HV Battery Revision -F to Revision -H (7-Seat) (Retrofit)
注意:除非本程序中另有明确规定,否则上述校正代码和 FRT 反映的是执行本程序(包括关联程序)所需的所有工作。除非明确要求,否则请勿堆叠校正代码。
注意:请参阅平均维修工时,深入了解 FRT 及其创建方式。要提供有关 FRT 值的反馈,请发送电子邮件至LaborTimeFeedback@tesla.com。
注意:请参阅人员保护,确保在执行以下程序时穿戴适当的个人防护装备 (PPE)。
This procedure applies to 2021+ Model X
vehicles built before August 15, 2022, and 2021+ Model X vehicles built from August 15,
2022 to September 29, 2022.
Consumables required:
- 1625444-00-C: 2ND ROW CARPET EPP SPACER - LEFT HAND - (1)
- 1896854-S0-A: 3 PHASE HEADER PLATE - (1)
- 1086834-00-A: 3M Impact Resistant Structural Adhesive, 200 mL Cartridge, 07333 - (1)
- 1457828-00-A: 3M Manual Cartridge Applicator Gun (200 mL), 08571 - (1)
- 1111111-00-H: ASY,HV BATTERY,P2,MSX ROW PACK (3PHASE) - (1)
- 1018693-00-B: BOLT&WASHER PN M5x16 PC98 - (2)
- 1615674-00-B: BOLT,HH,M10-1.5X24,[109],G0109,SM,S01 - (11)
- 1054298-00-C: BOLT,PF,M5X12,STL[4.8],ECOFIX,SEAL - (5)
- 1019168-00-A: Electrical Joint Compound,Penetrox A-13 - (1)
- 1632501-00-C: MX, 2R, MID FLOOR, COMMON BRACKET, LH - (1)
- 1567101-20-A: HVCON,HEADER,0DEG,DU,SX,P2 - (1)
- 1567101-10-A: HVCON,HEADER,90DEG,DU,SX,P2 - (2)
- 1588001-00-A: HVCON,PLG,6P,ASY,JUMPER,SX,P2 - (1)
- 1054785-00-A: Shop Supply, Primer (Grey) - (1)
- 000-0474-001: THREADLOCKER, LOCTITE 222, PURPLE - (1)
仅适用于欧洲:只有接受过二异氰酸酯操作培训并完成所有必修认证课程的技术人员才允许执行使用聚氨酯和含有二异氰酸酯的其他产品的程序。处理含有二异氰酸酯的产品时必须穿戴适当的个人防护装备 (PPE)。
重要: Rework vehicle will
need 24 hours to fully cure. Do not move rework vehicle during curing.
Ask the customer to remove all
personal belongings from the vehicle before proceeding.
警告Debris from the rework will damage items left inside vehicle.
Cover all neighboring vehicles.
警告Debris from rework will damage paint on any surrounding vehicles.
Spray primer onto the 3 phase header
plate. If the plate is already e-coated, skip this step.
警告Make sure to wear the proper PPE for using aerosol cans.警告Do not breathe in fumes.警告Use a cardboard box to prevent overspray onto other vehicles.
- Open all the doors and lower all the windows.
- Remove the LH and RH rocker panel moldings. See 饰条 - 门槛板 - LH(拆卸和更换).
- Position the 2 post lift pads for HV battery removal.
- Use the vehicle touchscreen to place the vehicle into Service Mode. See 维护模式(启用和禁用).
- Unlock the vehicle gateway. See 网关(解锁).
- On the vehicle touchscreen, tap Service Mode > Thermal > Refrigerant System.
- Select Start Thermal Fluid Fill/Drain (Coolant + Refrigerant), and allow the routine to complete.
- Remove the underhood storage unit. See 前备箱储物单元(拆卸和安装).
- Open the liftgate.
- Move the both front seats and both 2nd row seats fully forward.
- Remove the LH and RH sill panel trims. See 饰板 - 门槛板 - 后 - LH(拆卸和更换).
- Apply masking tape to LH and RH racetrack to avoid damage
- Remove the LH 2nd row seat assembly. See 座椅总成 - 第二排 - LH(七座)(拆卸和更换).
- Remove the RH 2nd row seat assembly. See 座椅总成 - 第二排 - RH(七座)(拆卸和更换).
- Remove the 3rd row seat cushion. See 座垫 - 座椅 - 第三排(拆卸和更换).
Remove the bolts (x10) that attach the
LH inner reinforcement to the body, and then remove the reinforcement from the
注The bottom two bolts require improvising an 8 mm ratchet box-end wrench to turn the T40 socket.
