Tube (Powertrain) - Rear Powertrain Return
교정 코드
참고: 절차에서 명시적으로 언급하지 않는 한 위 교정 코드 및 FRT는 연결된 절차를 포함하여 이 절차를 수행하는 데 필요한 모든 작업을 반영합니다. 명시적으로 지시하지 않는 한 교정 코드를 누적하지 마십시오.
참고: FRT와 그 생성 방법에 대한 자세한 내용은 표준 정비 작업시간을 참조하십시오. FRT 값에 대한 피드백을 제공하려면 LaborTimeFeedback@tesla.com으로 이메일을 보내십시오.
참고: 아래 절차를 수행할 때 개인 보호을(를) 참조하여 적절한 PPE를 착용했는지 확인하십시오.
- 1139807-00-A Skt, 1/2" Dr, 20EP Torx Plus 외부
- 1133768-00-C Insulated Socket 1/4in Dr. 12pt. Deep x 10mm
- 1057602-00-A 래칫, 1/4" Sq Dr, HV 절연
- 1108272-00-B 캡, 로직 연결, 인버터, 3DU
- 1133843-00-A 키트, 냉각수 배출 및 주입 어댑터, M3
- 1065131-00-A Kit, Battery Coolant Drain
- 1473522-00-A Coolant Drain and Fill Adapters
- 1135762-00-A 키트, 서비스 플러그, 냉각 호스, Model 3
- 1053600-00-D Pressure Test Fixture
- 1133570-00-A Skt, 3/8in Dr, 14EP Torx Plus 외부
설명 | 토크 값 | 권장 공구 | 재사용/교체 | 참고 |
LH 및 RH 전면 발밑 공간 HV 배터리 볼트(4개) |
![]() 136 Nm (100.3 lbs-ft) |
재사용 | |
LH 및 RH 후면 HV 배터리 내부 볼트(2개) |
![]() 66 Nm (48.7 lbs-ft) |
재사용 | |
충전 포트 버스바 접근 도어를 고정하는 볼트 충전 포트 버스바 키트를 HV 헤더에 고정하는 볼트 |
![]() 9 Nm (6.6 lbs-ft) |
재사용 | |
양극 LV 출력을 전력 변환 시스템(PCS) 케이블에 고정하는 너트 |
![]() 9 Nm (6.6 lbs-ft) |
교체 | |
LH 및 RH 전면 휠 라이너를 스키드 플레이트에 고정하는 볼트(2개) |
![]() 5 Nm (3.7 lbs-ft) |
재사용 | |
후륜 구동 장치 HV 케이블 브래킷을 HV 배터리에 고정하는 너트 |
![]() 10 Nm (7.4 lbs-ft) |
재사용 | |
HV 배터리 센터 스키 커버를 고정하는 중간 볼트(4개) |
![]() 34 Nm (25.1 lbs-ft) |
재사용 | |
LH 및 RH 전면 지지 브래킷을 차량에 고정하는 볼트(8개) |
![]() 110 Nm (81.1 lbs-ft) |
재사용 | |
HV 배터리를 차량에 고정하는 LH 및 RH 볼트(16개) |
![]() 35 Nm (25.8 lbs-ft) |
재사용 |
- Remove the LH and RH rocker panel lower covers. See Cover - Rocker Panel - Lower - LH (Remove and Replace).
- Open all doors and lower all windows.
- Move the LH front seat backward.
- Remove the LH front floor mat.
- Remove the LH instrument panel end cap. See End Cap - Instrument Panel - LH (Remove and Replace).
- Remove the lower A-pillar assembly. See Trim - A-Pillar - Lower - LH (Remove and Replace).
- Remove the driver side footwell cover. See Cover - Footwell - Driver (Remove and Replace).
- Remove the LH console side panel carpet. See Carpet - Side - Center Console - LH (Remove and Replace).
Remove the LH front main cabin carpet
clips (x2).
참고Number of clips on new vehicles may vary.
Fold the LH front main cabin carpet
aside for access.
참고Dead pedal and foam block are parts of the carpet.
Remove the LH front footwell HV
battery bolts (x2).
TIp다음 공구 사용을 권장합니다.
