-tider for å lære mer om FRT-er og hvordan de lages. Hvis du vil gi tilbakemelding om FRT-verdier, kan du sende en e-post til LaborTimeFeedback@tesla.com. MERK: Se Personlig beskyttelse for å forsikre deg om at du bruker riktig PVU når du gjennomfører prosedyren nedenfor.

  • 2024-07-26: Added information on installing a recycling warning label with CE marking and manufacturer information, if this was present on the ancillary bay cover being replaced.
  • 2023-11-08: Added/updated HV insulating glove steps.
  • 2023-08-22: Updated images.
Additional part that may be required for this operation (for Europe only):
Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
Ta av deg alle smykker (armbåndsur, armbånd, ringer, kjeder, øreringer, ID-merker, piercinger osv.), og fjern alle gjenstander (nøkler, mynter, penner, blyanter, verktøy, festeelementer osv.) fra lommene dine før du gjennomfører noen som helst prosedyre som eksponerer deg for høyspenning.
Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
Hvis du er nødt til å bruke briller for å gjennomføre en prosedyre på en sikker måte, må du sørger for at brillene er sikret slik at de ikke kan falle ned fra hodet ditt.
Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation

Bare teknikere som har fått opplæring i High Voltage Awareness og har fullført alle nødvendige sertifiseringskurs (hvis relevant), har tillatelse til å utføre denne prosedyren. Egnet personlig verneutstyr (PVU) og isolerende høyspenningshansker med minimumsklassifisering 0 (1000V) skal brukes til enhver tid ved håndtering av høyspenningskabler, samleskinner eller fittinger. Se teknisk notat TN-15-92-003, High Voltage Awareness Care Points, for mer sikkerhetsinformasjon.

Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
When servicing the ancillary bay cover and components in or around the ancillary bay, there is a possibility of encountering metal flashing on the inner edge of the vehicle single-piece rear casting. These sharp protrusions are a cut hazard, and proper PPE should be worn if there is a chance of contacting the flashing unprotected. If not already wearing leather over gloves, then at least wear cut-resistant gloves when the flashing is present.


Tabell 1. Dreiemomentspesifikasjoner: Deksel – tilleggsbrønn (Strukturell pakke) (3-fase) (fjerne og skifte ut)
Beskrivelse Dreiemomentverdi Anbefalte verktøy Bruke på nytt / skifte ut Merknader
Bolter (EPL10 eller EPR10) som fester tilleggsbrønndekselet til høyspenningsbatteriet
5 Nm (3.7 lbs-ft)
  • External Torx E10 5-Lobe
  • 4 i forlengelse
  • Skralle-/momentnøkkel
Bruke på nytt Erstatt
Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
Trekk til disse festeanordningene i rekkefølgen som er spesifisert i monteringstrinnet.
Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
Disse boltene er festet til tilleggsbrønndekselet.
Bolter (EPL10 eller EPR10) som fester ladeportlisten til tilleggsbrønndekselet
10 Nm (7.4 lbs-ft)
  • External Torx E10 5-Lobe
  • 4 i forlengelse
  • Skralle med fleksibelt hode / momentnøkkel med fleksibelt hode
Bruke på nytt
Bolter (EPL10) som fester trefaselisten til tilleggsbrønnen
6 Nm (4.4 lbs-ft)
  • External Torx E10 5-Lobe
  • 4 i forlengelse
  • Skralle med fleksibelt hode / momentnøkkel med fleksibelt hode
Bruke på nytt
Bolter (E10 eller EPL14) som fester tilleggsbrønndekselet til høyspenningskontrolleren
10 Nm (7.4 lbs-ft)
  • External Torx E10 5-Lobe
  • Nøkkel 3/8" EP14
  • 4 i forlengelse
  • ¼ in til 3/8 in adapter
  • Skralle-/momentnøkkel
Bolter (T20) som fester PCS LVDC-listen til tilleggsbrønndekselet
2.5 Nm (1.8 lbs-ft)
  • Torx T20-nøkkel
  • 4 i forlengelse
  • Skralle med fleksibelt hode / momentnøkkel med fleksibelt hode


