加注阀 - 空气悬架(改装)
31103206 0.30
注意:除非本程序中另有明确规定,否则上述校正代码和 FRT 反映的是执行本程序(包括关联程序)所需的所有工作。除非明确要求,否则请勿堆叠校正代码。
注意:请参阅平均维修工时,深入了解 FRT 及其创建方式。要提供有关 FRT 值的反馈,请发送电子邮件至LaborTimeFeedback@tesla.com。
注意:执行下述程序时,请参阅人员保护确认已穿戴适当的个人防护装备 (PPE)。
- Open LH front door
- Lower LH front window
Release IP service panel
注2x tabs, 4x datums, Release top tabs and slide rearward
- Using laptop connect to vehicle with ethernet diag kit and Toolbox 3
- Select ‘Actions’ tab and search for ‘TAS service mode’
Select ‘ PROC_TAS_X_ENTER-SERVICE-MODEvia Toolbox: (link) ’, click ‘Run’, and allow routine to complete
注Select ‘X’ at top right of window to close oncecomplete
- Select ‘Actions’ tab and search for ‘Deflate’
Select ‘ PROC_TAS_X_DEFLATEvia Toolbox: (link)via Service Mode: Chassis ➜ Suspension ➜ Deflate ’, click ‘Run’, and allow routine to complete
注Select ‘X’ at top right of window to close oncecomplete
Open hood
注Via center display > Controls > Frunk Open
Remove rear underhood apron
注11x clips, 2x datums
Remove Schrader valve cap from air reservoir
注1x cap
Release residual air from air reservoir
注Press down on the valve to deflate completely
Install Schrader valve cap onto air reservoir
注1x cap
Remove cable tie securing air lines to RH shock tower
注1x cable tie, Be careful not to puncture lines
Mark fill valve retrofit location onto black air suspension line between compressor and auxiliary reservoir
注Reach under cowl and verify line is RH line on auxiliary reservoir, Hold valve up to line and mark center point
Cut black air suspension line between compressor and auxiliary reservoir
注Warning: High pressure air line, Failure to deflate system could lead to personal injury, Be sure to wear proper PPE
- Remove plugs from fill valve
Install fill valve onto black air suspension line between compressor and auxiliary reservoir
注Fully push air line into fitting and give a slight pull to confirm line is fully engaged
Secure fill valve and air lines to clip at RH shock tower
注2x cable ties, Secure properly to prevent NVH
- Remove cap from fill valve
Set up nitrogen tank kit to fill reservoir
注Verify valves are set to the closed position on the tank, regulator and the air line
Placeholder - Install nitrogen kit air line onto fill valve
注Verify valve on air line is closed before installing
Open valve on nitrogen tank and set pressure to 18 bar using regulator
注Slowly open valve and adjust regulator, Verify pressure is set to 18 bar
Placeholder - Gradually open valve on nitrogen kit fill hose
注Allow time for pressure to stabilize equally between Nitrogen set pressure and vehicle reservoir
Verify pressure holds on the regulator valve gauge
注18 bar, If pressure does not hold then there may be a leak present
- Select ‘Actions’ tab and search for ‘TAS service mode’
Select ‘ PROC_TAS_X_ENTER-NORMAL-MODEvia Toolbox: (link) ’, click ‘Run’, and allow routine to complete
注Select ‘X’ at top right of window to close once complete
Set vehicle ride height to Very Low
注Via center display > Controls > Suspension > Very Low, Perform during nitrogen fill to purge water out of air suspension system and fully charge reservoir
Set vehicle ride height to Very High
注Via center display > Controls > Suspension > Very High, Perform during nitrogen fill to purge water out of air suspension system and fully charge reservoir
Set vehicle ride height to Medium
注Via center display > Controls > Suspension > Medium, Perform during nitrogen fill to purge water out of air suspension system and fully charge reservoir
Close valve on the nitrogen tank
注Do not close regulator
Verify pressure holds on the regulator valve gauge
注18 bar, If pressure does not hold then there may be a leak present
- Placeholder - Close valve on nitrogen kit fill hose
Placeholder - Remove nitrogen kit fill hose from valve
注Lift up on lock and release line from valve
- Close the pressure regulator valve on the nitrogen tank to release the line pressure in the lines
- Install cap onto fill valve
Install rear underhood apron
注11x clips, 2x datums
- Close hood
Disconnect Toolbox 3 from vehicle and remove laptop and ethernet diag kit
注If RJ45 ethernet diagnostic connector present media converter box not required. Disconnect directly from laptop using an RJ45 Ethernet cable
Install IP service panel
注2x tabs, 4 datums, Slide forward engaging datums then secure tabs upward into IP
- Raise LH front window
- Close LH front door