- Remove the mid aero shield panel. See 面板 - 流线型护板 - 中间(拆卸和更换).
- 执行车辆高压禁用程序。请参阅车辆高压禁用程序。
- Remove the leather glove protectors and HV insulating gloves
- Lower the vehicle fully.
Remove the bolts (x2) that attach the
LH 3rd row busbar duct to the body, and then remove the duct from the vehicle.
- 4 英寸加长件
- 10 毫米套筒
- 棘轮/扭矩扳手
Remove the bolt that secures the
charge port busbar connector access door.9 Nm (6.6 lbs-ft)TIp推荐使用以下工具:
- 10 毫米套筒
Remove the bolts (x2) that attach the
charge port busbar connector to the DC input HV header.9 Nm (6.6 lbs-ft)TIp推荐使用以下工具:
- 10 毫米套筒
- Lift the charge port busbar connector to remove the connector from the DC input HV header.
- Remove the LH and RH rear subframe shear plates. See 剪力板 - 后副车架 - LH(拆卸和更换).
- If the vehicle is equipped with a performance rear drive unit, slide the red connector locking tab, open the black release lever, and then disconnect the rear drive unit HV harness from the HV battery RH HV header.
- Remove the front aero shield panel. See 面板 - 流线型护板 - 前(拆卸和更换).
- Remove the front skid plate. See 车底护板 - 前(拆卸和更换).
- Position a coolant drain collector under the front of the vehicle to catch the vehicle coolant.
- Release the clip and disconnect the 3 way valve to HV battery hose from the HV battery, and then immediately plug the fittings.
- Release the clip and disconnect the HV battery coolant supply hose from the HV battery, and then immediately plug the fittings.
- Release the clip and disconnect the power conversion system coolant supply hose from the HV battery, and then immediately plug the fittings.
- Pull the red locking tab out, and then pull the tab again to disconnect the electrical harness from the HV battery logic connector.
- Pull the red locking tab out, and then disconnect the electrical harness from the HV battery LV connector.
- Move the LH front wheel absorber aside to access the LH sill hose fitting.
- Release the clip and disconnect the power conversion system coolant return to LH sill hose from the LH sill hose, and then immediately plug the fittings.
- Release the clips (x3) that attach the LH sill coolant hose to the body.
- Plaid vehicles only - Place a foldable funnel and absorbent material over the HV harness connectors and under the power conversion system coolant return hose to direct coolant away from the HV battery.
- Plaid vehicles only - Release the clip, disconnect the rear drive unit branch of the power conversion system coolant return hose from the coolant return hose, and then immediately plug both fittings.
- Plaid vehicles only - Remove the foldable funnel and absorbent material from under the power conversion system coolant return hose.
- Release the clip that attaches the RH sill coolant hose clip to the HV battery.
Remove the bolt that attaches the
ground strap to the body, and then remove the ground strap from the body.10 Nm (7.4 lbs-ft)TIp推荐使用以下工具:
- 10 毫米套筒
- Remove coolant drain collector out from underneath the vehicle.
Release HV compressor connection to HV
注1x connector, Hold down red locking tab and disengage the release lever, Do not force the release lever up
Remove the bolt that attaches the
front drive unit HV harness to the HV battery.5.5 Nm (4.1 lbs-ft)TIp推荐使用以下工具:
- 8 毫米套筒
- Slide the red connector locking tab, open the black release lever, and then disconnect the front drive unit HV harness from the HV battery front drive unit HV header.
First loosen all the bolts with a
ratchet, and then use a power tool to remove the center bolts (x4) that attach the HV
battery to the vehicle.35 Nm (25.8 lbs-ft)TIp推荐使用以下工具:
- External Torx Plus EP16
- Position the battery table underneath the vehicle.
- With the help of an assistant, lower the vehicle to just above the battery table, raise and lower table casters as necessary to level the table to the HV battery, and then lower the vehicle onto the table.
First loosen all the bolts with a
ratchet, and then use a power tool to remove the outer center bolts (x4) that attach the
HV battery to the vehicle.20 Nm (14.7 lbs-ft)TIp推荐使用以下工具:
- 外梅花套筒 Plus EP14
First loosen all the bolts with a
ratchet, and then use a power tool to remove the outer bolts (x12) that attach the HV
battery to the vehicle.35 Nm (25.8 lbs-ft)TIp推荐使用以下工具:
- External Torx Plus EP16
First loosen all the bolts with a
ratchet, and then use a power tool to remove the LH rocker panel bolts (x8) that attach
the HV battery to the vehicle.35 Nm (25.8 lbs-ft)TIp推荐使用以下工具:
- 15 毫米套筒
First loosen all the bolts with a
ratchet, and then use a power tool to remove the RH rocker panel bolts (x8) that attach
the HV battery to the vehicle.35 Nm (25.8 lbs-ft)TIp推荐使用以下工具:
- 15 毫米套筒
- Raise the vehicle off of the HV battery.