- Torx Plus EP20 소켓 - 1139807-00-A
- 코드리스 래칫/임팩트 드라이버
- 3/8인치 ~ 1/2인치 어댑터
- 3인치 익스텐션
- 래칫/토크 렌치
- Move the LH front seat forward and the RH front seat backward.
Repeat step 4 to 8 to the RH side.
참고For the passenger side footwell cover, see Cover - Footwell - Front Passenger (Remove and Replace).
Remove the clip that attaches the RH
front main carpet to vehicle.
참고Number of clips on new vehicles may vary.
Fold the RH front main cabin carpet
aside for access.
참고Lift the center piece and pull the carpet back, release the seat harness from clips (x2) to allow the carpet to fold back more.
Remove the RH front footwell HV
battery bolts (x2).
TIp다음 공구 사용을 권장합니다.
- Torx Plus EP20 소켓 - 1139807-00-A
- 코드리스 래칫/임팩트 드라이버
- 3/8인치 ~ 1/2인치 어댑터
- 3인치 익스텐션
- 래칫/토크 렌치
- Move the RH front seat forward, and close the RH front door.
- Remove the 2nd row floor mat from vehicle.
- Remove the 2nd row seat cushion. See Seat Cushion - 2nd Row (Remove and Replace).
- Pull back the rear carpet to access the rear interior battery bolts.
Remove the LH and RH rear HV battery
interior bolts (x2).
참고Lift up the carpet for access.TIp다음 공구 사용을 권장합니다.
- 코드리스 래칫/임팩트 드라이버
- 16mm 딥소켓
- 육각 헤드 래칫/플렉스 헤드 토크 렌치
- Close the LH and RH rear door latches manually.
- Raise and support the vehicle. See GUID-0ECF2493-88F6-48E9-ADBB-9AE1D52E217C.html.
Place the vehicle in Service Mode
참고In Vehicle Ops mobile app, enter the last six digits of VIN, and then select vehicle from list, then swipe to the left and select "Enable Service Mode Plus". Vehicle Ops mobile app can be downloaded at https://mobile.tesla.com/AppStore/Home/AppDetails?appId=6.
- Unlock the vehicle gateway. See 게이트웨이 잠금 해제.
On the touchscreen, tap Run, and allow the routine to complete.
, tap 참고Thermal Fill Drain routine has a 5 hour time limit. After 5 hours, the routine must be performed again.
- 차량 HV 비활성화 절차를 수행합니다. 참조 항목: Vehicle HV Disablement Procedure.
Remove the bolt that secures the
charge port busbar access door.
TIp다음 공구 사용을 권장합니다.
- 절연 공구:
- 익스텐션 1/4 드라이브 Wobble 10.5인치
- 래칫/토크 렌치
- 10mm 12 포인트 딥소켓
- 전기 보호 장갑
- Tohnichi 토크 렌치
- 절연 공구:
Remove the bolts (x2) that attach the
charge port busbar kit to the HV header.
TIp다음 공구 사용을 권장합니다.
- 절연 공구:
- 익스텐션 1/4 드라이브 Wobble 10.5인치
- 래칫/토크 렌치
- 10mm 12 포인트 딥소켓
- 전기 보호 장갑
- Tohnichi 토크 렌치
- 절연 공구:
HV 헤더에서 충전 포트 버스바 커넥터를 들어 올려 탈거합니다.
참고쉽게 탈거할 수 있도록 커넥터를 앞뒤로 흔들어 줍니다.경고이 절차에 포함되어 있는 비디오는 보충 목적의 개요로만 제공됩니다. 구성품의 손상 및/또는 신체 상해를 방지하려면 절차에 나열된 모든 단계를 따르십시오.
- Remove the HV insulating gloves.
Disconnect the HVC logic connector and
install the logic cap.
참고Release the locking tab then push the handle downward to release the connector.
- Remove the DCDC ground busbar. See Harness - Busbar - 12V DCDC (Remove and Replace).
Remove and discard the nut that
attaches the positive LV output to the power conversion system (PCS) cable, and then
move the cable aside.
TIp다음 공구 사용을 권장합니다.
- 4인치 익스텐션
- 코드리스 래칫/임팩트 드라이버
- 13mm 소켓
- 13mm 12 포인트 딥소켓
- 래칫/토크 렌치
- Remove the rear aero shield panel. See Panel - Aero Shield - Rear (Remove and Replace).
