
盖板 - 充电接口(全球)(调整)

校正代码 44011500 0.48 注意:除非本程序中另有明确规定,否则上述校正代码和 FRT 反映的是执行本程序(包括关联程序)所需的所有工作。除非明确要求,否则请勿堆叠校正代码。 注意:请参阅平均维修工时,深入了解 FRT 及其创建方式。要提供有关 FRT 值的反馈,请发送电子邮件至LaborTimeFeedback@tesla.com 注意:执行下述程序时,请参阅人员保护确认已穿戴适当的个人防护装备 (PPE)。

  • 2023-07-11: Cleaned up procedure.
Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation

只有接受过高压安全意识培训并完成全部所需认证课程(如适用)的维修技工才允许执行此程序。处理高压线缆、母排或接头时,务必全程穿戴最低防护等级为 0(1000V) 的适当个人防护装备 (PPE)高压绝缘手套。有关手套和安全性的其他信息,请参阅技术注意事项 TN-15-92-003高压安全意识注意事项

Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
This procedure applies to the Global-style charge port door.
  • 1588904-00-A, Glass Gap and Flush Tool
  • 1588903-00-A, Body Gap and Flush Tool


  1. 打开左前车门,降下左前车窗。
  2. Move the driver seat fully forward.
  3. Open the LH rear door.
  4. Fold the LH 2nd row 60 seat down.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Seat can be folded from the backrest button or trunk switch.
  5. Open the liftgate.
  6. Remove the rear trunk parcel shelf. See 行李架 - 后备箱(拆卸和更换).
  7. Remove the rear trunk load floor. See 后备箱负重底板 - 后部(拆卸和更换).
  8. Remove the side trunk load floor. See 后备箱负重底板 - 侧面(拆卸和更换).
  9. Remove the trunk sill trim. See 饰板 - 门槛 - 后备箱(拆卸和更换).
  10. Open the charge port door using the vehicle touchscreen.
  11. Open the hood.
  12. Remove the rear underhood apron. See 前备箱挡板 - 后部(拆卸和更换).
  13. Disconnect LV power. See 低压电源(断开和连接).
  14. Perform the charge port voltage check. See 充电接口电压检查.
  15. Remove the rear wall rear trunk trim. See 饰板 - 后备箱 - 后围(拆卸和更换).
  16. Remove the LH trunk load floor bracket. See 支架 - 后备箱负重底板- LH(拆卸和更换).
  17. Remove the trunk floor front trim. See 饰板 - 前 - 底板 - 后备箱(拆卸和更换).
  18. Remove the LH 2nd row seat outer bolster. See 承梁 - 外 - 座椅 - 第二排 - LH(拆卸和更换).
  19. Release the LH upper C-pillar trim, and then set it aside. See 饰板 - C 柱 - 上 - LH(拆卸和更换).
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Do not remove the lower bolt that attaches the LH 2nd row seat belt retractor.
  20. Remove the LH trunk side trim. See 饰板 - 侧 - 后备箱 - LH(拆卸和更换).
  21. Perform a gap and flush inspection with the charge port door closed to determine which inserts need to be adjusted later in this procedure.
    Area in FigureFlush Target Specifications
    #1: Charge port door to upper RH body No flush requirement
    #1: Charge port door to upper tailight 0 mm
    #2: Charge port door to LH body 2 mm
    #3: Charge port door to lower RH body 1.2 mm
    #3: Charge port door to lower taillight 0 mm
  22. Disconnect the charge port latch electrical connector.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Take note of harness routing.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Pull the red locking tab outwards to release the lock, and then pull again to release the electrical connector.
  23. Disconnect the charge port electrical connector.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Carefully remove the white locking tab. Press the tab to release the electrical connector from the charge port. Continue to pull off the connector. The connector is intended to disengage the safety cap when released.
  24. Remove the charge port busbar safety cap. See 安全盖 - 母排 - 充电接口至高压电池(全球)(拆卸和更换).
  25. Remove the nuts (x2) that attach the charge port busbars to the charge port, and then remove the busbar leads from the studs.
    9 Nm (6.6 lbs-ft)
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    • 11 毫米套筒
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Nuts have captured washers.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Take caution of any tension present with the busbars.
  26. Release the clip that attaches the charge port manual release cable to the body.
  27. Remove the bolts (x4) that attach the charge port to the body, and then remove the charge port from the vehicle.
    7 Nm (5.2 lbs-ft)
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    • 10 毫米套筒
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    x2 datums
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    The charge port is bolted to the charge port door and lines up with 2 datums.
  28. Remove the bolt that attaches the charge port door to the vehicle body.
    1 Nm (.7 lbs-ft)
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    • 8 毫米 12 角深套筒


  1. Rotate the top hex insert clockwise to extend the insert or counterclockwise to shorten the spacing to meet the desired flush requirement for the charge port door.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    • 5 毫米六角
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    x1 datum
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Slightly push the datum outwards to ease access to the hex insert. Compensator is nominally 3 mm out from the back of the hex face to the top of the thread housing. It can be adjusted an additional 2 mm either out or in, leaving the total distance between 1 mm and 5 mm.
  2. Rotate the front hex insert clockwise to extend the insert or counterclockwise to shorten the spacing to meet the desired flush requirement for the charge port door.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    • 5 毫米六角
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Compensator is nominally 3 mm out from the back of the hex face to the top of the thread housing. It can be adjusted an additional 2 mm either out or in, leaving the total distance between 1 mm and 5 mm.
  3. Rotate the bottom hex insert clockwise to extend the insert or counterclockwise to shorten the spacing to meet the desired flush requirement for the charge port door.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    • 5 毫米六角
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Compensator is nominally 3 mm out from the back of the hex face to the top of the thread housing. It can be adjusted an additional 2 mm either out or in, leaving the total distance between 1 mm and 5 mm.