- With the help of an assistant, move the HV battery and table away from the vehicle.
- Lower the vehicle until the tires are touching the ground.
- Remove the RH floor support.
- Remove the LH and RH 2nd row mid floor common brackets. See 通用支架 - 中部底板 - 第二排 - LH(拆卸和更换).
- Wrap the rear half of cabin across the B-pillars.
- Wrap the rear half of the cabin across the C-pillars.
- Wrap the charge port busbar and LH racetrack.
Cut a cardboard box to fit the rework
注The box needs to fit inside the 2nd row floor panel. The box will act as a shield and prevent debris from spreading.
- Install the cardboard box onto the 2nd row floor panel.
Position a section of the cardboard
over the body harness.
注The section will guard the harness from the cut-off tool.
Position the 3 phase header plate onto
the 2nd row floor panel.
注Note the plate placement on the floor panel.
Apply masking tape to the floor panel
on the LH and RH side of the 3 phase header plate to mark the position.
注Do not tape the header plate to the floor panel.
- Remove the 3 phase header plate from the 2nd row floor panel.
- Apply masking tape 1 inch inward of the 3 phase header plate placement.
Apply masking tape along the 2nd row
floor panel seams.
注Apply the tape inside the front seam and outside the rear seam.警告Reference the image closely to avoid cutting into incorrect panel.
Drill 4 holes into the 2nd row floor
警告Drill inside the templated corners.警告Make sure to wear proper PPE for drilling.
- Vacuum all debris produced by the drill.
- Connect shop air to the cut-off tool.
Use the cutting tool to cut a square
out of the 2nd row floor panel along the inside of the masking tape
template, and then discard the cutout after removal.
警告DO NOT cut the extruded aluminum.警告Only cut the area inside the taped section.警告Make sure to wear proper PPE for cutting.警告Do not breathe in fumes.
- Vacuum all debris produced by the cut-off tool.
- Remove the front tape from 3 phase header plate template.
Drill 2 holes into the 2nd row floor
panel inside and mid-level with
警告Make sure to wear proper PPE for drilling.警告Do not drill out rivets.
- Vacuum all debris produced by the drill.
- Apply masking tape along the drilled holes.
Cut a rectangle out of the 2nd row
floor panel.
警告Make sure to wear proper PPE for cutting.警告Do not breathe in fumes.警告Only cut inside and mid-level with the rivets. Discard rectangle after removal.
- Vacuum all debris produced by the cut-off tool.
- Remove the masking tape, position the 3 phase header plate onto the floor panel, reapply masking tape on the outside of the header plate to create a new template, and then remove the header plate from the floor panel.
- Use a heat gun to heat the NVH material inside the 3 phase header plate template on the floor panel, and then use a scraper to remove the material from the floor panel.
Use IPA wipes to clean the 2nd row
floor panel mating surface.
注Allow 1 minute of dry time.
- Prepare a caulking gun and structural adhesive.
- Apply structural adhesive onto the 2nd row floor panel along the inside of the template, and then spread the adhesive evenly with a brush.
Install the 3 phase header plate onto
the 2nd row floor panel.
注Apply equal pressure and ensure the panel and plate are flush.
- Remove the masking tape from the 2nd row floor panel.
Position cardboard over the 3 phase
header plate edges.
注This will protect sand bag from adhesive squeeze out.
Position a sand bag onto the 3 phase
header plate.
注Make sure the weight is evenly distributed and holding the plate down.重要: Allow 24hr for adhesive to fully cure. Any movement before curing will compromise adhesion.
Raise the vehicle fully and lower lift
onto locks.
注Set the vehicle to comfortable working height. Make sure there is an audible click from the locks on both sides before lowering, otherwise the vehicle may tilt to the side.
Apply structural adhesive underneath
the 2nd row floor panel, and then spread the adhesive evenly with a brush.
警告Avoid dripping adhesive onto skin or hair.重要: Allow 24hr for adhesive to fully cure. Any movement before curing will compromise adhesion.
- Lower vehicle until the tires are touching the ground.
- Perform a power conversion system coolant drain on the old HV battery. See 功率转换系统冷却液(排放) (工作台).
- Perform a platter enclosure coolant drain on the old HV battery. See 磁盘外壳冷却液(排放) (工作台).
- Release the clip that attaches the power conversion system coolant return hose to the HV battery.