- Remove the front aero shield panel. See Panel - Aero Shield - Front (Remove and Replace).
- Remove the push clips (x3) that attach the lower rear edge of LH front wheel liner to vehicle for access to coolant hose.
Remove the bolt that attaches the LH
front wheel liner to skid plate.
TIp다음 공구 사용을 권장합니다.
- 10mm 딥 마그네틱 너트세터
- 코드리스 래칫/임팩트 드라이버
- 10mm 딥소켓
- 래칫/토크 렌치
- 육각 드라이버
- Use bungee strap to pull back the LH front wheel liner and secure it to the subframe.
- Position a coolant drain container underneath the LH front of the HV battery.
- Attach the hose extension to the coolant drain hose for extra length.
- Connect the battery flush fitting adapter to the coolant cart drain hose.
- Disconnect the spring clip that attaches the HV battery return hose to LH side of vehicle, and connect the battery flush fitting to the male side.
Attach the battery drain fitting
adapter to the female side of HV battery return tube.
참고Make sure valve is set to closed. Perform a push-pull test to verify that the adapter is fully engaged.
- Attach the battery drain fitting adapter to the coolant cart pressure hose.
- Turn the valve knob to vertical position to open the valve on the battery drain fitting adapter.
Slowly open the valve on pressure
regulator, and allow coolant to drain out of the HV battery return tube.
참고Close the valve on the pressure regulator once no coolant is draining from HV battery return hose.
- Disconnect the compressed air from the coolant cart.
Release the spring clip, and then
remove the battery drain fitting adapter from the female side of the HV battery return
참고Set the valve knob to closed position.
Release the spring clip, and then
remove the battery flush fitting adapter from the male side of the HV battery return
참고Plug the hose once the adapter is removed.
- Repeat step 37 to 40 to the RH side.
Release the spring clip to disconnect
the powertrain supply hose from the powertrain supply tube.
참고Plug hoses as required.
Release the spring clip to disconnect
the powertrain return hose from the powertrain return tube.
참고Plug hoses as required.
Disconnect the HV battery manifold
참고Plug hoses as required.
- Remove the front skid plate. See Skid Plate - HV Battery - Front (Remove and Replace).
Disconnect the A/C compressor HV
harness connector.
참고Unlock by pulling back the red tab, then pushing the orange lip and pulling back the connector at the same time, and then pushing the green lip and pulling back the connector again to disconnect the connector.
- Remove the rear skid plate. See Skid Plate - HV Battery - Rear (Remove and Replace).
- Position a coolant drain container underneath the LH rear of the HV battery.
Disconnect the LH coolant hose from
the rear of HV battery.
참고Plug the coolant hose and the passthrough.
- Remove the fir tree clip that attaches the coolant hose to the rear subframe shear plate.
Disconnect the rear drive unit
inverter inlet tube from the LH rear of HV battery.
참고Plug the hose connections as needed. Coolant loss greater than 1L requires vacuum fill.
Attach the coolant drain hose adapter
to the power conversion system (PCS) outlet hose coupling.
참고Use the adapter with 90 degree angle. Make sure that the locking tab is fully seated.
- Attach the coolant drain hose adapter to the coolant hose extension.
Attach the coolant hose extension to
the coolant drain hose.
경고Use caution as coolant may spill. Make sure to wear safety glasses.
- Position the coolant drain container underneath the RH rear of vehicle.
Disconnect the rear powertrain supply
hose from the rear of HV battery.
참고Plug the hose connections as needed. Coolant loss greater than 1L requires vacuum fill.
Attach the coolant pressure tester to
the power conversion system (PCS) inlet hose coupling.
참고This adapter is connected to regulated air line adapter. Make sure the locking tab is fully seated.
- Attach the coolant pressure tester to the pressure fitting adapter.
- Connect the compressed air to the coolant pressure tester.
Open the regulator valve, then slowly
adjust the regulator to 50 psi.
경고Use caution as coolant may spill. Make sure to wear safety glasses.
Open the 2nd valve slowly.
경고Use caution as coolant may spill. Make sure to wear safety glasses.
- Set timer for 1 minute and select start. Once the timer is complete, select Stop Reset.