  1. Open all the doors and lower the windows.
  2. Remove the HEPA filter assembly See Enhet – filter – HEPA (fjerne og skifte ut).
  3. Move the front seats forward.
  4. Remove the 2nd row lower seat cushion. See Setepute – nedre – andre rad (fjerne og skifte ut).
  5. Remove the LH and RH lower c-pillar trims. See Kledning – C-stolpe – nedre – venstre (fjerne og skifte ut).
  6. Remove the RH 2nd row seat back. See Seterygg– andre rad – høyre (fjerne og skifte ut).
  7. Remove the LH 2nd row seat back. See Seterygg – andre rad – venstre (fjerne og skifte ut).
  8. Disconnect LV power. See 12 V-/lavspenningsstrøm (koble fra og koble til).
  9. Foreta deaktiveringsprosedyren bilens høyspenning. Se Deaktiveringsprosedyre for bilens høyspenning (Strukturell pakke).
  10. Lower vehicle until tires are touching the ground.
  11. Disconnect the HVC logic connector, and then install the logic connector cap.
  12. Disconnect the LV power connector from the HV battery.
  13. Release the red locking tab, rotate the black lever upwards, and then disconnect the 3-Phase cable connector from the ancillary bay HV header.
  14. Release the clip that attaches the LH body harness to the rear body and move aside.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    1x clip.
  15. Remove the bolt that closes the charge port busbar access door at the ancillary bay HV header, and then open the access door.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Bruk av følgende verktøy anbefales:
    • 10 mm pipenøkkelinnsats
    • Skralle med fleksibelt hode / momentnøkkel med fleksibelt hode
  16. Remove the bolts (x2) that attach the charge port busbars to the HV header.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Bruk av følgende verktøy anbefales:
    • 10 mm pipenøkkelinnsats
    • Skralle med fleksibelt hode / momentnøkkel med fleksibelt hode
  17. Lift busbar kit connector to remove it from the HV header.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Use an inflatable air bag to suspend the busbar away from the HV header during removal and installation.
  18. Remove the NVH insulation from the ancillary bay cover.
  19. Remove the bolts (x3) that attach the ancillary bay cover to the high voltage controller.
  20. Release the bolts (x3) that attach the PCS Low Voltage DC header to the ancillary bay cover.
  21. Release the bolts (x2) that attach the 3-phase header to the ancillary bay.
  22. Release the bolts that attach the charge port header to the ancillary bay cover, and then remove the doubler.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Take note of small tabs on shielding.
  23. Put on HV insulating gloves and leather over gloves.
    Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
    Continue to wear the gloves until instructed to remove them.
  24. Remove the perimeter bolts (x22) that attach the ancillary bay cover to the HV battery.
  25. Remove the ancillary bay cover from the HV battery.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Recommend assistance.