- Release the clip, and then disconnect the power conversion system coolant return hose from the HV battery.
- Attach the HV battery H-frame to the gantry and raise the H-frame into position.
Use shackles (x4) to attach the P2
battery sling adapter to the H-frame.
注Make sure that the shackles are tight, secure, and the sling will not bind or twist when lifting the HV battery.
- With the help of an assistant, remove the top from the HV battery shipping crate.
- With the help of an assistant, position the gantry over the HV battery shipping crate.
- Lower the H-frame to the new HV battery.
Install the P2 sling adapter onto the
new HV battery.
- Lift the new HV battery out of the shipping crate.
- With the help of an assistant, move the gantry away from the HV battery shipping crate and over a battery table.
- Position an unused HV battery table under the gantry.
- Lower the new HV battery onto the battery table.
Remove the P2 battery sling adapter
from the new HV battery.
- With the help of an assistant, remove HV battery and table from under the gantry.
- With the help of an assistant, position the old HV battery and battery table under the gantry.
Install the P2 sling adapter onto the
old HV battery.
- Raise the old HV battery off of the battery table.
- Move the HV battery table out from under the gantry.
- With the help of an assistant, position the gantry over the HV battery shipping crate.
- With the help of an assistant, align the old HV battery to the shipping crate, then lower the battery into the crate.
Remove the P2 battery sling adapter
from the old HV battery.
- Raise the gantry and H-frame from the shipping crate.
- With the help of an assistant, install the top onto the HV battery shipping crate, and return the battery to MRB.
- Return the gantry to position and remove the HV battery H-frame from the gantry.
重要:If performing retrofit procedure for vehicles built before August 15, 2022, continue to the next step. If performing retrofit procedure for vehicles built between August 15, 2022 to September 29, 2022, skip to step 125.
Use a cut-off tool to cut the bottom
of the HV battery pack bolts (x2).
警告Make sure to wear proper PPE for cutting.警告Do not breathe in fumes.警告Do not cut the top of the bolts. Only remove the bottom of the two bolts shown in image.
Spray primer onto the bottom of HV
battery pack bolts (x2).
警告Make sure to wear proper PPE for using aerosol cans. Do not breathe in fumes.警告Spray away from connectors and ground strap.
Secure the PCS outlet hose to the HV
battery, and then install the spring clip.
注Perform a push-pull-push test to ensure the hose is fully seated.
- Install the clip that attaches the PCS outlet hose to the HV battery.
After 24 hours, remove the sand bag
from the 3 phase header plate.
重要: Allow 24hr for adhesive to fully cure. Any movement before curing will compromise adhesion.
- Remove the cardboard from the 2nd row floor panel.
Clean the 2nd row floor panel
注Vacuum all debris from interior components before continuing. Wipe wrap as needed. Allow 1 minute of dry time.
- Remove the wrap from the vehicle.
Vacuum the 2nd row interior
注All debris MUST be removed.
- Position the RH 2nd row mid floor common bracket into the vehicle, and then install the clips (x2) that attach the bracket to the vehicle.
Position a new LH 2nd row mid floor
common bracket into the vehicle, and then install the clips (2) that attach the bracket
to the vehicle.
注The rework requires a new LH common bracket (PN 1632501-00-C).
Install the RH floor support.
注Align the supports with the common brackets.
- With the help of an assistant, move the HV battery and table to underneath the vehicle.
Carefully lower the vehicle onto the
HV battery.
注Verify that the liftpads will not contact the battery, and that hoses and harness are not compressed or damaged while lowering.
First hand start, and then use a power
tool to install the outer bolts (x12) that attach the HV battery to the vehicle.
注Final torque is applied in a later step.TIp推荐使用以下工具:
- External Torx Plus EP16
First hand start, and then use a power
tool to install the outer center bolts (x4) that attach the HV battery to the
注Final torque is applied in a later step.TIp推荐使用以下工具:
- 外梅花套筒 Plus EP14
First hand start, and then use a power
tool to install the LH rocker panel bolts (x8) that attach the HV battery to the
注Final torque is applied in a later step.TIp推荐使用以下工具:
- 15 毫米套筒
First hand start, and then use a power
tool to install the RH rocker panel bolts (x8) that attach the HV battery to the
注Final torque is applied in a later step.TIp推荐使用以下工具:
- 15 毫米套筒
Tighten the LH rocker panel bolts (x8)
that attach the HV battery to the vehicle.35 Nm (25.8 lbs-ft)TIp推荐使用以下工具:
- 15 毫米套筒
Tighten the RH rocker panel bolts (x8)
that attach the HV battery to the vehicle.35 Nm (25.8 lbs-ft)TIp推荐使用以下工具:
- 15 毫米套筒
Tighten the outer bolts (x12) that
attach the HV battery to the vehicle.35 Nm (25.8 lbs-ft)TIp推荐使用以下工具:
- External Torx Plus EP16
Tighten the outer center bolts (x4)
that attach the HV battery to the vehicle.20 Nm (14.7 lbs-ft)TIp推荐使用以下工具:
- 外梅花套筒 Plus EP14
- With assistance, raise the vehicle, and then remove battery table from underneath the vehicle.