- Close the regulator valve.
- Disconnect the compressed air from coolant pressure tester.
- Remove the coolant pressure tester from the power conversion system (PCS) inlet hose coupling.
- Position the coolant drain container underneath the LH rear of HV battery.
- Remove the coolant drain adapter with hose from the power conversion system (PCS) outlet hose coupling.
Disconnect the rear drive unit outlet
hose from powertrain return tube and plug both hose ends.
참고Lower hose located at RH rear of HV battery. Use a shop towel to clean any residue coolant if necessary. Coolant loss greater than 1L requires vacuum fill.
- Remove the LH shear plate. See Shear Plate - Rear Subframe - LH (Remove and Replace).
- Hand tighten the bolt that attaches the LH side of subframe to body.
- Remove the RH shear plate. See Shear Plate - Rear Subframe - LH (Remove and Replace).
- Hand tighten the bolt that attaches the RH side of subframe to body.
- Remove the support stand from under the vehicle.
Remove the nut that attaches the rear
drive unit HV cable bracket to the HV battery.
참고Number of fasteners may vary.TIp다음 공구 사용을 권장합니다.
- 코드리스 래칫/임팩트 드라이버
- 10mm 딥 마그네틱 너트세터
Disconnect the connector that connects
the rear drive unit HV cable and HV battery.
참고Release locking tab and rotate the release lever up to disengage the connector. Do not force the release lever up. Ensure the alignment tabs on the rear drive unit header are not damaged.
With assistance, place the HV battery
table into position, and lower the vehicle to support the HV battery.
참고Line up the table so the middle 4 bolts are accessible through the opening in table. Adjust the final battery table position using adjustable caster jacks on the table.
Remove the middle bolts (x4) that
secure the HV battery center ski cover.
TIp다음 공구 사용을 권장합니다.
- 코드리스 래칫/임팩트 드라이버
- 6인치 익스텐션
- 소켓 3/8인치 드라이브 EP14 - 1133570-00-A
Remove the bolts (x8) that attach the
LH and RH front support brackets to vehicle.
TIp다음 공구 사용을 권장합니다.
- 코드리스 래칫/임팩트 드라이버
- 6인치 익스텐션
- 16mm 소켓
- 3인치 익스텐션
- 래칫/토크 렌치
Remove the LH and RH bolts (x16) that
attach the HV battery to vehicle.
TIp다음 공구 사용을 권장합니다.
- 3인치 익스텐션
- 13mm 소켓
- 코드리스 래칫/임팩트 드라이버
- 래칫/토크 렌치
- 육각 헤드 래칫/플렉스 헤드 토크 렌치
- With assistance, raise the vehicle free of HV battery.
- With assistance, remove the battery from under the vehicle.
- Lower the table, and release the clips (x5) to remove the powertrain return tube from the RH side of HV battery.
- Install the powertrain return tube to the RH side of HV battery, and secure the clips (x5).
Install HV battery alignment rods
참고Install 2 rods to the body at front of vehicle and the other 2 rods to battery near the ancillary bay.
- With assistance, position the HV battery under the vehicle.
With assistance, lower the vehicle
onto the HV battery and align the holes.
참고Use alignment rods. Be sure that the coolant hoses do not get caught on the alignment rods. Caution not to damage HV cable. Do not fully lower the vehicle onto battery (this will help with installing battery bolts).
Set the LH and RH bolts (x16) that
attach the HV battery to vehicle with cordless impact.
참고Ensure smooth thread engagement and the bolts are not cross threaded into casting. Flush down the bolts. Do not over tighten bolts. Fully torque at later step.
- Remove the HV battery alignment rods.
Set the bolts (x8) that attach the LH
and RH front support brackets to vehicle with cordless impact.
참고Ensure smooth thread engagement and the bolts are not cross threaded into casting. Flush down bolts. Do not over tighten the bolts. Fully torque at later step.
Set the middle bolts (x4) that attach
the HV battery center ski cover with cordless impact.
참고Ensure smooth thread engagement and the bolts are not cross threaded into casting. Flush down bolts. Do not over tighten the bolts. Fully torque at later step.
Hand-tighten the bolts (x4) that
attach the HV battery to body at LH and RH shear plate area.