  1. For Europe only: Check the ancillary bay cover that is being replaced for the presence of a recycling warning label that includes a CE marking and manufacturer information.
    • If the recycling warning label with CE marking and manufacturer information is not present on the ancillary bay cover being replaced, continue to the next step.
    • If the recycling warning label with CE marking and manufacturer information is present on the ancillary bay cover being replaced:
      1. Note the area where the recycling warning label is affixed on the ancillary bay cover being replaced.
      2. Clean the corresponding area on the new ancillary bay cover with an IPA wipe and allow 1 minute dry time.
      3. Install a new recycling label with CE marking and Manufacturing Information (part number 1108781-BB-F) on the new ancillary bay cover.
  2. Inspect the inner edge of the vehicle single-piece rear casting for metal flashing. If flashing is present, put on cut-resistant gloves.
  3. Inspect the ancillary bay cover seal for damage.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    If damage is present, replace the ancillary bay cover seal.
  4. Install the ancillary bay cover onto the HV battery.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Recommend assistance. Guide LH side of cover into position clearing HV header. Maneuver cover past body casting and into position with charge port components.
  5. Install the perimeter bolts (x22) that attach the ancillary bay cover to the HV battery in the order as shown (torque 5 Nm).
  6. Install the doubler, and then instal the bolts (x2) that attach the charge port header to the ancillary bay cover (torque 10 Nm).
  7. Install the bolts (x2) that attach the 3-phase header to the ancillary bay (torque 6 Nm).
  8. Install the bolts (x3) that attach the PCS Low Voltage DC header to the ancillary bay cover (torque 2.5 Nm).
  9. Install the bolts (x3) that attach the ancillary bay cover to the high voltage controller (torque 10 Nm).
  10. Install the NVH insulation onto the ancillary bay cover.
  11. Connect the LV power connector to the HV battery.
  12. Connect the HVC logic connector.
  13. Install the 3-Phase cable connector to the ancillary bay HV header.
  14. Use IPA wipes to clean the busbar HV connector contact surface of any residual Penetrox.
  15. Use IPA wipes to clean the HV connector contact surface of residual Penetrox.
  16. Apply Penetrox onto the HV connector joints.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Apply 2 drops of Penetrox A-13 about 5 mm in diameter to either side of the hole on both leads. Spread evenly to verify the contact surface is fully covered.
  17. Position the busbar kit connector and lower it onto the HV header.
  18. Install the bolts (x2) that attach the charge port busbars to the HV header (torque 9 Nm).
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Bruk av følgende verktøy anbefales:
    • 10 mm pipenøkkelinnsats
    • Skralle med fleksibelt hode / momentnøkkel med fleksibelt hode
  19. Put on HV insulating gloves and leather over gloves.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Make sure to wear Electrical Protective Gloves any time Hioki tester is used.
  20. Perform the Hioki resistance test at each HV joint from the HV busbar lead to the bolt head.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    2x HV joints, The acceptable resistance is between 0.050 mΩ (50 μΩ) and 0.195 mΩ (195 μΩ).If the resistance is greater than 0.195 mΩ (195 μΩ), there is too much resistance in the High Voltage joint. Remove the fastener, clean areas with isopropyl alcohol, install fastener back and test again. If the resistance is lower than 0.050 mΩ (50 μΩ), reposition the probes and measure again. If the resistance is repeatedly between 0.00 mΩ and 0.050 mΩ (50 μΩ), hioki test passed, proceed to next step.
  21. Install the bolt that closes the charge port busbar access door at the ancillary bay HV header (torque 9 Nm).
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Bruk av følgende verktøy anbefales:
    • 10 mm pipenøkkelinnsats
    • Skralle med fleksibelt hode / momentnøkkel med fleksibelt hode
  22. Remove HV insulating gloves.
  23. Install the clip that attaches the LH body harness onto the rear body.
  24. Raise the vehicle to a comfortable working height.
  25. Connect the RDU HV harness connector to the HV battery.
  26. Install the mid aero shield panel. See Panel – luftskjerm – midtre (fjerne og skifte ut).
  27. Fully lower the vehicle.
  28. Connect LV power. See 12 V-/lavspenningsstrøm (koble fra og koble til).
  29. Install the HEPA filter assembly. See Enhet – filter – HEPA (fjerne og skifte ut).
  30. Install the rear underhood apron. See Deksel under panser – bak (fjerne og skifte ut).
  31. Install the RH 2nd row seat back. See Seterygg– andre rad – høyre (fjerne og skifte ut).
  32. Install the RH lower C-pillar trim. See Kledning – C-stolpe – nedre – venstre (fjerne og skifte ut).
  33. Install the LH 2nd row seat back. See Seterygg – andre rad – venstre (fjerne og skifte ut).
  34. Install the LH lower C-pillar trim. See Kledning – C-stolpe – nedre – venstre (fjerne og skifte ut).
  35. Install the 2nd row lower seat cushion. See Setepute – nedre – andre rad (fjerne og skifte ut).
  36. Move the front seats to their original positions.