First hand start, use a power tool to
install, and after all have been installed, tighten the center bolts (x4) that attach
the HV battery to the vehicle.35 Nm (25.8 lbs-ft)TIp推荐使用以下工具:
- External Torx Plus EP16
- Secure the clip that attaches the RH sill coolant hose clip to the HV battery.
- Position coolant drain container underneath the LH side sill hose connection.
- Remove the plugs from both fittings and immediately connect the power conversion system coolant return to LH sill hose to the LH sill hose, fasten the clip, and perform a Push-Pull-Push check of the fittings.
- Fully seat the LH front wheel liner absorber.
- Install the clips (x3) that attach the LH sill coolant hose to the body.
- Plaid vehicles only - Place a foldable funnel and absorbent material over the HV harness connectors and under the power conversion system coolant return hose to direct coolant away from the HV battery.
- Plaid vehicles only - Remove the plugs, immediately connect the rear drive unit branch of the power conversion system coolant return hose to the coolant return hose, fasten the clip, and perform a Push-Pull-Push check of the fittings.
- Plaid vehicles only - Remove the foldable funnel and absorbent material from under the power conversion system coolant return hose.
Remove foldable funnel and absorbent
material from under PCS hose
注Remove all material
Install the ground strap to the body,
and then install the bolt that attaches the ground strap to the body.10 Nm (7.4 lbs-ft)TIp推荐使用以下工具:
- 10 毫米套筒
- Verify that the black release lever of the compressor HV harness connector is in the open position, install the connector square to the HV battery compressor HV header, secure the release lever to the closed position, and then slide the red connector locking tab.
- Remove all items from pockets and make sure not to wear any metal items.
Inspect the HV insulating
注Refer to service document TN-15-92-003, for information on inspecting HV gloves.
- Put on the HV insulating gloves and then leather over gloves.
Remove the bolts (x2) that attach the
front drive unit HV header to the HV battery, and then gently separate the header to
remove it from the HV battery.10 Nm (7.4 lbs-ft)TIp推荐使用以下工具:
- 外梅花套筒 Plus EP10
Position the new front drive unit HV
header (PN: 1567101-20-A) onto the HV battery, and then install the bolts (x2) that
attach the header to the HV battery.10 Nm (7.4 lbs-ft)TIp推荐使用以下工具:
- 外梅花套筒 Plus EP10
Remove the bolts (x2) that attach the
rear drive unit HV battery LH HV header to the HV battery.10 Nm (7.4 lbs-ft)TIp推荐使用以下工具:
- E10 5-lobe socket
- Release the tabs (x2) that secure the rear drive unit HV battery LH HV header to the HV battery, and then use a plastic trim tool to gently remove the header from the HV battery.
Secure the new rear drive unit HV
battery LH HV header (PN: 1567101-10-A) to the HV battery.
注Verify the header is fully seated.
Install the bolts (x2) that attach the
rear drive unit HV battery LH HV header to the HV battery.10 Nm (7.4 lbs-ft)注Tighten the bolts evenly.TIp推荐使用以下工具:
- E10 5-lobe socket
Repeat step 161 through step 166 for the rear drive unit HV battery RH HV header.
注Replace the RH HV header with the same new part - PN: 1567101-10-A.
- Verify that the black release lever of the front drive unit HV harness connector is in the open position, install the connector square to the HV battery front drive unit header, secure the release lever to the closed position, and then slide the red connector locking tab.
- Remove the leather glove protectors and the HV insulating gloves.
Install the bolt that attaches the
front drive unit HV harness to the HV battery.5.5 Nm (4.1 lbs-ft)TIp推荐使用以下工具:
- 8 毫米套筒
- Connect the power connector to the HV battery, and then secure the locking tab.
- Connect the logic connector to the HV battery, and then secure the locking tab.
- Position the coolant drain container underneath front of the vehicle.
- Remove the plugs from both fittings and immediately connect the PCS inlet hose to the HV battery, fasten the clip, and perform a Push-Pull-Push check of the fittings.