참고Torque at later step.
Connect the rear drive unit HV cable
to HV battery.
참고Make sure the connector lock is 90 degrees from the connector before beginning to secure the connector. Use one hand to support the connector while the other latching the locking tab. Once installed, verify that the latch is not damaged and is fully secured in the latched position.
Install the nut that attaches the rear
drive unit HV cable bracket to the HV battery.10 Nm (7.4 lbs-ft)참고Number of fasteners may vary.TIp다음 공구 사용을 권장합니다.
- 코드리스 래칫/임팩트 드라이버
- 10mm 딥 마그네틱 너트세터
Remove the hose plugs and connect the
rear drive unit outlet hose to powertrain return tube.
참고Perform a push-pull-push test to make sure hose is fully engaged. Use shop towel to clean any coolant residue if necessary. Coolant loss greater than 1L requires vacuum fill.
Remove the plugs and connect the rear
drive unit inverter inlet hose to the LH rear of HV battery.
참고Perform a push-pull-push test to make sure the hose is fully engaged. Coolant loss greater than 1L requires vacuum fill.
- Install the rear skid plate. See Skid Plate - HV Battery - Rear (Remove and Replace).
- Lower vehicle onto pack completely.
Torque the LH and RH bolts (x16) that
attach the HV battery to vehicle.35 Nm (25.8 lbs-ft)TIp다음 공구 사용을 권장합니다.
- 3인치 익스텐션
- 13mm 소켓
- 코드리스 래칫/임팩트 드라이버
- 래칫/토크 렌치
- 육각 헤드 래칫/플렉스 헤드 토크 렌치
Torque the bolts (x8) that attach the
LH and RH front support brackets to vehicle.110 Nm (81.1 lbs-ft)TIp다음 공구 사용을 권장합니다.
- 코드리스 래칫/임팩트 드라이버
- 6인치 익스텐션
- 16mm 소켓
- 3인치 익스텐션
- 래칫/토크 렌치
Torque the middle bolts (x4) that
secure the HV battery center ski cover.34 Nm (25.1 lbs-ft)TIp다음 공구 사용을 권장합니다.
- 코드리스 래칫/임팩트 드라이버
- 6인치 익스텐션
- 소켓 3/8인치 드라이브 EP14 - 1133570-00-A
With assistance, raise the vehicle and
lower it onto locks, then remove the battery table from under the vehicle.
참고Set vehicle to comfortable working height. Make sure there's an audible click of the locks on both sides before lowering, otherwise the vehicle may tilt to the side.
- Support the front portion of rear subframe.
- Install the LH and RH shear plates. See Shear Plate - Rear Subframe - LH (Remove and Replace).
- Remove the plugs and connect the HV battery manifold hose.
Remove the plugs and connect the
powertrain supply hose.
참고Perform a push-pull-push test to make sure the hose is fully engaged. Coolant loss greater than 1L requires vacuum fill.
Remove the plugs and connect the
powertrain return hose.
참고Perform a push-pull test to verify hoses are fully engaged. Coolant loss greater than 1L requires vacuum fill.
- Install the LH and RH front skid plates. See Skid Plate - HV Battery - Front (Remove and Replace).
- Connect the HV battery return hose.
Connect the A/C compressor HV harness
참고Engage the locking tab.
- Install the front aero shield. See Panel - Aero Shield - Front (Remove and Replace).
- Perform a cooling system vacuum refill. See Cooling System - Vacuum Refill.
Position the busbar kit connector and
lower it onto the HV header.
참고Shift the rear end of busbar assembly upward to help ease installation. If excessive force is required to seat busbars, they may have been bent. Inspect for damage and replace if necessary.
Install the bolts that attach the
charge port busbar kit to the HV header.9 Nm (6.6 lbs-ft)TIp다음 공구 사용을 권장합니다.
- 절연 공구:
- 익스텐션 1/4 드라이브 Wobble 10.5인치
- 래칫/토크 렌치
- 10mm 12 포인트 딥소켓
- 전기 보호 장갑
- Tohnichi 토크 렌치
- 절연 공구:
Install the bolt that secures the
charge port busbar access door.9 Nm (6.6 lbs-ft)TIp다음 공구 사용을 권장합니다.
