Hose - Inlet - Front Drive Unit Inverter (Remove and Replace)
교정 코드
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참고: 아래 절차를 수행할 때 개인 보호을(를) 참조하여 적절한 PPE를 착용했는지 확인하십시오.
- Raise and support the vehicle. See GUID-0ECF2493-88F6-48E9-ADBB-9AE1D52E217C.html.
- Remove the rear underhood apron. See Underhood Apron - Rear (Remove and Replace).
- Disconnect the LV power. See LV Battery - Li-lon (Disconnect and Connect).
- Remove the cabin intake duct. See Assembly - Fresh Air Gutter - HVAC (Remove and Replace).
- Remove the front aero shield panel. See Panel - Aero Shield - Front (Remove and Replace).
- Remove the push clips (x3) and bolt that attaches the RH front wheel arch liner to the skid plate.
- Use a bungee strap to pull back the RH front wheel arch liner and secure it to the subframe.
- Position a coolant drain container underneath the RH front of the HV battery.
- Release the clip, disconnect the powertrain return hose from the front drive unit inverter inlet hose, and then immediately plug both fittings.
- Position a coolant drain container underneath the LH rear of the front drive unit.
- Release the clip, disconnect the front drive unit inverter inlet hose from the front drive unit, and then immediately plug both fittings.
- Use a clip prytool to release the clip that attaches the front drive unit inverter inlet hose to the front subframe.
- Use a clip prytool to release the clip that attaches the front drive unit inverter inlet hose to the front drive unit.
- Remove the front drive unit inverter inlet hose.
- Install the clip that attaches the front drive unit inverter inlet hose to the front drive unit.
- Install the clip that attaches the front drive unit inverter inlet hose to the front subframe.
- Remove the plugs from the fittings, immediately connect the front drive unit inverter inlet hose to the front drive unit inverter, fasten the clip, and then perform a Push-Pull-Push check of the fitting.
- Remove the plugs from the fittings, immediately connect the front drive unit inverter inlet hose to the powertrain return hose, fasten the clip, and then perform a Push-Pull-Push check of the fitting.
- Remove the coolant drain collector from under the vehicle.
- Remove the bungee strap from the RH front wheel arch liner.
- Install the push clips (x3) and bolt that attaches the RH front wheel arch liner to the skid plate.
- Install the front aero shield panel. See Panel - Aero Shield - Front (Remove and Replace).
- Connect LV power. See LV Battery - Li-lon (Disconnect and Connect).
- Perform the cooling system (partial refill and bleed) procedure. See 냉각 시스템(부분적 보충 및 블리딩).
- Install the rear underhood apron. See Underhood Apron - Rear (Remove and Replace).
- Remove the vehicle from the 2 post lift. See GUID-0ECF2493-88F6-48E9-ADBB-9AE1D52E217C.html.