- Remove the plugs from both fittings and immediately connect the HV battery coolant supply hose to the HV battery, fasten the clip, and perform a Push-Pull-Push check of the fittings.
- Remove the plugs from both fittings and immediately connect the 3 way valve to HV battery hose to the HV battery, fasten the clip, and perform a Push-Pull-Push check of the fittings.
- Install the front skid plate. See 车底护板 - 前(拆卸和更换).
- Install the front aero shield panel. See 面板 - 流线型护板 - 前(拆卸和更换).
Remove the gore breathers (x4) from
rear breather assembly.
警告Be careful not to damage the breathers during removal.注The breathers will be re-used. The breathers are located at the rear of the pack.
Install tapered plugs (x3) into
indicated breather holes.
警告Do not push the plugs too far inside.
- Install the leak test adapter into the fourth breather hole.
Close both valves on the regulator
test tool.
注Make sure the valves are closed.
Connect the enclosure leak tester
fitting to the leak test adapter.
注If required, safely secure the leak tester air line in a manner where it will not tug the adapter off.
- Connect the regulator to air supply.
Turn the RH side regulator valve to
the open position.
注Open the valve closest to the air line by turning the valve knob to the horizontal position.
- Set the regulator to 0.3 psi, and then allow the regulator to stabilize.
Open the LH side regulator valve to
allow air into the HV battery, allow the pressure to stabilize at 0.3 psi, and then
close the RH side regulator valve.
注It will take approximately 60 seconds to reach 0.3 psi.
- Wait 60 seconds to allow pressure to stabilize.
- Record the start pressure value.
- Wait 30 seconds for test.
Record the end pressure value.
注If pressure did not drop more than 0.026 psi, continue to next step, If pressure dropped more than 0.026 psi, then inspect HV battery enclosure for leaks
- Disconnect the air supply from the leak tester.
Disconnect the enclosure leak tester
fitting from the leak test adapter.
注Release the leak tester air line if previously secured.
- Remove the leak test adapter from the breather hole.
- Remove the tapered plugs (x3) from the breather holes.
Install the gore breathers (x4) onto
the rear breather assembly.
注If the breathers were damaged, replace as needed.
Verify that the black release lever of
the rear drive unit LH HV harness connector is in the open position, install the
connector square to the rear drive unit HV battery LH HV header, secure the release
lever to the closed position, and then slide the red connector locking tab.
警告Be careful not to damage any pins.
Verify that the black release lever of
the rear drive unit RH HV harness connector is in the open position, install the
connector flat and square to the rear drive unit HV battery RH HV header, secure the
release lever to the closed position, and then slide the red connector locking
注Long Range configuration vehicles will have a dummy plug.
- Install the LH and RH rear subframe shear plates. See 剪力板 - 后副车架 - LH(拆卸和更换).
- Install the mid aero shield panel. See 面板 - 流线型护板 - 中间(拆卸和更换).
- Lower the vehicle fully.
- Use an alcohol wipe to clean the charge port busbar connector lead contact surfaces of residual Penetrox, and allow at least one minute to dry.
- Use an alcohol wipe to clean the DC input HV header terminal contact surfaces of residual Penetrox, and allow at least one minute to dry.
- Apply two small drops of Penetrox onto each DC input HV header terminal contact surface, and spread evenly.
Install the charge port busbar
connector onto the DC input HV header, and then install the bolts (x2) that attach the
connector to the header.9 Nm (6.6 lbs-ft)TIp推荐使用以下工具:
- 10 毫米套筒
Inspect the HV insulating
注Refer to service document TN-15-92-003, for information on inspecting HV gloves.
- Put on the HV insulating gloves and then leather over gloves.
Use the Hioki resistance meter to
measure the resistance between the charge port busbar connector lead and the DC input HV
header bolt head.
注The acceptable resistance is between 0.050 mΩ (50 μΩ) and 0.195 mΩ (195 μΩ). If the measured resistance is above 0.195 mΩ (195 μΩ), there is too much resistance in the High Voltage joint. Remove the fastener, clean areas with isopropyl alcohol, install fastener back and test again.注If the resistance is lower than 0.050 mΩ (50 μΩ), reposition the probes and measure again. If after 4 attempts the resistance is consistently lower than 0.050 mΩ (50 μΩ), the test has passed; continue to the next step.