- 절연 공구:
- 익스텐션 1/4 드라이브 Wobble 10.5인치
- 래칫/토크 렌치
- 10mm 12 포인트 딥소켓
- 전기 보호 장갑
- Tohnichi 토크 렌치
- 절연 공구:
- Install the DCDC ground busbar. See Harness - Busbar - 12V DCDC (Remove and Replace).
Install a new nut that attaches the positive LV output to the power conversion system
(PCS) cable.9 Nm (6.6 lbs-ft)참고Make sure the rubber boot is not pinched between the cable terminal and the pass through.TIp다음 공구 사용을 권장합니다.
- 4인치 익스텐션
- 코드리스 래칫/임팩트 드라이버
- 13mm 소켓
- 13mm 12 포인트 딥소켓
- 래칫/토크 렌치
Remove the logic cap and connect the
HVC logic connector.
참고Align the connector then pull the handle to locking position. Get the connector fully seated.
- Connect the LV battery power. See LV Battery - Li-lon (Disconnect and Connect).
- Remove the lift arms from below the vehicle, and move the vehicle away from the lift.
- On the touchscreen, tap the Service Mode "wrench" (at the bottom of the touchscreen UI), and then tap , and then allow the routine to complete.
Inspect the coolant level, top off as
참고Ensure that the coolant level is at the "Max" line.
Select Run, and then allow the routine to complete.
, click 참고
- The routine will last for a while after the stop message displays. The coolant pumps are audible.
- The test lasts for approximately 10 mins. Do not start another routine during this time.
- Make sure that the vehicle is not in Drive. Putting the vehicle into Drive will stop this routine.
- The speed in the test varies from 3500-6500 RPM (idle speed = ~1500 RPM) and the actuated valve varies between SERIES and PARALLEL.
- 속도가 7000RPM 전후에 있는 경우 펌프가 에어록 상태임을 나타냅니다. 진공 충전을 다시 수행하십시오. 냉각수 수위가 보틀의 NOM과 MAX 선 사이에 도달하도록 계속해서 냉각수를 추가하고 배출합니다.
Install the LH and RH rear HV battery
interior bolts (x2).66 Nm (48.7 lbs-ft)참고Lift up the carpet for access.TIp다음 공구 사용을 권장합니다.
- 코드리스 래칫/임팩트 드라이버
- 16mm 딥소켓
- 육각 헤드 래칫/플렉스 헤드 토크 렌치
Install the push clips (x2) that
secures the rear carpet section.
참고Tuck the corners under the lower C pillar trim.
- Install the 2nd row seat cushion. See Seat Cushion - 2nd Row (Remove and Replace).
Close the LH and RH rear doors.
참고Release the latches before closing if manually latched.
- Open the LH front door.
Install the LH front footwell HV
battery bolts (x4).136 Nm (100.3 lbs-ft)TIp다음 공구 사용을 권장합니다.
- Torx Plus EP20 소켓 - 1139807-00-A
- 코드리스 래칫/임팩트 드라이버
- 3/8인치 ~ 1/2인치 어댑터
- 3인치 익스텐션
- 래칫/토크 렌치
Install the push clips (x2) that
attach the LH front main cabin carpet to vehicle.
참고Number of clips on new vehicles may vary.
- Install the LH console side panel carpet. See Carpet - Side - Center Console - LH (Remove and Replace).
- Install the driver side footwell cover. See Cover - Footwell - Driver (Remove and Replace).
- Install the lower A-pillar assembly. See Trim - A-Pillar - Lower - LH (Remove and Replace).
- Install the LH instrument panel end cap. See End Cap - Instrument Panel - LH (Remove and Replace).
- Install the LH front floor mat.
Repeat step 45 to 52 for the RH side.
참고For the passenger side footwell cover, see Cover - Footwell - Front Passenger (Remove and Replace).
- Close the RH front door.
Inspect coolant level and top off as
necessary, and then install the coolant bottle cap.
참고Ensure that the fluid level is at Max line.
- Install the underhood storage unit. See Underhood Storage Unit (Remove and Replace).
- Install the LH and RH rocker panel lower covers. See Cover - Rocker Panel - Lower - LH (Remove and Replace).
- Disable Service Mode. See 정비 모드.
- Raise all windows and close the LH front door.