  1. Install the bolt that attaches the charge port door to the vehicle body.
    1 Nm (.7 lbs-ft)
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    • 8 毫米 12 角深套筒
  2. Install the charge port assembly into the vehicle, and then secure it with bolts (x4).
    7 Nm (5.2 lbs-ft)
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    • 10 毫米套筒
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    x2 datums
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Start by lining up the datums on the charge port with the charge port door, and then proceed to thread in all bolts.
  3. Secure the charge port manual release cable onto the body.
  4. Verify that the charge port studs (x2) are tightened to specification.
    2 Nm (1.5 lbs-ft)
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    • 梅花 T10 批头
  5. Clean the charge port assembly busbar contact surface of residual Penetrox with an Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) wipe.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Use a plastic trim tool to push the IPA wipe down between plastic divider.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Allow 1 minute dry time after removing the Penetrox.
  6. Clean the charge port busbar contact surface of residual Penetrox with an IPA wipe.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Allow 1 minute dry time after removing Penetrox.
  7. Apply Penetrox to the backside of the busbar leads.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Apply 2 drops of Penetrox A-13 about 5 mm in diameter to either side of the hole on both leads. Spread evenly to verify the contact surface is fully covered.
  8. Install the nuts (x2) that attach the charge port busbar leads to the charge port assembly.
    11 Nm (8.1 lbs-ft)
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    • 9 毫米套筒
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Nuts have captured washers.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    If excessive force is required to seat the busbars, they may have been bent. Inspect for damage and replace it, if necessary.
  9. Inspect HV insulating gloves.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Check gloves for damage prior to use. Refer to service document TN-15-92-003 for information on inspecting HV gloves: https://service.tesla.com/user/documents?searchText=TN-15-92-003
  10. Put on the HV insulating gloves and leather over gloves.
  11. Perform a Hioki resistance test at each HV joint from the HV busbar lead to the charge port stud (x2 HV joints).
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    When using the Hioki tester, verify that the meter has been properly adjusted and set prior to usage.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    The acceptable resistance is between 0.050 mΩ (50 μΩ) and 0.270 mΩ (270 μΩ).
    • If the resistance is greater than 0.270 mΩ (270 μΩ), there is too much resistance in the High Voltage joint. Remove the fastener, clean areas with isopropyl alcohol, install fastener back and test again.
    • If the resistance is lower than 0.050 mΩ (50 μΩ), reposition the probes and measure again.
    • If the resistance is repeatedly between 0.00 mΩ and 0.050 mΩ (50 μΩ), the Hioki resistance test passed. Proceed to next step.
  12. Remove the leather glove protectors and HV insulating gloves.
  13. Install the charge port busbar safety cap. See 安全盖 - 母排 - 充电接口至高压电池(全球)(拆卸和更换).
  14. Connect the charge port electrical connector.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Fully engage the electrical connector and white locking tab. The connector is intended to lock the safety cap in place.
  15. Connect the charge port latch electrical connector.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Return the harness to its original routing: Harness sits in front of the busbars.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Fully engage the connector and red locking tab.
  16. Install the LH trunk side trim. See 饰板 - 侧 - 后备箱 - LH(拆卸和更换).
  17. Install the LH upper C-pillar trim. See 饰板 - C 柱 - 上 - LH(拆卸和更换).
  18. Install the LH 2nd row seat outer bolster. See 承梁 - 外 - 座椅 - 第二排 - LH(拆卸和更换).
  19. Install the trunk floor front trim. See 饰板 - 前 - 底板 - 后备箱(拆卸和更换).
  20. Install the LH trunk load floor bracket. See 支架 - 后备箱负重底板- LH(拆卸和更换).
  21. Install the rear wall rear trunk trim. See 饰板 - 后备箱 - 后围(拆卸和更换).
  22. Install the trunk sill trim. See 饰板 - 门槛 - 后备箱(拆卸和更换).
  23. Install the side trunk load floor. See 后备箱负重底板 - 侧面(拆卸和更换).
  24. Install the rear trunk load floor. See 后备箱负重底板 - 后部(拆卸和更换).
  25. Install the rear trunk parcel shelf. See 行李架 - 后备箱(拆卸和更换).
  26. Close the liftgate.
  27. Restore the LH 2nd row 60 seat into upright position.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Remove seat cushion protection.
  28. Close the LH rear door.
  29. Reconnect LV power. See 低压电源(断开和连接).
  30. Install the rear underhood apron. See 前备箱挡板 - 后部(拆卸和更换).
  31. Close the hood.
  32. Verify operation of the vehicle charging system.
  33. Close the charge port door.
  34. Restore the driver seat back to its original position.
  35. 升起左前车窗,关闭左前车门。