- Remove leather over gloves and HV insulating gloves
Install the bolt that secures the
charge port busbar connector access door.9 Nm (6.6 lbs-ft)TIp推荐使用以下工具:
- 10 毫米套筒
Position the LH 3rd row busbar duct on
the vehicle, and then install the bolts (x2) that attach the duct to the body.2.5 Nm (1.8 lbs-ft)TIp推荐使用以下工具:
- 4 英寸加长件
- 10 毫米套筒
- 棘轮/扭矩扳手
Install the LH inner reinforcement to
the body, and then install the bolts (x10) that attach the reinforcement to the
body.27 Nm (19.9 lbs-ft)注The bottom two bolts require improvising an 8 mm ratchet box-end wrench to turn the T40 socket.TIp推荐使用以下工具:
- 梅花 T40 套筒
- Install the 3rd row seat cushion but do not install any trunk trim yet. See 座垫 - 座椅 - 第三排(拆卸和更换).
With assistance, position the LH 2nd
row seat into the vehicle.
注Make sure the guide pins are properly aligned.
- Move the LH 2nd row seat back to the upright position.
Install and hand tighten new bolts
(x6) that attach the LH 2nd row seat front bracket to the vehicle.
注The bolts will be torqued at a later step.TIp推荐使用以下工具:
- 11 毫米套筒
- Secure the clips (x2) that attach the LH 2nd row seat harness to the LH 2nd row floor support bracket.
Connect the LH 2nd row seat harness
electrical connectors (x3), and then secure the connector housing to the bracket.
TIpRelease the bracket for access to the connectors if needed.
Install the LH 2nd row rear floor
supports (x3) into the vehicle.
注Use PN 1625444-00-C for new floor supports.
With assistance, position the RH 2nd
row seat assembly into the vehicle.
注Make sure the guide pins are aligned properly.
- Move the seat back to the upright position.
- Install and hand tighten new bolts (x6) that attach the front of the RH 2nd row seat seat track to the vehicle.
- Secure the clips (x2) that attach the RH 2nd row seat harness to the RH floor support bracket.
Connect the RH 2nd row seat harness
connectors (x3).
注Secure the connector housing bracket if released.
Verify that the black release lever of
the HV 6 pin jumper plug is in the open position, install the jumper plug flat and
square to the 3 phase header, secure the release lever to the closed position, and then
slide the red connector locking tab.
注Only applicable to revision F and later North America packs.注Use PN 1588001-00-A.
- Remove the coolant bottle cap.
Inspect the coolant level and top off
as necessary.
注Ensure that the fluid level is at the Max line.
- Install the vacuum refill cap onto the coolant bottle assembly.
Put an empty coolant container in the
underhood storage unit.
注CFM fan shroud assembly cannot support a full coolant container. Make sure the overflow container is empty.注Place a fender cover over the FEM and front fascia.
- Fill another container with at least 15L of coolant.
Place the filled coolant container
onto the coolant drain and fill cart.
警告Do not place the container with 15L of coolant on top of CFM fan shroud.注Position cart as close as possible to the front of vehicle.
Setup the coolant refill tool.
注Verify all valves on the refill tool are in the closed position.
Install the vacuum refill hose into
the refill cap on the coolant bottle.
注Perform a push-pull-push test to verify that the hose is fully installed.
- Position the overflow hose into the empty container.
Place the refill hose inside the
filled coolant container.
注Make sure the hose end is fully submerged into the coolant.
Connect shop air supply to the coolant
refill tool.
注If not already done, verify that the refill valve is set to off.
Open the air inlet valve to draw a
vacuum. Once the gauge stabilizes, close the valve fully.
注The gauge stabilizes roughly at 60-70 cmHg. Vacuum should not drop after the valves are closed.
Slowly open the refill valve to allow
coolant to be drawn into the cooling system.
注Make sure the hose end of refill hose is fully submerged during entire process.
- Once the gauge reads zero, close the coolant refill valve.
Disconnect shop air supply to coolant
refill tool.
注If not already done, verify the refill valve is set to off.
- Remove the coolant refill hose from the coolant container.
- Remove the coolant overflow hose from the coolant container.
- Remove the vacuum refill hose from the refill cap on the coolant bottle.
- Remove the vacuum refill tool cap.
- Remove the coolant refill tool from the vehicle.
- Remove both the coolant container and fender cover from inside the underhood area.
Secure the First Responder Loop and
then secure a 12v maintainer. Leave the LV battery disconnected.
注Release the positive jump post cover behind wiper module. Place a shop towel to prevent shorting jump post to multi system beam. Connect first responder loop then secure 12v maintainer to positive jump post and chassis ground. Vehicle will power on with 0% Low Voltage message at UI.
通过“维护模式”或 Toolbox 执行以下例行程序(请参阅 面板执行器0005 - 维修模式):
TEST_VCFRONT_X_THERMAL-COOLANT-AIR-PURGEvia Toolbox: (link)via Service Mode:
- Thermal ➜ Actions ➜ Coolant Purge Stop or Coolant Purge Start
- Thermal ➜ Coolant System ➜ Coolant Purge Start
- Drive Inverter ➜ Front Drive Inverter Replacement ➜ Coolant Air Purge
- Drive Inverter ➜ Rear Drive Inverter Replacement ➜ Coolant Air Purge
- Drive Inverter ➜ Rear Left Drive Inverter Replacement ➜ Coolant Air Purge
- Drive Inverter ➜ Rear Right Drive Inverter Replacement ➜ Coolant Air Purge
- Drive Unit ➜ Front Drive Unit Replacement ➜ Coolant Air Purge
- Drive Unit ➜ Rear Drive Unit Replacement ➜ Coolant Air Purge
Inspect the coolant level and top off
as necessary.
注Make sure that the fluid level is at the Max line.
- Install the coolant bottle cap.
Calibrate the LH and RH falcon wing
注Hold the upper B-pillar button in the down position to manually calibrate.
- Use the vehicle touchscreen to reinstall the vehicle firmware. See 固件重新安装 - 触摸屏.
Secure the LV battery, and then remove
the maintainer.
注1x locking connector, Secure LV battery first and then remove maintainer, Remove shop towel, Secure cap on positive jump post
- Install the underhood storage unit. See 前备箱储物单元(拆卸和安装).
- Install the front underhood apron. See 前备箱挡板 - 前部(拆卸和更换).
- Install the LH and RH underhood aprons. See 前备箱挡板 - LH(拆卸和更换).
- Install the rear underhood apron. See 前备箱挡板 - 后部(拆卸和更换).
Install new bolts (x6) that attach the
LH 2nd row seat rear bracket to the vehicle.45 Nm (33.2 lbs-ft)注Torque the center bolt on each side before the outer bolts.TIp推荐使用以下工具:
- 11 毫米套筒
- Move the RH 2nd row seat fully forward.
Install new bolts (x6) that attach the
rear of the RH 2nd row seat seat track.45 Nm (33.2 lbs-ft)注Tighten the center bolt on both sides before tightening the outer bolts.注推荐使用以下工具:
- 11 毫米套筒
Position the 2nd row rear floor panel
into the vehicle, and then secure the clips (x2) that attach the panel to the
警告Use caution near the center console display.
- Move the LH 2nd row seat fully rearward.
Torque the bolts (x6) that attach the
LH 2nd row seat front bracket to the vehicle.45 Nm (33.2 lbs-ft)注Torque the most forward bolt on each side before the outer bolts.TIp推荐使用以下工具:
- 11 毫米套筒
- Position the LH 2nd row seat inboard front floor plate into the vehicle, secure the clip that attaches the floor plate to the vehicle, and then install the front plate decal onto the seat track base to cover the fastener.
- Position the LH 2nd row seat outboard front floor plate into the vehicle, secure the clip that attaches the floor plate to the vehicle, and then install the front plate decal onto the seat track base to cover the fastener.
- Move the RH 2nd row seat to the upright position.
Tighten the bolts (x6) that attach the
front of the RH 2nd row seat seat track to the vehicle.45 Nm (33.2 lbs-ft)注Tighten the foremost bolt on each side before the outer bolts.注推荐使用以下工具:
- 11 毫米套筒
Position the RH outer front plate
carpet assembly into the vehicle, and then secure the clip that attaches the plate to
the vehicle.
注Secure the front plate carpet decal onto the seat track base to cover the fastener.
Position the RH inner front plate
carpet assembly into the vehicle, and then secure the clip that attaches the plate to
the vehicle.
注Secure the front plate carpet decal onto the seat track base to cover the fastener.
Position the 2nd row mid floor panel
into the vehicle, and then secure the clips (x5) that attach the panel to the
注Replace all damaged clips.
- Install the LH and RH lower C-pillar trims. See 饰板 - C 柱 - 下 - LH(拆卸和更换).
- Install the LH and RH mid C-pillar trims. See 饰板 - C 柱 - 中部 - LH(拆卸和更换).
- Install the LH and RH side rear trunk garnishes. See 饰板 - 后备箱 - 侧 - LH(拆卸和更换).
- Install the LH and RH rocker panel moldings. See 饰条 - 门槛板 - LH(拆卸和更换).
- Install the LH and RH rear sill panel trims. See 饰板 - 门槛板 - 后 - LH(拆卸和更换).
- Install the 2nd row floor mat. See 脚垫 - 第二排(拆卸和更换).
- Move the front seats to the original position.
- Remove the tape from the LH and RH racetracks.
- Raise all the windows and close all the doors.